Monday, September 30, 2013

John XXII & John Paul II to be Canonized

Great news!  Both Popes, John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized on April 27, 2014; the feast day of Divine Mercy or Divine Mercy Sunday!

This confirms previous reports.

John XXII was born Angelo Roncalli and served as a military chaplain during World War I.  He was responsible for the Vatican II council which helped the Church keep up with the modern times but without changing her teachings.  He was a humble Pope who later developed stomach cancer.

John Paul II is probably more known today especially by the youth.  He was born Karol Wojtyla in Krakow, Poland.  He took dealt with wartime in his native land and ministered to the youth.  He was an actor and later was ordained a priest.

Both Popes were very humble, holy and in touch with the people.  They both bore the Cross of Christ throughout their lives, especially during their pontificates where they suffered greatly.

This is a great time for the Church.  May Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II pray for us.  Rumor has it that both living popes, Benedict XVI and Francis will celebrate the Mass in April 2014!   


Saturday, September 28, 2013

NJ Judge Okays Gay Marriage

On Friday, judge Mary Jacobson ruled that New Jersey must allow so-called "Gay Marriage" starting October 21st.  Once again, judicial activism is attempting to bypass our republic by making laws via autocracy. 

This is scary indeed.  Why have elections and representatives if a single judge can decide what is law in our states? 

Governor Chris Christie has vowed to fight this in court by appealing to a higher court.  Hopefully, this irresponsible ruling that is an affront to our legislative process will be knocked down and this judge removed from the bench. 

There is no place for judicial activism in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!  Our Founding Fathers came together to formulate a government whose power would come from the people.  This government cannot become a monarchy or dictatorship.  For this reason, 'checks and balances' exists so that no branch of the government can have too much power.  Having a judge decide what is law is wrong and contrary to the wishes of our Founding Fathers. 



Thursday, September 26, 2013

Twitter Atheists Whining

Twitter troll "Rosa Rubicondior's" reincarnation as "Rosa Resurrected" was sent back to the purgatory of dead accounts once again.  It is obvious why he was suspended again: abuse/spam/copyright/trademark.

His previous account @rosarubicondior is permanently suspended.  I warned him this would happen if he continued his abuse, but he continued.  My post "Rosie on Probation" highlighted that Twitter was monitoring this troll and those who promoted his lies and spam links.  "Rosa" disregarded this and continued his abuse.  His atheist minions continued as well and are now whining that he is suspended again.

Are these people stupid?

Apparently so!   If I am warning them of what's going on and telling them how to avoid suspension, then why would they do the things that would bring about suspension?

They are now whining and complaining that religious people are spam reporting Rubicondior and other atheists. This is not so.  While I did tell people to report any abuse they encounter, this is not a campaign.  Twitter asked me for evidence of this abuse, so I was just doing what they requested.  Moreover, Twitter has changed its rules and how it responds to abuse.  I wrote about it here:
 Twitter Abuse Changes

They will now take more seriously any reports made to them.  Before, reports made against abuse were brushed off as a "free speech" conflict of interest.  However, after some have used Twitter to make death and rape threats, they have now changed their handling of reports.  Moreover, they are also getting tough on spammers who use their site to spam.  Automation will no longer be allowed.  "Rosa" uses Gremlin and other spam bot applications in order to tweet his spam links throughout the day on a schedule.  He has also sent unsolicited mentions to random people and blocked them in order to avoid getting a response from them and used automated following apps in order to get his 7500 followers again.  This is against twitter's rules.

Here are more of the things in detail of what Rosa Rubicondior/Resurrected did in order to bring upon himself suspension:
He used his @rosarubicondior account and @rosaresurrected to spam all day by posting duplicate tweets linking his followers to his poorly written and scientifically illiterate blog which I have refuted many times.

Unsolicited Mentions
Moreover, he has also sent unsolicited mentions to Christians and other people of faith in an attempt to start an argument.  Often times, he would mention someone and then block that person so that the person has no way to reply to his 'hit and run' mention.  This of course is against Twitter's rules.  Twitter users cannot abuse the spam report feature in this way.

Using Automated Programs
In order to tweet his spam nearly every couple of minutes, Rubicondior relied on bots programmed to tweet at certain intervals throughout the day with specific tweets.  He also used bots to add followers to his new account.  This is also against Twitter's rules.

Within his tweets, Rubicondior abused other users by insulting them, threatening them, being condescending and by baiting them to engage him.  This includes other atheists who don't agree with him!  He has also been posting the information of a minor named 'Manuel' or 'Manny' in order to defame the child as well as discredit me and others who he finds a threat. When questioned to provide evidence of this child and his connection to me or others, he disappears and ignores the requests.  Twitter has been monitoring this child abuse. They have seen my license as well as the licenses of those who Rubicondior claimed is me or "Manuel/Manny."  It is futile to even make the connection because twitter knows everyone's identity.  This is why Rubicondior got suspended faster than usual.

Posting Personal Information
It is against Twitter's rules to post someone's private information.  Rubicondior took it upon himself to post a child's information, including his school's address and other sensitive information that can put the child in danger.

Trademark/Copyright Laws
It is against Twitter's rules to violate Trademark and Copyright laws.  "Rosa Rubicondior" is not a real name.  He is using a comic book anime character as his online presence as well as the photo of a Halloween old lady mask.  The aforementioned are creations of other people and hence, "Rubicondior" broke Trademark and Copyright laws by claiming them as his own.  See more here:

Impersonation of an Individual or Entity
Rubicondior has many overlapping accounts which he uses to spam.  Some accounts are even fake theist accounts that he uses as sock puppets.  This is against Twitter's rules.  I will post all the known accounts that he uses in a later post so everyone can watch out for them and report each to Twitter.

As you can see, Rubicondior has quite a rap sheet.  Ironically, he was suspended a year later on the same day that he lost his debate with me by running away and not completing his agreement to debate me.  God works in strange ways indeed! See more here:

If atheists want to tweet without being suspended then they must follow Twitter's rules.  They also must not tweet any mentions to random people no matter how tempted they are pressured into responding to a tweet that was provocative.  My profile says to contact me on my blog for this reason.  I understand my tweets are provocative and people feel the burn to respond;  however, you can do so via my blog without worrying about being suspended on twitter.  There is no reason to spam my mentions with tweets when you can send me a well organized email with your comments or questions.  Moreover, I will not read mentions and any mentions with vulgarity will be reported.   

Moreover, atheists must not promote Rosa's spam links.  His blog is blacklisted as spam by Twitter.  Also, the name "Manny/Manuel" is also known to Twitter as the child Rubicondior is abusing.  Twitter has seen my driver's license as well as the ID's of other accounts Rubicondior has claimed to belong to me.  That being said, it is silly saying I am "Manny/Manuel" or account abc when Twitter has verified my identity.  Therefore, any mention of  this child will bring Twitter support into play.  Any atheists/accounts who promoted Rosa's blog and mention this child will be monitored and suspended.  There is no way around this.

"Rosa Resurrected" was doing fine until he began tweeting links written as "Manny's list..." and mentioning "Manuel."   When he did this, that is when he got suspended again.  Again, twitter is monitoring this.   

I have warned atheists about this, but they see it as some joke.  They are not laughing now, neither is "Rosa."  One atheist mentioned why Billy Graham is not suspended, well the answer is obvious: HE DOESN'T ACT LIKE AN IMBECILE ON TWITTER. 

So to my atheist friends, stop the whining.  There is no crusade against atheists and no vendetta against Rubicondior.  All of you are abusing Twitter and are feeling the heavy hand of support.  Get over it and behave.  Most likely, Rubicondior will never be allowed to tweet again since his blog and behavior is known to twitter and he is a repeat offender.  His blog is also being targeted for removal, so don't get too used to it.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rosa Resurrected Suspended!

The reincarnation of twitter troll @Rosarubicondior  "@rosaresurrected" is suspended again.  This guy never learns that twitter won't tolerate his abuse, spam and so forth. 

The days of atheists using twitter to abuse are over.

Atheist Mom Converted by Daughter

A twelve year old child prodigy who taught herself how to paint and is also picking up piano quickly has aided in the conversion of her mother who was an atheist.  The girl claims to have had visions of Christ and Heaven and painted them with such great detail that they began to make her mother think:  Where did these images come from and how did her daughter get such a detailed image from her imagination?

This is an interesting story considering atheists love to claim that people are born atheists and that in order for one to believe in God, one must be indoctrinated.  This brings doubt to this claim because this young girl came from an atheist background with no knowledge or exposure to religious belief.  Was this the VMAT2 gene working or was it God who was really giving this young girl these images to paint?

In any event, the mother left atheism behind.    


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Benedict XVI Owns Atheist

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said he will not be much in the public square but excepts of a letter he sent an atheist has reached the media.  "He's back!" - say some newspapers.  

The letter was written in response to mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi's book, "Dear Pope, I write to you" where he presents scientism as the only position all people should adhere to and critique's Pope Benedict XVI's papacy and writings.  In the letter, Pope Emeritus responds to his handling of the sex abuse scandals and even pokes fun at Dawkins and some of his ideas calling them "science fiction." 

Regarding the sex abuse claims, Pope Emeritus wrote:

"I have never tried to hide these things. That the power of evil penetrate to such an extent in the inner world of faith is for us a suffering which, on the one hand, we have to endure, while, on the other, we must at the same time, do everything possible to ensure that such cases do not repeated."

Benedict XVI then mocks the strange ideas regarding evolution that Dawkins and other atheists propagate:

"There is, moreover, science fiction in a big way just even within the theory of evolution. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is a classic example of science fiction. The great Jacques Monod wrote the sentences that he has inserted in his work certainly just as science fiction. I quote: "The emergence of tetrapod vertebrates … draws its origin from the fact that a primitive fish" chose "to go and explore the land, on which, however, was unable to move except jumping clumsily and thus creating, as a result of a modification of behavior, the selective pressure due to which would have developed the sturdy limbs of tetrapods. Among the descendants of this bold explorer, Magellan of this evolution, some can run at a speed of over 70 miles per hour."

Pope Emeritus proceeds to own the atheist by saying that his 'religion of mathematics/science' does not answer or explain the human realities of "freedom, love and evil."   He writes:

"I'm amazed that with just one stroke you eliminate freedom, which has existed and is the fundamental principle of the modern era."

"Whatever neurobiology says or doesn't say about freedom, this is present as a decisive reality in the actual unfolding of our history, and it must be taken into consideration."

Benedict XVI then in his known humility acknowledge that he was a bit harsh in his criticism and ended the letter by saying that "frankness is part of dialogue."

Many of my readers and twitter followers always question me why I am so frank with atheists, well
Benedict XVI explains why frankness is necessary.  We have to be direct with atheists and even mock their ideas showing how they are ridiculous. 

Pope Emeritus mocks how Dawkin's ideas make no sense and are a stretch of the imaginary.  Atheists often use science and stretch is to the point that it makes no sense.  As he noted, Pope Emeritus told this atheist how relying on nature as the cause of the universe really does not disqualify God nor does it really answer anything.  It becomes a "nature of gaps" fallacy.

I am glad Pope Benedict XVI is still active.  I relate to him a lot in that he loves academia, reading and loves to refute literature just like I like to do on my blogs and offline.

Here is the full text of his letter:

Ill. mo Odifreddi Mr. Professor, (...) I would like to thank you for trying to the last detail to compare with my book, and so with my faith, just that is mostly what I meant in my address to the Roman Curia on the occasion of Christmas 2009. I have to thank for the way he treated loyal my text, seeking earnestly to do it justice.
My opinion about your book as a whole, however, is in itself rather mixed. I read some parts with enjoyment and profit. In other parts, however, I marveled at a certain aggressiveness and dell'avventatezza argument. (...)
Several times, she pointed out to me that theology would be science fiction. In this respect, I'm surprised that you, however, feel my book worthy of discussion as follows. Let me suggest on this issue four points:
1. It is fair to say that "science" in the strictest sense of the word it is just math, while I learned from you that even here yet distinction should be made between arithmetic and geometry. In all the scientific specific subjects each time has its own form, according to the particularity of its object. It is essential that you apply a verifiable method, excludes arbitrariness and ensure rationality in their different ways.
2. She should at least recognize that, in history and in that of philosophy, theology has produced lasting results.
3. An important function of theology is to keep religion tied to reason and reason to religion. Both functions are of paramount importance for humanity. In my dialogue with Habermas have shown that there are pathologies of religion and - no less dangerous - pathologies of reason. They both need each other, and keep them constantly connected is an important task of theology.
4. Science fiction exists, moreover, in the context of many sciences. What She exposes the theories about the beginning and the end of the world in Heisenberg, Schrödinger etc.., The designerei as science fiction in the best sense: they are visions and anticipations, to arrive at a true knowledge, but are, in fact, only imaginations with we try to get closer to reality. There is, moreover, science fiction in a big way just even within the theory of evolution. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is a classic example of science fiction. The great Jacques Monod wrote the sentences that he has inserted in his work certainly just as science fiction. I quote: "The emergence of tetrapod vertebrates ... draws its origin from the fact that a primitive fish" chose "to go and explore the land, on which, however, was unable to move except jumping clumsily and thus creating, as a result of a modification of behavior, the selective pressure due to which would have developed the sturdy limbs of tetrapods. Among the descendants of this bold explorer, Magellan of this evolution, some can run at a speed of over 70 miles per hour ... " (Quoted according to the Italian edition of The Chance and Necessity, Milan 2001, p. 117 ff.).
In the issues discussed so far it is a serious dialogue, for which I - as I have said repeatedly - I am grateful. The situation is different in the chapter on the priest and Catholic morality, and by still another in the chapters on Jesus As for what you say moral abuse of minors by priests, I can - as you know - just take note with deep concern . I have never tried to hide these things. That the power of evil penetrate to such an extent in the inner world of faith is for us a suffering which, on the one hand, we have to endure, while, on the other, we must at the same time, do everything possible to ensure that such cases do not repeated. Nor is it reassuring to know that, according to the research of sociologists, the percentage of priests are guilty of these crimes is not higher than that found in other similar professions. In any case, you should not submit this deviation ostentatiously as if it were a specific filth of Catholicism.
If you do not remain silent about evil in the Church, we must not, however, silenced even by the great shining path of goodness and purity, that the Christian faith has traced through the centuries. You have to remember the great figures and even that faith has produced - by Benedict of Nursia and his sister Scholastica, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, the great saints of charity as Vincent de Paul and Camillo de Lellis to Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the great and noble figures of the nineteenth century Turin. It is also true today that faith leads many people to selfless love, in service to others, sincerity and justice. (...)
What you say about Jesus is not worthy of his rank science. If you question arises as to whether Jesus, after all, we did not know anything about Him, as a historical figure, nothing ascertainable, then I can only invite so decided to become a bit 'more competent from a historical point of view. I recommend this especially for the four volumes that Martin Hengel (exegete from the Protestant Theological Faculty of Tübingen) published together with Mary Schwemer: it is an excellent example of historical accuracy and very broad historical information. In the face of this, what you say about Jesus is talking reckless that should not be repeated. Exegesis that have been written too many things of lack of seriousness is, unfortunately, an indisputable fact. The American seminary of Jesus you cite the pages 105 ff. only confirms again what Albert Schweitzer had noticed about the Leben-Jesu-Forschung (Research on the life of Jesus) and that is that the so-called "historical Jesus" is mostly reflects ideas of the authors. These forms of botched historical work, however, have no influence on the importance of serious historical research, which has led us to true knowledge and confident about the announcement and the figure of Jesus
(...) I also have forcefully rejected his claim (p. 126) that I presented the historical-critical exegesis as a tool of the Antichrist. Treating the story of Jesus' temptations, I have only taken Soloviev's thesis, according to which the historical-critical exegesis can also be used by the antichrist - which is an indisputable fact. At the same time, however, always - and in particular in the preface to the first volume of my book on Jesus of Nazareth - I explained clearly that the historical-critical exegesis is necessary for a faith that does not propose myths with historical images, but calls for a genuine historicity and therefore must present the historical reality of his claims in a scientific manner. For this is not even correct that you tell me that I would be interested only in the meta: quite the contrary, all my efforts are aimed to show that the Jesus described in the Gospels is also the real historical Jesus, that it is story really happened. (...)
With the 19 chapter of your book back to the positive aspects of your dialogue with my thinking. (...) Even if your interpretation of John 1,1 is very far from what the evangelist meant, however, there is a convergence that is important. If you, however, wants to replace God with "Nature", the question remains, who or what is this nature. Nowhere She defines it thus appears as a deity and irrational which explains nothing. But I want to especially note further that in His religion of mathematics three basic themes of human existence are not considered: freedom, love and evil. I'm surprised that you just nod with a liquid that while freedom was and is the core value of modern times. Love, in his book, does not appear on the evil and also there is no information. Whatever the neurobiology say or do not say about freedom in the real drama of our history as it is actually crucial and must be taken into account. But His religion mathematics knows any information over evil. A religion that ignores these fundamental questions is empty.
Ill. mo Mr. Professor, my criticism of your book in part is tough. But the dialogue is part frankness, and only then can grow knowledge. She was very frank and so I accept that it is. In any case, however, I rate very positively the fact that you, through His deal with my Introduction to Christianity, he sought a dialogue so open with the faith of the Catholic Church and that, despite all the odds, the central part, not missing altogether convergences.
With cordial greetings and every good wish for your work.
- See more at:
 Ill. mo Odifreddi Mr. Professor, (...) I would like to thank you for trying to the last detail to compare with my book, and so with my faith, just that is mostly what I meant in my address to the Roman Curia on the occasion of Christmas 2009. I have to thank for the way he treated loyal my text, seeking earnestly to do it justice.

My opinion about your book as a whole, however, is in itself rather mixed. I read some parts with enjoyment and profit. In other parts, however, I marveled at a certain aggressiveness and dell'avventatezza argument. (...)

Several times, she pointed out to me that theology would be science fiction. In this respect, I'm surprised that you, however, feel my book worthy of discussion as follows. Let me suggest on this issue four points:

1. It is fair to say that "science" in the strictest sense of the word it is just math, while I learned from you that even here yet distinction should be made between arithmetic and geometry. In all the scientific specific subjects each time has its own form, according to the particularity of its object. It is essential that you apply a verifiable method, excludes arbitrariness and ensure rationality in their different ways.

2. She should at least recognize that, in history and in that of philosophy, theology has produced lasting results.

3. An important function of theology is to keep religion tied to reason and reason to religion. Both functions are of paramount importance for humanity. In my dialogue with Habermas have shown that there are pathologies of religion and - no less dangerous - pathologies of reason. They both need each other, and keep them constantly connected is an important task of theology.

4. Science fiction exists, moreover, in the context of many sciences. What She exposes the theories about the beginning and the end of the world in Heisenberg, Schrödinger etc.., The designerei as science fiction in the best sense: they are visions and anticipations, to arrive at a true knowledge, but are, in fact, only imaginations with we try to get closer to reality. There is, moreover, science fiction in a big way just even within the theory of evolution. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is a classic example of science fiction. The great Jacques Monod wrote the sentences that he has inserted in his work certainly just as science fiction. I quote: "The emergence of tetrapod vertebrates ... draws its origin from the fact that a primitive fish" chose "to go and explore the land, on which, however, was unable to move except jumping clumsily and thus creating, as a result of a modification of behavior, the selective pressure due to which would have developed the sturdy limbs of tetrapods. Among the descendants of this bold explorer, Magellan of this evolution, some can run at a speed of over 70 miles per hour ... " (Quoted according to the Italian edition of The Chance and Necessity, Milan 2001, p. 117 ff.).

In the issues discussed so far it is a serious dialogue, for which I - as I have said repeatedly - I am grateful. The situation is different in the chapter on the priest and Catholic morality, and by still another in the chapters on Jesus As for what you say moral abuse of minors by priests, I can - as you know - just take note with deep concern . I have never tried to hide these things. That the power of evil penetrate to such an extent in the inner world of faith is for us a suffering which, on the one hand, we have to endure, while, on the other, we must at the same time, do everything possible to ensure that such cases do not repeated. Nor is it reassuring to know that, according to the research of sociologists, the percentage of priests are guilty of these crimes is not higher than that found in other similar professions. In any case, you should not submit this deviation ostentatiously as if it were a specific filth of Catholicism.

If you do not remain silent about evil in the Church, we must not, however, silenced even by the great shining path of goodness and purity, that the Christian faith has traced through the centuries. You have to remember the great figures and even that faith has produced - by Benedict of Nursia and his sister Scholastica, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, the great saints of charity as Vincent de Paul and Camillo de Lellis to Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the great and noble figures of the nineteenth century Turin. It is also true today that faith leads many people to selfless love, in service to others, sincerity and justice. (...)

What you say about Jesus is not worthy of his rank science. If you question arises as to whether Jesus, after all, we did not know anything about Him, as a historical figure, nothing ascertainable, then I can only invite so decided to become a bit 'more competent from a historical point of view. I recommend this especially for the four volumes that Martin Hengel (exegete from the Protestant Theological Faculty of Tübingen) published together with Mary Schwemer: it is an excellent example of historical accuracy and very broad historical information. In the face of this, what you say about Jesus is talking reckless that should not be repeated. Exegesis that have been written too many things of lack of seriousness is, unfortunately, an indisputable fact. The American seminary of Jesus you cite the pages 105 ff. only confirms again what Albert Schweitzer had noticed about the Leben-Jesu-Forschung (Research on the life of Jesus) and that is that the so-called "historical Jesus" is mostly reflects ideas of the authors. These forms of botched historical work, however, have no influence on the importance of serious historical research, which has led us to true knowledge and confident about the announcement and the figure of Jesus

(...) I also have forcefully rejected his claim (p. 126) that I presented the historical-critical exegesis as a tool of the Antichrist. Treating the story of Jesus' temptations, I have only taken Soloviev's thesis, according to which the historical-critical exegesis can also be used by the antichrist - which is an indisputable fact. At the same time, however, always - and in particular in the preface to the first volume of my book on Jesus of Nazareth - I explained clearly that the historical-critical exegesis is necessary for a faith that does not propose myths with historical images, but calls for a genuine historicity and therefore must present the historical reality of his claims in a scientific manner. For this is not even correct that you tell me that I would be interested only in the meta: quite the contrary, all my efforts are aimed to show that the Jesus described in the Gospels is also the real historical Jesus, that it is story really happened. (...)

With the 19 chapter of your book back to the positive aspects of your dialogue with my thinking. (...) Even if your interpretation of John 1,1 is very far from what the evangelist meant, however, there is a convergence that is important. If you, however, wants to replace God with "Nature", the question remains, who or what is this nature. Nowhere She defines it thus appears as a deity and irrational which explains nothing. But I want to especially note further that in His religion of mathematics three basic themes of human existence are not considered: freedom, love and evil. I'm surprised that you just nod with a liquid that while freedom was and is the core value of modern times. Love, in his book, does not appear on the evil and also there is no information. Whatever the neurobiology say or do not say about freedom in the real drama of our history as it is actually crucial and must be taken into account. But His religion mathematics knows any information over evil. A religion that ignores these fundamental questions is empty.

Ill. mo Mr. Professor, my criticism of your book in part is tough. But the dialogue is part frankness, and only then can grow knowledge. She was very frank and so I accept that it is. In any case, however, I rate very positively the fact that you, through His deal with my Introduction to Christianity, he sought a dialogue so open with the faith of the Catholic Church and that, despite all the odds, the central part, not missing altogether convergences.

With cordial greetings and every good wish for your work.

Ill. mo Odifreddi Mr. Professor, (...) I would like to thank you for trying to the last detail to compare with my book, and so with my faith, just that is mostly what I meant in my address to the Roman Curia on the occasion of Christmas 2009. I have to thank for the way he treated loyal my text, seeking earnestly to do it justice.
My opinion about your book as a whole, however, is in itself rather mixed. I read some parts with enjoyment and profit. In other parts, however, I marveled at a certain aggressiveness and dell'avventatezza argument. (...)
Several times, she pointed out to me that theology would be science fiction. In this respect, I'm surprised that you, however, feel my book worthy of discussion as follows. Let me suggest on this issue four points:
1. It is fair to say that "science" in the strictest sense of the word it is just math, while I learned from you that even here yet distinction should be made between arithmetic and geometry. In all the scientific specific subjects each time has its own form, according to the particularity of its object. It is essential that you apply a verifiable method, excludes arbitrariness and ensure rationality in their different ways.
2. She should at least recognize that, in history and in that of philosophy, theology has produced lasting results.
3. An important function of theology is to keep religion tied to reason and reason to religion. Both functions are of paramount importance for humanity. In my dialogue with Habermas have shown that there are pathologies of religion and - no less dangerous - pathologies of reason. They both need each other, and keep them constantly connected is an important task of theology.
4. Science fiction exists, moreover, in the context of many sciences. What She exposes the theories about the beginning and the end of the world in Heisenberg, Schrödinger etc.., The designerei as science fiction in the best sense: they are visions and anticipations, to arrive at a true knowledge, but are, in fact, only imaginations with we try to get closer to reality. There is, moreover, science fiction in a big way just even within the theory of evolution. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is a classic example of science fiction. The great Jacques Monod wrote the sentences that he has inserted in his work certainly just as science fiction. I quote: "The emergence of tetrapod vertebrates ... draws its origin from the fact that a primitive fish" chose "to go and explore the land, on which, however, was unable to move except jumping clumsily and thus creating, as a result of a modification of behavior, the selective pressure due to which would have developed the sturdy limbs of tetrapods. Among the descendants of this bold explorer, Magellan of this evolution, some can run at a speed of over 70 miles per hour ... " (Quoted according to the Italian edition of The Chance and Necessity, Milan 2001, p. 117 ff.).
In the issues discussed so far it is a serious dialogue, for which I - as I have said repeatedly - I am grateful. The situation is different in the chapter on the priest and Catholic morality, and by still another in the chapters on Jesus As for what you say moral abuse of minors by priests, I can - as you know - just take note with deep concern . I have never tried to hide these things. That the power of evil penetrate to such an extent in the inner world of faith is for us a suffering which, on the one hand, we have to endure, while, on the other, we must at the same time, do everything possible to ensure that such cases do not repeated. Nor is it reassuring to know that, according to the research of sociologists, the percentage of priests are guilty of these crimes is not higher than that found in other similar professions. In any case, you should not submit this deviation ostentatiously as if it were a specific filth of Catholicism.
If you do not remain silent about evil in the Church, we must not, however, silenced even by the great shining path of goodness and purity, that the Christian faith has traced through the centuries. You have to remember the great figures and even that faith has produced - by Benedict of Nursia and his sister Scholastica, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, the great saints of charity as Vincent de Paul and Camillo de Lellis to Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the great and noble figures of the nineteenth century Turin. It is also true today that faith leads many people to selfless love, in service to others, sincerity and justice. (...)
What you say about Jesus is not worthy of his rank science. If you question arises as to whether Jesus, after all, we did not know anything about Him, as a historical figure, nothing ascertainable, then I can only invite so decided to become a bit 'more competent from a historical point of view. I recommend this especially for the four volumes that Martin Hengel (exegete from the Protestant Theological Faculty of Tübingen) published together with Mary Schwemer: it is an excellent example of historical accuracy and very broad historical information. In the face of this, what you say about Jesus is talking reckless that should not be repeated. Exegesis that have been written too many things of lack of seriousness is, unfortunately, an indisputable fact. The American seminary of Jesus you cite the pages 105 ff. only confirms again what Albert Schweitzer had noticed about the Leben-Jesu-Forschung (Research on the life of Jesus) and that is that the so-called "historical Jesus" is mostly reflects ideas of the authors. These forms of botched historical work, however, have no influence on the importance of serious historical research, which has led us to true knowledge and confident about the announcement and the figure of Jesus
(...) I also have forcefully rejected his claim (p. 126) that I presented the historical-critical exegesis as a tool of the Antichrist. Treating the story of Jesus' temptations, I have only taken Soloviev's thesis, according to which the historical-critical exegesis can also be used by the antichrist - which is an indisputable fact. At the same time, however, always - and in particular in the preface to the first volume of my book on Jesus of Nazareth - I explained clearly that the historical-critical exegesis is necessary for a faith that does not propose myths with historical images, but calls for a genuine historicity and therefore must present the historical reality of his claims in a scientific manner. For this is not even correct that you tell me that I would be interested only in the meta: quite the contrary, all my efforts are aimed to show that the Jesus described in the Gospels is also the real historical Jesus, that it is story really happened. (...)
With the 19 chapter of your book back to the positive aspects of your dialogue with my thinking. (...) Even if your interpretation of John 1,1 is very far from what the evangelist meant, however, there is a convergence that is important. If you, however, wants to replace God with "Nature", the question remains, who or what is this nature. Nowhere She defines it thus appears as a deity and irrational which explains nothing. But I want to especially note further that in His religion of mathematics three basic themes of human existence are not considered: freedom, love and evil. I'm surprised that you just nod with a liquid that while freedom was and is the core value of modern times. Love, in his book, does not appear on the evil and also there is no information. Whatever the neurobiology say or do not say about freedom in the real drama of our history as it is actually crucial and must be taken into account. But His religion mathematics knows any information over evil. A religion that ignores these fundamental questions is empty.
Ill. mo Mr. Professor, my criticism of your book in part is tough. But the dialogue is part frankness, and only then can grow knowledge. She was very frank and so I accept that it is. In any case, however, I rate very positively the fact that you, through His deal with my Introduction to Christianity, he sought a dialogue so open with the faith of the Catholic Church and that, despite all the odds, the central part, not missing altogether convergences.
With cordial greetings and every good wish for your work.
- See more at:


Monday, September 23, 2013

Crazy Priest Booted

The media has been claiming that Pope Francis is a 'liberal pope.'  To them, he is a Pope who is progressive and is seeking to steer the Church to live and think in the ways of the world. The recent news of the Pope's interview where he said the Church needs to focus more on what she is about and not what she is against caused an uproar.

The media immediate had what they thought was confirmation that the Pope is indeed a liberal. However, that all changed when the news broke out that a crazy Australian priest named Greg Reynolds was excommunicated.

Reyolds believes all things contrary to Christ and His Catholic Church.  He is an advocate for so-called 'same-sex' marriage and even gave Holy Communion to a dog.  This priest is for all intent and purposes a 'liberal/progressive' who abused his position to put forward strange ideas.
Pope Francis excommunicated him sending a strong message that crazy dissident priests will not be tolerated.   


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Exit Sandman

Today the New York Yankees retired the number 42 forever.  Major League Baseball already retired 42 in honor of Jackie Robinson in 1997.  However, only one player was left using the number, Mariano Rivera. 
Rivera has been a New York Yankee for all of his career and is the best closer the game has ever had.  A closer is a bullpen pitcher who teams use to end a game. 

Rivera's career began in humble beginnings in Panama where he played using gloves made of milk cartons, baseballs made of a ball of tape and broom sticks as bats.  His father was a fisherman who could not afford much.  However, he saved enough to buy Mariano a glove which Mariano held with great esteem that he even slept with it under his pillow. 

When scouted, not much was seen in the young Mariano.  Scouts believed he was not minor league baseball material, however that would change.  He was signed for $3,000 and began his career in the Yankee's minor league farm systems.  While there, he would bond with three other players who he would eventually win world series championships with in 1996, 1998, 1998, 2000 and 2009.  These players would be Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, and Andy Pettitte and would be forever named as the "4 core.'

In the mid 90's, Rivera would be called up and his career would flourish from there.  His control and use of the famous "cutter" made him a formidable presence on the pitcher's mound.  Batters did not want to face him because the outcome would be a strikeout.  This era is now coming to an end in 2013.  Mariano Rivera announced that 2013 would be his final year.  He would retire.  Andy Pettitte as well decided to retired making Jeter the only one left from the 'core 4.' 

Prior to today's game against the San Francisco Giants, the Yankees held a ceremony for Mariano Rivera.
They unveiled a plaque in honor of Jackie Robinson's 42 as well as Mariano's 42 at Monument Park.  Both will forever be memorialized along with the greats such as Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and so on. 
At the ceremony were his former teammates, Jorge Posada, Bernie Williams, Tino Martinez, Joe Torre, Dave Cone, Paul O' Neil and others.  Rivera was given many gifts and the rock band Metallic even played live the song "Enter Sandman" which is used as Mariano's entrance song.  The entire ceremony was well planned and was full of electricity and emotion.

Mariano spoke and thanked the Good Lord for his success.  He thanked his family, the Steinbrenners, the Yankees, the fans and all those who he felt helped him reached the success that he has now.  The president of Panama was also present.

Mariano Rivera is a true class act, always remaining humble and not bashful about his faith in Christ Jesus.  On his glove, he has Philippians 4:13 stitched onto it which says that "I can do anything in Christ who strengthens me."  One of the broadcasters on the Yes Network mistakenly said "Philistines" instead of Philippians.  The verse was also placed on the plaques memorializing him.

Mariano Rivera will be truly missed, not only by Yankee fans, but all baseball fans.  He never got into a fight, nor had any drama with other players or involved in drug criminal activities.  He is a clean, modest player who is a great role model for the youth.  He even has a foundation that helps poor children and communities by funding educational programs whether secular or religious. 

I was a kid when he debut and grew up watching him play and win.  Things will be so different without him.  May God bless Mariano Rivera and his family.  Thank you for the great memories at both the old and new Yankee Stadium.  You will be missed!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Triumph of Prayer for Peace

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7

Prayer is something most of the world's population does on a regular basis.  Atheists often criticize it by claiming that it does not work and that it is a delusion to speak to oneself.  The recent course of events has proven them wrong.  On September 7, 2013 the Holy Father Pope Francis called the world to Pray and Fast for Peace.  Billions joined him worldwide as he led a prayer service at the Vatican that lasted over 5 hours!  People of all walks of life, even religions joined in the pray for peace campaign.

Prior to this, rumors of war were circulating about.  President Obama warned that he would authorize a strike with or without allies against Syria.  He even went on television to make his case to the American people.  Within just hours of making a final decision to attack based on the vote of Congress, something extraordinary happened.  President Putin brokered a deal with Syria, Kerry and the United Nations in order to avert war.  He even used a well known American newspaper to voice his plan.  This made President Obama look bad eventually causing some to question why he received the Nobel Peace Prize when Putin could have received it instead.

Anyhow, there is no more talk of a strike; only talks of peace and the surrendering of chemical weapons.  This is good news!  Our prayers worked!  Prayer triumphed over war and violence.

Let us keep praying for peace!  

"Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." - Isaiah 26:12

Paying Homeless for Iphone Spot on Line

Apparently some people are offering to pay homeless folks to wait on them on line for the new IPhone 5C/5S.  This is despicable and shows how our society is falling more and more into materialism.

Homeless people are human and have dignity despite their financial state.  They should not be humiliated into becoming a 'line holder' for people who are not content with a simple phone and need to have the 'latest' model.  These people are puppets of companies who thrive on their stupidity.  

When will our society learn the value of human life from conception to natural death?  Is a phone worth more than a human person?    


Friday, September 20, 2013

Rosie Permanently Suspended!

The power of Christ compels you! 

It is official.

After being suspended on August 20, 2013, Twitter troll @rosarubicondior has been officially exorcised permanently suspended from Twitter for abuse, impersonation, trademark/copyright infringement, spamming as well as posting a child's information, etc.  See more here:  Why Was Rosa Rubicondior Suspended?

The above photo was sent to me via mention by a parody account of Rosie's suspension.  I had to post it because it was hilarious.  :-)

I am glad this troll is finally gone and lost all of his tweets, favorites and 7500 + followers. Unfortunately, he made a new account while under suspension which is a violation of Twitter's rules.  The new account is @rosaresurrected.  See more here:  Warning - Troll is back

The guy behind this account has other sock puppet accounts.  Please report them to Twitter and let them know about his spam and abuse.

Here are his other accounts:

  1. @rosarubicondior - suspended 
  2. @rosaresurrected - currently on automated spamming  UPDATE- Suspended 9/25/13
  3. @Rubirosacondior 
  4. @rufatunica - suspended 
  5. @Gorooble 
  6. @deepsearch17 
  7. @StorerGavin 
  8. @T40Rs731N 
  9. @God__Swill 
  10. @Curt_Ames 
  11. @GodlessRobin 
  12. @WSchnes 
  13. @Yhwh_TheLord 
  14. @danarel 
  15. @Bye_Dogma 
  16. @Jorra_with_God - dormant

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pope Francis Interview

Pope Francis is changing the direction of the Church!  He wants Catholics to stop teaching on gays, contraception and homosexuality!  The Catholic Church is catching up to the times!

These are some of the things I've read in papers and heard some people on the news being interview claiming.  Is this so?


Once again, Pope Francis' words are being twisted around to infer what he did not intend to say.  In an interview that he granted to the Jesuit magazine, "La Civiltà Cattolica."  He says many things that the media interpreted as him being a liberal who is now steering the bark of Peter to the left.

The media claims that Pope Francis said that the Church is obsessed with abortion, contraception and gay people and that she shouldn't interfere with gay people.

Is this so?  Let's see:

This is what he really said:

"We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible. I have not spoken much about these things, and I was reprimanded for that. But when we speak about these issues, we have to talk about them in a context. The teaching of the church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time."
"Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person."

Pope Francis is making it clear that the Catholic Church cannot become Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow or Bill O' Reilly sitting back making commentary on social issues, if you will.  Rather, we must talk about the teachings of the Church in context.  Gay behavior, contraception, abortion and the Church's condemnation of them is presented more clearly if we live our entire faith by witnessing to Christ in the world.

Notice that Pope Francis says, "the teaching of the church.. is clear;" he never mentioned anything about changing them.  Moreover, he says that we cannot talk about these issues all the time.  He never says that we have to stop talking about them.  The Catholic Church cannot be known solely for being a thorn in the world's side.  We must be known as the Bride of Christ, the Church that has the fullness of truth which we present in love.  Like Cupid, the Church must get the world to fall in love with Jesus Christ.

In this interview, Pope Francis is speaking pastorally.  Being pastoral does not mean compromising Church teachings.  It means doing and saying the right things at the right time.  The Pope wants the church to focus on the people and not put their sins or problems before them.  The Church must heal wounds, not throw salt in them, so to speak.

What Pope Francis is saying throughout this interview is that we must be like Christ who was not concerned with the letter of the law because the law was made for man, not vice versa. (Mark 2:27)  Some claim Jesus was a liberal of sorts, but He was not.  Similarly, some today are calling Pope Francis a progressive, again this is wrong.

Jesus and Pope Francis who is a follower of Him are sowing the seeds of love.  Like in Jesus' times, the Pharisees held fast to rigid laws completely disregarding the human person. Unfortunately, the Church has been tempted to do the same by putting rules over the people.  This does not mean that rule are bad, it means that they must be flexible enough to help people spiritually and not push them away from the Church.

Recently, while flipping the channels on a Sunday night I saw "Breaking Amish."  This is supposedly a show about Amish folks who leave their community to live the "English" life or, "worldly life." Because of this, they are 'shunned' or lightly excommunicated from the Amish community.  While shunned, other Amish cannot associate with them nor even acknowledge their existence.  This is what the Pope wants out of the Church.  We cannot "shun" people. That is not Christian.  The Amish of course stem from Calvinism which is known to be rigid and fundamentalist.  Catholicism was founded by Christ Himself.

Moreover, some in the media are claiming that Pope Francis' words are a jab to Benedict XVI and John Paul II, but this is not so. As a matter of fact, this is what Pope Benedict XVI said:

"We should not allow our faith to be drained by too many discussions of multiple, minor details, but rather, should always keep our eyes in the first place on the greatness of Christianity.
I remember, when I used go to Germany in the 1980s and '90s, that I was asked to give interviews and I always knew the questions in advance. They concerned the ordination of women, contraception, abortion and other such constantly recurring problems.
If we let ourselves be drawn into these discussions, the Church is then identified with certain commandments or prohibitions; we give the impression that we are moralists with a few somewhat antiquated convictions, and not even a hint of the true greatness of the faith appears. I therefore consider it essential always to highlight the greatness of our faith - a commitment from which we must not allow such situations to divert us."

--Benedict XVI, Address to Swiss Bishops 2006 

Sound familiar?  This is EXACTLY what Pope Francis said in the interview!

The world is full of wounded people who are wounded by sin and other issues.  The Church must tend to them and not add to their wounds.

For the full text of the interview, go here:



Monday, September 16, 2013

Atheists can go to Heaven

Here we go again... the media has once again twisted Pope Francis' words into claiming that he said that atheists can go to Heaven without believing in God.

This of course is not so.  The story came about after letters were published where the Pope was writing to an atheist columnist named Dr. Scalfari.  In the letters, Dr. Scalfari asks the Pope a series of questions.  The Pope replies to them briefly and in one of the questions, mentions the reliance of conscience.  This is where the media and others jumped the gun.  They interpreted this as if the Pope said that our conscience decides our salvation.  Some Evangelicals fell for the media's word play as well, see:

What the Pope was referring to in the response were mercy and forgiveness.  If an atheist is good and in his/her last days asks for mercy or forgiveness, there is a possibility that he or she may go to heaven even if he/she never stepped foot in a church or ever prayed before this final conversion. See more here: Pope Francis Atheists Saved.

This is nothing new.  We see this in the Gospel with Jesus and St. Dismas, or the "good thief." (Luke 23:32-43)  Here we have a man who was far from God and in his last days was right next to Him.  He asked for forgiveness and Christ promised him that he would be in paradise.


Friday, September 13, 2013


Please join us today, Friday September 13, 2013 at 4:00 PM Eastern time as we thank @pontifex for his six months of ministry to the Church and world.  

Tweet using the hashtag .  


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