Monday, June 25, 2018

Lesandro Guzman Feliz 'Junior' Remembered

Thousands gathered at the location of his murder and Ortiz Funeral Home to pay their respects to young Lesandro Guzman Feliz.  Even celebrities such as "Cardi B," Carmelo Anthony, Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia, Wesley Snipes and others have paid their respects. "Cardi B" donated $8,000 to the family and Carmelo Anthony paid them a visit. The New York Yankees gave a jersey to the family which was placed on the remains of young Lesandro as he laid in state. 

Eternal rest grant to him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May Lesandro Guzman Feliz, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

NYPD Explorer 15 Year old Lesandro Guzman Feliz Killed in the Bronx

Many of you know that I am from the Bronx. I was born in Manhattan, but spent most of my younger days in the Bronx. The Bronx is known for many things.  Unfortunately, violence is one of those things. Despite claims from the NYPD and Mayor Di Blasio that crime is on the decline, things in reality seem different.

A young boy of 15 years of age was brutally attacked on Bathgate Avenue and 183rd Street in my beloved borough. He was chased by 5 thugs who had machetes and knives as weapons. The thugs are grown men taller than the young 15 year old.


These cowards chased the boy into a bodega after stabbing him. The young boy tried desperately to hide behind the counter of the bodega and was removed by the workers. Immediately, his attackers apprehended him and dragged him out of the bodega. Bodega workers looked on and allowed this. One even gestured with his hands "get out." Outside, cameras captured the cowards beat, stop, hack at and stab the young boy.  They ran off like the cowards that they are into cars and sped off.  The young boy was left there bruised and bloodied. He tries to enter the bodega for help and the door is shut on him. He tries on more time to show his valor by making gestures at his attackers which want looked like mangled arms and hands, possibly from the hacking of the machete. The young boy immediately realizes he is in trouble physically and seems to remember that St. Barnabas Hospital is nearby.  He makes a run for it crossing the street.  Unfortunately, due to loss of a lot of blood, the young boy collapses in front of the hospitals.  People look on him. Instead of helping him stop the bleeding, the take out their cell phones and record.  He succumbs to his injuries leaving loved ones and now a nation in heart break.

The news has spread globally and has brought about outrage. According to police, the boy was mistaken for another boy who posted a sex video of the cousin of one of the attackers. To add insult to injury, the attackers gloated on social media about the attack.  Eventually, some actually messaged the brother in-law of the young boy apologizing and stating that they got the wrong guy.  This and the many tips called in to the police led to the arrest of 7 individuals.  An 8th is in the Dominican Republic and is cooperating with the police.

This tragedy has touched many, including myself. The young boy's name is Lesandro Guzman Feliz, also known as Junior. He was not involved in gangs. In fact, he was part of the NYPD Explorer's program, a program geared towards teaching kids about law enforcement. My nephew participated in the program. As the saying, the world is small. I came into contact with Lesandro at the precinct when I was in the Bronx and went to pick up my nephew. When I saw his face on the news, I knew I had seen it somewhere before.  The news is just depressing. Young Lesandro wanted to be a detective and had his whole life ahead of him.

Many have flocked to the bodega and made a make-shift memorial. Hundreds of candles, plush toys and other things now gather at the site. Bodega managers claim that they were threatened by the cowards who attacked Lesandro, however, new video shows that they actually gave Lesandro up to them as he tried to hide behind the counter of the bodega. It is just heartbreaking to watch the videos posted all over social media.  The face of Lesandro as he is being dragged outside is very telling of how terrified he was. Just seeing it breaks my heart. I am not a very emotional person, but this tragedy has taken sleep away from it.  To see this young boy slaughtered in a way that not even cattle or sheep are slaughtered is disturbing.  What has society come to?

Thousands have come to the make-shift memorial to pray and show support for the family and Lesandro.  Many more are expected at his wake on Monday and Tuesday at Ortiz Funeral home on 149th Street in the south Bronx. 

A petition has garnered over 50,000 signatures calling for the shutting down of the bodega that did not offer shelter to young Lesandro. I urge people to boycott is and sign it as well. What the workers did was truly inhumane.

I want to offer my condolences to the family of Junior. This story is truly heartbreaking and has touched Bronxites and everyone who has heard of it.  We must end this violence. Our own Catholic Church has failed to reach out to the young people on the peripherals. We cater to the youth already in our pews but forget there are many outside of the Church who need guidance. We do not go out to them and invite them. I have tried to do this during my time doing ministry in the Bronx and have been successful. However, others need to do the same.  When good is not around for the youth, evil is always ready to invite them. 

Young Lesandro was killed over mistaken identity. He was killed because of teens having premarital sex and recording it on social media as if sex is some sort of pastime. Again, we have failed to teach our youth to respect themselves and life.

I am so sorry Lesandro that you face this evil.  If I were there, I would have helped you!  Rest in peace Junior!


Friday, June 22, 2018

Priest Slaps Baby During Baptism

A French priest is in the spotlight after video shows him slapping an infant during a baptism. The video shows a woman, man holding an infant and an elderly priest in vestments next to a baptismal font. The infant is crying and screaming. As the infant does this, the elderly priest tries to calm him down by telling him to calm down. 

After a while, the elderly priest slaps the child causing a loud gasp among those in the church. The man holding the infant looks at the priest in shock and tries to wrestle the infant away from him as the priest cuddles the infant's head on the side of his own. You can see the video here:

The video has gone viral and has gotten many upset. Some have even posted comments on social media saying that they would have struck the elderly priest back. I must say, the video is hard to watch but we must learn all the facts first. Moreover, decades ago, slaps were used to calm histerical people down. The priest being elderly was possibly trying to use this archaic tactic. I do not think he was intentionally looking to hurt the child. Then again, crying children can cause stress levels to rise in adult humans. In any event, no priest or anyone should strike a child. There are other ways to calm babies down. During baptisms where I have assisted, I have made funny faces or brought out plush toys to get a baby's attention and calm him or her down. He or she then got to keep the toy! Hopefully the parents in the video have made peace with the priest and vice versa. The priest definitely needs to offer an apology if he did not do so already. Too bad the video cuts off and we do not see what happened next.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Cardinal McCarrick Accused of Sexual Abuse

Retired archbishop emeritus Theodore McCarrick of the Archdiocese of Washing D.C. has been accused of sexual abuse. The abuse allegedly happened decades ago when McCarrick was a priest in the Archdiocese of New York. McCarrick was a prominent voice during the pontificate of Saint Pope John Paul II. 

The Archdiocese of New York issued a statement saying that the Vatican was investigating claims against McCarrick. McCarrick claims he is innocent, however, the Vatican found the accusations credible. In light of this, McCarrick has resigned from public ministry.  He wrote in a statement:

“While I have absolutely no recollection of this reported abuse, and believe in my innocence,” his statement said, “I am sorry for the pain the person who brought the charges has gone through, as well as for the scandal such charges cause our people.”

His accuser is a 62-year-old married businessman from New Jersey.  His lawyer, Patrick Noaker stated that his client wished to remain anonymous.  The abuse is said to have begun in 1971. The victim was a student at Cathedral Prep Seminary which is a school for young boys interested in becoming a priest.  After being invited to serve Christmas Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, the victim claims that he was measured for a cassock by then monsignor McCarrick.  While being measure, the victim claims that McCarrick unzipped his pants and molested him.  McCarrick then told the victim not to tell anyone about what happened.  After this assault, the victim claims that McCarrick flirted with him and assaulted him again in the bathroom.

Here are the statements issued:


Friday, June 8, 2018

Chef StoryTeller Anthony Bourdain dead at 61 from Suicide

Just days after designer Kate Spade was found dead in her apartment from an apparent suicide, famous chef and television personality Anthony Bourdain was discovered by his friend Eric Ripert, who is a chef himself.  He hung himself to death at the Chambard Hotel in Strasbourg, France.

Bourdain was there filming an episode for his "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" show. He is survived by his daughter of 11 years of age and his girl friend Asia Argento.  Not much details are out as to why he would have done this. However, some are speculating that he was suffering from depression or was affected by a news report showing photographs of his girl friend Asia Argento with journalist Hugo Clement holding hands and embracing while in Rome, Italy.

Argento issued this statement:

 "Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did. His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine."

Anthony Bourdain was born in New York City on June 25, 1956. In 1978, he graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and worked in many restaurants, particularly at Brasserie Les Halles in Manhattan, New York. He struggled financially for a while and became an addict. After bouncing back, he wrote a book in 2000 entitled Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly. The book became and instant bestseller and brought his name to the public. He would land a gig on the Travel Channel hosting the cultural show Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations from 2005-2012, the Layover from 2011-2013 and moved to CNN to host Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. In this show, he would visit areas around the world which are often ignored by the travel agency business. He would meet the locals, talk to them, investigate their culture and customs and would have meals with them. These meals reflected the culinary culture of the region. Bourdain was an outspoken advocate for women in the restaurant business who have faced sexual harassment and advocated for a better restuarant industry by calling for better hygiene, professionalism and better treatment of Spanish-speaking illegal immigrants who are often employed at restaurants.

I particularly enjoyed the episodes Bourdain produced in The Bronx, Sicily and Puerto Rico. These episodes showcased the culture of the region and food. In the Bronx episode, he visited a Spanish restuarant I know well on 188 street. I have eaten there before with friends, specifically with my friend from St. Nicholas of Tolentine parish nearby. She calls the place, "The Cuchifrito Place." Bourdain is an excellent job showcasing the people and the food of the Bronx. He visited many areas and highlighted the art, music and diversity found in the Bronx. I will be forever grateful to him for presenting the Bronx in a good light. The Bronx is often portrayed as an area infested with bad things. While not perfect, its portrayal on television is highly exaggerated.

Former president, Barrack Obama took to Twitter to offer his condolences and memories of when both shared beers and a meal in Vietnam. Anthony Bourdain will be greatly missed. No one should judge him or where his soul ended up. We just do not know the state of his mind as he hung himself.  According to Celebatheists, Bourdain was an atheist. He was raised in a Jewish-Catholic home but was not given religious instruction.  Studies show that atheists have one of the highest rates of suicide.

May Anthony Bourdain, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!

If you reading this feel suicidal or know someone who does, seek help immediately. Do not hesitate to contact Suicide Prevent or messaging me:


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Life On Mars? Organic Molecules Found

NASA announced today that its Curiosity Rover disovered organic molecules while testing martial soil on Mars.  Catholic scientist and astronomer, Dr. Michelle Thaller made the announcement on Twitter and live on television. Methane was also discovered emanating from the surface.  This gas is known to come from life as we know it.

A similar announcement was made in 2014, see: This discovery is not a declaration of life on Mars, but may be an indication that life may have existed there or still does, but underneath the surface. The organic molecules may be remains of life that may have existed on Mars or may have been deposited by meteors from outer space which have crashed on Mars.  Scientists are still not sure. It probably will not be until humanity actually safely lands an astronaut there when we will be able to know for sure. 

Organic molecules are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. They form what we call life on earth. I use the words "what we call" because there may be other forms of life that we are not aware of. It would be irrational to assume that any life elsewhere in the universe will be exactly built like life on earth is.  The methane on Mars is interesting because organisms produce it as a waste product; namely, flatulence. Whether there are aliens or bacteria underground passing gas or not, we are not sure yet. It may be the remains of life decomposing, who knows!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Victim of Assault, Gay Teacher Brandon Soriano: 'Homophobia is Real'

It is June. During this month, while the Catholic Church celebrates the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Body and Blood of Christ, others celebrate the National Puerto Rican day parade and Gay Pride. It is supposed to be a time of summer fun as the days get warmer and many have months off to enjoy it. However, one young man has been forced to start this time on bad terms.

Brandon Soriano, a 25-year-old elementary school teacher was brutally assaulted after leaving Queens Pride. In New York, each borough has a set day to celebrate Gay Pride. Queens starts it off, then Brooklyn, Staten Island, The Bronx with Manhattan ending it all with the much larger Gay Pride parade. Many LGBTQ and others participate in each event in a show of pride and solidarity.

Despite many advances made on how society sees and treats the LGBTQ community in recent years, some hate still remains. Soriano was enjoying his day at Queens pride and left after it was over. He was going to pick up some food before going to his apartment when two people yelled anti-gay slurs and brutally beat him up.  He was left unconscious on the sidewalk with a busted lip and very large bruises on his head and face. 

The attack was unprovoked, according to Soriano who said it occurred at around 10 at night on 37th Avenue and 84th Street in the Jackson Heights section of Queens. Soriano is hoping the perpetrators are caught. He says that if he sees them again that he will cross the street to avoid them. The attack has left him uneasy. He says that "Homophobia is real and it's annoying." The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is current investigating the incident and is asking the public for any information that may lead to arrests.

As a Catholic, I disagree wholeheartedly with the LGBTQ lifestyle; however, this does not mean that I or any Catholic has justification to hate the LGBTQ. We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31). Not all neighbors will be Catholic. Jesus did not specify and left it in a general sense.
Any Catholic or anyone who claims to love God and hates gays, or assaults them physically does not love God at all.  He or she is defying God's will to love one another. We can disagree with each other, but we must never hate one another. This is just not God's way.  Moreover, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says it clearly:

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

As it says, "They must be ACCEPTED with RESPECT, COMPASSION, and SENSITIVITY.  Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."  Calling them f*gs, sodomites or any derogatory term is uncharitable and a sin against our neighbor which offends God and our neighbor. Moreover, assaulting a homosexual or anyone is never justified, unless in the case of self-defense of course (which is rare). I have many gay friends and it pains me to learn that this young man was attacked for no reason other than because he is gay. This could have been any one of my friends.  Let us pray for one another and protect one another. Let us sow the seeds of love in everyone we encounter. Despite our differences and alternate views, we are all children of God.  If you are a victim of hate, please report it to the authorities and do not keep the incident quiet. This will empower those with hateful hearts.   

If you have any information on this case, contact the NYPD:    


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Eduardo Menoni: El Pollo Loco Infradotado Enojado Venezolano en Facebook

Editor's note: The post will be black in English and Green in Spanish. 
Nota del editor: la publicaciΓ³n serΓ‘ negra en inglΓ©s y verde en espaΓ±ol.

Last year, a reader of my blog linked me to a Spanish Facebook post where this guy was posting ridiculous claims about God and religion. While not describing himself as an atheist, he posted the same banal arguments already refuted by many, including myself. Since the post was in Spanish, I tried my best to read it and respond to it using the Spanish I know and translators such as Google Translate. I wrote my refutation in both languages so that all of my readers can enjoy seeing how atheist arguments are easily refutable. You can see it here:  Well, after a year and some months, the guy, Eduardo Menoni messaged me in one of my Facebook post writing in Spanish that he sent me a private message.  Since he is not a "Facebook Friend," his message was sent to another folder on Facebook's Messenger. I found it and read it. It was a typical juvenial snarky message claiming that my post did not refute his claims.  In the message, he even wanted to debate me on You Tube.  

El aΓ±o pasado, un lector de mi blog me vinculΓ³ a una publicaciΓ³n en Facebook en espaΓ±ol donde este tipo publicaba afirmaciones ridΓ­culas sobre Dios y la religiΓ³n. Aunque no se describΓ­a a sΓ­ mismo como un ateo, publicΓ³ los mismos argumentos triviales refutados por muchos, incluido yo mismo. Como la publicaciΓ³n fue en espaΓ±ol, hice todo lo posible para leerla y responderla utilizando el espaΓ±ol que conozco y traductores como Google Translate. EscribΓ­ mi refutaciΓ³n en ambos idiomas para que todos mis lectores puedan disfrutar viendo cΓ³mo los argumentos ateos son fΓ‘cilmente refutables. Puedes verlo aqui: Bueno, despuΓ©s de un aΓ±o y algunos meses, el tipo, Eduardo Menoni, me enviΓ³ un mensaje privado en una de mis publicaciones de Facebook en espaΓ±ol. Como Γ©l no es un "amigo de Facebook", su mensaje fue enviado a otra carpeta en el Messenger de Facebook. Lo encontrΓ© y lo leΓ­. Era un tΓ­pico mensaje juvenil sarcΓ‘stico que decΓ­a que mi publicaciΓ³n no refutaba sus afirmaciones. En el mensaje, incluso quiso debatirme en You Tube.

Apparently, this kid is some pretentious YouTuber who is trying to become a social media celebrity posting silly videos. As usual, I accepted his request to debate and asked him to provide his identification and academic credentials to verify that he is worth debating. I will not waste my time and knowledge on amateurs or people who lack any higher education skills. In good faith, I opened up our ministry at Sacerdotus to a debate; however, this kid just wanted to troll. You can see his messages to me where he resorts to personal attacks and puerile behavior. In one message, he even tried to discredit me by claiming that my Instagram account does not have many followers. I got a laugh out of this and noted how he lacked critical thinking skills due to the fact that my Instagram account is brand new. Previously, Father Carl Diederich ran the account using "Sacerdotus." He was kind enough to hand the name to me so that I could use it to further the Sacerdotus ministry. While not an expert, I have been playing with Instagram and learning how to use it to promote the faith and challenge its challengers. 

Aparentemente, este chico es un YouTuber pretencioso que estΓ‘ tratando de convertirse en una celebridad de las redes sociales publicando videos tontos. Como de costumbre, aceptΓ© su pedido de debatir y le pedΓ­ que proporcionara su identificaciΓ³n y credenciales acadΓ©micas para verificar que valΓ­a la pena debatir. No voy a perder el tiempo y el conocimiento sobre aficionados o personas que carecen de habilidades de educaciΓ³n superior. De buena fe, abrΓ­ nuestro ministerio en Sacerdotus a un debate; sin embargo, este niΓ±o solo querΓ­a troll. Puedes ver sus mensajes donde recurre a ataques personales y comportamiento pueril. En un mensaje, incluso tratΓ³ de desacreditarme alegando que mi cuenta de Instagram no tiene muchos seguidores. Me reΓ­ de esto y notΓ© cΓ³mo carecΓ­a de habilidades de pensamiento crΓ­tico debido al hecho de que mi cuenta de Instagram es completamente nueva. Anteriormente, el padre Carl Diederich ejecutΓ³ la cuenta usando "Sacerdotus". Γ‰l tuvo la amabilidad de entregarme el nombre para poder usarlo para promover el ministerio de Sacerdotus. Aunque no soy un experto, he estado jugando con Instagram y aprendiendo cΓ³mo usarlo para promover la fe y desafiar a sus rivales.

In any event, the kid Menoni continued his childishness in several messages showing he was triggered and envious of me. You can see his replies degrade to that of a middle schooler engaging in taunts and nonsense. Here I post the screen shots of the exchange and the original text.  As expected, he blocked me on Facebook and later on Instagram. This demonstrates his inability to engage with someone who has more education and experience than he does.

En cualquier caso, el niΓ±o Menoni continuΓ³ con su infantilismo en varios mensajes que mostraban que se habΓ­a desencadenado y que tenΓ­a envidia de mΓ­. Puedes ver que sus respuestas se degradan a las de un estudiante de secundaria que se involucra en burlas y tonterΓ­as. AquΓ­ publico las capturas de pantalla del intercambio y el texto original. Como era de esperar, me bloqueΓ³ en Facebook y luego en Instagram. Esto demuestra su incapacidad para relacionarse con alguien que tenga mΓ‘s educaciΓ³n y experiencia que Γ©l.

You can use the Google Translate button on this site to translate the exchange into whatever language you prefer reading in. Hopefully, this post will expose Eduardo Menoni as a petty caricature who trolls Christians while making a complete fool of himself with his lack of education and maturity. Like most You Tubers, he is a kid looking for attention which he does not get offline. As a Venezuelan (Menoni), I cannot imagine the indoctrination he has received from his failed nation and its Socialism. He is clearly a Spanish dish missing the rice and beans.  His large bulging mosquito or bug eyes and sadistic smile says much psychologically speaking; even though they might be a sign of thyroidal problems.        

Puedes usar el botΓ³n Google Translate en este sitio para traducir el intercambio al idioma que prefieras leer. Con suerte, este post expone a Eduardo Menoni como una pequeΓ±a caricatura que atrapa a los cristianos mientras se hace el ridΓ­culo con su falta de educaciΓ³n y madurez. Como la mayorΓ­a de los You Tubers, Γ©l es un niΓ±o que busca atenciΓ³n y no se desconecta. Como venezolano (Menoni), no puedo imaginarme el adoctrinamiento que recibiΓ³ de su naciΓ³n fallida y su socialismo. Es claramente un plato espaΓ±ol al que le faltan arroz y habichuelas.  Sus grandes ojos abultados de bichos o mosquitos y su sonrisa sΓ‘dica dicen mucho psicolΓ³gicamente hablando; a pesar de que pueden ser un signo de problemas tiroideos.

Here are the screen shots and text:
AquΓ­ estΓ‘n las capturas de pantalla y el texto:

Editor's Note: The black text are my messages while the green are Eduardo's
Nota del editor: El texto negro son mis mensajes mientras que el verde son de Eduardo

Hola, buenas noches, he leΓ­do tu intento de refutar mi texto sobre las evidencias de que dios y el diablo no existen y me gustarΓ­a debatir en vivo contigo en youtube
para desmontar y refutar toda tu argumentaciΓ³n, ya que tiene bastante fallas y evaciones a mis respuestas, si gustas podemos debatir en vivo y dejar el video grabado en youtube

FRI 11:25PM
You accepted their request.
Hola. Me habΓ­a olvidado de ti. Alguien me habΓ­a enviado su publicaciΓ³n en mi sitio y me pidiΓ³ que lo refutara. Lo rebatΓ­ porque el contenido tenΓ­a muchos conceptos errΓ³neos comunes entre aquellos que no se molestan en investigar. Puedes unirte a mΓ­ en vivo en Sacerdotus Hangouts en cualquier momento, sin embargo, solo debes seguir los requisitos que se encuentran aquΓ­ AdemΓ‘s, hablo inglΓ©s y no mucho espaΓ±ol porque soy estadounidense. Esto probablemente sea problemΓ‘tico si no tiene una comprensiΓ³n sΓ³lida del idioma inglΓ©s. TambiΓ©n puede contestar directamente en la publicaciΓ³n si es mΓ‘s fΓ‘cil para ti. Puedo responder en ambos idiomas como lo hice en mi refutaciΓ³n. Tus ideas errΓ³neas tienen respuestas y quiero que el mundo sepa que no has descubierto nada nuevo. Solo acaba de repetir los mismos argumentos banales ya refutados.

SAT 1:24AM
Jejeje tienes mucho ego
Tengo 10 aΓ±os investigando del cristianismo y crΓ©eme que el errΓ³neo y equivocado eres tΓΊ
Por eso quiero debatir en vivo para rebatir tus conceptos errΓ³neos y de lavado de cerebro cristiano
Para amar a los demΓ‘s como a ti mismo. Ti ego estΓ‘ por el cielo donde estΓ‘ tu supuesto dios ??
TΓΊ ego *

SAT 4:32AM
Lamento decirlo, pero estΓ‘ claro que no has estudiado ni investigado los temas en cuestiΓ³n. Tu publicaciΓ³n refleja tu ignorancia y es por eso que decidΓ­ refutarla para que otros que puedan tener los mismos conceptos errΓ³neos puedan ver que sΓ­ tienen respuestas. Doy la bienvenida a cualquier debate, solo cumple con los requisitos. No debatirΓ© con nadie que camine en la calle. La persona debe tener una educaciΓ³n de nivel universitario y una comprensiΓ³n del tema debatido. Fui ateo toda mi vida, asΓ­ que estΓ‘s ladrando al Γ‘rbol equivocado, como dicen en Estados Unidos. No hay ningΓΊn argumento que puedas presentar que yo no sepa ni use. Es por eso que escribΓ­ mi libro popular El ateΓ­smo es estΓΊpido. El volumen 2 vendrΓ‘ pronto. Simplemente estΓ‘s repitiendo los mismos argumentos banales utilizados en los siglos XVII y XVIII. EstΓ‘n muertos en la academia, pero vivos entre las personalidades en lΓ­nea que pretenden ser racionales. Como es, tengo grados en fΓ­sica, psicologΓ­a, biologΓ­a y filosofΓ­a. TambiΓ©n tengo experiencia en teologΓ­a y estudios bΓ­blicos. Con eso dicho, doy la bienvenida a cualquier debate siempre que no sea una pΓ©rdida de tiempo, una plataforma para trolls en lΓ­nea, y cumpla con los requisitos de un debate acadΓ©mico. ¿Habla usted InglΓ©s? El lenguaje serΓ‘ el ΓΊnico problema. Puedo responder a las cosas bΓ‘sicas, no a todas las cosas en espaΓ±ol e italiano. NacΓ­ en Nueva York, entonces mi idioma es el inglΓ©s. Por ΓΊltimo, esto no tiene nada que ver con el ego. Tal vez tienes un complejo de inferioridad? Solo soy un tipo seguro debido a mis numerosos tΓ­tulos y experiencia. Sin embargo, su ad hominem estΓ‘ debidamente anotado.

SAT 9:31AM
Eres solo un pobre egΓ³latra por eso tΓΊ ignorancia la tapas con tus tΓ­tulos y buscando disminuir a los demΓ‘s. Yo soy licenciado con especializaciΓ³n y soy profesor por mΓ‘s de 5 aΓ±os a nivel de maestrΓ­a y especializaciΓ³n. El ΓΊnico complejos acΓ‘ es tu inflado ego. Cuando hablas de que la gente de la calle no es como tΓΊ con un aire de superioridad que da asco. Hasta Jesus el maestro espiritual, no el personaje ficticio, te hubiese pateado la cara por egΓ³latra. Realmente eres como casi tldlsΓ±s cristianos un pobre hipΓ³crita. PensΓ© debatir contigo en vivo pero eres solo un idiota con el cerebro lavado que seguramente vive de engaΓ±ar a los demΓ‘s con la pseudoreligiΓ³n y le pide un diezmo que ni JesΓΊs pedΓ­a. Con razΓ³n no pones  ni la foto tuya. Hasta tu mismo en el fondo te das asco. Basta con leerte y analizarte para darse cuenta. Yo fui creyente hasta los 14 aΓ±os he leΓ­do la biblia completa y tambiΓ©n tengo 10 aΓ±os estudiando sobre la psicologΓ­a y la espiritualidad, ademΓ‘s de filosofia y no soy mΓ‘s ni menos que nadie. TΓΊ complejo de inferioridad buscas taparlo con tus tΓ­tulos y buscando humillar a los demΓ‘s. Cosa que no es de alguien que supuestamente dice se practicante. Gente como tΓΊ da asco. PensΓ© en un debate serio pero con basuras como tΓΊ no vale la pena. Por eso tΓΊ debiste rebatirme con falacias y estΓ‘s tan temeroso que solo profieres insultos diciendo no has indagado o no tienes tΓ­tulos. La falacia ad hominen la usas tΓΊ pobre mequetrefe. Realmente mi lucha es contra gente como tΓΊ. AsΓ­ que de mi parte no perderΓ© mΓ‘s tiempo. Eres como todos los fanΓ‘ticos religiosos solo un pobre egΓ³latra. RevisΓ© mi nota y vi tu post de hace 25 semanas. Realmente da pena por eso querΓ­a debatir en vivo porque con lΓ³gica puedo refutarte fΓ‘cilmente. Por cierto tanto que desprecias a los no estudiados, que no es mi caso, te recuerdo que JesΓΊs el que dices es hijo de "dios" nunca tuvo tΓ­tulo. AsΓ­ que puedes meterte tus tΓ­tulos en el culo, junto a tu ego.
AsΓ­ que realmente basuras como tΓΊ dan asco, lΓ‘stima y risa. Con toda el alma te digo realmente eres un pobre tipo que su solo ego es muestra de la hipocresΓ­a de las pseudoreligiones. Tu ego y falacias ad hominen estΓ‘n debidamente anotadas. Por suerte cualquiera con algo de inteligencia lo puede notar. Siga con su ego y lavando cerebros. Yo seguirΓ© revelando la verdad luchando contra basuras como tΓΊ. Por algo te hicieron llegar mi texto porque mi texto tiene llegada y estΓ‘ despertando gente. TΓΊ nunca fuiste ateo. Eres y serΓ‘s un pobre egΓ³latra con inteligencia realmente limitada que esconde su identidad como buena basura que no es capaz de dar la cara. Algo que denota que tΓΊ mismo te escondes y que de ti mismo no estΓ‘s tan orgulloso como tu boca intenta decir. Pero pendejos cΓ³mo tΓΊ no me engaΓ±an.
Hasta nunca tipejo
QuΓ© ni valentΓ­a tiene de dar la cara y nombre ??
Por cierto pasΓ© por las 4 cuentas de instagram de Sacerdotus ninguna supera los 100 seguidores. Eres solo pelusa de ombligo que nadie lee ?? mi nota de dios y el diablo tiene mΓ‘s me gustas que tus propias cuentas en instagram jajaja. Por suerte la gente no sigue a egΓ³latras e idiotas. El ateΓ­smo no es idiota. TΓΊ eres el idiota cuando eras ateo y actualmente que es diferente jajajajajaja ademΓ‘s me da compasiΓ³n que no colocas ni tu cara. Solo imΓ‘genes tuyas en caricatura jajajajajaja como un niΓ±o de 12 aΓ±os. Y despuΓ©s llamas a los demΓ‘s troll. MΓ­rate en un espejo enfermo mental jajaaja realmente me haz hecho el dΓ­a

SUN 1:51AM
Su envidia es debidamente notada. Parece que he tocado un nervio en ti. Su falta de madurez es evidente en su respuesta defensiva. Muestra signos de una psique frΓ‘gil que se desencadena fΓ‘cilmente por una presencia mΓ‘s formidable. PerdΓ³neme, pero segΓΊn su publicaciΓ³n, no puedo creer que tenga alguna credencial de educaciΓ³n superior. Tu publicaciΓ³n estuvo mal escrita, mal investigada y basada en argumentos banales ya refutados. Si hubieras investigado, lo sabrΓ­as. Por otra parte, usted es hispano y proviene de una naciΓ³n del tercer mundo. Habiendo dicho eso, puedo entender por quΓ© no tendrΓ­as la misma capacidad educativa e intelectual que aquellos en las naciones del primer mundo como los Estados Unidos. AdemΓ‘s, los hombres hispanos tienden a ser muy frΓ‘giles y emocionales. Se ponen a la defensiva cuando estΓ‘n amenazados. Su machismo estΓ‘ bajo ataque por lo que recurren a la puerilidad como lo has hecho. Tenga en cuenta sus comentarios sobre seguidores de instagram. ¿Desde cuΓ‘ndo los seguidores de las redes sociales son una medida de Γ©xito o capacidad? Esto me dice que no tienes otra fuente de autoestima que no sea la emociΓ³n que experimentas a travΓ©s de los seguidores de las redes sociales. Eso es triste. Mis cuentas de instagram son nuevas. Fueron creados hace solo unas semanas. Si fuera inteligente y supiera cΓ³mo investigar, verΓ­a las fechas de las fotos publicadas. Nuevamente, este es un indicador de que no tiene las habilidades crΓ­ticas que una persona que es un graduado universitario deberΓ­a tener. Ad hominem no es un argumento. Es una falacia ¿Sabes lo que significa un ad hominem? Como dijo SΓ³crates, "cuando se pierde el debate, la calumnia se convierte en la herramienta del perdedor". Tu publicaciΓ³n muestra este mecanismo de defensa que es tΓ­pico de alguien que es derrotado. AdemΓ‘s, mi sitio web tiene mΓ‘s de 1 millΓ³n de visitantes. Incluso fue galardonado con la mejor medalla catΓ³lica, ateo y filosofΓ­a debido a su popularidad. AdemΓ‘s, "Sacerdotus" es un ministerio, por lo tanto, no entiendo por quΓ© necesitas ver una cara unida a Γ©l. Este es un ministerio dirigido por varias personas. ¿Eres una mariposa como dicen en los paΓ­ses latinos? ¿Por quΓ© necesitas ver una cara masculina? Como se dijo anteriormente, los hombres hispanos a menudo son frΓ‘giles y se ponen a la defensiva debido a que tienen una masculinidad dΓ©bil. Tu reacciΓ³n indica esto. No era mi intenciΓ³n hacerte sentir a la defensiva, amenazado o causar que te emocionen emocionalmente. Aprende a ser estoico como yo, que usa la razΓ³n sobre las emociones. Aprende a tomar cosas como un hombre y no como una persona pusilanime. Si estos estallidos de frustraciΓ³n y puerilidad son lo que debo esperar en un debate, entonces no, gracias. Solo debatirΓ© individuos cultos, maduros y compuestos, no individuos irascibles que se presentan a sΓ­ mismos como una parodia humana. Vuelve cuando hayas madurado. EstΓ‘s tratando con los hombres grandes ahora pequeΓ±o niΓ±o.

Jajaja envidia de un egΓ³latra que no pone no fotos y no lo lee nadie ??
Seguro que quiero ser como tΓΊ hahaha
NiΓ±o pequeΓ±o, por favor, crezca.  EstΓ‘s actuando como un alumno de 6to grado.

Jajaja sΓ­ claro pobre egΓ³latra
Que dice ser muy culto por vivir en Usa
Despreciando como buen egΓ³latra a lo distinto a ti.
Realmente como sacerdote eres una basura
Por eso te escondes como cobarde el ΓΊnico frΓ‘gil eres tΓΊ pobre pusilΓ‘nime basura ambulante
Por eso no debates por eso te escondes como la mierda que eres
Hablas tanta tonterΓ­a que da risa. Realmente ??
Por otro lado que la gente te lea significa que te valoren y aprecien. De quΓ© te sirven tantos tΓ­tulos si no te lee nadie
Y ese blog feo que tienes tiene 1 millΓ³n de visitas jajajajajaja y no te sigue nadie
Realmente eres pelusa de ombligo y un maldito egΓ³latra. Me cagΓ³ en ti eternamente
Y ojalΓ‘ te tenga enfrente algΓΊn dΓ­a a ver si eres tan hombre como insultando tras una pantalla
Basuras hipΓ³critas como tΓΊ que dicen predico amor pero solo desprecian. Realmente dan asco. Al menos la mierda es abono pero tΓΊ eres menos que mierda ?? jajaja seguro que soy un niΓ±o que esconde su cara y nombre como tΓΊ jajajajajajajajaja maldito hipΓ³crita
De mi parte sigue con tu lavado de cerebro que no lee no tu mamΓ‘
?? seguirΓ© disfrutando de la gente que aprecia mi mensaje y que abre su conciencia
Jajajaja hombre del primer mundo muy culto. Debe ser que seguramente fuera de USA nadie lee jajajajajaja realmente das risa como buen hipΓ³crita jajaja
Sigue con tu ministerio de hipocresΓ­a ?? yo seguirΓ© aplastando a escorias como tΓΊ. LΓ‘stima le husite al debate como el cobarde que eres escondida tras el anonimato de internet
Hubiese disfrutado destruir tus pobres e inflados argumentos egΓ³latras en vivo ??
Pero no pΓΊblico hubiese tenido. Esa basura que llamas ministerio no la sigue nadie jaja enjoy lady

SUN 5:47AM
Su envidia es debidamente notada. Vuelve cuando hayas madurado. Todo lo que veo aquΓ­ es una angustia adolescente.

SUN 8:27AM
Seguro. Vuelve cuando practiques lo que prediques basura e hipΓ³crita. Cuando no te creas mΓ‘s que nadie por ser de un lugar. Cuando puedas refutar con bases y no con supuestos tΓ­tulos. Cuando des la cara y el apellido y cuando al menos te lean 100 personas. Jajajaja
Seguro quiero ser como tΓΊ. QuΓ© tu propia gente te hizo llegar mi texto que tiene mΓ‘s llegada que cualquier estupidez de las que tΓΊ pΓΊblicas en internet
AsΓ­ que crΓ©eme pobre egΓ³latra con aires de grandilocuencia, no eres nadie, no aplicas ni siquiera lo que predicas en tu miserable vida que al un tarado envidiaria
Basura cobarde sin valentΓ­a y honor. CΓ³mo te dije. Me cago eternamente en ti basura ?? y no perderΓ© mΓ‘s tiempo en ti sacerdote de la falsedad como todos los sacerdotes cristianos que sΓ³lo los mueve el dinero y el ego. Jajaja el sr Estado unidense que cree que la gente no puede leer porque no naciΓ³ en un paΓ­s desarrollado. QuΓ© cree que sΓ³lo el puede formarse y que se cree tan sabio quΓ© dice tener 1 millΓ³n de lectores al mes pero que no es capaz ni poner una foto en sus perfiles, su apellido y que de ese millΓ³n de lectores en 4 cuentas de instagram y en fb no supera las 100 personas jajajajajaja cΓ³mo te duele que no te siga nadie. Eres realmente nulo con tus fotos de caricatura y tu ego en el cielo de tu ficticio dios. Seguramente tu dios en una nube y creer que una serpiente parlanchina en el diablo es tener suprema madurez jajajajajaja me haz hecho el dΓ­a fanΓ‘tico religioso. AmΓ© destruirte tu frΓ‘gil ego norteamericano inflado con evangelio e hipocresΓ­a.
?? no eres nadie. Te duele que no serΓ‘s recordado y me alegra que asΓ­ sea jajaja no te sigue ni tu familia maldito loco que habla solamente pura mierda jajajajajaja me rΓ­o de ti en ti puta cara. AsΓ­ no tengas las bolas de poner si quiera una foto de ti ?? adiΓ³s niΓ±o rata jaajaja 5 tΓ­tulos y 1 millΓ³n de seguidores jajajajajaja ????????
Tus lectores son tan ficticios como tΓΊ inteligencia y tu dios ??

Editor's Note:  Here he blocked me like a coward and I could not reply
Nota del editor: AquΓ­ me bloqueΓ³ como un cobarde y no pude responder

As you can see, the kid started out somewhat sane and then deteriorated into a childish fool hurling insults and nonsensical statements. It is clear that this kid's masculinity was threatened by me. Perhaps his short stature has made him vulnerable to the Napoleon complex and this is why he needs to be aggressive in order to secure his fragile psyche. We can only go by observation of his defensiveness for now. One thing that we can tell is that this kid is clearly unstable, psychologically speaking. A simple refutation should not trigger someone unless he or she is insecure in his or her views. This is what clearly happened. The kid thought he was on top of the world with his post. By showing his errors and stupidity in the post, his ego was shattered. Like a wounded animal that is cornered, he growled and scratched back the best he could. What was even more disturbing was his insistence on viewing photos of me, another male. This is odd indeed. Is Eduardo a closeted homosexual? Why the need to view another man's photo and the frustration when the request is not fulfilled?  On his Instagram he does have homoerotic imagery such as this one:

Como pueden ver, el chico comenzΓ³ algo sano y luego se deteriorΓ³ hasta convertirse en un tonto infantil lanzando insultos y declaraciones sin sentido. EstΓ‘ claro que la masculinidad de este niΓ±o fue amenazada por mΓ­. Tal vez su corta estatura lo ha hecho vulnerable al complejo de NapoleΓ³n y es por eso que necesita ser agresivo para asegurar su frΓ‘gil psique. Solo podemos ir por observaciΓ³n de su actitud defensiva por el momento. Una cosa que podemos decir es que este niΓ±o es claramente inestable, psicolΓ³gicamente hablando. Una simple refutaciΓ³n no debe desencadenar a alguien a menos que Γ©l o ella sea inseguro en sus puntos de vista. Esto es lo que claramente sucediΓ³. El niΓ±o pensΓ³ que estaba en la cima del mundo con su publicaciΓ³n. Al mostrar sus errores y estupidez en el mensaje, su ego se hizo aΓ±icos. Como un animal herido que estΓ‘ acorralado, gruΓ±Γ³ y le devolviΓ³ lo mejor que pudo. Lo que fue aΓΊn mΓ‘s perturbador fue su insistencia en ver fotos de mΓ­, otro hombre. Esto es realmente extraΓ±o. Eduardo es un homosexual encerrado? ¿Por quΓ© la necesidad de ver la foto de otro hombre y la frustraciΓ³n cuando la solicitud no se cumple? En su Instagram tiene imΓ‘genes homoerΓ³ticas como esta:

Hopefully this kid will muster up the courage to actually debate me like he wanted to. Despite our language barrier, I was open to doing it. Why he became timid and resorted to blocking me is beyond reason. I am an aggressive debater, yes; but I am so only with respect and directness. If Eduardo Menoni is an atheist, then he did a poor job representing atheism. I was expecting an honest debate with a somewhat educated kid.  Instead, I got an angry little insecure Venezuelan who resorted to middle school taunting as a defense mechanism. As Venezuelans say, "A llorar pal valle" (Go and cry in the valley).  To that I add, "y masculate y crece algunos cojones"(and man up and grow some "cojones").

Espero que este niΓ±o tenga el coraje de debatirme como querΓ­a. A pesar de nuestra barrera del idioma, estaba dispuesto a hacerlo. Por quΓ© se volviΓ³ tΓ­mido y recurriΓ³ a bloquearme estΓ‘ mΓ‘s allΓ‘ de la razΓ³n. Soy un polemista agresivo, sΓ­; pero estoy tan solo con respeto y franqueza. Si Eduardo Menoni es ateo, entonces hizo un mal trabajo representando el ateΓ­smo. Esperaba un debate honesto con un chico educado. En su lugar, obtuve a un pequeΓ±o venezolano inseguro y enojado que recurriΓ³ a las burlas de la escuela secundaria como un mecanismo de defensa. Como dicen los venezolanos, "A llorar pal valle." A eso agreguΓ©, "y mascula y crece algunos cojones."  



Monday, June 4, 2018

SCOTUS to Gays: You Cannot Have Your Cake & Eat It Too

Great news! The Supreme Court of the United States of America decided in a 59 page ruling in favor of the Protestant Christian who refused to bake a cake celebrating the so-called "marriage" of two gay men.  This case has been in the news for many years now. It has empowered the LGBTQ agenda to fiercely go after Christians and attack religious freedom. Colorado's government even went on full attack against Jack Phillips who owes Masterpiece Cake.  The court decided 7-to-2 against the two gay men.  All of the justices minus Sotomayor and Ginsburg were in agreement that Phillips was met with harsh anti-religious sentiment by Colorado officials.

This case gained national attention when Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins filed a complaint against baker Jack Phillips in Colorado. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission went after Phillips immensely. He was not given a fair hearing. The institution automatically sided with the gay men and completely disregarded Phillip's religious freedom. Justice Kennedy noted this in the ruling. He said that one of the seven commissioners from the Colorado Civil Rights Commission described Phillip's religious faith as "despicable" and conflated him as a person trying to support slavery using religious faith or teachings.

The ruling has set up brake against LGBTQ extremism which has taken hold in that last few years. The LGBTQ agenda has been working hard to push religious freedom back.  Religion is now its only enemy. Philosophy and other areas that bring about criticism have sold their souls to irrationality and can no longer be trusted as beacons of questioning ideas. Many universities and political philosophies have adopted the LGBTQ agenda without question. Even social media will label any criticism of the LGBTQ agenda as hate. I myself was suspended by Twitter after someone falsely reported a tweets I posted about hepitatis and homosexual sexual activity as "hate." Note, this information has also been posted by health departments and other verified health accounts.  I was targeted because my account tweets on religion most of the time.  Hopefully, this new ruling will empower religious people to push back and not let themselves or their consciences be silenced.  The two gay men could have sought the services of another bakery.  Instead, they decided to harass an honest baker trying to make a living using his culinary talent. The men were not denied a cake because of their orientation. They were denied serviced because of what the cake was representing; a perversion of the institution of marriage. 



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