Sunday, July 16, 2023

In Memory of Elise Finch: A Tribute to a Beloved Meteorologist

In Memory of Elise Finch: A Tribute to a Beloved Meteorologist

Elise Finch, an Emmy-winning meteorologist who graced the screens of CBS New York for over a decade, is remembered fondly one year after her unexpected passing at the age of 51. Her sudden departure left a void not only within the CBS family but also in the hearts of viewers who had come to rely on her weather forecasts and warm presence.

Elise's journey as a meteorologist was marked by her passion for science and her commitment to community involvement. A Mount Vernon native, she grew up in a family that emphasized the importance of giving back, a value she carried throughout her life. Her work extended beyond the television screen, as she actively supported initiatives that empowered young girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).

Her colleagues at CBS New York remember her as a consummate professional who brought meticulous care to her work. Elise was not just a meteorologist; she was a storyteller who could translate the complex science of weather into understandable and engaging narratives for her audience. Her ability to communicate effectively made her a trusted figure, especially during severe weather events when clear information was crucial.

Beyond her professional achievements, Elise was a loving mother to her daughter Grace and a devoted wife to Graig Henriques, a photojournalist at WCBS. Her family remembers her as a beacon of love and strength, and they continue to honor her legacy by supporting the causes she held dear.

Elise Finch's Memorable Moments: A Legacy of Inspiration and Joy

Elise Finch, the Emmy-winning meteorologist who became a household name in New York, left behind a legacy filled with memorable moments that touched the lives of many. Her career at CBS New York was not just about delivering weather forecasts; it was about making a genuine connection with her audience and community.

One of Elise's most notable contributions was her dedication to empowering young girls through science and education. She was a fervent supporter of programs like G.O.O.D. For Girls, which focuses on STEAM—science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Elise believed in the potential of every girl to succeed in these fields and worked tirelessly to make that a reality.

Her love for music was another aspect of her life that resonated with many. Elise was known for her deep appreciation of music, especially her admiration for Janet Jackson. She often shared this passion with others, whether it was through attending concerts or discussing her favorite songs and artists. Her enthusiasm for music was infectious and showcased her multifaceted personality.

Elise's ability to communicate complex meteorological data in an engaging and accessible manner was one of her strengths. She had a unique talent for storytelling, which allowed her to explain the science behind the weather in a way that everyone could understand. This skill made her an invaluable asset during severe weather events, where she provided clarity and reassurance to her viewers.

Above all, Elise's memorable moments are defined by the love she had for her family. Her role as a mother to her daughter Grace and as a wife to her husband Graig was central to her life. The stories she shared about her family brought warmth and relatability to her public persona, making her not just a meteorologist but a cherished member of the community.

Elise Finch's life was a tapestry of memorable moments that continue to inspire and influence those she left behind. Her commitment to education, her passion for music, her excellence in meteorology, and her devotion to her family are the pillars of her enduring legacy. As we remember Elise, we celebrate the joy she brought into the world and the positive impact she made on so many lives. Her memory lives on as a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations.

The impact of Elise's work and her dedication to her community are lasting. Programs like G.O.O.D. For Girls, which Elise supported, continues to inspire and educate young minds, fostering the next generation of scientists and meteorologists. Her influence is evident in the lives she touched, and her memory serves as a guiding light for many.

Elise Finch's life was a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and kindness. As we reflect on her contributions and the joy she brought to so many, we are reminded of the profound effect one individual can have on their community and beyond. Her legacy endures, inspiring us all to live with purpose and to make a positive difference in the world.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Refuting Deception Warrior Danny H. @Truth_matters20 's Anticatholic Meme

Recently we became aware of a meme circulated by "Danny H." who tweets under the handle @Truth_matters20.  He is aggressively anti-Catholic and hateful of Christianity in favor of fundamentalist Protestant rhetoric from the 16th century.  We decided to take on his meme by refuting it.  They are the same banal objects presented for centuries which have been refuted countless times by scholars.  Here are our replies to each "box" on the meme: 

Many Protestants (excluding Episcopalians and Anglicans) have an issue with Catholics calling priests "father." They cite Jesus' words about not calling anyone on earth father. At first glance, it seems Jesus is frowning upon using the word "father," however, in context, we see that Jesus is making it clear that there is only ONE Father in heaven and that all fathers are to be modeled after God the Father.  God the Father is the paradigm for what it means to be a Father. Just like God is the paradigm for what it means to be "holy."  No one can be holy without being God-like (Matthew 5:45, 1 Peter 1:16).  This is what Jesus meant. He was not prohibiting the use of the word for our biological, adoptive, or foster male parents or priests.  We see in Scripture that the word "father" is used for Abraham numerous times. This is because Abraham is the father of the faith (Romans 3:27-4:25). Similarly, this is why Paul says he has become the father of the people who preached to and converted via the Good News of Jesus Christ. See below for the numerous verses on this.  

1 Corinthians 4:15 (NCV)- For though you may have ten thousand teachers in Christ, you do not have many fathers. Through the Good News, I became your father in Christ Jesus.

Luke 1:73 (NIV) -The oath he swore to our Father Abraham

Luke 16:30 (NIV)-"'No, Father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'

John 8:56 (NIV)-Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."

John 8:53 (NIV)-Are you great than our Father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are?"

James 2:21 (NIV)-Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when offered his son Isaac on the altar? 

So as you can see, our priests can be called "fathers" for the very fact that they brought the life of faith in us and continue to nourish it just like biological fathers alongside mothers. The Church and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary take on the motherly role. 

We see in John 20:23 how Jesus gives the power to forgive sins. In James 5:16 we see this instruction being carried out.  Again, this was Jesus' idea and not some invention of the Catholic Church or the Vatican.

Praying to Mary and the saints is not unbiblical. In fact, they are biblical. We read in Revelation 5:8 where the saints present to the Lamb (Jesus Christ) the prayers of the people. How did they collect or even hear these prayers if Scripture says the dead cannot hear or do not know anything (Ecclesiastes 9:5)? The reality is that they do.  When we are baptized, we become part of the body of Christ and nothing can separate us from this body, not even death.  Romans 8:31-39 makes this clear. The author of the meme disagrees with Scripture by claiming the saints cannot pray for us or are even still a part of Christ's body.  So just because a saint is dead does not cut him or her from the body of Christ, the Church. We are still connected and can pray for each other just like cells in a body communicate with each other.

The Church does not present others as a mediator between God and themselves.  Jesus is the sole mediator. However, others are mediators between Jesus and men, Mary as Scripture shows us at the wedding at Cana (John2:1-12) where she intercedes on behalf of the guests and Jesus performs His first miracle and the saints as we read in Revelation 5:8.  James 5:16, Romans 1:9, 1 Timothy 2:1, Timothy 2:24 mentions praying for others.  If only Jesus intercedes, why are other biblical characters praying for others?

John 2:1-12 show us how at the Wedding of Cana the wine ran out.  The people told Mary and she in turn told Jesus to bring Him to perform His first miracle.  They could have gone to Jesus but instead went to Mary.  In Luke 1:28, the archangel Gabriel greets Mary with, "Hail Mary full of grace." This is the first line of the Hail Mary prayer.  In Revelation 5:8 we read about the prayers of the Saints rising before the Lamb. Mary is the greatest saint of them all, so she can accept prayers and bring them before her Son just like she did at the Wedding of Cana.

Statues in churches serve as reminders. They do not replace God.  They are not idols. God Himself commanded the construction of an image in Exodus 25:10-22.  Not only did God command the construction of the ark with the two golden statues of angels (cherubs), but the people also knelt down and prostrated themselves before it to pray.  Look at Joshua 7:6 "Then Joshua tore his clothes and prostrated himself with his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD until evening, he and elders of Israel; and they cast dust on their heads."  Why would God allow the Hebrews to bow before and prostrate themselves before a box with two gold statues of angels on top if He condemned images in Exodus 20?  

The reason is clear; they are not idols and God wanted them.  God allows things that bring attention to Him. Images of God, angels, and saints do not take away from this. They bring the human mind and senses to praise God and bring human beings to honor the people represented just like we honor our deceased loved ones in photos.  The idols mentioned in other parts of the Bible are not Catholic statues. These idols are of the gods of the Canaanites: Baal, Asherah, and Astarte. These do not bring attention to the One True God. This is why they are idols.  It is interesting to note that Protestant sects love to collect money. They claim God will perform miracles if they give donations. Well, what are these donations? They are dollar bills with images of dead white men.  If we take the interpretation of Danny and other Protestants, then these are idols as well.  So Protestants who request donations from their people are idol worshiping!  Ironic, right?!

So please pray for Mr. Danny H. that he accepts Jesus truly and His Holy Catholic Church, who ironically, gave us the Bible see:

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

What is 'Sagging?'

If you've ever wondered where the fashion of sagging pants came from, you might be surprised to learn that it has a long and controversial history. Sagging pants are trousers that are worn below the waist, exposing the underwear or even the buttocks of the wearer. This style of dress is often associated with hip-hop culture, but it also has roots in the prison system and the skate scene.

The most common explanation for the origin of sagging pants is that it started in U.S. prisons, where inmates were not allowed to wear belts for safety reasons. As a result, they had to wear oversized uniforms that would often slip down their hips. Some sources claim that this was also a way of signaling sexual availability or submission to other prisoners, but this is not supported by evidence. In fact, sagging pants in prison could make one a target of ridicule or violence, rather than an invitation for sex.

However, sagging pants did not become a mainstream fashion trend until the early 1990s, when hip-hop artists like Ice-T and Too Short adopted it as part of their image. They were influenced by the street culture and the skate scene, where sagging pants were also common. Sagging pants gave them a rebellious and tough look, as well as a sense of freedom and comfort. Sagging pants also allowed them to show off their sneakers and their underwear brands, which became symbols of status and identity.

Sagging pants soon spread to the wider youth culture, especially among young men of color, who saw it as a way of expressing their individuality and resisting authority. Sagging pants also became a political statement, as some activists argued that it was a form of cultural expression that should be protected by the First Amendment. However, not everyone was a fan of sagging pants. Many older people, conservatives, and law enforcement officials viewed it as a sign of disrespect, delinquency, and criminality. They blamed sagging pants for causing social problems, such as school dropout, drug abuse, and gang violence.

Over the years, several attempts have been made to ban or regulate sagging pants in various settings, such as schools, airlines, public transportation, and local communities. Some places have imposed fines or even jail time for wearing sagging pants, arguing that it is a form of indecent exposure or disorderly conduct. However, these measures have been challenged by civil rights groups and legal experts, who claim that they are discriminatory, unconstitutional, and ineffective.

Sagging pants have also evolved over time, adapting to different styles and preferences. For example, in the early 2010s, some celebrities like Justin Bieber popularized the sagging of skinny jeans, which gave them a more fitted and sleek look. Sagging pants have also been worn backwards or with multiple layers of underwear or shorts. Sagging pants have also been embraced by some women, who have added their own twist to the trend.

Sagging pants are not just a fashion choice, but a cultural phenomenon that reflects the social and historical context of its wearers. They are a way of communicating one's identity, attitude, and mood. Sagging pants are also a source of controversy, debate, and criticism. The fashion of Sagging pants are not going away anytime soon, as they continue to evolve and influence new generations of fashion lovers.

It is part of the psychology of human beings in regard to individualism and how they relate to a larger social setting, not to mention the sense of rebellion particularly among young people.  Be it as it may, the style eventually fades as young people grow older.  Dress is a big part of sociology and psychology. It gives a glimpse of how humans interact with each other and portray their individuality while at the same time seeking attention from others.  

However, it is important for those who sag to understand that their display can be offensive. No one wants to see people's underwear or booty hanging out. It is just not a prudent thing to do especially if one is in school, church, or in a professional setting.  Moreover, situations can develop when others may cross the line and engage in sexual misconduct when they see a sagger. Displaying one's buttocks can be primitively interpreted as an invitation to sexual advances so one cannot be surprised if another makes a comment or may inappropriately touch or try to touch. Furthermore, those who sag, particularly minors need to be aware of voyeurs out there who love to secretly film buttocks. They may follow a sagger or use a lens to take photography from afar. These images can then end up online or in pornography circles.  

What do you think? Post your comment below on Disqus.  Be sure to follow the rules so your comment can go through.  


- The Real History Behind Sagging Pants - Menswear Style

- Sagging Pants |

- Sagging (fashion) - Wikipedia

- Where Did Sagging of the Pants Originate? - Belowest

- Where did the fashion of sagging pants come from? (2024) - Fashioncoached

Saturday, July 1, 2023

SCOTUS Honors the Lord's Day Against the USPS

In a less publicized case by the liberal media, the Supreme Court decided in favor of Mr. Gerald Groff who is an evangelical Protestant Christian who did not accept an assignment to work on Sunday due to his religious beliefs.  The USPS did not accommodate Groff. Groff argued that the U.S. Postal Service violated his religious freedom and should accommodate employees and their religious persuasions. He got reprimanded because of this. The justices of the Supreme Court took on their task of explaining and clarifying the law for the USPS. They stated that employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their religion and that they have to accommodate them as long as it does not create an undue hardship for the business. However, with this decision, the case simply returns to a lower court. Nevertheless, the USPS has a new precedent that it must follow with the Supreme Court's decision.

The requirement to not work on Sunday stems from Exodus 20:8-11 which says, 

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work,  but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

However, the sabbath here is Friday evening into Saturday evening. This applies to the Old Covenant with the Jews. Some sects like the Seventh Day Adventists believe the sabbath is solely on Saturday. So where does Sunday come from?  The Catholic Church along with the Eastern Churches that separated from Rome and the majority of Protestants observe Sunday as the sabbath because of the Resurrection.  The Catechism states:

Sunday is expressly distinguished from the Sabbath which it follows chronologically every week; for Christians, its ceremonial observance replaces that of the Sabbath. In Christ’s Passover, Sunday fulfills the spiritual truth of the Jewish Sabbath. . . . Those who lived according to the old order of things have come to a new hope, no longer keeping the Sabbath, but the Lord’s Day. . . . The celebration of Sunday observes the moral commandment inscribed by nature in the human heart to render to God an outward, visible, public, and regular worship. . . . Sunday worship fulfills the moral command of the Old Covenant, taking up its rhythm and spirit in the weekly celebration of the Creator and Redeemer of his people (2175-76)

The Scriptures also tell us why Christians celebrated the "sabbath" on Sunday.  St. Paul tells us that Christians are not bound by the Jewish Sabbath.

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in regard to food or drink or in respect to the festival, or a new moon or a Sabbath day—things which are a mere shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ (Col. 2:16-17).

The early Christians celebrated Mass on the first day of the week or Sundays (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). There is a reason behind this. Jesus came to make "all things new" (Revelation 21:5). The Passover meal and Passion took place on Thursday and Friday showing Jesus is linking His work to the Old Covenant and "bringing" it along to the New Covenant sealed in His Blood.  The Resurrection took place on Sunday which sealed the work of Christ showing He did what He said He would. He opened up salvation to all, not just the Jews.  So Sunday became the new beginning, the new day when "Jesus rested," so to speak. He was dead but came back. We have Mass every day, but Sunday Mass is always the "Resurrection Mass" or Easter Mass.  

In light of this, we see why Christians must rest and worship on Sundays. We Catholics can go to Mass every day except Good Friday and early Easter Vigil where there are no Masses, but Sunday is specifically the day we must observe the Lord's day and are required by faith and love of God to attend and participate in the Holy Mass.

The Supreme Court made the right decision for obvious reasons. No business can force an employee to betray his or her faith. 

Here is the Court's opinion: 22-174 Groff v. DeJoy (06/29/2023) (

What do you think? Post below on Disqus. Remember to follow the rules so your comment can be posted.  



Supreme Court rules against USPS in Sunday work case : NPR

Supreme Court rules for Christian mail carrier who refused to work Sundays (


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