Thursday, September 13, 2012

"So What's This God Thing Like Then?" by Rosa Rubicondior

"So What's This God Thing Like Then?"  This is a recent blog post from @rosarubicondior in which she erroneously misrepresents the anthropomorphic qualities used to describe God and His actions in the Bible.

Rosa obviously does not have a strong grasp of what anthropomorphism is.  Anthropomorphism is the projection of human qualities or attributes to God, inanimate objects, forces in nature, animals and other non-human things.  This is done to better communicate conceptual ideas between the aforementioned.  

I posted this comment on Rosa's blog, most likely she will remove it because it debunks her blog post.  It will not be the first time that she does this.  Her enosiophobia (fear of criticism) is clearly demonstrated in her actions of deleting comments that critique her ideas.

 Here is the link and screen capture of my comment.

Hopefully Rosa will have the integrity to keep the comment up and not delete it like she always does so that her audience will not see her nonsensical ideas refuted and therefore bring doubt upon her rational capacity.


  1. I see you're still having to lie for money, Manuel. Is your welfare check still not enough for your needs?

    1. Hi Esther, Who is Manuel? What welfare check? What does your comment have to do with the critique of your post?


Thank you for reading and for your comment. All comments are subject to approval. They must be free of vulgarity, ad hominem and must be relevant to the blog posting subject matter.


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