Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Book Coming - Be Listed in It

I have a book coming out that I hope will benefit readers from all walks of life.  More updates will be posted on it soon.  Those who donate $100 or more will be named in it.  This will be a way of acknowledging you for helping me with this evangelization.  The donations & sales of the book will help to continue this work and expand it even more. 

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I thank everyone for their viewership and support.  I hope you will continue to visit my sites, purchase my books and help me with donations.  God bless you and may Mary keep you under her mantle safely.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Speaker Boehner Resigns

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced that he would be resigning by the end of October. The move came as a shock to many, especially in the GOP. Some believe that perhaps the Pope's visit to Congress had an effect on him.  He visibly cried inside of the House chambers as well as on the Speaker's balcony. However, political pundits believe he resigned after pressure from a more conservative faction in the GOP which wanted him to push for legislation that defunded Planned Parenthood or shut down the government if the defunding did not take place.

Boehner has been in office since 2011 and have received a lot of criticism for now being able to stop Obama from pushing his agenda on the American people. He has tried to stifle Obama's plans but has failed to do so. Even after Republicans took both the House and Senate, Boehner has not been able to lead republicans in stopping Obama's agendas and making a Republican accomplishment stand out.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Super Blood Moon & NASA's Mars Announcement

A super "blood moon" is visible the night of September 27 into the 28th for many parts of the world.  It is called a "blood moon" because of the reddish hue that the Moon takes on as the Earth aligns with the Sun eclipsing the Moon with a reddish tone of light.  This Moon is called "super" because it will appear about 14% larger than normal.  The last one to take place was in 1982 and it will occur again in 2033.

Already some lunatics (pun intended) are making up stories of doom in relation to the lunar eclipse (see: Joel 2:31 in the Bible). They are highlighting that previous lunar eclipses have occurred on Jewish holidays.  They see this as a coincidence indicating that somehow these events have some meaning that is Biblical or relating to the Jewish-Christian God. What they fail to tell you is that the lunar eclipses occurred on Jewish holidays is because the Jews created their calendar based on the Moon's cycle! Nothing magical or terrifying is going to happen.

Similarly, others are linking the Pope's visit to the United States as having to relation to the "end times."  Some are claiming that the Pope is the beast from Revelation who is making friends with the governments of the world (Obama/Castro) and is creating a one world religion/government.  This of course is nonsense.  Cuban officials have shown no signs of becoming Catholic and Obama's White House invited individuals who the Vatican had issue to; namely, openly gay dissidents. This does not sound like a cozy relationship that will usher a one world religion-government thing does it?  I think not...

Nevertheless, some fanatics have over-active imaginations and love to create all kinds of stories in order to give themselves importance.

Mars News:

NASA is expected to give a big announcement in a few hours on NASA TV.  Some are speculating that life was finally discovered on Mars.  There are many You Tube videos claiming to show rodents, lizards, "face-grabbers," crabs, a woman etc on Mars.  However, these can be dismissed as pareidolia.  The announcement NASA is expected to give is most likely related to what appears to be flowing water on Mars.  If this is in fact true, then this increases the odds of finding life on Mars, especially at the microbial level.  I will update this when the announcement is official made.  Stay tuned!  This will be exciting.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

26th Sunday in Ordinary time - Cut It Out!

Urgent: I dislike putting these messages here, but I need your help.  Not enough donations have come in. Please help me reach my campaign goal so that I can maintain and expand this work for about 4-5 years more.  You will help to keep this work going and growing.  Please donate at, Thanks. 


Today's readings are about envying others who do things in God's name and "cutting" out what may send us to hell.

In the first reading we read of God coming down in a cloud and speaking to Moses.  We are told that God takes some of the spirit that was on Moses and gives it to seventy elders.  When He did this, those elders began to prophesy.  Two of the men, Eldad and Medad were not present but still received this spirit.  They too began to prophesy.  Joshua then tells Moses to stop them. Moses replies, "Are you jealous for my sake?  Would that all people of the Lord were prophets!  Would that the Lord might bestow His spirit on them all!"  He says this because Joshua felt that there was a sort of competition going on. To him, Moses should have been the only one prophesying.  However, Moses says that it would be better if all the people were prophets for the Lord and that each had His spirit. This ties in with today's Gospel.  We must not be envious of others nor prevent others from spreading God's word (Galatians 5:26). God gives to each of us gifts which bring joy to us and others as we read in the Psalm today.

The responsorial Psalm tells us that God's law is perfect and refreshes the soul.  Every decree from God is trustworthy.  The fear of the Lord or respect for Him is pure and endures forever.  As servants of God we must be careful with God's laws and follow them.  We must not let sin rule over us and must be blameless and innocent, free of sin (Matthew 5:48).  This means living unattached to things of this world like the second reading tells us.

We must not be like those rich people who whine and complain when they lose money or something does not go their way.  Material things should not define us (Hebrews 13:5).  They should not be relied upon unless for necessity (IE food etc).  So many people buy expensive cars, homes, clothing etc believing these will bring them status or joy.  It never ceases to amaze me how many rich people, especially singers, athletes and actors buy expensive mansions and then sell them within three to five years.  They sell them because they are expensive to upkeep.  Then when you add property taxes, it can get even more hairy to keep a mansion.
This is why we must not story up treasures that we clearly cannot take with us when we pass on (Luke 12:33, (Matthew 6:19-21).

The reading tells us, "Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud."  This phrase speaks well to what Pope Francis has been telling us, especially during his visit to the United States.  Unfortunately, some so-called "conservatives" have criticized him calling him a Marxist. He is no such thing. What he has reminded us is that greed is evil (Proverbs 11:28,Luke 12:15) . Capitalism is not a perfect system for all and is not a perfect system period.  Many people are left out of the "trickle-down economics" and the capitalist process.  There is something wrong when less that one percent hold almost all of the world's wealth.  Our Holy Father is calling attention to this; not to destroy capitalism, but to make it better and fair for all so that it focuses on the common good and not just the bank accounts of a few. In the medical field, notice how lately (past 50 years) we find treatments but no cures.  This is not a coincidence. A "cure" is not big business as it will only bring in profits once.  However, a treatment will bring profits all the time because they occur more than once. This is why the Pope speaks strongly against the abuse of capitalism. The things of this world will not last (Matthew 24:35).  We can live in luxury and pleasure  fattening ourselves up, but in the end, all of that stays here while our bodies rot in the grave (Matthew 6:20). We must cut out what is evil in our lives as the Gospel tells us.

In the Gospel, we see a similar scenario as in the first reading with Moses.  John tells Jesus that he saw someone driving our demons in His name and that they tried to stop him because the man was not part of the disciples.  Jesus' reply is interesting. He does not say, "Good."  Instead, He says, "Do not prevent him.  There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me.  For whoever is not against us ifs for us."  This speaks volumes even today where in many parishes there is sometimes a competition going on among the laity, among the clergy and even among both together. How many times have we become envious of others and their work in the Church?  I myself have been targeted at parishes and social media for my work; usually from "traditionalists" or "liberals."  These have interjected during my work with atheists and have tried to discredit me so that atheists would ignore me.  It brings up the question: who are they following, Christ or Satan?  Why impede the conversion of atheists with slander? They in their delusional understanding of the faith believe that only they truly profess and witness to the Catholic faith.  These are the postmodern Pharisees.  

Even outside of the Church, some of us may be bothered when we see "pastors" and others doing things in Jesus' name. We call them heretics and other bad things. This is wrong.  While these people are separated from Christ's true Church, they are still following Christ.  Jesus said He had sheep in other folds that still hear His name and will come join the one fold (John 10:16).  This is why ecumenism is important. Those who are against ecumenism and believe that we are a "militant church" that is at war with the world do not understand Christ nor Catholicism.  The term "militant Church" does not mean that we fight our brothers and sisters who are not Catholic.  We are not called to be Cain killing Abel in the world, so to speak.  It means that we are in a fight for our lives against the powers that be in this world that fool us into thinking money, power, the flesh etc are what bring eudaimonia or joy that never ceases (Ephesians 6:12). The Pope is not a heretic for praying with people of other faiths or for visiting a Protestant worship location or Mosque.

These people, while having different doctrines are worshiping the same God.  There is only ONE God up there listening to His children (1 Corinthians 8:6).  Some of our ancestors in our respective cultures may have named Him using different titles, or may have described Him based on culture, but that does not change the fact that there is only One God, One Creator. Lastly, we must protect our children.  The Holy Father told us at the World Meeting of Families that we must protect children who are our hope and future.  Jesus says, "whoever causes one of the little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea."  These are strong words from Christ. They reflect how serious He was about protecting the little ones.  Unfortunately, some in our Church have offended these little ones in awful and evil ways. We must pray for all those involved, including the perpetrator.

If a child comes to us telling us of abuse, we must immediately report it to the police.  It is not our job to determine if kids are lying or not.  As the saying goes, "better safe than sorry."  All men have fallen short of God's grace, including the clergy (Romans 3:23). So we must not believe like in the past that priests cannot do any harm. We all have the defect found in the effects of original sin in us.  Because of this, we are predisposed to do all kinds of crazy and evil things (Colossians 3:5).  If you do not believe this, just turn on the news. You will hear all kinds of stories of beheading, rape, throwing babies in toilets, selling fetal parts, incest, parades with people having sex, States legalizing drug use, parents punching a girl to death and dumping her body on a beach, hashtags on Twitter celebrating abortion, I can go on and on, but you get the point.  We live in a beautiful world with ugly behaviors  in it.  This is why Christ tells us to "cut it out." He says that "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut if off.  It is better for you to enter into life crippled than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna.
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.  Better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna."

Christ here is not saying to literally cut body parts off.  He is speaking metaphorically. Notice how He uses parts of the body that are essential to living but do not end life if they go missing. Jesus does not say to take out your heart or brain and throw them away because these organs are extremely vital to maintaining existence in the physical body.  We can lose hands, feet and eyes and still adapt to life but will face hardships of course.  The idea behind these words of Christ is to cut out what in our lives is keeping us in sin. We must go and sin no more (John 8:11).  Sin is like a cancer that keeps growing unless we kill it off or remove it. The more we sin, the more insensitive we become until we eventually set faith aside altogether (Ephesians 4:17-19). It is a cancer of the soul that effects the body and others around us (Micah 6:13, 1 Corinthians 11:27-30).  So let us pray for one another and not be envious of others who preach Christ and have that Spirit of God in them. Let us protect our children and cut out what is keeping us from God.  May Jesus Christ be praised.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope In NYC

After a long day in Washington D.C., the Holy Father Pope Francis reached New York City at around 4 P.M.  He landed at JFK airport in Queen and came to Manhattan via a presidential helicopter.  From there, he got in his famous Fiat car and rode down Fifth Avenue to St. Patrick's Cathedral.  At the cathedral, he led vespers but surprised everyone by acknowledging Muslims, their holiday and the stampede at Mecca which took over 700 lives. During the reflection, he spoke about the important of religious sisters and said that he loved them and that the Church would be lost without them.  It was a great experience for me and I am looking forwards to the Papal Mass tomorrow at Madison Square Garden.

Please send me your prayer requests at hashtag #sacerdotus on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ and I will join them to my own prayers during the Mass.  I will also be taking Rosaries to have them blessed.  They will be available for a donation (to help with mailing) on my site soon.  I only have about 200 though. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Yankees Legend Yogi Berra Dead at 90

Yankees' great and legend Yogi Berra has passed away at the age of 90.  He is was three-time MVP, hall of famer and proud owner of 10 world-championship rings.  Yogi was the catcher for Don Larsen who pitched the first ever perfect game in the post season.  He is known for his lovably personality and "Yogisms" which were statements that made no sense logically, but in a sense did.

May he rest in peace along with Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Thurman Munson and all Yankee greats.  He will be missed.

                                                       May 12, 1925 - September 22, 2015


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pope Francis Arrives in the USA

Pope Francis has arrived in America!

Our Holy Father Pope Francis has arrived at Washington DC, in the United States of America after three days in Cuba.  He was greeted by president Obama who broke with protocol by going to greet him at Andrews Airport.  The Pope has a long schedule ahead.  Let us pray for our Holy Father and that the Holy Spirit will move Americans back to Jesus Christ.  America needs to be "Under God" once again!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Richard Dawkins - Desperate For Attention Calls Ahmed a Fraud

Dr. Richard Dawkins like Republican presidential candidate hopeful Donald Trump and James Woods is known for trolling Twitter and tweeting tweets that cause controversy. Last year Dawkins stirred up the net with his complaints against airport security for not allowing his jar of honey to go through and his defense of "mild pedophilia."  This year, he is whining about Ahmed, the young 14 year old boy who was arrested for bringing in a clock he assembled which was thought to be a hoax bomb by authorities.

Dawkins tweeted several messages attacking the young Muslim boy insinuating that he is a fraud. The narrative is that the boy possibly made this "clock device" in order to get a gofundme and attention in support of Muslims. Dawkins was immediately attacked for his tweets.  Many of his own followers attacked him. If you view his tweets you can see many atheists attacking him and attacking each other. Dawkins even posted a You Tube video of a man making his case that what Ahmed made was not a clock and in fact was just an alarm clock that he disassembled.

It seems Dawkins is desperate for attention and is causing a big uproar over nothing. Ironically, he is behaving like a typical paranoid islamophobic American "Christian conservative."  The latter have not rested in their attacks against Ahmed, Muslims in general and the Migrants from the Middle East who are seeking asylum in Europe. Dawkins is no stranger to islamophobia. He has made many xenophobic remarks in the past.  To suggest that young Ahmed made this "clock" just to get attention makes no sense.  What kid wants to get arrested?  His parents are now struggling to get the incident removed from his record so it makes no sense for them to do this if their intention was to use  Ahmed as a "sacrificial lamb" to garner pity.  Luckily many atheists are realizing that this guy is nothing but a reactionary and troll who abuses his role as a biologist in order to push atheism and ignorance. Only time will tell what the mendacious bigot will tweet next.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Receive As a Child

Urgent: I dislike putting these messages here, but I need your help.  Not enough donations have come in. Please help me reach my campaign goal so that I can maintain and expand this work for about 4-5 years more.  Please donate at, Thanks.

Today's readings focus on how Christ would suffer at the hands of the perfidious and how to answer our fallen human nature's drive to war and conflict.

In the first reading we read the foreshadowing account of what Jesus would face during the passion.  He would be "obnoxious" to the people.  They will turn against Him because He rebukes their lifestyles (Mark 10:2). The people fought back against Him.  They tested Him and mocked Him because it says that "God will deliver Him" (Matthew 27:43).  Like Christ, we too will be mocked and harassed for speaking up for the truth ((Matthew 5:11, Matthew 10:22, Matthew 24:9)). We will be called smugish overly virtusous people who are obtrusive and so on. This is what a follow of Christ is to expect. But God upholds our lives as the Psalm tells us today.

God is our savior (Psalm 68:19).  It is in His name that we are saved (Acts 4:12, Romans 10:13).  God hears our prayers even in bad times when we feel abandoned by Him (Psalm 116:1, Psalm 17:6, Psalm 3:4). All kinds of arrogant people will rise up against us (2 Chronicles 36:16). This is expected when we publicly profess our faith in Jesus.  These people will seek our demise, slander us and may even put us to death.  But we must not give up or become afraid. God will help us and will be there for us (Romans 8:31).  We must live in love, not hate like the second reading tells us (Ephesians 5:2).

War, jealousy and so forth are things found in fallen human nature (Romans 1:18-32). These are the bad effects of Original Sin which brought about disorder in the world (Romans 5:12).  Unfortunately, these will continue to plague us as we advance in our spiritual lives. We will see fellow Catholics who may be jealous of us, or we ourselves may become envious of the positions others hold in the Church. Sometimes we start wars in our communities, parishes, workplace and of course among nations. It seems like human beings love to fight each other. We fight over anything; religious, politics, places in line,material things, for the love or attention of others etc. These are the bad effects of Original sin.

This is what happens when we set aside the law of God. We become like primitive animals seeking only our selfish ambitions. The novel "The Mist" by Stephen King comes to mind. A movie was even made about it. In this story, scientists open up a dimension to another world where these insect-like creatures enter and wreak havoc upon humanity. A group of people are trapped in a supermarket and little by little they go from being civilized to uncivilized. The rule of law disappears so they become driven by the instinct to survive. Meanwhile, a fanatical and demented Protestant Bible thumper begins to capitalize on the events by associating them with the Bible. She becomes a Jim Jones type as the people begin to believe her and also become psychotic.  They fight amongst each other. Human beings often have weak minds which are impressionable, especially to evil. We call this concupiscence (Romans 7:8, Colossians 3:5, CCC 1264). However, Christ it the key that unlocks these natural disordered instincts and sets us free (John 8:36, Galatians 5:1). We must trust Jesus and allow Him to transform our fallen human nature. In the Gospel, we will read how fallen human nature corrupts the mind.

In the Gospel, Jesus and His disciples begin a journey through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone knowing about it in order to avoid the crowds. He wanted to use this time to teach the disciples. Jesus tells them that “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him, and three days after his death the Son of Man will rise.”  They did not understand what He was referring to and clearly were not knowledgeable in Scripture (first reading which mentions this).  When they had reached Capernaum, Jesus noticed that the disciples were arguing among themselves.  He asks them, but they remained silent. We are told by the writer of the Gospel that they were arguing about who among them was the greatest.  Jesus tells them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all. Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”  Jesus says this after placing a young child among them.

We see how Holy Mother Church has placed the readings in such a way that they connect. Jesus is the fulfillment of what was prophesied in the Old Testament (Matthew 5:17).  He is this "Son of Man" who would be mocked and put to suffer a shameful and horrible death.  This ties in to what we read in the first reading. Furthermore, the argument among the disciples is connected to the second reading in regards to human beings and their selfish ambitions and instinctual drive to hurt each other. Jesus says tells that they must be like children.  Children can go to a park with their parents and play with other kids with ease.  They play with other kids as if they knew them already. It is when they begin to "mature" that they start developing this sense of competition and inner drives to fight each other. We must be like children and be innocent (Matthew 18:4).  Trust one another just like kids trust other kids at a playground and just have fun. If we were like "kids" like Jesus suggested, we would not have wars and all of these stupid conflicts that we create for absolutely no reason.  Those who are not innocent before God like children cannot go to heaven (Mark 10:13-16).

We must be a servant to others and not seek positions of power or first place in order to gratify our egos (John 13:12-14, Mark 10:44-45). By being a servant, we show that we are secure in our egos.  Serving others does not make us weak or a "push-over."  Lastly, we must be good to children, teach them well and protect them (Proverbs 22:6). Children are our greatest asset (Psalm 127:3-5).  On the news we hear of Planned Parenthood selling unborn children body parts and some people out there defend this.  It is just sickening. Recently a young Muslim boy was arrested simply for showing an electronic clock that he made which caused school officials to overreact due to Islamophobia. This is not how we should treat kids.  We have to receive them, protect them, and teach them well (Matthew 18:2-6). Today, MTV, Pop singers, Rap singers and what not are raising our youth. They instill all kinds of crazy messages into their young minds. We must end this and restore the home as the first school and not let the "village" raise our kids. The best way to teach our kids is by being examples to them.  We must show them that to be last is to be first. We must show them that serving others is the way we should go. May Jesus be praised forever.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pope Arrives in Cuba

The Holy Father Pope Francis has arrived at Cuba and gave some remarks at the Jose Marti International Airport.  He urged Presidents Obama and Castro to continuing the dialog and reconciliation between both nations. Cuba where the majority is Catholic.  However, the nation has suffered from Communism which has pushed its atheistic beliefs on the people.  The Castro regime took possession of many Catholic properties and restricted religious freedom.  After Saint Pope John Paul II visited, more freedom was allowed including the celebration of Christmas. Even more restrictions were removed after the visit of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Let us pray for our Holy Father to have a successful and safe trip to Cuba.  May the Cross of Christ continue to chip chunks off the concrete of atheism that has held down the Cuban people.


UPDATE: September 21, 2015

Pope Francis addressed the Cuban people the best he could.  The Cuban government handpicked who could participate in the Papal Masses and other events. Dissidents were detained before they could even reach any of the events.  Pope Francis called for a "revolution of tenderness" in a nation that was built by Catholicism but was over run by atheistic Communism.  He challenged the youth to not be afraid of change and to be hopeful.  An interesting observation was president Raul Castros' behavior.  He attended every event and was following the Pope like a school friend following the "cool kid."  The atmosphere seemed different.  Could Communism be on the way out?  Only time will tell.  However, the Pope stressed the importance of Catholicism on the island and how it built the nation.  Atheism did a lot of damage to the culture and morale of the people.  It was the Catholic Church that kept the people's spirits alive.

Let us continue to pray for the Cuban people and for our Pope who is now in America.  God's grace must work in the hearts of the Castro regime.  Where sin abounds, graces abounds even more (Romans 5:20).

You can read the Papal texts here:  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

CNN GOP Debate

The CNN GOP debates just took place and they were much better than the FOX ones.  In the first round, I feel that Bobby Jindal and Rick Santorum.  Both answered the questions well and stood faithful to their conservative platforms.  Pataki came across as a fake conservative who at times attacked religious liberty.  Lindsey Graham also came across as a push over politician who does not fight to push his agenda and just accepts the status quo.

In the second round, I felt Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Chris Christie and Marco Rubio won. Fiorina went after Trump early on calling him an entertainer. Trump attacked her back on her career as a CEO which ended in termination. Trump told her that he would not want her in charge of his companies.  Jeb Bush also went after Trump but seemed to back down when Trump spoke. Chris Christie came across stronger in this debate and at times tried to be referee between Trump and Fiorina as they discussed the successes and failures of their careers.  Christie also focused more on the American people by asking that the camera be put on them. He also kept mentioning the struggling middle class during his responses. This is ironic because he became known due to his personality, not for his concern for others. The rude and abrasive governor turned into a pacifist here.

Fiorina did not smile and remained stoic. Trump surprisingly smiled a lot and seemed to be more toned down.  Rubio answered well, but he seemed too coached and robotic. Ted Cruz spoke to the Republican base and also did well but did not speak much. Huckabee was articulate but also did not speak as much as the others.  Carson did not come across as strong in this debate. His strongest point was when he spoke on vaccines.  Rand Paul spoke strongly on state rights but was shut down by Fiorina when she addressed marijuana use and how it is being pushed as "drinking beer" when in fact it is dangerous. Her strongest point I believe was when she spoke on the Planned Parenthood videos. Kasich was very weak in this debate and Walker as well. I predict that Carly will see and increase in poll numbers after this debate. CNN did a good job with this debate.  However, they seemed to have been trying to get Trump to fight with Bush and Fiorina at times.  It seemed like the rules regarding time were suspended for these three.    


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

14 yr Old Muslim Arrested For Making A Clock

In Texas, a young 14-year-old boy was arrested for constructing a clock and showing it to his teacher at MacArthur High School.  Ahmed Mohamed, has a fondness for engineering, science and robotics.  He loves to invent things and has a big future in my opinion.  However, he was humiliated for his hobby after a clock he made was mistaken for a hoax bomb.  Mohamed was taken to a juvenile detention center.

He was interrogated by the principal of his school as well as five officers. They demanded that he make a written statement or be expelled. Social media has exploded with outrage. The hashtag #IStandWithAhmed has been trending with mostly positive comments. However, some people are attacking the young boy. These attackers stem from the conservative right-wing Christian population.

It is sad that Ahmed had to face this situation. However, I understand that the rhetoric "see something say something" has made many of us overly paranoid. While clocks are often thought of as being associated with bombs, I think the teacher should have resorted to logic. Would someone who made a bomb be dumb enough to show it off?  To my knowledge, bombers tend to hide bombs!  Take the suicide bombers in Israel and the Boston bombers for example.  These sick individuals hid their bomb in their clothing and book bags.

I feel the problem rests on the islamophobia being propagated in the United States. Muslims or anything related to Islam is automatically labeled as suspect or terrorism.  That is unfortunate indeed. Ahmed reminds me of myself when I was his age and was working with my science teachers on several projects, including building things. In my opinion, Ahmed would be a son I would like to have who is focused on education instead of the nonsense corrupting our youth in popular culture.

I can only imagine the trauma this boy received internally.  He already stated that he felt like he was a criminal.  This should not be the way we reward kids for doing good things.  


Enceladus Has Global Ocean

Thanks to the Cassini spacecraft, it is believed that Saturn's largest moon, Enceladus has a global ocean. Cassini detected a slight wobble in the moon indicating that liquid underneath the moon's icy crust is present and moving.  An ocean under the surface increases the odds of finding life. This ocean under the crust of Enceladus maintains its liquid form due to Saturn's gravitational pull which creates friction and keeps the ocean from freezing.  The presence of jets spewing vapor into space is further evidence that this is the case.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Planned Parenthood Video "A valid exchange" (fetal parts sales)

A new video was released by the Center for Medical Progress.  In this video, a Planned Parenthood executive states that the sale of fetal parts is a "a valid exchange" that "generate a fair amount of income." 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Office Depot Apologizes to Pro-Life Advocate

Office Depot has caved in after offending pro-lifers by refusing to make copies of a Priests for Life flyer containing a prayer and facts about Planned Parenthood's evil business see:  The company apologized to the customer Maria Goldstein.  In a statement, Karen Denning, a spokeswoman wrote:

"Office Depot has contacted Ms. Goldsteins’s representative to explain that the store associate’s decision to decline a print order was in no way based on religious beliefs, but on the fact that it contained certain words and phrases that could be construed as graphic or advocates the persecution of groups of people, which is a violation of the company’s copy and print policy. Office Depot has long maintained a policy of not allowing associates to print items that violate copyright laws, advocate persecution of any group or contain graphic material.  Upon a more detailed review, we have determined that the content of Ms. Goldstein’s flyer is not a clear violation of the company’s policy."

The apology comes after many protested and the Thomas More society got involved. Office Depot is now offering to print the flyer.  Hopefully they will not repeat this same discrimination.  All religious people and pro-lifers must not allowed themselves to be bullied.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Take Up The Cross, Follow Me & Put Your Faith To Work

Faith without works is dead. Our Lord expects us to not just believe, but to put that "believe" to work.  I have been trying to do this for a few years now online and need your help. Please donate at: and put your faith into action by helping me continue and expand this work.  Thanks and God bless you for your help.


In today's first reading, we see the foretelling of what happened in last week's Gospel with Jesus healing the deaf and mute man (see: This first reading is also a foretelling of what Christ would go through in His passion.  He would be beaten, spat on and humiliated but would return no response to the violence (1 Peter 2:23).  We too much "turn the other cheek" and not return evil for evil or violence for violence (Matthew 5:38-48).  God is our help and our protection (Psalm 46:1, Psalm 28:7).  Let those who hate us and oppose us come forward; let them mock us and hate us (2 Peter 3:3).  God is with us (Psalm 46).  As long as we stay in God's truth, no one can prove us wrong.  We must walk with God in this life as the Psalm for today tells us.

Walking with God in the "land of the living" is a must, like the responsorial Psalm tells us.  God is always with us listening to our supplications (1 John 5:14, Psalm 66:19).  He may not answer every prayer, but He knows of them and what is in our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 17:10).  All kinds of evil can encircle us, but God will be there to save us (Psalm 22:16, Psalm 27:2).  God will rescue us from whatever may come to us, but we must be just and loyal to Him. Our faith must a living faith that works, not a dead one as the second reading tells us.

What good is belief without the exercise of that belief?  What good is faith if that faith is not put to practice?  St. Paul asks this question and states that such a faith does not save.  He is correct!  How can we be Catholic, believe in God and the teachings of the Church but refuse to help others and spread our faith?  What good is our faith in that regard?  Atheists criticize all Christians about this.  Many times when we see a homeless person or someone in need, we simply tell them "I will pray for you" instead of helping them with their material needs.  We say, "go in peace, keep warm, and eat well" as the reading tells us. This is not genuine Christianity.  We must put our faith into practice by not only believing in God but also by helping others (Matthew 5:42, Matthew 25:35-40). Today, many parishes are closing because of lack of participation and donations. We must do our best to help our parishes grow by participating and donating. It is in giving that we receive (Luke 6:38). Last week I shared a personal story of encountering homeless people in the streets of the Bronx. I can tell you first hand how good it is to help others in many ways, not just spiritually. Giving to others may seem strange.  Why should I give my hard earned money to others? The act of giving shows that we deny ourselves to serve God and others as we read in the Gospel.   It may seem strange, but it is a way to spiritually mature.  We may not always understand God's ways as we read in the Gospel today.

In today's Gospel, Jesus and His disciples went out to Caesarea Philippi. While traveling there Jesus asks the disciples "Who do people say that I am?"  They respond that the people think He is John the Baptist, Elijah or one of the other prophets.  Jesus then asks them, "who do you say that I am?"  Peter takes speaks first showing his leadership and tells Jesus, "You are the Christ."  Jesus then tells them not to say anything. He does this to avoid the fanaticism that would take place if people learned too fast who He really was.  Jesus then teaches them that He has to suffer greatly and would be rejected by the elders, chief priests etc which is connected to today's first reading.  He would then be killed but wil rise after three days. Peter took this news bad and rebuked Jesus, but Jesus told Him and said "Get behind me, Satan.  You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do." Jesus was referring to His passion, death and resurrection.  Peter did not understand this and rebuked Jesus.  Jesus told Peter "Get behind me, Satan" because Satan is the one who would have something to protest about regarding Jesus' passion, death and resurrection.  It was in this moment that Jesus crushed the serpent's head so naturally Satan would not want Jesus to carry out what was supposed to happen (Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalm 68:21).  Peter did not understand because he did not have the Holy Spirit yet (John 14, John 13:16).  We too may not understand things until we pray to the Holy Spirit to come and enlighten us (Isaiah 11:2). Many times, we try to rationalize things via our human understanding.  Atheists tend to do this a lot.  They see things via the lens of materialism and what they believe to be logic.  This is why they have a hard time understanding God and the things of God (Romans 11:33).  We wonder many times why God allows evil.

On Friday we were reminded once again of the horrific attacks against America. These things do not make sense to us yet we hear so much about "God's plan" in regards to the course of events.  No one can understand God's mind and why He allows certain things that we find horrendous (1 Corinthians 2:16, Romans 11:34). We trust that all things will lead to a greater good (Romans 8:28).  As followers of Christ, we must accept the cross and be prepared to suffer and possibly lose our lives for Him (Luke 14:27). We must deny ourselves and let Christ transform us (2 Corinthians 3:18). This does not mean that we cease having an identity. What this means is that we are restored to what God designed, not the fallen state that we are in now. Let us trust God always; put our faith into practice; not become a "Satan" attempting to thwart God's will and be prepared to carry the cross and suffer for Christ and the Gospel.  May Jesus Christ be praised.  


Saturday, September 12, 2015

La ignorancia de los Pentecostales: Imágenes

La ignorancia de los Pentecostales:

Ellos afirman que los católicos adoran ídolos . Esto es una mentira. Las mentiras son de Satanás el padre de la mentira (Juan 8:44).  Estatuas en iglesias sirven como recordatorios. No sustituyen a Dios .  Dios mismo ordenó la construcción de una imagen en Éxodo 25: 10-22, dice:

“10 Harán también un arca de madera de acacia; su longitud será de dos codos[a] y medio, su anchura de un codo y medio, y su altura de un codo y medio. 11 Y la revestirás de oro puro; por dentro y por fuera la revestirás, y harás una moldura de oro alrededor de[b] ella. 12 Además fundirás para ella cuatro argollas de oro, y las pondrás en sus cuatro esquinas[c]; dos argollas a un lado de ella y dos argollas al otro lado[d]. 13 También harás varas de madera de acacia y las revestirás de oro. 14 Y meterás las varas por las argollas a los lados del arca, para llevar el arca con ellas. 15 Las varas permanecerán[e] en las argollas del arca; no serán quitadas de ella. 16 Y pondrás en el arca el testimonio que yo te daré. 17 Harás además un propiciatorio de oro puro; su longitud será de dos codos y medio, y su anchura de un codo y medio. 18 Harás igualmente dos querubines de oro; los harás de oro labrado a martillo, en[f] los dos extremos del propiciatorio.19 Harás un querubín en[g] un extremo y el otro en[h] el otro extremo; harás el propiciatorio con los querubines en sus dos extremos de una sola pieza. 20 Y los querubines tendrán extendidas las alas hacia arriba, cubriendo el propiciatorio con sus alas, uno frente al otro[i]; los rostros de los querubines estarán vueltos hacia el propiciatorio. 21 Y pondrás el propiciatorio encima del arca, y en el arca pondrás el testimonio que yo te daré. 22 Allí me encontraré contigo, y de sobre el propiciatorio, de entre los dos querubines que están sobre el arca del testimonio, te hablaré acerca de todo lo que he de darte por mandamiento para los hijos de Israel.”

No sólomente Dios ordeno la contrucción del arca con dos estatuas de ángeles (querubines) de oro, pero la gente también se arrodillaron y se postraron ante él para orar.  Miren a Josué 7:6:
“6 Entonces Josué rasgó sus vestidos y postró su rostro en tierra delante del arca del SEÑOR hasta el anochecer, él y los ancianos de Israel; y echaron polvo sobre sus cabezas.”

Los ídolos mencionadas en otras partes de la Biblia no son estatuas católicas. Estos ídolos son de los dioses de los cananeos:  Baal , Asera y Astarté.

Si un pastor pentecostal estudió realmente la Biblia , él o ella no haría declaraciones falsas. Cada erudito bíblico, católica y no católica sabe que las referencias de ídolos son deidades cananeas.

Friday, September 11, 2015

9-11-01 - We Will Never Forget

Today is the anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks on the United States of America in 2001.  This was 14 years ago!  I remember this day like if it was yesterday.  The images and sounds are vivid in my memory.  
September 11 will always be a date engraved in the minds and hearts of all who witnessed it, whether in person or on television. The events were indeed horrific. Planes were hijacked, people killed on them.

Those same planes were used as missiles by terrorists who crashed them into the World Trade Center's "Twin Towers" and the Pentagon. Another plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after the brave passengers thwarted the terrorist's plans to use the plane as another weapon - possibly aimed for the Capitol building or White House by saying "Let's roll" and ambushing the terrorists  Today we are facing more terrorist threats from a group called ISIS/ISIL who is determine to bring an "Islamic State" to the world following a delusional ultra conservative rule of Islam.  They have been taking over regions in Iraq and Syria forcing migrants to flee; beheaded Americans, raped women and young boys as well as slaughtered religious minorities, many of them who are Christian.   There is so much evil in the world that it has us all in shock.

There are many questions we ask. One is why.
Why did this happen?

How can people be so evil to even think up these ideas and carry them out?

The answer is sin. The infection of original sin is transmitted by concupiscence as St. Augustine tells us. Concupiscence is a strong desire to seek what is bad and evil.  Evil, general bad things and sin appear to be fun or useful to humanity because of concupiscence.  Even good things are often perverted and used to do evil as well.   It is the "Id" gone wild, so to speak.

Some anti religious people claim religion caused Sept 11; however, that is not so. This concupiscence or desire to do evil is the root cause. Terrorists hijacked Islam in order to carry out these heinous attacks in the name of God. The reason was not religion itself, but politics. Those who feel the United States of America is an unwanted presence in the Middle East came up with a plan to bring this nation to its knees.  

That plan in 2001 did bring the USA to it knees, but not in defeat. It brought us to prayer. America was reminded that while it is a super power, it is not the be all end all of the globe.

Unfortunately, America has been spreading many ideas that feed concupiscence.  In a nation that kills its own unborn children and which promotes promiscuity in the guise of "safe sex," attempts to pervert marriage with all kinds of strange variations. Those who are spiritually mature can see the real battle that is going on between evil and good. (Eph 6:12)  Like Communist Russia, the USA has made many errors run rampant throughout the globe.  These Islamic terrorists are using the faults of America to brainwash followers to go out and kill Americans who they view as being part of a Christian nation.  Christianity is presented as a false religion that needs to be eradicated along with America and other Western nations.

September 11 reminded us that we are not gods. We cannot live in this life thinking that nothing will happen or that we control every aspect of space, time and matter. America is not immortal.  Unfortunately, America learned this lesson the hard way.  Nevertheless, it was beautiful to see this nation become "e pluribus unum" in the days that followed the attack.  Everyone united despite differences. Churches, Synagogues, Mosques were full nearly every day. Everyone prayed, helped each other in a spirit of goodwill.  If only this would have continued even til today in 2015!
On September 14, 2001 President Bush declared the day the National Day of Prayer & Remembrance. Ironically on this date the Catholic Church celebrates the Triumph of the Holy Cross. It is also ironic that among the piles of dust, twisted steel beams and other debris, all that remained were 2 beams in the form of a Cross.

Was God telling us something? We cannot know for sure, but coincidences do not exist. Anything that happens in life has some reason.  It is Divine Providence at work.
But why would God allow this violent event to happen and use it to give a message?
Why the loss of innocent people?

Those questions can go either way. However, we do know God brings good out of evil.

God is not evil, nor does the presence of evil take away from his all good essence. Evil is the absence of good. God sometimes allows evil to happen in order to bring good out of it. That good can be anything He wills.

Unfortunately it does take a bad event to wake people up.
Why can't people be united, help each other every day?
Why does it take a tragedy to bring everyone together?
Sometimes kids don't listen when parents calmly tell them to stop doing something that will harm them. It isn't until mom and dad raises his/her voice or uses some other form of discipline that the child presents his/her attention.

Humanity as a whole being God's children are not any different. God does sometimes use a strong way to get humanity's attention. We must pray, meditate, and grow spiritually in order to see what God's will is. America needs to wake up and not go the way of the Greeks and Romans whose societies became so licentious that anything and everything was allowed. There was no moral/immoral distinction; everything was "good."

Today we see abortion where some argue till they turn blue claiming that it is a good.  They will distort Biology and Embryology, even ontology in order to present Abortion as a mere surgical procedure instead of the murder of a human being.

Others push for marriage between same sex couples and the nation's highest court legalized it.  Laws and regulations are being passed to allow transgendered people to use either bathroom. Transgendered people are viewed as courageous while veterans are ignored.  Now they even want to make pedophilia normal.  This is an abuse of freedom.  It is a complete neglect of morals and conscience.  Society is reverting back to primitive times.  

Where is the line between sanity/insanity and morality/immorality? America must pray, follow the Lord's will be truly be a Nation under God.

Yesterday two rainbows appeared to be emanating from the World Trade Center site. This should serve as a reminder that we must be at peace with God and one another.  Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011 and America has changed a lot since the attacks he planned and had carried out.  We have more security, have troops all over the globe.  However, have we changed our moral fabric which is dissolving?

Secularism is on the rise in America.  Democrats booed God at their convention in the last election and throughout America clubs promoting secularism and atheism are appearing in high schools and colleges.  They are confusing our youth and distorting God's word in order to make it seem as a 'fairy tale.'  Our nation is imploding.      

As 2 Chronicles 7:14 says: " if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Let us pray to the Lord, keep His will and Commandments alive. We must worship God, love God and one another; not attempt to make ourselves God and oppress our brothers and sisters born or preborn.  We must not attempt to rewrite the Natural Law and redefine sex and marriage in order to appease evil intrinsic sexual deviance.

Let us pray for the brave souls of September 11, 2001

Aamoth, Jr., Gordon M. • Abad, Edelmiro • Abad, Maria Rose • Abate, Andrew Anthony • Abate, Vincent • Abel, Laurence Christopher • Abraham, Alona • Abrahamson, William F. • Aceto, Richard Anthony • Ackermann, Heinrich Bernhard • Acquaviva, Paul • Adams, Donald LaRoy • Adams, Patrick • Adams, Shannon Lewis • Adams, Stephen George • Adanga, Ignatius Udo • Addamo, Christy A. • Adderley, Jr., Terence E. • Addo, Sophia B • Adler, Lee • Afflitto, Daniel Thomas •Afuakwah, Emmanuel Akwasi • Agarwal, Alok • Agarwala, Mukul Kumar • Agnello, Joseph • Agnes, David Scott • Aguiar, Jr., Joao Alberto da Fonsec • Ahearn, Brian G. • Ahern, Jeremiah Joseph • Ahladiotis, Joanne Marie • Ahmed, Shabbir • Aiken, Terrance Andre • Ajala, Godwin • Alagero, Gertrude M. • Alameno, Andrew • Alario, Margaret Ann • Albero, Gary M • Albert, Jon Leslie • Alderman, Peter Craig • Aldridge, Jacquelyn Delaine • Alger, David D. • Alikakos, Ernest • Allegretto, Edward L. • Allen, Eric • Allen, Joseph Ryan • Allen, Richard Dennis • Allen, Richard L. • Allingham, Christopher E. • Allison, Anna • Alonso, Janet M. • Alvarado, Anthony • Alvarez, Antonio Javier • Alvarez-Brito, Victoria • Alvear, Telmo E. • Alviar, Cesar Amoranto • Amanullah, Tariq • Amaranto, Angelo • Amato, James M. • Amatuccio, Joseph • Amoroso, Christopher Charles • Anai, Kazuhiro • Anaya, Jr., Calixto • Anchundia, Joseph • Anderson, Kermit Charles • Anderson, Yvette Constance • Edwards-Angell, Mary Lynn • Andreacchio, John • Andrews, Michael Rourke • Andrucki, Jean Ann • Ang, Siew-Nya • Angelini, Jr., Joseph John • Angelini, Sr., Joseph • Angell, David Lawrence • Angilletta, Laura • Angrisani, Doreen J. • Antigua, Lorraine • Aoyama, Seima David • Apollo, Peter Paul • Apostol, Jr., Faustino • Aquilino, Frank Thomas • Aranyos, Patrick Michael • Arce, David Gregory • Arczynski, Michael George • Arena, Louis • Arestegui, Barbara Jean • Arias, Adam P • Armstrong, Michael • Aron, Jack Charles • Aron, Joshua • Aronow, Richard Avery • Aronson, Myra Joy • Aryee, Japhet Jesse • Asaro, Carl Francis • Asciak, Michael • Asher, Michael Edward • Ashley, Janice Marie • Ashton, Thomas J • Asitimbay, Manuel O. • Atlas, Gregg Arthur • Atwood, Gerald Thomas • Audiffred, James • Aversano, Jr., Louis Frank • Aviles, Ezra • Ayala, Sandy Babakitis, Arlene T. • Bacchus, Eustace P • Badagliacca, John J. • Baeszler, Jane Ellen • Baierwalter, Robert J. • Bailey, Andrew J. • Bailey, Brett T. • Bailey, Garnet Edward • Bakalinskaya, Tatyana • Baksh, Michael S. • Balkcom, Sharon M. • Bane, Michael Andrew • Bantis, Katherine • Baptiste, Gerard • Baran, Walter • Barbara, Gerard A. • Barbaro, Paul Vincent • Barbella, James William • Barbosa, Ivan Kyrillos F. • Barbosa, Victor Daniel • Barbuto, Christine • Barkow, Colleen Ann • Barkway, David Michael • Barnes, Matthew • Barnes, Sheila Patricia • Baron, Evan J • Barrett-Arjune, Renee • Barry, Arthur Thaddeus • Barry, Diane G. • Barry, Maurice Vincent • Bart, Scott D. • Bartels, Carlton W. • Barzvi, Guy • Basina, Inna B • Basmajian, Alysia • Basnicki, Kenneth William • Bates, Steven Joseph • Battaglia, Paul James • Bauer, Jr., W. David • Bautista, Marlyn Capito • Bavis, Mark Lawrence • Baxter, Jasper • Beale, Michele • Beatini, Paul Frederick • Beatty, Jane S • Beck, Lawrence Ira • Beckles, Manette Marie • Bedigian, Carl John • Beekman, Michael Earnest • Behr, Maria A • Belilovsky, Yelena • Bell, Nina Patrice • Bellows, Debbie S • Belson, Stephen Elliot • Benedetti, Paul M. • Benedetto, Denise Lenore • Bennett, Bryan Craig • Bennett, Eric L. • Bennett, Oliver Duncan • Benson, Margaret L. • Berardi, Dominick J • Berger, James Patrick • Berger, Steven Howard • Bergin, John P. • Bergsohn, Alvin • Bergstein, Daniel • Berkeley, Graham Andrew • Berkeley, Michael J. • Bernaerts, Donna M. • Bernard, David W. • Bernstein, William • Berray, David M. • Berry, David S • Berry, Joseph J. • Bethke, William Reed • Betterly, Timothy • Beug, Carolyn • Beyea, Edward Frank • Beyer, Paul Michael • Bharvaney, Anil Tahilram • Bhukhan, Bella J. • Biegeleisen, Shimmy D. • Bielfeld, Peter Alexander • Biggart, William G • Bilcher, Brian Eugene • Bini, Carl Vincent • Bird, Gary Eugene • Birnbaum, Joshua David • Bishop, George John • Bittner, Jeffrey Donald • Blackman, Jr., Albert Balewa • Blackwell, Christopher Joseph • Blair, Susan Leigh • Blanding, Jr., Harry • Blaney, Janice Lee • Blass, Craig Michael • Blau, Rita • Blood, Jr., Richard Middleton • Boccardi, Michael Andrew • Bocchi, John P. • Bocchino, Michael Leopoldo • Bochino, Susan M. • Boehm, Bruce D. • Boffa, Mary Catherine • Bogdan, Nicholas Andrew • Bohan, Darren Christopher • Boisseau, Lawrence Francis • Boland, Jr., Vincent M • Bolourchi, Touri Hamzavi • Bondarenko, Alan • Bonheur Jr., Andre • Bonnett, Colin Arthur • Bonomo, Frank • Bonomo, Yvonne Lucia • Booker, Seaon • Booms, Kelly Ann • Bordeaux, Sherry Ann • Cahill, John Brett • Cahill, Michael John • Cahill, Scott Walter • Cahill, Thomas Joseph • Cain, George • Calabro, Salvatore B. • Calandrillo, Joseph M. • Calcagno, Philip V • Calderon, Edward • Caldwell, Kenneth Marcus • Calia, Dominick Enrico • Calixte, Felix • Callahan, Francis Joseph • Callahan, Liam • Calvi, Luigi • Camaj, Roko • Cammarata, Michael F. • Campbell, David Otey • Campbell, Geoffrey Thomas • Campbell, Jill Marie • Campbell, Robert Arthur • Campbell, Sandra Patricia • Canavan, Sean Thomas • Candela, John A. • Cangelosi, Vincent • Cangialosi, Stephen J • Cannava, Lisa Bella • Cannizzaro, Brian • Canty, Michael • Caporicci, Louis Anthony • Cappello, Jonathan Neff • Cappers, James Christopher • Caproni, Richard Michael • Cardona, Jose Manuel • Carey, Dennis M • Carlino, Edward • Carlo, Michael Scott • Carlone, David G. • Carlson, Rosemarie C. • Carney, Mark Stephen • Carpeneto, Joyce Ann • Carpio, Bautista Ivhan Luis • Carrington, Jeremy M • Carroll, Michael • Carroll, Peter • Carson, Jr., James Joseph • Carstanjen, Christoffer Mikael • Carter, Marcia Cecil • Cartier, James Marcel • Casalduc, Vivian • Casazza, John Francis • Cascio, Paul R • Casey, Neilie Anne Heffernan • Casoria, Thomas Anthony • Caspar, William Otto • Castano, Alejandro • Castillo, Arcelia • Castrianno, Leonard M. • Castro, Jose Ramon • Catarelli, Richard G. • Caton, Christopher Sean • Caufield, Robert John • Caulfield, Mary Teresa • Cavalier, Judson • Cawley, Michael Joseph • Cayne, Jason David • Ceballos, Juan Armando • Cefalu, Jason Michael • Celic, Thomas Joseph • Centeno, Ana Mercedes • Cesta, Joni • Chairnoff, Jeffrey Marc • Chalasani, Swarna • Chalcoff, William • Chalouh, Eli • Chan, Charles Lawrence • Chang, Mandy • Charette, Mark Lawrence • Bordenabe, Krystine • Boryczewski, Martin • Bosco, Richard Edward • Bothe, Klaus • Bouchard, Carol Marie • Boulton, John H • Bourdier, Francisco Eligio • Bowden, Jr., Thomas Harold • Bowers, Kimberly S • Bowers, Veronique Nicole • Bowman, Jr., Shawn Edward • Bowman, Larry • Bowser, Kevin L. • Box, Gary R. • Boyarsky, Gennady • Boyce, Pamela • Boyle, Michael • Braca, Alfred • Bracken, Kevin Hugh • Brady, David Brian • Braginsky, Alexander • Brandemarti, Nicholas W • Brandhorst, Daniel Raymond • Brandhorst, David Reed Gamboa • Bratton, Michelle Renee • Braut, Patrice • Bravo, Lydia E. • Breitweiser, Ronald Michael • Brennan III, Edward A. • Brennan, Francis Henry • Brennan, Michael E. • Brennan, Peter • Brennan, Thomas M. • Brethel, Daniel J. • Bright, Gary Lee • Briley, Jonathan • Brisman, Mark A. • Bristow, Paul Gary • Broderick, Mark Francis • Broghammer, Herman Charles • Broomfield, Keith A • Brown, Janice Juloise • Brown, Lloyd Stanford • Brown, Patrick J. • Browne, Bettina • Bruce, Mark • Bruehert, Richard George • Brunn, Andrew • Brunton, Vincent Edward • Bucca, Ronald Paul • Buchanan, Brandon J. • Buck, Gregory Joseph • Buckley, Dennis • Bueche, Nancy Clare • Buhse, Patrick Joseph • Bulaga, Jr., John Edward • Bunin, Stephen • Burke, Jr., William Francis • Burke, Matthew J. • Burke, Thomas Daniel • Burns, Donald J. • Burns, Kathleen Anne • Burns, Keith James • Burnside, John Patrick • Buslo, Irina • Bustillo, Milton G • Butler, Thomas M. • Byrne, Patrick Dennis • Byrne, Timothy GCCabezas, Jesus Neptali • Caceres, Lillian • Cachia, Brian Joseph • Cafiero, Jr., Steven Dennis • Caggiano, Richard M. • Caguicla, Cecile Marella • Chavez, Gregorio Manuel • Cheatham, Delrose E. • Checo, Pedro Francisco • Cherry, Douglas MacMillan • Cherry, Stephen Patrick • Cherry, Vernon Paul • Chevalier, Nestor • Chevalier, Swede • Chiang, Alexander H • Chiarchiaro, Dorothy J. • Chimbo, Luis Alfonso • Chin, Robert • Ching, Wing Wai • Chiofalo, Nicholas Paul • Chipura, John Gerard • Chirchirillo, Peter A. • Chirls, Catherine • Cho, Kyung Hee • Chowdhury, Abul K. • Chowdhury, Mohammad Salahuddin • Christophe, Kirsten L • Chu, Pamela • Chucknick, Steven Paul • Chung, Wai • Ciafardini, Christopher • Ciccone, Alex F. • Cilente, Frances Ann • Cillo, Elaine • Cintron III, Nestor Andre • Cintron, Edna • Cirri, Robert Dominick • Cisneros, Juan Pablo • Clark, Benjamin Keefe • Clark, Eugene • Clark, Gregory Alan • Clark, Mannie Leroy • Clark, Thomas R • Clarke, Christopher Robert • Clarke, Donna Marie • Clarke, Michael J. • Clarke, Suria Rachel Emma • Cleary, Kevin Francis • Cleere, James D • Cloud, Geoffrey W. • Clyne, Susan Marie • Coakley, Steven • Coale, Jeffrey Alan • Cody, Patricia A. • Coffey, Daniel Michael • Coffey, Jason M. • Cohen, Florence G. • Cohen, Kevin Sanford • Coladonato, Anthony Joseph • Colaio, Mark Joseph • Colaio, Stephen • Colasanti, Christopher M. • Colbert, Kevin Nathaniel • Colbert, Michel P. • Coleman, Keith E. • Coleman, Scott Thomas • Coleman, Tarel • Colhoun, Liam Joseph • Colin, Robert D • Coll, Robert J. • Collin, Jean Marie • Collins, John Michael • Collins, Michael L. • Collins, Thomas J • Collison, Joseph K • Collman, Jeffrey Dwayne • Colodner, Patricia Malia • Colon, Linda M. • Colon, Sol E. • Comer, Ronald Edward • Conaty Brace, Sandra Jolane • Concepcion, Jaime • Conde, Albert • Conley, Denease • Conlon, Susan P • Conner, Margaret Mary • Connolly, Cynthia Marie Lise • Connolly, Jr, John E. • Connor, James Lee • Connors, Jonathan M. • Connors, Kevin Patrick • Conroy, Kevin F. • Conway, Brenda E. • Cook, Dennis Michael • Cook, Helen D. • Coombs, Jeffrey W. • Cooper, John A • Coppo, Jr., Joseph John • Coppola, Gerard J. • Corbett, Joseph Albert • Corcoran, III, John J. • Cordero, Alejandro • Cordice, Robert Joseph • Correa, Ruben D. • Correa-Gutierrez, Danny A. • Corrigan, James J. • Cortes, Carlos • Cosgrove, Kevin • Costa, Dolores Marie • Costanza, Digna Alexandra • Costello Jr., Charles Gregory • Costello, Michael S • Cottoy, Conrod K • Coughlan, Martin John • Coughlin, John Gerard • Coughlin, Timothy J • Cove, James E. • Cox, Andre • Cox, Frederick John • Coyle, James Raymond • Coyle-Eulau, Michele • Cramer, Anne Marie • Cramer, Christopher Seton • Crant, Denise Elizabeth • Crawford, Jr., James Leslie • Crawford, Robert James • Creamer, Tara Kathleen • Cregan, Joanne Mary • Crifasi, Lucy • Crisci, John A • Crisman, Daniel Hal • Cross, Dennis • Crotty, Kevin Raymond • Crotty, Thomas G • Crowe, John • Crowther, Welles Remy • Cruikshank, Robert L • Cruz, John Robert • Cua, Grace Yu • Cubas, Kenneth John • Cubero, Francisco Cruz • Cuccinello, Thelma • Cudina, Richard J. • Cudmore, Neil James • Cullen lll, Thomas Patrick • Cummings, Joyce • Cummins, Brian Thomas • Cunningham, Michael Joseph • Curatolo, Robert • Curia, Laurence Damian • Curioli, Paul Dario • Currivan, Patrick Joseph • Curry Green, Andrew Peter Charles • Curry, Beverly • Curtin, Michael Sean • Cushny, Gavin D Da Mota, Manuel John • Dack, Caleb Arron • DaCosta, Carlos S. • Dale, Brian Paul • D’Allara, John • D’Amadeo, Vincent Gerard • Damaskinos, Thomas A. • D’Ambrosi, Jack • Damiani-Jones, Jeannine Marie • Danahy, Patrick W. • D’Antonio, Mary • Danz, Vincent • Darcy, Dwight Donald • Darling, Elizabeth Ann • Dataram, Annette Andrea • D’Atri, Edward A. • D’Auria, Michael D. • Davidson, Lawrence • Davidson, Michael Allen • Davidson, Scott Matthew • Davidson, Titus • Davila, Niurka • Davis, Clinton • Davis, Wayne Terrial • Dawson, Anthony Richard • Dawson, Calvin • Day, Edward James • de Araujo, Dorothy Alma • de Chavez, Jayceryll • De Jesus, Jennifer • De Jesus, Monique E. • De Jesus, Nereida • De La Pena, Emerita • de la Torre, Azucena Maria • De Pena, Jose Nicolas • De Santis, Jemal Legesse • De Simone, Christian Louis • De Vere, Melanie Louise • Dean, William Thomas • DeAngelis Jr., Robert J. • DeAngelis, Thomas Patrick • Debek, Tara E. • DeBin, Anna Marjia • DeBlase, James V. • DeCola, Paul • Dedvukaj, Simon Marash • Defazio, Jason Christopher • DeFeo, David A. • Del Valle Jr., Manuel • Delapenha, Donald Arthur • DeLeo, Vito Joseph • Delie, Danielle Anne • Della Pietra, Joseph A. • DellaBella, Andrea • Delligatti, Palmina • Deloughery, Colleen Ann • DeMartini, Francis Albert • Demas, Anthony • DeMeo, Martin N • Deming, Francis • Demitz, Carol K. • Dennis, Kevin • Dennis, Thomas F. • DePalma, Jean • Deraney, Robert John • DeRienzo, Michael • DeRubbio, David Paul • Desimone III, Edward • Desperito, Andrew • D’Esposito, Michael Jude • Deuel, Cindy Ann • Devito, Jerry • Devitt, Jr., Robert P. • Devlin, Dennis Lawrence • Dewan, Gerard • Dhanani, Sulemanali Kassamali • Di Chiaro, Patricia Florence • Di Martino, Debra Ann • DiAgostino, Michael Louis • Diaz, Matthew • Diaz, Nancy • Diaz-Piedra III, Michael A • Diaz-Sierra, Judith Berquis • Dickey, Jr., Joseph Dermot • Dickinson, Lawrence Patrick • Diehl, Michael D. • Difato, John • Difazio, Vincent • DiFranco, Carl Anthony • Difranco, Donald • Dimeglio, David • Dimino, Stephen Patrick • Dimmling, William John • DiNardo Schorpp, Marisa • Dincuff, Christopher M • Dingle, Jeffrey Mark • Dionisio, Anthony • DiPasquale, George • Dipilato, Joseph • DiStefano, Douglas Frank • Ditullio, Donald Americo • Doany, Ramzi A. • Doherty, John Joseph • Doi, Melissa C. • Dolan, Brendan • Dollard, Neil Matthew • Domanico, James Joseph • Domingo, Benilda Pascua • Dominguez, Alberto • Dominguez, Carlos • Dominguez, Jerome Mark Patrick • Donnelly, Kevin W. • Donovan, Jacqueline • Dorf, Stephen Scott • Dowd, Thomas • Dowdell, Kevin Christopher • Dowling, Mary Yolanda • Downey, Raymond Mathew • Doyle, Frank Joseph • Doyle, Joseph Michael • Drake, Randall L. • Driscoll, Stephen Patrick • Duarte, Mirna A. • Dudek, Luke A. • Duffy, Christopher Michael • Duffy, Gerard • Duffy, Michael Joseph • Duffy, Thomas W. • Duger, Antoinette • Dukat, Sareve • Dunne, Christopher Joseph • Dunstan, Richard Anthony • Dwyer, PatrickThomasEEacobacci, Joseph Anthony • Eagleson, John Bruce • Eaton, Robert Douglas • Eberling, Dean Phillip • Echtermann, Margaret Ruth • Eckna, Paul Robert • Economos, Constantine • Edwards, Dennis Michael • Edwards, Michael Hardy • Egan Jr., Martin J. • Egan, Christine • Egan, Lisa • Egan, Michael • Egan, Samantha Martin • Eggert, Carole • Ehrlich, Lisa Caren • Eichler, John Ernst • Eisenberg, Eric Adam • Elder, Daphne Ferlinda • Elferis, Michael J • Ellis, Mark Joseph • Ellis, Valerie Silver • Elmarry, Albert Alfy William • Emery, Jr., Edgar Hendricks • Eng, Doris Suk-Yuen • Epps, Christopher • Ericson, Ulf Ramm • Erker, Erwin L. • Erwin, William John • Escarcega, Sarah Ali • Espinal, Jose • Espinoza, Fanny • Esposito, Bridget Ann • Esposito, Francis • Esposito, Michael • Esposito, William • Esquilin, Jr., Ruben • Ette, Sadie • Etzold, Barbara G. • Evans, Eric Brian • Evans, Robert Edward • Ewart, Meredith Emily June • Fagan, Catherine K. • Fagan, Patricia Mary • Fairben, Keith George • Fajardo-Smith, Sandra • Fallon, Jr., William Lawrence • Fallon, William F • Fallone, Jr., Anthony J • Fanelli, Dolores Brigitte • Fangman, Robert John • Fanning, John Joseph • Faragher, Kathleen Anne • Farino, Thomas James • Farley, Nancy Carole • Farley-Hackel, Paige Marie • Farmer, Elizabeth Ann • Farnum, Douglas Jon • Farrell, John • Farrell, John W. • Farrell, Terrence Patrick • Farrelly, Joseph D. • Farrelly, Thomas Patrick • Fatha, Syed Abdul • Faughnan, Christopher Edward • Faulkner, Wendy R. • Fava, Shannon Marie • Favuzza, Bernard D • Fazio, Jr., Robert • Fazio, Ronald Carl • Feehan, William • Feely, Francis Jude • Feeney, Garth Erin • Fegan, Sean B. • Fehling, Lee S. • Feidelberg, Peter Adam • Feinberg, Alan D. • Feliciano, Rosa Maria • Fergus, Jr., Edward Thomas • Ferguson, George III • Fernandez, Henry • Fernandez, Judy Hazel • Fernandez, Julio • Ferraina, Elisa Giselle • Ferreira, Anne Marie Sallerin • Ferris, Robert John • Ferrugio, David Francis • Fersini, Louis V • Ferugio, Michael David • Fetchet, Bradley James • Fialko, Jennifer Louise • Fiedel, Kristen Nicole • Fields, Samuel • Filipov, Alexander Milan • Finnegan, Michael Bradley • Finnerty, Timothy J. • Fiore, Michael Curtis • Fiorelli, Sr., Stephen • Fiori, Paul M. • Fiorito, John B • Fischer, John R • Fisher, Andrew • Fisher, Bennett Lawson • Fisher, John Roger • Fisher, Thomas J. • Fishman, Lucy A. • Fitzgerald, Ryan D. • Fitzpatrick, Thomas James • Fitzsimons, Richard P. • Fiumefreddo, Salvatore • Flannery, Christina Donovan • Flecha, Eileen • Fletcher, Andre G. • Flickinger, Carl M • Florio, John Joseph • Flounders, Joseph Walken • Flyzik, Carol Ann • Fodor, David • Fodor, Michael N. • Fogel, Stephen Mark • Foley, Thomas • Fontana, David J • Foo, Chih Min • Forde, Godwin • Foreman, Donald A • Forsythe, Christopher Hugh • Foster, Claudia Alicia • Foster, Noel John • Fosteris, Ana • Foti, Robert Joseph • Fox, Jeffrey • Fox, Virginia • Francis, Pauline • Francis, Virgin • Frank, Gary Jay • Frank, Morton H. • Frank, Peter Christopher • Fraser, Richard K. • Frawley, Kevin J. • Frazier, Jr., Clyde • Frederick, Lillian Inez • Fredricks, Andrew • Freeman, Tamitha • Freiman, Brett Owen • Freund, Peter L • Fried, Arlene Eva • Friedlander, Alan Wayne • Friedman, Andrew Keith • Friedman, Paul J • Froehner, Gregg J. • Frost, Lisa Anne • Fry, Peter Christian • Fumando, Clement A. • Furman, Steven Elliot • Furmato, Paul James • Fyfe, Karleton D.B.GGabler, Fredric Neal • Gabrielle, Richard Samuel Federick • Gadiel, James Andrew • Gaff, Pamela Lee • Gailliard, Ervin Vincent • Galante, Deanna Lynn • Galante, Grace Catherine • Gallagher, Anthony Edward • Gallagher, Daniel James • Gallagher, John Patrick • Galletti, Lourdes • Gallo, Cono E. • Gallucci, Vincenzo • Galvin, Thomas E. • Gambale, Giovanna Galletta • Gambino Jr., Thomas • Gamboa, Giann Franco • Gamboa, Ronald • Ganci, Peter • Gann, Claude Michael • Garbarini, Charles William • Garcia, Cesar R. • Garcia, David • Garcia, Juan • Garcia, Marlyn Del Carmen • Gardner III, Harvey J. • Gardner, Christopher S. • Gardner, Douglas Benjamin • Gardner, Jeffrey Brian • Gardner, Thomas A. • Gardner, William Arthur • Garfi, Francesco • Gargano, Rocco Nino • Gartenberg, James M. • Garvey, Matthew David • Gary, Bruce • Gatton, Boyd Alan • Gavagan Jr., Donald Richard • Gay, Peter Alan • Gazzani, Terence D. • Geidel, Gary Paul • Geier, Paul Hamilton • Geis, Julie M. • Gelinas, Peter G. • Geller, Steven Paul • Gelling, Howard G. • Genco, Jr., Peter Victor • Genovese, Steven Gregory • Gentul, Alayne • George, Linda M. • Geraghty, Edward F • Geraty, Suzanne • Gerhardt, Ralph • Gerlich, Robert • Germain, Denis P. • Gertsberg, Marina Romanovna • Getzendanner, Susan M. • Geyer, James G. • Giaccone, Joseph M. • Giammona, Vincent Francis • Gibbon, Debra Lynn • Giberson, James Andrew • Gibson, Craig Neil • Gies, Ronnie E • Giglio, Laura A. • Gilbert, Andrew Clive • Gilbert, Timothy Paul • Gilbey, Paul Stuart • Gill, Paul John • Gilles, Mark Y. • Gillette, Evan • Gilligan, Ronald Lawrence • Gillis, Rodney C. • Gilly, Laura • Ginley, John F. • Giordano, Donna Marie • Giordano, Jeffrey John • Giordano, John • Giorgetti, Steven A. • Giovinazzo, Martin • Girolamo, Kum-Kum • Gitto, Salvatore • Giugliano, Cynthia • Gjonbalaj, Mon • Gladstone, Dianne • Glascoe, Keith Alexander • Glasser, Thomas Irwin • Glazer, Edmund • Glenn, Harry • Glick, Barry H. • Glick, Steven • Gnazzo, John T. • Godshalk, William Robert • Gogliormella, Michael • Goldberg, Brian Fredric • Goldflam, Jeffrey Grant • Goldstein, Michelle • Goldstein, Monica • Goldstein, Steven • Golkin, Andrew H. • Gomes, Dennis James • Gomez, Enrique Antonio • Gomez, Jose Bienvenido • Gomez, Jr., Manuel • Gomez, Wilder Alfredo • Gonzalez, Jenine Nicole • Gonzalez, Mauricio • Gonzalez, Rosa • Goodchild, Lynn Catherine • Gooding, Calvin J. • Goodrich, Peter M. • Goody, Harry • Gopu, Kiran Reddy • Gorayeb, Catherine C. • Gordenstein, Lisa Reinhart • Gordon, Kerene • Gorki, Sebastian • Gorman, Kieran Joseph • Gorman, Thomas Edward • Gould, Michael Edward • Gowell, Douglas Alan • Goya, Yuji • Grabowski, Jon Richard • Grady, Christopher Michael • Graf III, Edwin J. • Graifman, David Martin • Granados, Gilbert Franco • Granitto, Elvira • Grant, Winston Arthur • Gray, Christopher S. • Gray, James Michael • Gray, Tara McCloud • Grayling, Linda Catherine • Grazioso, John M • Grazioso, Timothy George • Green, Derrick Auther • Green, Wade B. • Greenberg, Elaine Myra • Greene, Gayle R • Greenleaf, Jr., James Arthur • Greenstein, Eileen Marsha • Gregg, Elizabeth Martin • Gregory, Denise • Gregory, Donald H • Gregory, Florence Moran • Grehan, Pedro • Griffin, John Michael • Griffin, Tawanna Sherry • Griffith, Joan Donna • Grifka, Warren • Grijalvo, Ramon • Grillo, Joseph F. • Grimner, David Joseph • Grogan, Francis Edward • Grouzalis, Kenneth George • Grzelak, Joseph • Grzymalski, Matthew James • Gschaar, Robert Joseph • Gu, Liming • Guadalupe, Jose A. • Guan, Cindy Yan Zhu • Guja, Geoffrey E • Gullickson, Joseph Peter • Guman, Babita Girjamatie • Gurian, Douglas Brian • Gustafson, Janet Ruth • Guza, Philip T. • Guzzardo, Barbara • Gyulavary, Peter M.HHaag, Gary Robert • Haberman, Andrea Lyn • Habib, Barbara Mary • Haentzler, Philip • Hafiz, Nezam A. • Hagerty, Karen Elizabeth • Hagis, Steven Michael • Hague, Mary Lou • Halderman, David • Hale, Maile Rachel • Hall, Richard B. • Hall, Vaswald George • Halligan, Robert J. • Halloran, Vincent Gerard • Halvorson, James Douglas • Hamdani, Mohammad Salman • Hamilton, Felicia • Hamilton, Robert W. • Hammond, Jr., Carl Max • Han, Frederic K • Hanley, Christopher J. • Hanley, Sean S • Hanna, Valerie Joan • Hannafin, Thomas • Hannaford, Kevin James • Hannan, Michael Lawrence • Hannon, Dana R. • Hanson, Christine Lee • Hanson, Peter Burton • Hanson, Sue Kim • Haramis, Vassilios G. • Haran, James A. • Hardacre, Gerald Francis • Hardy, Jeffrey Pike • Hargrave, Timothy John • Harlin, Daniel Edward • Haros, Frances • Harrell, Harvey L. • Harrell, Stephen G • Harrington, Melissa Marie • Harris, Aisha Anne • Harris, Stewart Dennis • Hart, John Patrick • Hartono, Eric • Hartz, John Clinton • Harvey, Emeric • Hashem, Peter Paul • Haskell, Jr., Thomas Theodore • Haskell, Timothy • Hasson III, Joseph John • Hatton, Leonard W. • Hatton, Terence S • Haub, Michael Helmut • Haviland, Timothy Aaron • Havlish, Jr., Donald G. • Hawkins, Anthony Maurice • Hayatsu, Nobuhiro • Hayden, James Edward • Hayes, Philip • Hayes, Robert Jay • Haynes, William Ward • Hazelcorn, Scott Jordan • Healey, Michael K. • Heber, Roberta B. • Heeran, Charles Francis Xavier • Heffernan, John F. • Heller, Jr., Howard Joseph • Heltibridle, Joann L. • Hemschoot, Mark F. • Henderson, Ronnie Lee • Hennessey, Brian • Hennessy Jr., Edward R. • Henrique, Michelle Marie • Henry, Joseph Patrick • Henry, William • Henwood, John Christopher • Hepburn, Robert Allan • Herencia, Mary • Herkness III, Lindsay C. • Hermer, Harvey Robert • Hernandez, Claribel • Hernandez, Nuberto • Hernandez, Raul • Herold, Gary • Hersch, Jeffrey A. • Hetzel, Thomas • Hickey, Brian Christopher • Hidalgo Cedeno, Enemencio Dario • Higgins, Timothy • Higley II, Robert D. W. • Hill, Todd Russell • Hinds, Clara Victorine • Hinds, Neal O • Hindy, Mark D • Hirai, Katsuyuki • Ho, Heather Malia • Hobbs, Tara Yvette • Hobbs, Thomas Anderson • Hobin, James J. • Hobson, Robert Wayne • Hodges, DaJuan • Hoerner, Ronald George • Hoey, Patrick A. • Hofer, John A. • Hoffman, Marcia • Hoffman, Stephen G. • Hoffmann, Frederick Joseph • Hoffmann, Michele L • Hofmiller, Judith Florence • Hohlweck, Jr., Thomas Warren • Hohmann, Jonathan R. • Holland, Cora Hidalgo • Holland, John • Holland, Joseph F • Holmes, Elizabeth • Holohan, Thomas • Homer, Herbert Wilson • Hoorn, Bradley Van • Hopper, James P. • Hord, Montgomery McCullough • Horn, Michael Joseph • Horning, Matthew Douglas • Horohoe, Jr., Robert L • Horrocks, Michael Robert • Horwitz, Aaron • Houston, Charles • Houston, Uhuru G • Howard, George • Howell, Michael C • Howell, Steven Leon • Howley, Jennifer L. • Hromada, Milagros • Hrycak, Marian R. • Huczko, Jr., Stephen • Hughes, Jr., Robert T. • Hughes, Kris Robert • Hughes, Paul Rexford • Hughes, Thomas • Hughes, Timothy Robert • Huie, Susan • Hulse, Lamar • Humber, Jr., John Nicholas • Hunt, William Christopher • Hunt-Casey, Kathleen Anne • Hunter, Joseph Gerard • Hussa, Robert R • Hynes, Thomas Edward • Hynes, Walter G.IIanelli, Joseph Anthony • Ibis, Zuhtu • Ielpi, Jonathan Lee • Iken, Michael • Ilkanayev, Daniel • Ill, Jr., Frederick • Ilowitz, Abraham Nethanel • Infante, Jr., Anthony P. • Inghilterra, Jr., Louis S • Ingrassia, Christopher Noble • Innella, Paul • Irby, Stephanie Veronica • Irgang, Douglas Jason • Irvine Ryan, Kristin A. • Isaac, Todd Antione • Isbrandtsen, Erik • Ishikawa, Taizo • Iskandar, Waleed Joseph • Iskenderian, Jr., Aram • Iskyan, John F • Ito, Kazushige • Ivantsov, Aleksandr ValeryevichJJablonski, Virginia May • Jackman, Brooke Alexandra • Jacobs, Aaron Jeremy • Jacobs, Ariel Louis • Jacobs, Jason Kyle • Jacobs, Michael Grady • Jacobson, Steven A. • Jaggernauth, Ricknauth • Jagoda, Jake Denis • Jain, Yudh Vir Singh • Jakubiak, Maria • Jalbert, Robert Adrien • James, Ernest • James, Gricelda E. • Jardim, Mark Steven • Jarret, Amy N • Jawara, Muhammadou • Jean-Pierre, Francois • Jean-Pierre, Maxima • Jeffers, Paul Edward • Jeffries Sanchez, Alva Cynthia • Jenkins, John Charles • Jenkins, Jr., Joseph • Jensen, Alan Keith • Jerath, Prem N. • Jeudy, Farah • Jian, Hweidar • Jimenez, Jr., Eliezer • Jimenez, Jr., Luis • John, Charles Gregory • John, Nicholas • Johnson, LaShawna • Johnson, Scott Michael • Johnston, William R. • Jones III, Arthur Joseph • Jones, Allison Horstmann • Jones, Brian Leander • Jones, Charles Edward • Jones, Christopher D. • Jones, Donald T. • Jones, Donald W. • Dunn-Jones, Felicia • Jones, Linda • Jones, Mary S. • Jordan, Andrew B. • Jordan, Robert Thomas • Joseph, Albert Gunnis • Joseph, Ingeborg • Joseph, Karl Henry • Joseph, Stephen • Josiah, Jane Eileen • Jovic, Anthony • Juarbe, Jr., Angel L. • Juday, Karen Sue • Judge, Mychal F. • Jurgens, Paul William • Jurgens, ThomasEdwardKKadaba, Shashikiran Lakshmikantha • Kamardinova, Gavkharoy • Kandell, Shari • Kane, Howard Lee • Kane, Jennifer Lynn • Kane, Vincent D • Kang, Joon Koo • Kanter, Sheldon Robert • Kaplan, Deborah H. • Kaplan, Robin Lynne • Kappelmann, Jr., Alvin Peter • Karczewski, Charles • Karnes, William A. • Karpiloff, Douglas Gene • Kasper, Charles L. • Kates, Andrew K • Katsimatides, John • Kaulfers, Robert Michael • Kauth, Jr., Don Jerome • Kawauchi, Hideya • Keane, Edward T. • Keane, Richard M. • Kearney-Griffin, Lisa Yvonne • Keasler, Karol Ann • Keating, Barbara A. • Keating, Paul Hanlon • Keene III, Leo Russell • Keller, Joseph John • Kellerman, Peter R • Kellett, Joseph P. • Kelley, Jr., Frederick H. • Kelly, James Joseph • Kelly, Joseph A. • Kelly, Jr., Richard John • Kelly, Jr., William Hill • Kelly, Maurice P. • Kelly, Thomas Michael • Kelly, Thomas Richard • Kelly, Thomas W • Kelly, Timothy Colin • Kennedy, Robert Clinton • Kennedy, Thomas J. • Keohane, John R • Kershaw, Ralph Francis • Kerwin, Ronald T. • Kestenbaum, Howard L • Ketcham, Douglas D. • Ketler, Ruth Ellen • Khalif, Boris • Khan, Sarah • Khan, Taimour Firaz • Khandelwal, Rajesh • Khoo, SeiLai • Kiefer, Michael Vernon • Kikuchihara, Satoshi • Kim, Andrew Jay-Hoon • Kim, Lawrence D. • Kimelman, Mary Jo • Kimmig, Heinrich • King Jr., Robert • King, Amy R. • King, Andrew M. • King, Lucille Teresa • King-Johnson, Lisa • Kinney, Brian K. • Kinoshita, Takashi • Kirby, Chris Michael • Kirschbaum, Howard Barry • Kirwin, Glenn Davis • Kittle, Helen Crossin • Klares, Richard Joseph • Klein, Peter Anton • Kleinberg, Alan David • Klitzman, Karen Joyce • Kloepfer, Ronald Philip • Kniazev, Eugueni • Knox, Andrew • Knox, Thomas Patrick • Koborie, Rebecca Lee • Kobus, Deborah A • Koecheler, Gary Edward • Koestner, Frank J. • Kohart, Ryan • Kolpak, Vanessa Lynn • Kolpakova, Irina • Kondratenko, Suzanne • Kone, Abdoulaye • Koo, Bon Seok • Kopiczko, Dorota • Kopytko, Scott • Kostic, Bojan • Kousoulis, Danielle • Kovalcin, David P • Kren, John J. • Krukowski, William E. • Ksido, Lyudmila • Kumar, Shekhar • Kumpel, Kenneth Bruce • Kuo, Jr., Frederick • Kuras, Patricia • Kushitani, Nauka • Kuveikis, Thomas Joseph • Kwarkye, Victor • Kwok, Kui Fai • Kyte, Angela ReedLLa Corte, Andrew • LaBorie, Kathryn L. • Lachhman, Amarnauth • Ladkat, Ganesh K. • Ladley, James Patrick • Lafalce, Joseph A. • Lafond-Menichino, Jeanette Louise • Laforge, David • Laforte, Michael • LaFrance, Alan Charles • Lafuente, Juan Mendez • Lai, Neil Kwong-Wah • Laieta, Vincent Anthony • Lake, William David • Lalama, Franco • Lam, Chow Kwan • LaMantia, Stephen • Lamonsoff, Amy Hope • Lane, Robert • Lang, Brendan Mark • Lang, Rosanne P. • Langer, Vanessa • Langley, Mary Louise • Langone, Peter J • Langone, Thomas Michael • Lanza, Michele Bernadette • Lapin, Ruth Sheila • LaPlante, Carol Ann • Lariby, Ingeborg • Larkey, Robin Blair • Larocque, Judith Camilla • Larrabee, Christopher Randall • Larry, Hamidou S. • Larsen, Scott • Larson, John Adam • Lasden, Natalie Janis • Lasko, Gary Edward • Lassman, Nicholas Craig • Laszczynski, Paul • Latouche, Jeffrey G • Laurencin, Charles A • Lauria, Stephen James • LaVache, Maria • Lavelle, Denis Francis • LaVerde, Jeannine Mary • Laverty, Anna A. • Lawn, Steven • Lawrence, Robert • Lawson, Nathaniel • Lazar, Eugen Gabriel • Leahy, James Patrick • Leavey, Joseph Gerard • Leavy, Neil Joseph • Leblanc, Robert G. • Lebor, Leon • Ledee, Kenneth Charles • Lederman, Alan J. • Ledesma, Elena F. • Leduc, Alexis • Lee, Daniel John • Lee, David S • Lee, Gary H. • Lee, Hyun Joon • Lee, Juanita • Lee, Kathryn Blair • Lee, Linda C. • Lee, Lorraine Mary • Lee, Myoung Woo • Lee, Richard Y • Lee, Stuart Soo-Jin • Lee, Yang Der • Lefkowitz, Stephen Paul • Legro, Adriana • Lehman, Edward Joseph • Lehrfeld, Eric Andrew • Leistman, David • Lemagne, David Prudencio • Lenihan, Joseph Anthony • Lennon Jr., John Joseph • Lenoir, John Robinson • Leon, Jorge Luis • Leonard, Matthew Gerard • Lepore, Michael • Lesperance, Charles A • Leveen, Jeff • Levi, John Dennis • Levin, Alisha Caren • Levin, Neil David • Levine, Robert • Levine, Robert Michael • Levinhar, Shai • Lewin, Daniel M. • Lewis, Adam Jay • Lewis, Margaret Susan • Liang, Ye Wei • Liangthanasarn, Orasri • Libretti, Daniel F • Licciardi, Ralph • Lichtschein, Edward • Lillianthal, Steven Barry • Lillo, Carlos R. • Lilore, Craig Damian • Lim, Arnold A. • Lin, Darya • Lin, Wei Rong • Lindo, Nickie L • Linehan, Jr., Thomas V. • Linnane, Robert Thomas • Linton, Jr., Alan P. • Lipari, Diane Theresa • Lira, Kenneth P. • Liriano, Francisco Alberto • Lisi, Lorraine • Lisson, Paul • Litto, Vincent M. • Liu, Ming-Hao • Liz, Nancy • Lizcano, Harold • Lizzul, Martin • Llanes, George A. • Logler, Elizabeth C. • Loguidice, Catherine Lisa • Lohez, Jerome Robert • Lomax, Michael William • Longing, Laura Maria • Lopes, Salvatore P • Lopez, Daniel • Lopez, George • Lopez, Jr., Maclovio • Lopez, Luis Manuel • Lopez, Manuel L. • Lostrangio, Joseph • Louie, Chet Dek • Louis, Stuart Seid • Lovero, Joseph • Low Wong, Jenny Seu Kueng • Low, Sara Elizabeth • Lowe, Michael W. • Lozier, Garry W. • Lozowsky, John Peter • Lucania, Charles Peter • Luckett, Edward Hobbs • Ludvigsen, Mark Gavin • Ludwig, Lee Charles • Lugano, Sean Thomas • Lugo, Daniel • Lukas, Marie • Lum, Jr., William • Lunden, Michael P. • Lunder, Christopher Edmund • Luparello, Anthony • Lutnick, Gary Frederick • Luzzicone, Linda Anne • Lygin, Alexander • Lynch, Farrell Peter • Lynch, James Francis • Lynch, Jr., Richard D • Lynch, Jr., Robert Henry • Lynch, Louise A. • Lynch, Michael Cameron • Lynch, Michael Francis • Lynch, Michael Francis • Lynch, Sean P. • Lynch, Sean Patrick • Lyons, Michael J. • Lyons, Monica Anne • Lyons, Patrick J. • Mace, Robert Francis • Macfarlane, Marianne • Maciejewski, Jan • Mackay, Susan A • Macrae, Catherine Fairfax • Madden, Richard Blaine • Maddison, Simon • Maerz, Noell • Maffeo, Jennieann • Maffeo, Joseph • Magazine, Jay Robert • Magee, Brian • Magee, Charles Wilson • Maggitti, Joseph V • Magnuson, Ronald • Maher, Daniel L. • Mahon, Thomas Anthony • Mahoney, William J. • Maio, Joseph Daniel • Makimoto, Takashi • Malahi, Abdu Ali • Maldonado, Debora I. • Maldonado-Agosto, Myrna T • Maler, Alfred Russell • Malone, Gregory James • Maloney III, Edward Francis • Maloney, Joseph • Maloy, Gene Edward • Maltby, Christian • Mancini, Francisco Miguel • Mangano, Joseph • Manley, Sara Elizabeth • Mannetta, Debra • Manning, Marion Victoria • Manning, Terence John • Maounis, James • Marchand, Alfred Gilles • Marchbanks, Jr., Joseph Ross • Mardikian, Peter Edward • Mardovich, Edward Joseph • Margiotta, Charles Joseph • Mariani, Louis Neil • Marino, Kenneth Joseph • Marino, Lester V. • Marino, Vita • Marlo, Kevin D. • Marrero, Jose • Marshall, John Daniel • Martello, James • Marti, Michael A. • Martin, Jr., William J. • Martin, Karen Ann • Martin, Peter C. • Martineau, Brian E. • Martinez, Betsy • Martinez, Edward • Martinez, Jr., Jose Angel • Martinez, Robert Gabriel • Martinez-Calderon, Lizie D. • Martini, Paul Richard • Mascali, Joseph A. • Mascarenhas, Bernard • Masi, Stephen Frank • Massa, Nicholas George • Massari, Patricia Ann • Massaroli, Michael• Mastrandrea, Jr., Philip William • Mastrocinque, Rudolph • Mathai, Joseph • Mathers, Charles • Mathesen, William A. • Matricciano, Marcello • Mattic, Margaret Elaine •Mattson, Robert D. • Matuza, Walter • Mauro, Charles J. • Mauro, Dorothy • Mauro, Jr., Charles A. • Mauro, Nancy T. • May, Tyrone • Maynard, Keithroy Marcellus • Mayo, Robert J • Mazza, Kathy Nancy • Mazzella, Jr., Edward • Mazzotta, Jennifer Lynn • Mbaya, Kaaria • McAlary, James Joseph • McAleese, Brian Gerard • McAneney, Patricia Ann • McArthur, Colin R. • McAvoy, John Kevin • McBrayer, Kenneth M. • McCabe, Brendan • McCabe, Michael • McCann, Thomas J. • McCarthy, Justin • McCarthy, Kevin M. • McCarthy, Michael • McCarthy, Robert • McCaskill, Stanley • McCloskey, Katie Marie • McConnell-Cullinan, Joan • McCourt, Juliana Valentine • McCourt, Ruth Magdaline • McCrann, Charles Austin • McDay, Tonyell F. • McDermott, Matthew T. • McDonald, Joseph P. • McDonnell, Brian Grady • McDonnell, Michael P • McDowell Jr, John • McEneaney, Eamon J. • McErlean, Jr., John Thomas • McGinley, Daniel Francis • McGinly, Mark Ryan • McGinn, William E • MCGinnis, Thomas Henry • McGinty, Michael Gregory • McGovern, Ann • McGovern, Scott Martin • McGovern, William • McGuinn, Francis Noel • McGuinness Jr., Thomas F. • McGuire, Patrick • McHale, Thomas M. • McHeffey, Keith • McHugh III, Denis J. • McHugh, Ann M. • McHugh, Dennis • McHugh, Michael E. • McIlvaine, Robert G • McIntyre, Donald James • McKenna, Stephanie Marie • McKeon, Barry J • McKinnedy, Evelyn C • McKinney, Darryl Leron • McLaughlin, Jr., George Patrick • McLaughlin, Jr., Robert C. • McMahon, Gavin • McMahon, Robert D • McNally, Edmund • McNeal, Daniel W • McNeil, Walter Arthur • McNulty, Christine Sheila • McNulty, Sean Peter • McPadden, Robert William • McShane, Terence A. • McSweeney, Timothy Patrick • McWilliams, Martin E. • Medaglia, Rocco A • Medina, Abigail Cales • Medina, Ana Iris • Medwig, Deborah Louise • Meehan, Damian • Meehan, William J. • Mehta, Alok Kumar • Meisenheimer, Raymond • Mejia, Manuel Emilio • Melaku, Eskedar • Melendez, Antonio • Melendez, Mary • Mello, Christopher D • Melnichenko, Yelena • Meltzer, Stuart Todd • Mena, Diarelia Jovanah • Mendez, Charles • Mendoza, Lizette • Mentis, Shevonne Olicia • Menzel, Wolfgang Peter • Mercado, Steve John • Mercer, Wesley • Mercurio, Ralph Joseph • Merdinger, Alan Harvey • Merino, George L. • Merino, Yamel Josefina • Merkouris, George • Merrick, Deborah • Metz III, Raymond Joseph • Metzler, Jill Ann • Meyer, David Robert • Miah, Nurul H. • Micciulli, William Edward • Michelstein, Martin Paul • Milano, Peter Teague • Milanowycz, Gregory • Milewski, Lukasz Tomasz • Millan, Sharon Christina • Miller, Corey Peter • Miller, Craig James • Miller, Douglas Charles • Miller, Joel • Miller, Jr., Henry Alfred • Miller, Jr., Robert Cromwell • Miller, Michael Matthew • Miller, Philip D. • Miller, Robert Alan • Millman, Benjamin • Mills, Charles Morris • Milstein, Ronald Keith • Minara, Robert • Minardi, William George • Minervino, Louis Joseph • Mingione, Thomas • Miraille, Wilbert • Mircovich, Dominick N. • Mirpuri, Rajesh Arjan • Mistrulli, Joseph • Miszkowicz, Susan J. • Mitchell, Paul Thomas • Miuccio, Richard P. • Mladenik, Jeffrey Peter • Moccia, Sr., Frank V. • Modafferi, Louis Joseph • Mohammed, Boyie • Mojica, Dennis • Mojica, Manuel • Molina, Kleber Rolando • Molina, Manuel De Jesus • Molinaro, Carl • Molisani, Justin • Monaghan, Brian • Monahan, Franklin • Monahan, John Gerard • Montanaro, Kristen • Montano, Craig • Montesi, Michael • Montoya Valdes, Antonio Jesus • Montoya, Carlos Alberto • Monyak, Cheryl Ann • Moody, Thomas C. • Moore, Sharon • Moorthy, Krishna V. • Morabito, Laura Lee • Morales, Abner • Morales, Carlos Manuel • Morales, Paula E. • Moran, John Chrisopher • Moran, John Michael • Moran, Kathleen • Morehouse, Lindsay Stapleton • Morell, George • Morello, Steven P. • Morello, Vincent S. • Moreno, Yvette Nicole • Morgan, Dorothy • Morgan, Richard • Morgenstern, Nancy • Mori, Sanae • Morocho Morocho, Leonel Geronimo • Morocho, Blanca Robertina • Moroney, Dennis Gerard • Morris, Lynne Irene • Morris, Seth Allan • Morris, Stephen Philip • Morrison, Christopher Martel • Morron Garcia, Jorge Luis • Morrone, Ferdinand V. • Moskal, William David • Motroni, Marco • Motus-Wilson, Cynthia • Mouchinski, Iouri A. • Moussa, Jude Joseph • Moutos, Peter • Mowatt, Damion O' Neil • Mozzillo, Christopher Michael • Mulderry, Stephen Vincent • Muldowney Jr, Richard T. • Mullan, Michael D • Mulligan, Dennis Michael • Mulligan, Peter James • Mullin, Michael Joseph • Munhall, James Donald • Muniz, Nancy • Munoz, Carlos • Munoz, Frank Heladio • Munson, Theresa • Murach, Robert M. • Murillo, Cesar Augusto • Murolo, Marc A. • Murphy IV, James F. • Murphy Jr., Robert Eddie • Murphy, Brian Joseph • Murphy, Charles Anthony • Murphy, Christopher W. • Murphy, Edward Charles • Murphy, James Thomas • Murphy, Kevin James • Murphy, Patrick Sean • Murphy, Raymond E. • Murray, John Joseph • Murray, Jr., John Joseph • Murray, Susan D • Murray, Valerie Victoria • Myhre, Richard ToddNNagel, Robert B. • Naiman, Mildred Rose • Nakamura, Takuya • Napier, Alexander John Robert • Naples III, Frank Joseph • Napolitano, John Phillip • Nardella, Catherine Ann • Nardone Jr., Mario • Narula, Manika K. • Nassaney, Shawn M • Nath, Narender • Navarro, Karen Susan • Navas, Joseph Micheal • Nazario, Francis Joseph • Neblett, Glenroy I. • Neblett, Rayman Marcus • Nedd, Jerome O. • Nedell, Laurence • Nee, Luke G. • Negron, Pete • Neira, Laurie Ann • Nelson, Ann N. • Nelson, David William • Nelson, James • Nelson, Michele Ann • Nelson, Peter Allen • Nesbitt, Oscar Francis • Nevins, Gerard Terence • Newell, Renee Lucille • Newton-Carter, Christopher • Ngo, Nancy Yuen • Nichilo, Jody • Nicosia, Kathleen Ann • Niederer, Martin S. • Niedermeyer, Alfonse Joseph • Niestadt, Jr., Frank John • Nieves Jr., Juan • Nieves, Gloria • Nilsen, Troy Edward • Nimbley, Paul • Niven, John B. • Noack, Katherine Marie • Noel, Curtis Terrance • Nolan, Daniel R. • Noonan, Robert Walter • Norton, Jacqueline June • Norton, Robert Grant • Notaro, Daniela R • Novotny, Brian Christopher • Numata, Soichi • Nunez, Brian Felix • Nunez, Jose • Nussbaum, Jeffrey Roger • Oakley, James A. • O’Berg, Dennis Patrick • O’Brien, Jr., James P. • O’Brien, Michael P • O’Brien, Scott J. • O’Brien, Timothy Michael • O’Callaghan, Daniel • O’Connor, Diana J. • O’Connor, Jr., Dennis James • O’Connor, Keith Kevin • O’Connor, Richard J. • O’Doherty, Amy • O’Doherty, Marni Pont • Oelschlager, Douglas E • Ogawa, Takashi • Ogletree, Albert • Ognibene, Philip Paul • Ogonowski, John A. • O’Grady, James Andrew • Ogren, Joseph J. • O’Hagan, Thomas G • Oitice, Samuel • O’Keefe, Patrick J • O’Keefe, William • Olcott, Gerald Michael • O’Leary, Gerald • Olender, Christine Anne • Oliva, Linda Mary • Oliver, Edward Kraft • Oliver, Leah E. • Olsen, Eric T. • Olsen, Jeffrey James • Olson, Maureen Lyons • Olson, Steven John • O’Mahony, Matthew Timothy • Onda, Toshihiro • Oneal, Seamus L • O’Neill, John P • O’Neill, Jr., Peter J • O’Neill, Sean Gordon • Ong, Betty Ann • Opperman, Michael C. • Orgielewicz, Christopher • Orloske, Margaret • Ormiston, Virginia Anne • O’Rourke, Kevin • Orsini, Ronald • Ortale, Peter Keith • Ortega-Campos, Juan • Orth, Jane M. • Ortiz, Alexander • Ortiz, David • Ortiz, Jr., Emilio • Ortiz, Jr., Paul • Ortiz, Pablo • Ortiz, Sonia • Ose, Masaru • O’Shea, Patrick J. • O’Shea, Robert William • Osorio, Elsy C. • Ostrowski, James R. • O’Sullivan, Timothy F. • Oswald, Jason Douglas • Otten, Michael John • Ottenwalder, Isidro D • Ou, Michael Chung • Ouida, Todd Joseph • Ovalles, Jesus • Owens, Jr., Peter J. • Oyola, AdianesPPabon Jr., Israel • Pabon, Angel M. • Pacheco, Roland • Packer, Michael Benjamin • Pakkala, Deepa • Palazzo, Jeffrey Matthew • Palazzo, Thomas • Palazzolo, Richard • Palmer, Orio J. • Palombo, Frank Anthony • Palumbo, Alan N. • Panatier, Christopher Matthew • Pandolfo, Dominique Lisa • Pansini, Paul J. • Paolillo, John M • Papa, Edward Joseph • Papasso, Salvatore T. • Pappageorge, James Nicholas • Pappalardo, Marie • Parakat, Vinod Kumar • Paramsothy, Vijayashanker • Parandkar, Nitin Ramesh • Parbhu, Hardai • Parham, James Wendell • Paris, Debra Marie • Paris, George • Park, Gye Hyong • Parker, Philip Lacey • Parkes, Michael Alaine • Parks, Jr., Robert E. • Parmar, Hashmukhrai C • Parro, Robert • Parsons, Diane Marie • Pascual, Leobardo Lopez • Pascuma, Jr., Michael J. • Paskins, Jerrold • Passananti, Horace Robert • Passaro, Suzanne H. • Patel, Avnish Ramanbhai • Patel, Dipti • Patel, Manish • Paterson, Steven Bennett • Patrick, James Matthew • Patrocino, Manuel D • Patterson, Bernard E. • Patti, Cira Marie • Pattison, Robert E. • Paul, James Robert • Paz, Patrice • Paz-Gutierrez, Victor • Peak, Stacey Lynn • Pearlman, Richard Allen • Pearsall, Durrell V • Pecorelli, Thomas Nicholas • Pedicini, Thomas • Pelino, Todd Douglas • Pelletier, Michel Adrian • Peluso, Anthony G. • Pena, Angel Ramon • Penny, Richard Al • Pepe, Salvatore F. • Peralta, Carl • Peraza, Robert David • Perconti, Jon A • Perez, Alejo • Perez, Angela Susan • Perez, Anthony • Perez, Ivan • Perez, Jr., Angel • Perez, Nancy E. • Perkins, Berinthia B. • Perroncino, Joseph John • Perrotta, Edward J. • Perry, Emelda H. • Perry, Glenn C. • Perry, John William • Pershep, Franklin Allan • Pesce, Danny • Pescherine, Michael John • Peterson, Davin • Peterson, William Russell • Petrocelli, Mark • Petti, Philip Scott • Pettit, Glen Kerrin • Pezzulo, Dominick • Pezzuti, Kaleen Elizabeth • Pfeifer, Kevin • Pham, Tu-Anh • Phelan, Kenneth John • Philip, Sneha Anne • Piantieri, Suzette Eugenia • Picarro, Ludwig John • Picerno, Matthew M. • Pick, Joseph Oswald • Pickford, Christopher • Pierce, Dennis J. • Pietronico, Bernard • Pietrunti, Nicholas P. • Pigis, Theodoros • Pinto, Susan Elizabeth • Piskadlo, Joseph • Pitman, Christopher Todd • Piver, Joshua Michael • Plumitallo, Joseph • Pocasangre Debarrera, Ana Gloria • Pocher, John • Pohlmann, William Howard • Polatsch, Laurence • Polhemus, Thomas H. • Pollicino, Steve • Pollio, Susan M. • Poptean, Joshua Iousa • Porras, Giovanna • Portillo, Anthony • Potorti, James Edward • Pouletsos, Daphne • Poulos, Richard N. • Poulos, Stephen Emanual • Powell, Brandon Jerome • Powell, Shawn Edward • Pratt, Antonio Dorsey • Preziose, Gregory M. • Prince, Wanda Ivelisse • Princiotta, Vincent • Prior, Kevin • Proctor, III, Everett Martin • Progen, Carrie Beth • Pruim, David Lee • Prunty, Richard • Puckett, John Foster • Pugliese, Robert David • Pullis, Edward F. • Puma, Patricia Ann • Puopolo, Sonia M • Puttur, Hemanth Kumar • Pykon, Edward R. • Quackenbush, Christopher • Qualben, Lars Peter • Quappe, Lincoln • Quigley IV, Patrick J. • Quigley, Beth Ann • Quilty, Michael • Quinn, James Francis • Quinn, Ricardo J.RRabalais Carol Millicent • Racaniello, Christopher Peter A. • Ragaglia, Leonard J. • Raggio, Eugene • Ragonese-Snik, Laura Marie • Ragusa, Michael Paul • Raimondi, Peter Frank • Raines, Harry A • Raja, Ehtesham • Raju, Valsa • Rall, Edward Joseph • Rambousek, Lukas • Ramirez, Maria • Ramos, Harry • Ramsaroop, Vishnoo • Ramzey, Lorenzo E. • Rancke, Alfred Todd • Rand, Adam David • Randall, Jonathan C. • Ranganath, Srinivasa Shreyas • Ransom, Anne T. • Rapoport, Faina Aronovna • Rasmussen, Robert A. • Rasool, Amenia • Rasweiler, Roger Mark • Rathkey, David Alan • Raub, William Ralph • Rauzi, Gerard P. • Razuvaev, Alexey • Reda, Gregory • Redheffer, Sarah Anne • Reed, Michele Marie • Reese, Judith Ann • Regan, Donald J • Regan, Robert M. • Regan, Thomas Michael • Regenhard, Christian Michael Otto • Reich, Howard • Reidy, Gregg • Reilly, James Brian • Reilly, Kevin O. • Reilly, Timothy E. • Reina, Jr., Joseph • Reinig, Thomas Barnes • Reisman, Frank Bennett • Reiss, Joshua Scott • Renda, Karen • Reo, John Armand • Rescorla, Richard Cyril • Resta, John Thomas • Retik, David E. • Revilla, Luis Clodoaldo • Reyes Jr., Eduvigis • Reynolds, Bruce Albert • Rhodes, John Frederick • Riccardelli, Francis Saverio • Riccio, Rudolph N. • Riccoboni, Ann Marie • Rice, David H • Rice, Eileen Mary • Rice, III, Kenneth Frederick • Richard, Vernon Allan • Richards, Claude Daniel • Richards, Gregory David • Richards, Michael • Richards, Venesha Orintia • Riches, James C. • Richman, Alan Jay • Rigo, John M • Rimmele III, Frederick Charles • Risco, Theresa • Riso, Rose Mary • Rivas, Moises N. • Rivelli, Joseph • Rivera, Carmen Alicia • Rivera, Isaias • Rivera, Juan William • Rivera, Linda Ivelisse • Rivers, David E. • Riverso, Joseph R. • Rizza, Paul V • Rizzo, John Frank • Roach, Stephen Louis • Roberto, Joseph • Roberts, Leo Arthur • Roberts, Michael Edward • Roberts, Michael Edward • Robertson, Jr., Donald Walter • Robinson, Catherina • Robinson, Jeffery • Robotham, Michell Lee Jean • Robson, Donald A. • Rocha, Antonio A • Rocha, Raymond James • Rockefeller, Laura • Rodak, John • Rodrigues, Antonio J • Rodriguez, Anthony • Rodriguez, Carmen Milagros • Rodriguez, Gregory Ernesto • Rodriguez, Marsha A. • Rodriguez, Mayra Valdes • Rodriguez, Richard • Rodriguez-Vargas, David Bartolo • Rogan, Matthew • Roger, Jean Destrehan • Rogers, Karlie Barbara • Rohner, Scott William • Roma, Keith • Romagnolo, Joseph M. • Romero, Elvin • Romero, Sr., Efrain • Romito, James A. • Rooney, Sean Paul • Ropiteau, Eric Thomas • Rosario Wakeford, Wendy Alice • Rosario, Aida • Rosario, Angela • Rosen, Mark • Rosenbaum, Brooke David • Rosenbaum, Linda • Rosenbaum, Sheryl Lynn • Rosenberg, Lloyd Daniel • Rosenberg, Mark Louis • Rosenblum, Andrew Ira • Rosenblum, Joshua M. • Rosenthal, Joshua Alan • Rosenthal, Richard David • Rosenzweig, Philip Martin • Rosetti, Daniel • Ross, Richard Barry • Rossinow, Norman S. • Rossomando, Nicholas P. • Rothberg, Michael Craig • Rothenberg, Donna Marie • Roux, James Michael • Rowe, Nicholas • Roy, Sr., Timothy Alan • Ruback, Paul G. • Ruben, Ronald J. • Rubino, Joanne • Ruddle, David M. • Ruggiere, Bart Joseph • Ruggiero, Susan A. • Ruhalter, Adam Keith • Ruiz Diaz, Obdulio • Ruiz, Gilbert • Russell, Stephen P • Russin, Steven Harris • Russo, Sr., Michael Thomas • Russo, Wayne Alan • Ryan Jr., John Joseph • Ryan, Edward • Ryan, Jonathan Stephan • Ryan, Matthew Lancelot • Ryjova, Tatiana • Ryook, ChristinaSungaSSaada, Thierry • Sabbag, Jason Elazar • Sabella, Thomas E. • Saber, Scott • Sacerdote, Joseph Francis • Sachs, Jessica Leigh • Sadocha, Francis John • Safi, Jude • Safronoff, Brock Joel • Saiya, Edward • Salamone, John Patrick • Salas, Hernando • Salas, Juan G. • Salcedo, Esmerlin Antonio • Salerno, Jr., John Salvatore • Salie, Rahma • Salinardi, Jr., Richard L. • Saloman, Wayne John • Salomon, Nolbert • Salter, Catherine Patricia • Salvaterra, Frank • Salvio, Paul Richard • Salvo, Jr., Samuel Robert • Samaniego, Carlos Alberto • Sam-Dinnoo, Rena • Samuel, Jr., James Kenneth • San Phillip, Michael • San Pio, Sylvia • Sanay, Hugo M. • Sanchez, Jacquelyn Patrice • Sanchez, Jesus • Sanchez, Raymond • Sand, Eric M • Sanders, Stacey Leigh • Sandler, Herman S • Sands, Jr., James • Santiago, Ayleen J. • Santiago, Kirsten • Santillan, Maria Theresa • Santo, Susan Gayle • Santora, Christopher • Santore, John A • Santoro, Mario L. • Santos III, Rufino Conrado Flores • Santos, Rafael Humberto • Saracini, Victor J. • Sarkar, Kalyan • Sarker, Chapelle R. • Sarle, Paul F. • Sattaluri, Deepika Kumar • Saucedo, Gregory Thomas • Sauer, Susan M • Savas, Anthony • Savinkin, Vladimir • Sayegh, Jackie • Sbarbaro, John Michael • Scandole, Jr., Robert L. • Scarpitta, Michelle • Scauso, Dennis • Schardt, John Albert • Scharf, John G. • Scheffold, Jr., Frederick Claude • Scheinberg, Angela Susan • Schertzer, Scott Mitchell • Schielke, Sean • Schlag, Steven Francis • Schlissel, Jon • Schmidt, Karen Helene • Schneider, Ian • Schoales, Thomas G. • Schott, Jr., Frank G. • Schrang, Gerard Patrick • Schreier, Jeffrey H. • Schroeder, John T. • Schuler, Susan Lee • Schunk, Edward William • Schurmeier, Mark Evan • Schwartz, Clarin Shellie • Schwartz, John Burkhart • Schwartz, Mark • Scibetta, Adriane Victoria • Scorca, Raphael • Scott, Randolph • Scudder, Christopher Jay • Scullin, Arthur Warren • Seaman, Michael Herman • Seeliger, Margaret M. • Segarra, Anthony • Segarra, Carlos • Sekzer, Jason • Sellitto, Matthew Carmen • Selwyn, Howard • Senko, Larry John • Sennas-McGowan, Stacey • Sereno, Arturo Angelo • Serrano, Frankie • Sesinova, Alena • Sessa, Adele Christine • Sewnarine, Sita Nermalla • Seymour, Karen Lynn • Sezna, Jr., Davis Grier • Sgroi, Thomas Joseph • Shah, Jayesh S • Shahid, Khalid M • Shajahan, Mohammed • Shamay, Gary • Shanahan, Earl Richard • Shastri, Neil • Shatzoff, Kathryn Anne • Shaw, Barbara A. • Shaw, Jeffrey James • Shay, Jr., Robert John • Shea, Daniel James • Shea, Joseph Patrick • Shearer, Mary Kathleen • Shearer, Robert M. • Sheehan, Linda • Shefi, Hagay • Sherry, John Anthony • Shiratori, Atsushi • Shubert, Thomas Joseph • Shulman, Mark • Shum, See Wong • Shwartzstein, Allan Abraham • Sigmund, Johanna • Signer, Dianne T • Sikorsky, Gregory • Siller, Stephen Gerard • Silver, David • Silverstein, Craig A. • Simjee, Nasima Hameed • Simmons, Bruce Edward • Simon, Arthur • Simon, Kenneth Alan • Simon, Michael J. • Simon, Paul Joseph • Simone, Marianne Teresa • Simowitz, Barry • Simpkin, Jane Louise • Simpson, Jeff Lyal • Singh, Khamladai K. • Singh, Roshan Ramesh • Sinton, III, Thomas E • Siracuse, Peter A. • Siskopoulos, Muriel Fay • Sisolak, Joseph Michael • Skala, John P. • Skidmore, Jr., Francis Joseph • Skinner, Toyena Corliss • Skrzypek, Paul A. • Slattery, Christopher Paul • Slavin, Vincent Robert • Sliwak, Robert F. • Sloan, Paul K. • Smagala, Jr, Stanley S • Small, Wendy L. • Smith, Catherine • Smith, Daniel Laurence • Smith, George Eric • Smith, Heather Lee • Smith, James Gregory • Smith, Jeffrey R. • Smith, Joyce Patricia • Smith, Jr, Leon • Smith, Karl T • Smith, Kevin Joseph • Smith, Moira Ann • Smith, Rosemary A. • Smithwick, Bonnie Jeanne • Snell, Rochelle Monique • Snyder, Dianne Bullis • Snyder, Jr., Leonard J. • Sohan, Astrid Elizabeth • Solanki, Sushil S. • Solares, Ruben • Solomon, Naomi Leah • Song, Daniel W. • Sorresse, Michael Charles • Soto, Fabian • Soulas, Timothy Patrick • Spagnoletti, Gregory • Spampinato, Jr., Donald F. • Sparacio, Thomas • Spataro, John Anthony • Spear, Jr., Robert W. • Spence, Jr., Maynard S. • Spencer, III, George Edward • Spencer, Robert Andrew • Sperando, Mary Rubina • Spinelli, Frank • Spitz, William E. • Spor, Joseph Patrick • Sprockamp, Klaus Johannes • Srinuan, Saranya • St. Rose, Fitzroy • Stabile, Michael F. • Stack, Lawrence T. • Stackpole, Timothy M • Stadelberger, Richard James • Stahlman, Eric • Stajk, Gregory • Stan, Alexandru Liviu • Stan, Corina • Stanley, Mary Domenica • Starita, Anthony • Stark, Jeffrey • Statkevicus, Derek James • Staub, Craig William • Steckman, William V. • Steen, Eric Thomas • Steiner, William R. • Steinman, Alexander Robbins • Stergiopoulos, Andrew • Stern, Andrew • Stevens, Martha Jane • Stewart, Jr., Richard H. • Stewart, Michael James • Stoller, Sanford M. • Stone, Douglas Joel • Stone, Lonny Jay • Storey, Jimmy Nevill • Stout, Timothy • Strada, Thomas • Straine, Jr., James J. • Straub, Edward W • Strauch, Jr., George J. • Strauss, Edward T. • Strauss, Steven R. • Strobert, Steven F. • Stuart, Jr., Walwyn Wellington • Suarez, Benjamin • Suarez, David Scott • Suarez, Ramon • Suarez, Xavier • Sugiyama, Yoichi • Sugra, William Christopher • Suhr, Daniel • Sullins, David Marc • Sullivan, Christopher P. • Sullivan, Patrick • Sullivan, Thomas G. • Sumaya, Jr., Hilario Soriano • Suozzo, James Joseph • Supinski, Colleen • Sutcliffe, Robert • Sutter, Seline • Sutton, Claudia Suzette • Swaine, John Francis • Swearson, Kristine M. • Sweeney, Brian David • Sweeney, Brian Edward • Sweeney, Madeline Amy • Swenson, Kenneth J. • Swift, Thomas • Sword, Derek Ogilvie • Szocik, Kevin Thomas • Sztejnberg, Gina • Szurkowski, Norbert P. • Taback, Harry • Tabeek, Joann • Taddei, Norma C • Taddonio, Michael • Takahashi, Keiichiro • Takahashi, Keiji • Talbot, Phyllis Gail • Talhami, Robert • Tallon, Sean Patrick • Talty, Paul • Tam, Maurita • Tamares, Rachel • Tamayo, Hector • Tamuccio, Michael Andrew • Tanaka, Kenichiro • Tankard, Rhondelle Cheri • Tanner, Michael Anthony • Taormina, Jr., Dennis Gerard • Tarantino, Kenneth Joseph • Tarasiewicz, Allan • Tarrou, Michael C. • Tartaro, Ronald • Taylor, Darryl Anthony • Taylor, Donnie Brooks • Taylor, Lorisa Ceylon • Taylor, Michael Morgan • Tegtmeier, Paul A. • Tembe, Yeshauant Moreshwar • Tempesta, Anthony • Temple, Dorothy Pearl • Temple, Stanley L. • Tengelin, David • Terrenzi, Brian John • Terry, Lisa M. • Thackurdeen, Goumatie T. • Thatte, Harshad Sham • Theodoridis, Michael • Theurkauf, Jr., Thomas F. • Thomas, Lesley Anne • Thompson, Brian Thomas • Thompson, Clive • Thompson, Glenn • Thompson, Nigel Bruce • Thompson, Perry • Thompson, Vanavah Alexei • Thompson, William H. • Thorpe, Eric Raymond • Thorpe, Nichola Angela • Tieri, Jr., Sal Edward • Tierney, John P. • Tiesi, Mary Ellen • Tieste, William R. • Tietjen, Kenneth Francis • Tighe, Stephen Edward • Timmes, Scott Charles • Tinley, Michael E. • Tino, Jennifer M • Tipaldi, Robert Frank • Tipping II, John James • Tirado, David • Tirado, Jr., Hector Luis • Titolo, Michelle Lee • Titus, Alicia Nicole • Tobin, John J • Todisco, Richard • Tomasevic, Vladimir • Tompsett, Stephen Kevin • Tong, Thomas • Torres, Doris • Torres, Luis Eduardo • Toyen, Amy Elizabeth • Traina, Christopher Michael • Trant, Daniel Patrick • Traore, Abdoul Karim • Travers, Glenn J. • Travers, Walter Philip • Traylor-Bass, Felicia Yvette • Trentini, James Anthony • Trentini, Mary Barbara • Trerotola, Lisa L • Trerra, Karamo • Trinidad, Michael Angel • Trombino, Francis Joseph • Trost, Gregory James • Tselepis, William P. • Tsoy, Zhanetta Valentinovna • Tucker, Michael Patrick • Tumulty, Lance Richard • Tung, Ching Ping • Turner, Simon James • Tuzio, Donald Joseph • Twomey, Robert T. • Tzemis, Jennifer LynnUUeltzhoeffer, John G. • Ugolyn, Tyler V. • Uliano, Michael A. • Uman, Jonathan J. • Umarkar, Anil Shivhari • Upton, Allen V. • Urban, Diane Marie • Vaccacio, John Damien • Vadas, Bradley Hodges • Valcarcel, William • Vale, Felix Antonio • Vale, Ivan • Valentin, Benito • Valentin, Jr., Santos • Valvo, II, Carlton Francis • Vamsikrishna, Pendyala • Van Acker, Erica H • Van Auken, Kenneth W. • Van Hine, Richard B. • Van Laere, Daniel M. • Vanacore, Edward Raymond • Vandevander, Jon C. • Varacchi, Frederick Thomas • Varadhan, Gopalakrishnan • Vargas, David • Vasel, Scott C • Vasquez, Azael Ismael • Vazquez, Arcangel • Vazquez, Santos • Vega, Peter Anthony • Velamuri, Sankara Sastry • Velazquez, Jorge • Veling, Lawrence G. • Ventura, Anthony Mark • Vera, David • Vero, Loretta Ann • Vialonga, Christopher James • Vianna, Matthew Gilbert • Vicario, Robert Anthony • Victoria, Celeste Torres • Vidal, Joanna • Vigiano II, John T. • Vigiano, Joseph Vincent • Vignola, Jr., Frank J. • Vilardo, Joseph Barry • Villanueva, Sergio G. • Vincelli, Chantal • Vincent, Melissa • Virgilio, Francine Ann • Virgilio, Lawrence • Visciano, Joseph Gerard • Vitale, Joshua S. • Vola, Maria Percoco • Vosges, Lynette D. • Voskerijian, Garo H. • Vukosa, AlfredWWachtler, Gregory Kamal Bruno • Wahlstrom, Mary Alice • Waisman, Gabriela • Walcott, Courtney Wainsworth • Wald, Victor • Waldie, Kenneth E. • Walker, Benjamin James • Wall, Glen • Wallace, Mitchel Scott • Wallace, Peter Guyder • Wallace, Robert Francis • Wallace, Roy Michael • Wallendorf, Jeanmarie • Wallens, Matthew Blake • Wallice, Jr., John • Walsh, Barbara P. • Walsh, James Henry • Walz, Jeffrey P. • Wang, Ching Huei • Wang, Weibin • Warchola, Michael • Ward, Stephen Gordon • Ward, Timothy Ray • Waring, James Arthur • Warner, Brian G. • Washington, Derrick • Waters Jr., James Thomas • Waters, Charles • Waters, Patrick J • Watson, Kenneth Thomas • Waye, Michael Henry • Weaver, Todd Christopher • Weaver, Walter Edward • Webb, Nathaniel • Webster, Dinah • Weems, William Michael • Weil, Joanne Flora • Weinberg, Michael T • Weinberg, Steven • Weingard, Scott Jeffrey • Weinstein, Steven George • Weiser, Simon • Weiss, David M. • Weiss, David Thomas • Wells, Vincent Michael • Welty, Timothy Matthew • Wemmers, Christian Hans Rudolf • Wen, Ssu-Hui • Wenckus, John Joseph • Wengerchuk, Oleh D. • West, Jr., Whitfield • West, Peter M. • Whalen, Meredith Lynn • Whelan, Eugene • White III, Edward James • White, Adam S. • White, James Patrick • White, John Sylvester • White, Jr., Kenneth Wilburn • White, Leonard Anthony • White, Malissa Y. • White, Wayne • Whiteside, Leanne Marie • Whitford, Mark P • Wholey, Michael T. • Wieman, Mary Catherine • Wiener, Jeffrey David • Wik, Wilham J. • Wildman, Alison Marie • Wilkinson, Glenn E • Willett, John C. • Williams III, Louis Calvin • Williams, Brian Patrick • Williams, Candace Lee • Williams, David J. • Williams, Deborah Lynn • Williams, Jr., Crossley Richard • Williams, Kevin Michael • Williams, Louie Anthony • Williamson, John P • Wilson, Donna Ann • Wilson, William • Winton, David Harold • Winuk, Glenn J • Wise, Thomas Francis • Wisniewski, Alan L. • Wisniewski, Frank Thomas • Wiswall, David • Wiswe, Sigrid Charlotte • Wittenstein, Michael • Wodenshek, Christopher W. • Wohlforth, Martin P • Wolf, Katherine Susan • Wong, Jennifer Yen • Wong, Siu Cheung • Wong, Yin Ping • Wong, Yuk Ping •Aamoth, Jr., Gordon M. • Abad, Edelmiro • Abad, Maria Rose • Abate, Andrew Anthony • Abate, Vincent • Abel, Laurence Christopher • Abraham, Alona • Abrahamson, William F. • Aceto, Richard Anthony • Ackermann, Heinrich Bernhard • Acquaviva, Paul • Adams, Donald LaRoy • Adams, Patrick • Adams, Shannon Lewis • Adams, Stephen George • Adanga, Ignatius Udo • Addamo, Christy A. • Adderley, Jr., Terence E. • Addo, Sophia B • Adler, Lee • Afflitto, Daniel Thomas •Afuakwah, Emmanuel Akwasi • Agarwal, Alok • Agarwala, Mukul Kumar • Agnello, Joseph • Agnes, David Scott • Aguiar, Jr., Joao Alberto da Fonsec • Ahearn, Brian G. • Ahern, Jeremiah Joseph • Ahladiotis, Joanne Marie • Ahmed, Shabbir • Aiken, Terrance Andre • Ajala, Godwin • Alagero, Gertrude M. • Alameno, Andrew • Alario, Margaret Ann • Albero, Gary M • Albert, Jon Leslie • Alderman, Peter Craig • Aldridge, Jacquelyn Delaine • Alger, David D. • Alikakos, Ernest • Allegretto, Edward L. • Allen, Eric • Allen, Joseph Ryan • Allen, Richard Dennis • Allen, Richard L. • Allingham, Christopher E. • Allison, Anna • Alonso, Janet M. • Alvarado, Anthony • Alvarez, Antonio Javier • Alvarez-Brito, Victoria • Alvear, Telmo E. • Alviar, Cesar Amoranto • Amanullah, Tariq • Amaranto, Angelo • Amato, James M. • Amatuccio, Joseph • Amoroso, Christopher Charles • Anai, Kazuhiro • Anaya, Jr., Calixto • Anchundia, Joseph • Anderson, Kermit Charles • Anderson, Yvette Constance • Edwards-Angell, Mary Lynn • Andreacchio, John • Andrews, Michael Rourke • Andrucki, Jean Ann • Ang, Siew-Nya • Angelini, Jr., Joseph John • Angelini, Sr., Joseph • Angell, David Lawrence • Angilletta, Laura • Angrisani, Doreen J. • Antigua, Lorraine • Aoyama, Seima David • Apollo, Peter Paul • Apostol, Jr., Faustino • Aquilino, Frank Thomas • Aranyos, Patrick Michael • Arce, David Gregory • Arczynski, Michael George • Arena, Louis • Arestegui, Barbara Jean • Arias, Adam P • Armstrong, Michael • Aron, Jack Charles • Aron, Joshua • Aronow, Richard Avery • Aronson, Myra Joy • Aryee, Japhet Jesse • Asaro, Carl Francis • Asciak, Michael • Asher, Michael Edward • Ashley, Janice Marie • Ashton, Thomas J • Asitimbay, Manuel O. • Atlas, Gregg Arthur • Atwood, Gerald Thomas • Audiffred, James • Aversano, Jr., Louis Frank • Aviles, Ezra • Ayala, Sandy Babakitis, Arlene T. • Bacchus, Eustace P • Badagliacca, John J. • Baeszler, Jane Ellen • Baierwalter, Robert J. • Bailey, Andrew J. • Bailey, Brett T. • Bailey, Garnet Edward • Bakalinskaya, Tatyana • Baksh, Michael S. • Balkcom, Sharon M. • Bane, Michael Andrew • Bantis, Katherine • Baptiste, Gerard • Baran, Walter • Barbara, Gerard A. • Barbaro, Paul Vincent • Barbella, James William • Barbosa, Ivan Kyrillos F. • Barbosa, Victor Daniel • Barbuto, Christine • Barkow, Colleen Ann • Barkway, David Michael • Barnes, Matthew • Barnes, Sheila Patricia • Baron, Evan J • Barrett-Arjune, Renee • Barry, Arthur Thaddeus • Barry, Diane G. • Barry, Maurice Vincent • Bart, Scott D. • Bartels, Carlton W. • Barzvi, Guy • Basina, Inna B • Basmajian, Alysia • Basnicki, Kenneth William • Bates, Steven Joseph • Battaglia, Paul James • Bauer, Jr., W. David • Bautista, Marlyn Capito • Bavis, Mark Lawrence • Baxter, Jasper • Beale, Michele • Beatini, Paul Frederick • Beatty, Jane S • Beck, Lawrence Ira • Beckles, Manette Marie • Bedigian, Carl John • Beekman, Michael Earnest • Behr, Maria A • Belilovsky, Yelena • Bell, Nina Patrice • Bellows, Debbie S • Belson, Stephen Elliot • Benedetti, Paul M. • Benedetto, Denise Lenore • Bennett, Bryan Craig • Bennett, Eric L. • Bennett, Oliver Duncan • Benson, Margaret L. • Berardi, Dominick J • Berger, James Patrick • Berger, Steven Howard • Bergin, John P. • Bergsohn, Alvin • Bergstein, Daniel • Berkeley, Graham Andrew • Berkeley, Michael J. • Bernaerts, Donna M. • Bernard, David W. • Bernstein, William • Berray, David M. • Berry, David S • Berry, Joseph J. • Bethke, William Reed • Betterly, Timothy • Beug, Carolyn • Beyea, Edward Frank • Beyer, Paul Michael • Bharvaney, Anil Tahilram • Bhukhan, Bella J. • Biegeleisen, Shimmy D. • Bielfeld, Peter Alexander • Biggart, William G • Bilcher, Brian Eugene • Bini, Carl Vincent • Bird, Gary Eugene • Birnbaum, Joshua David • Bishop, George John • Bittner, Jeffrey Donald • Blackman, Jr., Albert Balewa • Blackwell, Christopher Joseph • Blair, Susan Leigh • Blanding, Jr., Harry • Blaney, Janice Lee • Blass, Craig Michael • Blau, Rita • Blood, Jr., Richard Middleton • Boccardi, Michael Andrew • Bocchi, John P. • Bocchino, Michael Leopoldo • Bochino, Susan M. • Boehm, Bruce D. • Boffa, Mary Catherine • Bogdan, Nicholas Andrew • Bohan, Darren Christopher • Boisseau, Lawrence Francis • Boland, Jr., Vincent M • Bolourchi, Touri Hamzavi • Bondarenko, Alan • Bonheur Jr., Andre • Bonnett, Colin Arthur • Bonomo, Frank • Bonomo, Yvonne Lucia • Booker, Seaon • Booms, Kelly Ann • Bordeaux, Sherry Ann • Cahill, John Brett • Cahill, Michael John • Cahill, Scott Walter • Cahill, Thomas Joseph • Cain, George • Calabro, Salvatore B. • Calandrillo, Joseph M. • Calcagno, Philip V • Calderon, Edward • Caldwell, Kenneth Marcus • Calia, Dominick Enrico • Calixte, Felix • Callahan, Francis Joseph • Callahan, Liam • Calvi, Luigi • Camaj, Roko • Cammarata, Michael F. • Campbell, David Otey • Campbell, Geoffrey Thomas • Campbell, Jill Marie • Campbell, Robert Arthur • Campbell, Sandra Patricia • Canavan, Sean Thomas • Candela, John A. • Cangelosi, Vincent • Cangialosi, Stephen J • Cannava, Lisa Bella • Cannizzaro, Brian • Canty, Michael • Caporicci, Louis Anthony • Cappello, Jonathan Neff • Cappers, James Christopher • Caproni, Richard Michael • Cardona, Jose Manuel • Carey, Dennis M • Carlino, Edward • Carlo, Michael Scott • Carlone, David G. • Carlson, Rosemarie C. • Carney, Mark Stephen • Carpeneto, Joyce Ann • Carpio, Bautista Ivhan Luis • Carrington, Jeremy M • Carroll, Michael • Carroll, Peter • Carson, Jr., James Joseph • Carstanjen, Christoffer Mikael • Carter, Marcia Cecil • Cartier, James Marcel • Casalduc, Vivian • Casazza, John Francis • Cascio, Paul R • Casey, Neilie Anne Heffernan • Casoria, Thomas Anthony • Caspar, William Otto • Castano, Alejandro • Castillo, Arcelia • Castrianno, Leonard M. • Castro, Jose Ramon • Catarelli, Richard G. • Caton, Christopher Sean • Caufield, Robert John • Caulfield, Mary Teresa • Cavalier, Judson • Cawley, Michael Joseph • Cayne, Jason David • Ceballos, Juan Armando • Cefalu, Jason Michael • Celic, Thomas Joseph • Centeno, Ana Mercedes • Cesta, Joni • Chairnoff, Jeffrey Marc • Chalasani, Swarna • Chalcoff, William • Chalouh, Eli • Chan, Charles Lawrence • Chang, Mandy • Charette, Mark Lawrence • Bordenabe, Krystine • Boryczewski, Martin • Bosco, Richard Edward • Bothe, Klaus • Bouchard, Carol Marie • Boulton, John H • Bourdier, Francisco Eligio • Bowden, Jr., Thomas Harold • Bowers, Kimberly S • Bowers, Veronique Nicole • Bowman, Jr., Shawn Edward • Bowman, Larry • Bowser, Kevin L. • Box, Gary R. • Boyarsky, Gennady • Boyce, Pamela • Boyle, Michael • Braca, Alfred • Bracken, Kevin Hugh • Brady, David Brian • Braginsky, Alexander • Brandemarti, Nicholas W • Brandhorst, Daniel Raymond • Brandhorst, David Reed Gamboa • Bratton, Michelle Renee • Braut, Patrice • Bravo, Lydia E. • Breitweiser, Ronald Michael • Brennan III, Edward A. • Brennan, Francis Henry • Brennan, Michael E. • Brennan, Peter • Brennan, Thomas M. • Brethel, Daniel J. • Bright, Gary Lee • Briley, Jonathan • Brisman, Mark A. • Bristow, Paul Gary • Broderick, Mark Francis • Broghammer, Herman Charles • Broomfield, Keith A • Brown, Janice Juloise • Brown, Lloyd Stanford • Brown, Patrick J. • Browne, Bettina • Bruce, Mark • Bruehert, Richard George • Brunn, Andrew • Brunton, Vincent Edward • Bucca, Ronald Paul • Buchanan, Brandon J. • Buck, Gregory Joseph • Buckley, Dennis • Bueche, Nancy Clare • Buhse, Patrick Joseph • Bulaga, Jr., John Edward • Bunin, Stephen • Burke, Jr., William Francis • Burke, Matthew J. • Burke, Thomas Daniel • Burns, Donald J. • Burns, Kathleen Anne • Burns, Keith James • Burnside, John Patrick • Buslo, Irina • Bustillo, Milton G • Butler, Thomas M. • Byrne, Patrick Dennis • Byrne, Timothy GCCabezas, Jesus Neptali • Caceres, Lillian • Cachia, Brian Joseph • Cafiero, Jr., Steven Dennis • Caggiano, Richard M. • Caguicla, Cecile Marella • Chavez, Gregorio Manuel • Cheatham, Delrose E. • Checo, Pedro Francisco • Cherry, Douglas MacMillan • Cherry, Stephen Patrick • Cherry, Vernon Paul • Chevalier, Nestor • Chevalier, Swede • Chiang, Alexander H • Chiarchiaro, Dorothy J. • Chimbo, Luis Alfonso • Chin, Robert • Ching, Wing Wai • Chiofalo, Nicholas Paul • Chipura, John Gerard • Chirchirillo, Peter A. • Chirls, Catherine • Cho, Kyung Hee • Chowdhury, Abul K. • Chowdhury, Mohammad Salahuddin • Christophe, Kirsten L • Chu, Pamela • Chucknick, Steven Paul • Chung, Wai • Ciafardini, Christopher • Ciccone, Alex F. • Cilente, Frances Ann • Cillo, Elaine • Cintron III, Nestor Andre • Cintron, Edna • Cirri, Robert Dominick • Cisneros, Juan Pablo • Clark, Benjamin Keefe • Clark, Eugene • Clark, Gregory Alan • Clark, Mannie Leroy • Clark, Thomas R • Clarke, Christopher Robert • Clarke, Donna Marie • Clarke, Michael J. • Clarke, Suria Rachel Emma • Cleary, Kevin Francis • Cleere, James D • Cloud, Geoffrey W. • Clyne, Susan Marie • Coakley, Steven • Coale, Jeffrey Alan • Cody, Patricia A. • Coffey, Daniel Michael • Coffey, Jason M. • Cohen, Florence G. • Cohen, Kevin Sanford • Coladonato, Anthony Joseph • Colaio, Mark Joseph • Colaio, Stephen • Colasanti, Christopher M. • Colbert, Kevin Nathaniel • Colbert, Michel P. • Coleman, Keith E. • Coleman, Scott Thomas • Coleman, Tarel • Colhoun, Liam Joseph • Colin, Robert D • Coll, Robert J. • Collin, Jean Marie • Collins, John Michael • Collins, Michael L. • Collins, Thomas J • Collison, Joseph K • Collman, Jeffrey Dwayne • Colodner, Patricia Malia • Colon, Linda M. • Colon, Sol E. • Comer, Ronald Edward • Conaty Brace, Sandra Jolane • Concepcion, Jaime • Conde, Albert • Conley, Denease • Conlon, Susan P • Conner, Margaret Mary • Connolly, Cynthia Marie Lise • Connolly, Jr, John E. • Connor, James Lee • Connors, Jonathan M. • Connors, Kevin Patrick • Conroy, Kevin F. • Conway, Brenda E. • Cook, Dennis Michael • Cook, Helen D. • Coombs, Jeffrey W. • Cooper, John A • Coppo, Jr., Joseph John • Coppola, Gerard J. • Corbett, Joseph Albert • Corcoran, III, John J. • Cordero, Alejandro • Cordice, Robert Joseph • Correa, Ruben D. • Correa-Gutierrez, Danny A. • Corrigan, James J. • Cortes, Carlos • Cosgrove, Kevin • Costa, Dolores Marie • Costanza, Digna Alexandra • Costello Jr., Charles Gregory • Costello, Michael S • Cottoy, Conrod K • Coughlan, Martin John • Coughlin, John Gerard • Coughlin, Timothy J • Cove, James E. • Cox, Andre • Cox, Frederick John • Coyle, James Raymond • Coyle-Eulau, Michele • Cramer, Anne Marie • Cramer, Christopher Seton • Crant, Denise Elizabeth • Crawford, Jr., James Leslie • Crawford, Robert James • Creamer, Tara Kathleen • Cregan, Joanne Mary • Crifasi, Lucy • Crisci, John A • Crisman, Daniel Hal • Cross, Dennis • Crotty, Kevin Raymond • Crotty, Thomas G • Crowe, John • Crowther, Welles Remy • Cruikshank, Robert L • Cruz, John Robert • Cua, Grace Yu • Cubas, Kenneth John • Cubero, Francisco Cruz • Cuccinello, Thelma • Cudina, Richard J. • Cudmore, Neil James • Cullen lll, Thomas Patrick • Cummings, Joyce • Cummins, Brian Thomas • Cunningham, Michael Joseph • Curatolo, Robert • Curia, Laurence Damian • Curioli, Paul Dario • Currivan, Patrick Joseph • Curry Green, Andrew Peter Charles • Curry, Beverly • Curtin, Michael Sean • Cushny, Gavin D Da Mota, Manuel John • Dack, Caleb Arron • DaCosta, Carlos S. • Dale, Brian Paul • D’Allara, John • D’Amadeo, Vincent Gerard • Damaskinos, Thomas A. • D’Ambrosi, Jack • Damiani-Jones, Jeannine Marie • Danahy, Patrick W. • D’Antonio, Mary • Danz, Vincent • Darcy, Dwight Donald • Darling, Elizabeth Ann • Dataram, Annette Andrea • D’Atri, Edward A. • D’Auria, Michael D. • Davidson, Lawrence • Davidson, Michael Allen • Davidson, Scott Matthew • Davidson, Titus • Davila, Niurka • Davis, Clinton • Davis, Wayne Terrial • Dawson, Anthony Richard • Dawson, Calvin • Day, Edward James • de Araujo, Dorothy Alma • de Chavez, Jayceryll • De Jesus, Jennifer • De Jesus, Monique E. • De Jesus, Nereida • De La Pena, Emerita • de la Torre, Azucena Maria • De Pena, Jose Nicolas • De Santis, Jemal Legesse • De Simone, Christian Louis • De Vere, Melanie Louise • Dean, William Thomas • DeAngelis Jr., Robert J. • DeAngelis, Thomas Patrick • Debek, Tara E. • DeBin, Anna Marjia • DeBlase, James V. • DeCola, Paul • Dedvukaj, Simon Marash • Defazio, Jason Christopher • DeFeo, David A. • Del Valle Jr., Manuel • Delapenha, Donald Arthur • DeLeo, Vito Joseph • Delie, Danielle Anne • Della Pietra, Joseph A. • DellaBella, Andrea • Delligatti, Palmina • Deloughery, Colleen Ann • DeMartini, Francis Albert • Demas, Anthony • DeMeo, Martin N • Deming, Francis • Demitz, Carol K. • Dennis, Kevin • Dennis, Thomas F. • DePalma, Jean • Deraney, Robert John • DeRienzo, Michael • DeRubbio, David Paul • Desimone III, Edward • Desperito, Andrew • D’Esposito, Michael Jude • Deuel, Cindy Ann • Devito, Jerry • Devitt, Jr., Robert P. • Devlin, Dennis Lawrence • Dewan, Gerard • Dhanani, Sulemanali Kassamali • Di Chiaro, Patricia Florence • Di Martino, Debra Ann • DiAgostino, Michael Louis • Diaz, Matthew • Diaz, Nancy • Diaz-Piedra III, Michael A • Diaz-Sierra, Judith Berquis • Dickey, Jr., Joseph Dermot • Dickinson, Lawrence Patrick • Diehl, Michael D. • Difato, John • Difazio, Vincent • DiFranco, Carl Anthony • Difranco, Donald • Dimeglio, David • Dimino, Stephen Patrick • Dimmling, William John • DiNardo Schorpp, Marisa • Dincuff, Christopher M • Dingle, Jeffrey Mark • Dionisio, Anthony • DiPasquale, George • Dipilato, Joseph • DiStefano, Douglas Frank • Ditullio, Donald Americo • Doany, Ramzi A. • Doherty, John Joseph • Doi, Melissa C. • Dolan, Brendan • Dollard, Neil Matthew • Domanico, James Joseph • Domingo, Benilda Pascua • Dominguez, Alberto • Dominguez, Carlos • Dominguez, Jerome Mark Patrick • Donnelly, Kevin W. • Donovan, Jacqueline • Dorf, Stephen Scott • Dowd, Thomas • Dowdell, Kevin Christopher • Dowling, Mary Yolanda • Downey, Raymond Mathew • Doyle, Frank Joseph • Doyle, Joseph Michael • Drake, Randall L. • Driscoll, Stephen Patrick • Duarte, Mirna A. • Dudek, Luke A. • Duffy, Christopher Michael • Duffy, Gerard • Duffy, Michael Joseph • Duffy, Thomas W. • Duger, Antoinette • Dukat, Sareve • Dunne, Christopher Joseph • Dunstan, Richard Anthony • Dwyer, PatrickThomasEEacobacci, Joseph Anthony • Eagleson, John Bruce • Eaton, Robert Douglas • Eberling, Dean Phillip • Echtermann, Margaret Ruth • Eckna, Paul Robert • Economos, Constantine • Edwards, Dennis Michael • Edwards, Michael Hardy • Egan Jr., Martin J. • Egan, Christine • Egan, Lisa • Egan, Michael • Egan, Samantha Martin • Eggert, Carole • Ehrlich, Lisa Caren • Eichler, John Ernst • Eisenberg, Eric Adam • Elder, Daphne Ferlinda • Elferis, Michael J • Ellis, Mark Joseph • Ellis, Valerie Silver • Elmarry, Albert Alfy William • Emery, Jr., Edgar Hendricks • Eng, Doris Suk-Yuen • Epps, Christopher • Ericson, Ulf Ramm • Erker, Erwin L. • Erwin, William John • Escarcega, Sarah Ali • Espinal, Jose • Espinoza, Fanny • Esposito, Bridget Ann • Esposito, Francis • Esposito, Michael • Esposito, William • Esquilin, Jr., Ruben • Ette, Sadie • Etzold, Barbara G. • Evans, Eric Brian • Evans, Robert Edward • Ewart, Meredith Emily June • Fagan, Catherine K. • Fagan, Patricia Mary • Fairben, Keith George • Fajardo-Smith, Sandra • Fallon, Jr., William Lawrence • Fallon, William F • Fallone, Jr., Anthony J • Fanelli, Dolores Brigitte • Fangman, Robert John • Fanning, John Joseph • Faragher, Kathleen Anne • Farino, Thomas James • Farley, Nancy Carole • Farley-Hackel, Paige Marie • Farmer, Elizabeth Ann • Farnum, Douglas Jon • Farrell, John • Farrell, John W. • Farrell, Terrence Patrick • Farrelly, Joseph D. • Farrelly, Thomas Patrick • Fatha, Syed Abdul • Faughnan, Christopher Edward • Faulkner, Wendy R. • Fava, Shannon Marie • Favuzza, Bernard D • Fazio, Jr., Robert • Fazio, Ronald Carl • Feehan, William • Feely, Francis Jude • Feeney, Garth Erin • Fegan, Sean B. • Fehling, Lee S. • Feidelberg, Peter Adam • Feinberg, Alan D. • Feliciano, Rosa Maria • Fergus, Jr., Edward Thomas • Ferguson, George III • Fernandez, Henry • Fernandez, Judy Hazel • Fernandez, Julio • Ferraina, Elisa Giselle • Ferreira, Anne Marie Sallerin • Ferris, Robert John • Ferrugio, David Francis • Fersini, Louis V • Ferugio, Michael David • Fetchet, Bradley James • Fialko, Jennifer Louise • Fiedel, Kristen Nicole • Fields, Samuel • Filipov, Alexander Milan • Finnegan, Michael Bradley • Finnerty, Timothy J. • Fiore, Michael Curtis • Fiorelli, Sr., Stephen • Fiori, Paul M. • Fiorito, John B • Fischer, John R • Fisher, Andrew • Fisher, Bennett Lawson • Fisher, John Roger • Fisher, Thomas J. • Fishman, Lucy A. • Fitzgerald, Ryan D. • Fitzpatrick, Thomas James • Fitzsimons, Richard P. • Fiumefreddo, Salvatore • Flannery, Christina Donovan • Flecha, Eileen • Fletcher, Andre G. • Flickinger, Carl M • Florio, John Joseph • Flounders, Joseph Walken • Flyzik, Carol Ann • Fodor, David • Fodor, Michael N. • Fogel, Stephen Mark • Foley, Thomas • Fontana, David J • Foo, Chih Min • Forde, Godwin • Foreman, Donald A • Forsythe, Christopher Hugh • Foster, Claudia Alicia • Foster, Noel John • Fosteris, Ana • Foti, Robert Joseph • Fox, Jeffrey • Fox, Virginia • Francis, Pauline • Francis, Virgin • Frank, Gary Jay • Frank, Morton H. • Frank, Peter Christopher • Fraser, Richard K. • Frawley, Kevin J. • Frazier, Jr., Clyde • Frederick, Lillian Inez • Fredricks, Andrew • Freeman, Tamitha • Freiman, Brett Owen • Freund, Peter L • Fried, Arlene Eva • Friedlander, Alan Wayne • Friedman, Andrew Keith • Friedman, Paul J • Froehner, Gregg J. • Frost, Lisa Anne • Fry, Peter Christian • Fumando, Clement A. • Furman, Steven Elliot • Furmato, Paul James • Fyfe, Karleton D.B.GGabler, Fredric Neal • Gabrielle, Richard Samuel Federick • Gadiel, James Andrew • Gaff, Pamela Lee • Gailliard, Ervin Vincent • Galante, Deanna Lynn • Galante, Grace Catherine • Gallagher, Anthony Edward • Gallagher, Daniel James • Gallagher, John Patrick • Galletti, Lourdes • Gallo, Cono E. • Gallucci, Vincenzo • Galvin, Thomas E. • Gambale, Giovanna Galletta • Gambino Jr., Thomas • Gamboa, Giann Franco • Gamboa, Ronald • Ganci, Peter • Gann, Claude Michael • Garbarini, Charles William • Garcia, Cesar R. • Garcia, David • Garcia, Juan • Garcia, Marlyn Del Carmen • Gardner III, Harvey J. • Gardner, Christopher S. • Gardner, Douglas Benjamin • Gardner, Jeffrey Brian • Gardner, Thomas A. • Gardner, William Arthur • Garfi, Francesco • Gargano, Rocco Nino • Gartenberg, James M. • Garvey, Matthew David • Gary, Bruce • Gatton, Boyd Alan • Gavagan Jr., Donald Richard • Gay, Peter Alan • Gazzani, Terence D. • Geidel, Gary Paul • Geier, Paul Hamilton • Geis, Julie M. • Gelinas, Peter G. • Geller, Steven Paul • Gelling, Howard G. • Genco, Jr., Peter Victor • Genovese, Steven Gregory • Gentul, Alayne • George, Linda M. • Geraghty, Edward F • Geraty, Suzanne • Gerhardt, Ralph • Gerlich, Robert • Germain, Denis P. • Gertsberg, Marina Romanovna • Getzendanner, Susan M. • Geyer, James G. • Giaccone, Joseph M. • Giammona, Vincent Francis • Gibbon, Debra Lynn • Giberson, James Andrew • Gibson, Craig Neil • Gies, Ronnie E • Giglio, Laura A. • Gilbert, Andrew Clive • Gilbert, Timothy Paul • Gilbey, Paul Stuart • Gill, Paul John • Gilles, Mark Y. • Gillette, Evan • Gilligan, Ronald Lawrence • Gillis, Rodney C. • Gilly, Laura • Ginley, John F. • Giordano, Donna Marie • Giordano, Jeffrey John • Giordano, John • Giorgetti, Steven A. • Giovinazzo, Martin • Girolamo, Kum-Kum • Gitto, Salvatore • Giugliano, Cynthia • Gjonbalaj, Mon • Gladstone, Dianne • Glascoe, Keith Alexander • Glasser, Thomas Irwin • Glazer, Edmund • Glenn, Harry • Glick, Barry H. • Glick, Steven • Gnazzo, John T. • Godshalk, William Robert • Gogliormella, Michael • Goldberg, Brian Fredric • Goldflam, Jeffrey Grant • Goldstein, Michelle • Goldstein, Monica • Goldstein, Steven • Golkin, Andrew H. • Gomes, Dennis James • Gomez, Enrique Antonio • Gomez, Jose Bienvenido • Gomez, Jr., Manuel • Gomez, Wilder Alfredo • Gonzalez, Jenine Nicole • Gonzalez, Mauricio • Gonzalez, Rosa • Goodchild, Lynn Catherine • Gooding, Calvin J. • Goodrich, Peter M. • Goody, Harry • Gopu, Kiran Reddy • Gorayeb, Catherine C. • Gordenstein, Lisa Reinhart • Gordon, Kerene • Gorki, Sebastian • Gorman, Kieran Joseph • Gorman, Thomas Edward • Gould, Michael Edward • Gowell, Douglas Alan • Goya, Yuji • Grabowski, Jon Richard • Grady, Christopher Michael • Graf III, Edwin J. • Graifman, David Martin • Granados, Gilbert Franco • Granitto, Elvira • Grant, Winston Arthur • Gray, Christopher S. • Gray, James Michael • Gray, Tara McCloud • Grayling, Linda Catherine • Grazioso, John M • Grazioso, Timothy George • Green, Derrick Auther • Green, Wade B. • Greenberg, Elaine Myra • Greene, Gayle R • Greenleaf, Jr., James Arthur • Greenstein, Eileen Marsha • Gregg, Elizabeth Martin • Gregory, Denise • Gregory, Donald H • Gregory, Florence Moran • Grehan, Pedro • Griffin, John Michael • Griffin, Tawanna Sherry • Griffith, Joan Donna • Grifka, Warren • Grijalvo, Ramon • Grillo, Joseph F. • Grimner, David Joseph • Grogan, Francis Edward • Grouzalis, Kenneth George • Grzelak, Joseph • Grzymalski, Matthew James • Gschaar, Robert Joseph • Gu, Liming • Guadalupe, Jose A. • Guan, Cindy Yan Zhu • Guja, Geoffrey E • Gullickson, Joseph Peter • Guman, Babita Girjamatie • Gurian, Douglas Brian • Gustafson, Janet Ruth • Guza, Philip T. • Guzzardo, Barbara • Gyulavary, Peter M.HHaag, Gary Robert • Haberman, Andrea Lyn • Habib, Barbara Mary • Haentzler, Philip • Hafiz, Nezam A. • Hagerty, Karen Elizabeth • Hagis, Steven Michael • Hague, Mary Lou • Halderman, David • Hale, Maile Rachel • Hall, Richard B. • Hall, Vaswald George • Halligan, Robert J. • Halloran, Vincent Gerard • Halvorson, James Douglas • Hamdani, Mohammad Salman • Hamilton, Felicia • Hamilton, Robert W. • Hammond, Jr., Carl Max • Han, Frederic K • Hanley, Christopher J. • Hanley, Sean S • Hanna, Valerie Joan • Hannafin, Thomas • Hannaford, Kevin James • Hannan, Michael Lawrence • Hannon, Dana R. • Hanson, Christine Lee • Hanson, Peter Burton • Hanson, Sue Kim • Haramis, Vassilios G. • Haran, James A. • Hardacre, Gerald Francis • Hardy, Jeffrey Pike • Hargrave, Timothy John • Harlin, Daniel Edward • Haros, Frances • Harrell, Harvey L. • Harrell, Stephen G • Harrington, Melissa Marie • Harris, Aisha Anne • Harris, Stewart Dennis • Hart, John Patrick • Hartono, Eric • Hartz, John Clinton • Harvey, Emeric • Hashem, Peter Paul • Haskell, Jr., Thomas Theodore • Haskell, Timothy • Hasson III, Joseph John • Hatton, Leonard W. • Hatton, Terence S • Haub, Michael Helmut • Haviland, Timothy Aaron • Havlish, Jr., Donald G. • Hawkins, Anthony Maurice • Hayatsu, Nobuhiro • Hayden, James Edward • Hayes, Philip • Hayes, Robert Jay • Haynes, William Ward • Hazelcorn, Scott Jordan • Healey, Michael K. • Heber, Roberta B. • Heeran, Charles Francis Xavier • Heffernan, John F. • Heller, Jr., Howard Joseph • Heltibridle, Joann L. • Hemschoot, Mark F. • Henderson, Ronnie Lee • Hennessey, Brian • Hennessy Jr., Edward R. • Henrique, Michelle Marie • Henry, Joseph Patrick • Henry, William • Henwood, John Christopher • Hepburn, Robert Allan • Herencia, Mary • Herkness III, Lindsay C. • Hermer, Harvey Robert • Hernandez, Claribel • Hernandez, Nuberto • Hernandez, Raul • Herold, Gary • Hersch, Jeffrey A. • Hetzel, Thomas • Hickey, Brian Christopher • Hidalgo Cedeno, Enemencio Dario • Higgins, Timothy • Higley II, Robert D. W. • Hill, Todd Russell • Hinds, Clara Victorine • Hinds, Neal O • Hindy, Mark D • Hirai, Katsuyuki • Ho, Heather Malia • Hobbs, Tara Yvette • Hobbs, Thomas Anderson • Hobin, James J. • Hobson, Robert Wayne • Hodges, DaJuan • Hoerner, Ronald George • Hoey, Patrick A. • Hofer, John A. • Hoffman, Marcia • Hoffman, Stephen G. • Hoffmann, Frederick Joseph • Hoffmann, Michele L • Hofmiller, Judith Florence • Hohlweck, Jr., Thomas Warren • Hohmann, Jonathan R. • Holland, Cora Hidalgo • Holland, John • Holland, Joseph F • Holmes, Elizabeth • Holohan, Thomas • Homer, Herbert Wilson • Hoorn, Bradley Van • Hopper, James P. • Hord, Montgomery McCullough • Horn, Michael Joseph • Horning, Matthew Douglas • Horohoe, Jr., Robert L • Horrocks, Michael Robert • Horwitz, Aaron • Houston, Charles • Houston, Uhuru G • Howard, George • Howell, Michael C • Howell, Steven Leon • Howley, Jennifer L. • Hromada, Milagros • Hrycak, Marian R. • Huczko, Jr., Stephen • Hughes, Jr., Robert T. • Hughes, Kris Robert • Hughes, Paul Rexford • Hughes, Thomas • Hughes, Timothy Robert • Huie, Susan • Hulse, Lamar • Humber, Jr., John Nicholas • Hunt, William Christopher • Hunt-Casey, Kathleen Anne • Hunter, Joseph Gerard • Hussa, Robert R • Hynes, Thomas Edward • Hynes, Walter G.IIanelli, Joseph Anthony • Ibis, Zuhtu • Ielpi, Jonathan Lee • Iken, Michael • Ilkanayev, Daniel • Ill, Jr., Frederick • Ilowitz, Abraham Nethanel • Infante, Jr., Anthony P. • Inghilterra, Jr., Louis S • Ingrassia, Christopher Noble • Innella, Paul • Irby, Stephanie Veronica • Irgang, Douglas Jason • Irvine Ryan, Kristin A. • Isaac, Todd Antione • Isbrandtsen, Erik • Ishikawa, Taizo • Iskandar, Waleed Joseph • Iskenderian, Jr., Aram • Iskyan, John F • Ito, Kazushige • Ivantsov, Aleksandr ValeryevichJJablonski, Virginia May • Jackman, Brooke Alexandra • Jacobs, Aaron Jeremy • Jacobs, Ariel Louis • Jacobs, Jason Kyle • Jacobs, Michael Grady • Jacobson, Steven A. • Jaggernauth, Ricknauth • Jagoda, Jake Denis • Jain, Yudh Vir Singh • Jakubiak, Maria • Jalbert, Robert Adrien • James, Ernest • James, Gricelda E. • Jardim, Mark Steven • Jarret, Amy N • Jawara, Muhammadou • Jean-Pierre, Francois • Jean-Pierre, Maxima • Jeffers, Paul Edward • Jeffries Sanchez, Alva Cynthia • Jenkins, John Charles • Jenkins, Jr., Joseph • Jensen, Alan Keith • Jerath, Prem N. • Jeudy, Farah • Jian, Hweidar • Jimenez, Jr., Eliezer • Jimenez, Jr., Luis • John, Charles Gregory • John, Nicholas • Johnson, LaShawna • Johnson, Scott Michael • Johnston, William R. • Jones III, Arthur Joseph • Jones, Allison Horstmann • Jones, Brian Leander • Jones, Charles Edward • Jones, Christopher D. • Jones, Donald T. • Jones, Donald W. • Dunn-Jones, Felicia • Jones, Linda • Jones, Mary S. • Jordan, Andrew B. • Jordan, Robert Thomas • Joseph, Albert Gunnis • Joseph, Ingeborg • Joseph, Karl Henry • Joseph, Stephen • Josiah, Jane Eileen • Jovic, Anthony • Juarbe, Jr., Angel L. • Juday, Karen Sue • Judge, Mychal F. • Jurgens, Paul William • Jurgens, ThomasEdwardKKadaba, Shashikiran Lakshmikantha • Kamardinova, Gavkharoy • Kandell, Shari • Kane, Howard Lee • Kane, Jennifer Lynn • Kane, Vincent D • Kang, Joon Koo • Kanter, Sheldon Robert • Kaplan, Deborah H. • Kaplan, Robin Lynne • Kappelmann, Jr., Alvin Peter • Karczewski, Charles • Karnes, William A. • Karpiloff, Douglas Gene • Kasper, Charles L. • Kates, Andrew K • Katsimatides, John • Kaulfers, Robert Michael • Kauth, Jr., Don Jerome • Kawauchi, Hideya • Keane, Edward T. • Keane, Richard M. • Kearney-Griffin, Lisa Yvonne • Keasler, Karol Ann • Keating, Barbara A. • Keating, Paul Hanlon • Keene III, Leo Russell • Keller, Joseph John • Kellerman, Peter R • Kellett, Joseph P. • Kelley, Jr., Frederick H. • Kelly, James Joseph • Kelly, Joseph A. • Kelly, Jr., Richard John • Kelly, Jr., William Hill • Kelly, Maurice P. • Kelly, Thomas Michael • Kelly, Thomas Richard • Kelly, Thomas W • Kelly, Timothy Colin • Kennedy, Robert Clinton • Kennedy, Thomas J. • Keohane, John R • Kershaw, Ralph Francis • Kerwin, Ronald T. • Kestenbaum, Howard L • Ketcham, Douglas D. • Ketler, Ruth Ellen • Khalif, Boris • Khan, Sarah • Khan, Taimour Firaz • Khandelwal, Rajesh • Khoo, SeiLai • Kiefer, Michael Vernon • Kikuchihara, Satoshi • Kim, Andrew Jay-Hoon • Kim, Lawrence D. • Kimelman, Mary Jo • Kimmig, Heinrich • King Jr., Robert • King, Amy R. • King, Andrew M. • King, Lucille Teresa • King-Johnson, Lisa • Kinney, Brian K. • Kinoshita, Takashi • Kirby, Chris Michael • Kirschbaum, Howard Barry • Kirwin, Glenn Davis • Kittle, Helen Crossin • Klares, Richard Joseph • Klein, Peter Anton • Kleinberg, Alan David • Klitzman, Karen Joyce • Kloepfer, Ronald Philip • Kniazev, Eugueni • Knox, Andrew • Knox, Thomas Patrick • Koborie, Rebecca Lee • Kobus, Deborah A • Koecheler, Gary Edward • Koestner, Frank J. • Kohart, Ryan • Kolpak, Vanessa Lynn • Kolpakova, Irina • Kondratenko, Suzanne • Kone, Abdoulaye • Koo, Bon Seok • Kopiczko, Dorota • Kopytko, Scott • Kostic, Bojan • Kousoulis, Danielle • Kovalcin, David P • Kren, John J. • Krukowski, William E. • Ksido, Lyudmila • Kumar, Shekhar • Kumpel, Kenneth Bruce • Kuo, Jr., Frederick • Kuras, Patricia • Kushitani, Nauka • Kuveikis, Thomas Joseph • Kwarkye, Victor • Kwok, Kui Fai • Kyte, Angela ReedLLa Corte, Andrew • LaBorie, Kathryn L. • Lachhman, Amarnauth • Ladkat, Ganesh K. • Ladley, James Patrick • Lafalce, Joseph A. • Lafond-Menichino, Jeanette Louise • Laforge, David • Laforte, Michael • LaFrance, Alan Charles • Lafuente, Juan Mendez • Lai, Neil Kwong-Wah • Laieta, Vincent Anthony • Lake, William David • Lalama, Franco • Lam, Chow Kwan • LaMantia, Stephen • Lamonsoff, Amy Hope • Lane, Robert • Lang, Brendan Mark • Lang, Rosanne P. • Langer, Vanessa • Langley, Mary Louise • Langone, Peter J • Langone, Thomas Michael • Lanza, Michele Bernadette • Lapin, Ruth Sheila • LaPlante, Carol Ann • Lariby, Ingeborg • Larkey, Robin Blair • Larocque, Judith Camilla • Larrabee, Christopher Randall • Larry, Hamidou S. • Larsen, Scott • Larson, John Adam • Lasden, Natalie Janis • Lasko, Gary Edward • Lassman, Nicholas Craig • Laszczynski, Paul • Latouche, Jeffrey G • Laurencin, Charles A • Lauria, Stephen James • LaVache, Maria • Lavelle, Denis Francis • LaVerde, Jeannine Mary • Laverty, Anna A. • Lawn, Steven • Lawrence, Robert • Lawson, Nathaniel • Lazar, Eugen Gabriel • Leahy, James Patrick • Leavey, Joseph Gerard • Leavy, Neil Joseph • Leblanc, Robert G. • Lebor, Leon • Ledee, Kenneth Charles • Lederman, Alan J. • Ledesma, Elena F. • Leduc, Alexis • Lee, Daniel John • Lee, David S • Lee, Gary H. • Lee, Hyun Joon • Lee, Juanita • Lee, Kathryn Blair • Lee, Linda C. • Lee, Lorraine Mary • Lee, Myoung Woo • Lee, Richard Y • Lee, Stuart Soo-Jin • Lee, Yang Der • Lefkowitz, Stephen Paul • Legro, Adriana • Lehman, Edward Joseph • Lehrfeld, Eric Andrew • Leistman, David • Lemagne, David Prudencio • Lenihan, Joseph Anthony • Lennon Jr., John Joseph • Lenoir, John Robinson • Leon, Jorge Luis • Leonard, Matthew Gerard • Lepore, Michael • Lesperance, Charles A • Leveen, Jeff • Levi, John Dennis • Levin, Alisha Caren • Levin, Neil David • Levine, Robert • Levine, Robert Michael • Levinhar, Shai • Lewin, Daniel M. • Lewis, Adam Jay • Lewis, Margaret Susan • Liang, Ye Wei • Liangthanasarn, Orasri • Libretti, Daniel F • Licciardi, Ralph • Lichtschein, Edward • Lillianthal, Steven Barry • Lillo, Carlos R. • Lilore, Craig Damian • Lim, Arnold A. • Lin, Darya • Lin, Wei Rong • Lindo, Nickie L • Linehan, Jr., Thomas V. • Linnane, Robert Thomas • Linton, Jr., Alan P. • Lipari, Diane Theresa • Lira, Kenneth P. • Liriano, Francisco Alberto • Lisi, Lorraine • Lisson, Paul • Litto, Vincent M. • Liu, Ming-Hao • Liz, Nancy • Lizcano, Harold • Lizzul, Martin • Llanes, George A. • Logler, Elizabeth C. • Loguidice, Catherine Lisa • Lohez, Jerome Robert • Lomax, Michael William • Longing, Laura Maria • Lopes, Salvatore P • Lopez, Daniel • Lopez, George • Lopez, Jr., Maclovio • Lopez, Luis Manuel • Lopez, Manuel L. • Lostrangio, Joseph • Louie, Chet Dek • Louis, Stuart Seid • Lovero, Joseph • Low Wong, Jenny Seu Kueng • Low, Sara Elizabeth • Lowe, Michael W. • Lozier, Garry W. • Lozowsky, John Peter • Lucania, Charles Peter • Luckett, Edward Hobbs • Ludvigsen, Mark Gavin • Ludwig, Lee Charles • Lugano, Sean Thomas • Lugo, Daniel • Lukas, Marie • Lum, Jr., William • Lunden, Michael P. • Lunder, Christopher Edmund • Luparello, Anthony • Lutnick, Gary Frederick • Luzzicone, Linda Anne • Lygin, Alexander • Lynch, Farrell Peter • Lynch, James Francis • Lynch, Jr., Richard D • Lynch, Jr., Robert Henry • Lynch, Louise A. • Lynch, Michael Cameron • Lynch, Michael Francis • Lynch, Michael Francis • Lynch, Sean P. • Lynch, Sean Patrick • Lyons, Michael J. • Lyons, Monica Anne • Lyons, Patrick J. • Mace, Robert Francis • Macfarlane, Marianne • Maciejewski, Jan • Mackay, Susan A • Macrae, Catherine Fairfax • Madden, Richard Blaine • Maddison, Simon • Maerz, Noell • Maffeo, Jennieann • Maffeo, Joseph • Magazine, Jay Robert • Magee, Brian • Magee, Charles Wilson • Maggitti, Joseph V • Magnuson, Ronald • Maher, Daniel L. • Mahon, Thomas Anthony • Mahoney, William J. • Maio, Joseph Daniel • Makimoto, Takashi • Malahi, Abdu Ali • Maldonado, Debora I. • Maldonado-Agosto, Myrna T • Maler, Alfred Russell • Malone, Gregory James • Maloney III, Edward Francis • Maloney, Joseph • Maloy, Gene Edward • Maltby, Christian • Mancini, Francisco Miguel • Mangano, Joseph • Manley, Sara Elizabeth • Mannetta, Debra • Manning, Marion Victoria • Manning, Terence John • Maounis, James • Marchand, Alfred Gilles • Marchbanks, Jr., Joseph Ross • Mardikian, Peter Edward • Mardovich, Edward Joseph • Margiotta, Charles Joseph • Mariani, Louis Neil • Marino, Kenneth Joseph • Marino, Lester V. • Marino, Vita • Marlo, Kevin D. • Marrero, Jose • Marshall, John Daniel • Martello, James • Marti, Michael A. • Martin, Jr., William J. • Martin, Karen Ann • Martin, Peter C. • Martineau, Brian E. • Martinez, Betsy • Martinez, Edward • Martinez, Jr., Jose Angel • Martinez, Robert Gabriel • Martinez-Calderon, Lizie D. • Martini, Paul Richard • Mascali, Joseph A. • Mascarenhas, Bernard • Masi, Stephen Frank • Massa, Nicholas George • Massari, Patricia Ann • Massaroli, Michael• Mastrandrea, Jr., Philip William • Mastrocinque, Rudolph • Mathai, Joseph • Mathers, Charles • Mathesen, William A. • Matricciano, Marcello • Mattic, Margaret Elaine •Mattson, Robert D. • Matuza, Walter • Mauro, Charles J. • Mauro, Dorothy • Mauro, Jr., Charles A. • Mauro, Nancy T. • May, Tyrone • Maynard, Keithroy Marcellus • Mayo, Robert J • Mazza, Kathy Nancy • Mazzella, Jr., Edward • Mazzotta, Jennifer Lynn • Mbaya, Kaaria • McAlary, James Joseph • McAleese, Brian Gerard • McAneney, Patricia Ann • McArthur, Colin R. • McAvoy, John Kevin • McBrayer, Kenneth M. • McCabe, Brendan • McCabe, Michael • McCann, Thomas J. • McCarthy, Justin • McCarthy, Kevin M. • McCarthy, Michael • McCarthy, Robert • McCaskill, Stanley • McCloskey, Katie Marie • McConnell-Cullinan, Joan • McCourt, Juliana Valentine • McCourt, Ruth Magdaline • McCrann, Charles Austin • McDay, Tonyell F. • McDermott, Matthew T. • McDonald, Joseph P. • McDonnell, Brian Grady • McDonnell, Michael P • McDowell Jr, John • McEneaney, Eamon J. • McErlean, Jr., John Thomas • McGinley, Daniel Francis • McGinly, Mark Ryan • McGinn, William E • MCGinnis, Thomas Henry • McGinty, Michael Gregory • McGovern, Ann • McGovern, Scott Martin • McGovern, William • McGuinn, Francis Noel • McGuinness Jr., Thomas F. • McGuire, Patrick • McHale, Thomas M. • McHeffey, Keith • McHugh III, Denis J. • McHugh, Ann M. • McHugh, Dennis • McHugh, Michael E. • McIlvaine, Robert G • McIntyre, Donald James • McKenna, Stephanie Marie • McKeon, Barry J • McKinnedy, Evelyn C • McKinney, Darryl Leron • McLaughlin, Jr., George Patrick • McLaughlin, Jr., Robert C. • McMahon, Gavin • McMahon, Robert D • McNally, Edmund • McNeal, Daniel W • McNeil, Walter Arthur • McNulty, Christine Sheila • McNulty, Sean Peter • McPadden, Robert William • McShane, Terence A. • McSweeney, Timothy Patrick • McWilliams, Martin E. • Medaglia, Rocco A • Medina, Abigail Cales • Medina, Ana Iris • Medwig, Deborah Louise • Meehan, Damian • Meehan, William J. • Mehta, Alok Kumar • Meisenheimer, Raymond • Mejia, Manuel Emilio • Melaku, Eskedar • Melendez, Antonio • Melendez, Mary • Mello, Christopher D • Melnichenko, Yelena • Meltzer, Stuart Todd • Mena, Diarelia Jovanah • Mendez, Charles • Mendoza, Lizette • Mentis, Shevonne Olicia • Menzel, Wolfgang Peter • Mercado, Steve John • Mercer, Wesley • Mercurio, Ralph Joseph • Merdinger, Alan Harvey • Merino, George L. • Merino, Yamel Josefina • Merkouris, George • Merrick, Deborah • Metz III, Raymond Joseph • Metzler, Jill Ann • Meyer, David Robert • Miah, Nurul H. • Micciulli, William Edward • Michelstein, Martin Paul • Milano, Peter Teague • Milanowycz, Gregory • Milewski, Lukasz Tomasz • Millan, Sharon Christina • Miller, Corey Peter • Miller, Craig James • Miller, Douglas Charles • Miller, Joel • Miller, Jr., Henry Alfred • Miller, Jr., Robert Cromwell • Miller, Michael Matthew • Miller, Philip D. • Miller, Robert Alan • Millman, Benjamin • Mills, Charles Morris • Milstein, Ronald Keith • Minara, Robert • Minardi, William George • Minervino, Louis Joseph • Mingione, Thomas • Miraille, Wilbert • Mircovich, Dominick N. • Mirpuri, Rajesh Arjan • Mistrulli, Joseph • Miszkowicz, Susan J. • Mitchell, Paul Thomas • Miuccio, Richard P. • Mladenik, Jeffrey Peter • Moccia, Sr., Frank V. • Modafferi, Louis Joseph • Mohammed, Boyie • Mojica, Dennis • Mojica, Manuel • Molina, Kleber Rolando • Molina, Manuel De Jesus • Molinaro, Carl • Molisani, Justin • Monaghan, Brian • Monahan, Franklin • Monahan, John Gerard • Montanaro, Kristen • Montano, Craig • Montesi, Michael • Montoya Valdes, Antonio Jesus • Montoya, Carlos Alberto • Monyak, Cheryl Ann • Moody, Thomas C. • Moore, Sharon • Moorthy, Krishna V. • Morabito, Laura Lee • Morales, Abner • Morales, Carlos Manuel • Morales, Paula E. • Moran, John Chrisopher • Moran, John Michael • Moran, Kathleen • Morehouse, Lindsay Stapleton • Morell, George • Morello, Steven P. • Morello, Vincent S. • Moreno, Yvette Nicole • Morgan, Dorothy • Morgan, Richard • Morgenstern, Nancy • Mori, Sanae • Morocho Morocho, Leonel Geronimo • Morocho, Blanca Robertina • Moroney, Dennis Gerard • Morris, Lynne Irene • Morris, Seth Allan • Morris, Stephen Philip • Morrison, Christopher Martel • Morron Garcia, Jorge Luis • Morrone, Ferdinand V. • Moskal, William David • Motroni, Marco • Motus-Wilson, Cynthia • Mouchinski, Iouri A. • Moussa, Jude Joseph • Moutos, Peter • Mowatt, Damion O' Neil • Mozzillo, Christopher Michael • Mulderry, Stephen Vincent • Muldowney Jr, Richard T. • Mullan, Michael D • Mulligan, Dennis Michael • Mulligan, Peter James • Mullin, Michael Joseph • Munhall, James Donald • Muniz, Nancy • Munoz, Carlos • Munoz, Frank Heladio • Munson, Theresa • Murach, Robert M. • Murillo, Cesar Augusto • Murolo, Marc A. • Murphy IV, James F. • Murphy Jr., Robert Eddie • Murphy, Brian Joseph • Murphy, Charles Anthony • Murphy, Christopher W. • Murphy, Edward Charles • Murphy, James Thomas • Murphy, Kevin James • Murphy, Patrick Sean • Murphy, Raymond E. • Murray, John Joseph • Murray, Jr., John Joseph • Murray, Susan D • Murray, Valerie Victoria • Myhre, Richard ToddNNagel, Robert B. • Naiman, Mildred Rose • Nakamura, Takuya • Napier, Alexander John Robert • Naples III, Frank Joseph • Napolitano, John Phillip • Nardella, Catherine Ann • Nardone Jr., Mario • Narula, Manika K. • Nassaney, Shawn M • Nath, Narender • Navarro, Karen Susan • Navas, Joseph Micheal • Nazario, Francis Joseph • Neblett, Glenroy I. • Neblett, Rayman Marcus • Nedd, Jerome O. • Nedell, Laurence • Nee, Luke G. • Negron, Pete • Neira, Laurie Ann • Nelson, Ann N. • Nelson, David William • Nelson, James • Nelson, Michele Ann • Nelson, Peter Allen • Nesbitt, Oscar Francis • Nevins, Gerard Terence • Newell, Renee Lucille • Newton-Carter, Christopher • Ngo, Nancy Yuen • Nichilo, Jody • Nicosia, Kathleen Ann • Niederer, Martin S. • Niedermeyer, Alfonse Joseph • Niestadt, Jr., Frank John • Nieves Jr., Juan • Nieves, Gloria • Nilsen, Troy Edward • Nimbley, Paul • Niven, John B. • Noack, Katherine Marie • Noel, Curtis Terrance • Nolan, Daniel R. • Noonan, Robert Walter • Norton, Jacqueline June • Norton, Robert Grant • Notaro, Daniela R • Novotny, Brian Christopher • Numata, Soichi • Nunez, Brian Felix • Nunez, Jose • Nussbaum, Jeffrey Roger • Oakley, James A. • O’Berg, Dennis Patrick • O’Brien, Jr., James P. • O’Brien, Michael P • O’Brien, Scott J. • O’Brien, Timothy Michael • O’Callaghan, Daniel • O’Connor, Diana J. • O’Connor, Jr., Dennis James • O’Connor, Keith Kevin • O’Connor, Richard J. • O’Doherty, Amy • O’Doherty, Marni Pont • Oelschlager, Douglas E • Ogawa, Takashi • Ogletree, Albert • Ognibene, Philip Paul • Ogonowski, John A. • O’Grady, James Andrew • Ogren, Joseph J. • O’Hagan, Thomas G • Oitice, Samuel • O’Keefe, Patrick J • O’Keefe, William • Olcott, Gerald Michael • O’Leary, Gerald • Olender, Christine Anne • Oliva, Linda Mary • Oliver, Edward Kraft • Oliver, Leah E. • Olsen, Eric T. • Olsen, Jeffrey James • Olson, Maureen Lyons • Olson, Steven John • O’Mahony, Matthew Timothy • Onda, Toshihiro • Oneal, Seamus L • O’Neill, John P • O’Neill, Jr., Peter J • O’Neill, Sean Gordon • Ong, Betty Ann • Opperman, Michael C. • Orgielewicz, Christopher • Orloske, Margaret • Ormiston, Virginia Anne • O’Rourke, Kevin • Orsini, Ronald • Ortale, Peter Keith • Ortega-Campos, Juan • Orth, Jane M. • Ortiz, Alexander • Ortiz, David • Ortiz, Jr., Emilio • Ortiz, Jr., Paul • Ortiz, Pablo • Ortiz, Sonia • Ose, Masaru • O’Shea, Patrick J. • O’Shea, Robert William • Osorio, Elsy C. • Ostrowski, James R. • O’Sullivan, Timothy F. • Oswald, Jason Douglas • Otten, Michael John • Ottenwalder, Isidro D • Ou, Michael Chung • Ouida, Todd Joseph • Ovalles, Jesus • Owens, Jr., Peter J. • Oyola, AdianesPPabon Jr., Israel • Pabon, Angel M. • Pacheco, Roland • Packer, Michael Benjamin • Pakkala, Deepa • Palazzo, Jeffrey Matthew • Palazzo, Thomas • Palazzolo, Richard • Palmer, Orio J. • Palombo, Frank Anthony • Palumbo, Alan N. • Panatier, Christopher Matthew • Pandolfo, Dominique Lisa • Pansini, Paul J. • Paolillo, John M • Papa, Edward Joseph • Papasso, Salvatore T. • Pappageorge, James Nicholas • Pappalardo, Marie • Parakat, Vinod Kumar • Paramsothy, Vijayashanker • Parandkar, Nitin Ramesh • Parbhu, Hardai • Parham, James Wendell • Paris, Debra Marie • Paris, George • Park, Gye Hyong • Parker, Philip Lacey • Parkes, Michael Alaine • Parks, Jr., Robert E. • Parmar, Hashmukhrai C • Parro, Robert • Parsons, Diane Marie • Pascual, Leobardo Lopez • Pascuma, Jr., Michael J. • Paskins, Jerrold • Passananti, Horace Robert • Passaro, Suzanne H. • Patel, Avnish Ramanbhai • Patel, Dipti • Patel, Manish • Paterson, Steven Bennett • Patrick, James Matthew • Patrocino, Manuel D • Patterson, Bernard E. • Patti, Cira Marie • Pattison, Robert E. • Paul, James Robert • Paz, Patrice • Paz-Gutierrez, Victor • Peak, Stacey Lynn • Pearlman, Richard Allen • Pearsall, Durrell V • Pecorelli, Thomas Nicholas • Pedicini, Thomas • Pelino, Todd Douglas • Pelletier, Michel Adrian • Peluso, Anthony G. • Pena, Angel Ramon • Penny, Richard Al • Pepe, Salvatore F. • Peralta, Carl • Peraza, Robert David • Perconti, Jon A • Perez, Alejo • Perez, Angela Susan • Perez, Anthony • Perez, Ivan • Perez, Jr., Angel • Perez, Nancy E. • Perkins, Berinthia B. • Perroncino, Joseph John • Perrotta, Edward J. • Perry, Emelda H. • Perry, Glenn C. • Perry, John William • Pershep, Franklin Allan • Pesce, Danny • Pescherine, Michael John • Peterson, Davin • Peterson, William Russell • Petrocelli, Mark • Petti, Philip Scott • Pettit, Glen Kerrin • Pezzulo, Dominick • Pezzuti, Kaleen Elizabeth • Pfeifer, Kevin • Pham, Tu-Anh • Phelan, Kenneth John • Philip, Sneha Anne • Piantieri, Suzette Eugenia • Picarro, Ludwig John • Picerno, Matthew M. • Pick, Joseph Oswald • Pickford, Christopher • Pierce, Dennis J. • Pietronico, Bernard • Pietrunti, Nicholas P. • Pigis, Theodoros • Pinto, Susan Elizabeth • Piskadlo, Joseph • Pitman, Christopher Todd • Piver, Joshua Michael • Plumitallo, Joseph • Pocasangre Debarrera, Ana Gloria • Pocher, John • Pohlmann, William Howard • Polatsch, Laurence • Polhemus, Thomas H. • Pollicino, Steve • Pollio, Susan M. • Poptean, Joshua Iousa • Porras, Giovanna • Portillo, Anthony • Potorti, James Edward • Pouletsos, Daphne • Poulos, Richard N. • Poulos, Stephen Emanual • Powell, Brandon Jerome • Powell, Shawn Edward • Pratt, Antonio Dorsey • Preziose, Gregory M. • Prince, Wanda Ivelisse • Princiotta, Vincent • Prior, Kevin • Proctor, III, Everett Martin • Progen, Carrie Beth • Pruim, David Lee • Prunty, Richard • Puckett, John Foster • Pugliese, Robert David • Pullis, Edward F. • Puma, Patricia Ann • Puopolo, Sonia M • Puttur, Hemanth Kumar • Pykon, Edward R. • Quackenbush, Christopher • Qualben, Lars Peter • Quappe, Lincoln • Quigley IV, Patrick J. • Quigley, Beth Ann • Quilty, Michael • Quinn, James Francis • Quinn, Ricardo J.RRabalais Carol Millicent • Racaniello, Christopher Peter A. • Ragaglia, Leonard J. • Raggio, Eugene • Ragonese-Snik, Laura Marie • Ragusa, Michael Paul • Raimondi, Peter Frank • Raines, Harry A • Raja, Ehtesham • Raju, Valsa • Rall, Edward Joseph • Rambousek, Lukas • Ramirez, Maria • Ramos, Harry • Ramsaroop, Vishnoo • Ramzey, Lorenzo E. • Rancke, Alfred Todd • Rand, Adam David • Randall, Jonathan C. • Ranganath, Srinivasa Shreyas • Ransom, Anne T. • Rapoport, Faina Aronovna • Rasmussen, Robert A. • Rasool, Amenia • Rasweiler, Roger Mark • Rathkey, David Alan • Raub, William Ralph • Rauzi, Gerard P. • Razuvaev, Alexey • Reda, Gregory • Redheffer, Sarah Anne • Reed, Michele Marie • Reese, Judith Ann • Regan, Donald J • Regan, Robert M. • Regan, Thomas Michael • Regenhard, Christian Michael Otto • Reich, Howard • Reidy, Gregg • Reilly, James Brian • Reilly, Kevin O. • Reilly, Timothy E. • Reina, Jr., Joseph • Reinig, Thomas Barnes • Reisman, Frank Bennett • Reiss, Joshua Scott • Renda, Karen • Reo, John Armand • Rescorla, Richard Cyril • Resta, John Thomas • Retik, David E. • Revilla, Luis Clodoaldo • Reyes Jr., Eduvigis • Reynolds, Bruce Albert • Rhodes, John Frederick • Riccardelli, Francis Saverio • Riccio, Rudolph N. • Riccoboni, Ann Marie • Rice, David H • Rice, Eileen Mary • Rice, III, Kenneth Frederick • Richard, Vernon Allan • Richards, Claude Daniel • Richards, Gregory David • Richards, Michael • Richards, Venesha Orintia • Riches, James C. • Richman, Alan Jay • Rigo, John M • Rimmele III, Frederick Charles • Risco, Theresa • Riso, Rose Mary • Rivas, Moises N. • Rivelli, Joseph • Rivera, Carmen Alicia • Rivera, Isaias • Rivera, Juan William • Rivera, Linda Ivelisse • Rivers, David E. • Riverso, Joseph R. • Rizza, Paul V • Rizzo, John Frank • Roach, Stephen Louis • Roberto, Joseph • Roberts, Leo Arthur • Roberts, Michael Edward • Roberts, Michael Edward • Robertson, Jr., Donald Walter • Robinson, Catherina • Robinson, Jeffery • Robotham, Michell Lee Jean • Robson, Donald A. • Rocha, Antonio A • Rocha, Raymond James • Rockefeller, Laura • Rodak, John • Rodrigues, Antonio J • Rodriguez, Anthony • Rodriguez, Carmen Milagros • Rodriguez, Gregory Ernesto • Rodriguez, Marsha A. • Rodriguez, Mayra Valdes • Rodriguez, Richard • Rodriguez-Vargas, David Bartolo • Rogan, Matthew • Roger, Jean Destrehan • Rogers, Karlie Barbara • Rohner, Scott William • Roma, Keith • Romagnolo, Joseph M. • Romero, Elvin • Romero, Sr., Efrain • Romito, James A. • Rooney, Sean Paul • Ropiteau, Eric Thomas • Rosario Wakeford, Wendy Alice • Rosario, Aida • Rosario, Angela • Rosen, Mark • Rosenbaum, Brooke David • Rosenbaum, Linda • Rosenbaum, Sheryl Lynn • Rosenberg, Lloyd Daniel • Rosenberg, Mark Louis • Rosenblum, Andrew Ira • Rosenblum, Joshua M. • Rosenthal, Joshua Alan • Rosenthal, Richard David • Rosenzweig, Philip Martin • Rosetti, Daniel • Ross, Richard Barry • Rossinow, Norman S. • Rossomando, Nicholas P. • Rothberg, Michael Craig • Rothenberg, Donna Marie • Roux, James Michael • Rowe, Nicholas • Roy, Sr., Timothy Alan • Ruback, Paul G. • Ruben, Ronald J. • Rubino, Joanne • Ruddle, David M. • Ruggiere, Bart Joseph • Ruggiero, Susan A. • Ruhalter, Adam Keith • Ruiz Diaz, Obdulio • Ruiz, Gilbert • Russell, Stephen P • Russin, Steven Harris • Russo, Sr., Michael Thomas • Russo, Wayne Alan • Ryan Jr., John Joseph • Ryan, Edward • Ryan, Jonathan Stephan • Ryan, Matthew Lancelot • Ryjova, Tatiana • Ryook, ChristinaSungaSSaada, Thierry • Sabbag, Jason Elazar • Sabella, Thomas E. • Saber, Scott • Sacerdote, Joseph Francis • Sachs, Jessica Leigh • Sadocha, Francis John • Safi, Jude • Safronoff, Brock Joel • Saiya, Edward • Salamone, John Patrick • Salas, Hernando • Salas, Juan G. • Salcedo, Esmerlin Antonio • Salerno, Jr., John Salvatore • Salie, Rahma • Salinardi, Jr., Richard L. • Saloman, Wayne John • Salomon, Nolbert • Salter, Catherine Patricia • Salvaterra, Frank • Salvio, Paul Richard • Salvo, Jr., Samuel Robert • Samaniego, Carlos Alberto • Sam-Dinnoo, Rena • Samuel, Jr., James Kenneth • San Phillip, Michael • San Pio, Sylvia • Sanay, Hugo M. • Sanchez, Jacquelyn Patrice • Sanchez, Jesus • Sanchez, Raymond • Sand, Eric M • Sanders, Stacey Leigh • Sandler, Herman S • Sands, Jr., James • Santiago, Ayleen J. • Santiago, Kirsten • Santillan, Maria Theresa • Santo, Susan Gayle • Santora, Christopher • Santore, John A • Santoro, Mario L. • Santos III, Rufino Conrado Flores • Santos, Rafael Humberto • Saracini, Victor J. • Sarkar, Kalyan • Sarker, Chapelle R. • Sarle, Paul F. • Sattaluri, Deepika Kumar • Saucedo, Gregory Thomas • Sauer, Susan M • Savas, Anthony • Savinkin, Vladimir • Sayegh, Jackie • Sbarbaro, John Michael • Scandole, Jr., Robert L. • Scarpitta, Michelle • Scauso, Dennis • Schardt, John Albert • Scharf, John G. • Scheffold, Jr., Frederick Claude • Scheinberg, Angela Susan • Schertzer, Scott Mitchell • Schielke, Sean • Schlag, Steven Francis • Schlissel, Jon • Schmidt, Karen Helene • Schneider, Ian • Schoales, Thomas G. • Schott, Jr., Frank G. • Schrang, Gerard Patrick • Schreier, Jeffrey H. • Schroeder, John T. • Schuler, Susan Lee • Schunk, Edward William • Schurmeier, Mark Evan • Schwartz, Clarin Shellie • Schwartz, John Burkhart • Schwartz, Mark • Scibetta, Adriane Victoria • Scorca, Raphael • Scott, Randolph • Scudder, Christopher Jay • Scullin, Arthur Warren • Seaman, Michael Herman • Seeliger, Margaret M. • Segarra, Anthony • Segarra, Carlos • Sekzer, Jason • Sellitto, Matthew Carmen • Selwyn, Howard • Senko, Larry John • Sennas-McGowan, Stacey • Sereno, Arturo Angelo • Serrano, Frankie • Sesinova, Alena • Sessa, Adele Christine • Sewnarine, Sita Nermalla • Seymour, Karen Lynn • Sezna, Jr., Davis Grier • Sgroi, Thomas Joseph • Shah, Jayesh S • Shahid, Khalid M • Shajahan, Mohammed • Shamay, Gary • Shanahan, Earl Richard • Shastri, Neil • Shatzoff, Kathryn Anne • Shaw, Barbara A. • Shaw, Jeffrey James • Shay, Jr., Robert John • Shea, Daniel James • Shea, Joseph Patrick • Shearer, Mary Kathleen • Shearer, Robert M. • Sheehan, Linda • Shefi, Hagay • Sherry, John Anthony • Shiratori, Atsushi • Shubert, Thomas Joseph • Shulman, Mark • Shum, See Wong • Shwartzstein, Allan Abraham • Sigmund, Johanna • Signer, Dianne T • Sikorsky, Gregory • Siller, Stephen Gerard • Silver, David • Silverstein, Craig A. • Simjee, Nasima Hameed • Simmons, Bruce Edward • Simon, Arthur • Simon, Kenneth Alan • Simon, Michael J. • Simon, Paul Joseph • Simone, Marianne Teresa • Simowitz, Barry • Simpkin, Jane Louise • Simpson, Jeff Lyal • Singh, Khamladai K. • Singh, Roshan Ramesh • Sinton, III, Thomas E • Siracuse, Peter A. • Siskopoulos, Muriel Fay • Sisolak, Joseph Michael • Skala, John P. • Skidmore, Jr., Francis Joseph • Skinner, Toyena Corliss • Skrzypek, Paul A. • Slattery, Christopher Paul • Slavin, Vincent Robert • Sliwak, Robert F. • Sloan, Paul K. • Smagala, Jr, Stanley S • Small, Wendy L. • Smith, Catherine • Smith, Daniel Laurence • Smith, George Eric • Smith, Heather Lee • Smith, James Gregory • Smith, Jeffrey R. • Smith, Joyce Patricia • Smith, Jr, Leon • Smith, Karl T • Smith, Kevin Joseph • Smith, Moira Ann • Smith, Rosemary A. • Smithwick, Bonnie Jeanne • Snell, Rochelle Monique • Snyder, Dianne Bullis • Snyder, Jr., Leonard J. • Sohan, Astrid Elizabeth • Solanki, Sushil S. • Solares, Ruben • Solomon, Naomi Leah • Song, Daniel W. • Sorresse, Michael Charles • Soto, Fabian • Soulas, Timothy Patrick • Spagnoletti, Gregory • Spampinato, Jr., Donald F. • Sparacio, Thomas • Spataro, John Anthony • Spear, Jr., Robert W. • Spence, Jr., Maynard S. • Spencer, III, George Edward • Spencer, Robert Andrew • Sperando, Mary Rubina • Spinelli, Frank • Spitz, William E. • Spor, Joseph Patrick • Sprockamp, Klaus Johannes • Srinuan, Saranya • St. Rose, Fitzroy • Stabile, Michael F. • Stack, Lawrence T. • Stackpole, Timothy M • Stadelberger, Richard James • Stahlman, Eric • Stajk, Gregory • Stan, Alexandru Liviu • Stan, Corina • Stanley, Mary Domenica • Starita, Anthony • Stark, Jeffrey • Statkevicus, Derek James • Staub, Craig William • Steckman, William V. • Steen, Eric Thomas • Steiner, William R. • Steinman, Alexander Robbins • Stergiopoulos, Andrew • Stern, Andrew • Stevens, Martha Jane • Stewart, Jr., Richard H. • Stewart, Michael James • Stoller, Sanford M. • Stone, Douglas Joel • Stone, Lonny Jay • Storey, Jimmy Nevill • Stout, Timothy • Strada, Thomas • Straine, Jr., James J. • Straub, Edward W • Strauch, Jr., George J. • Strauss, Edward T. • Strauss, Steven R. • Strobert, Steven F. • Stuart, Jr., Walwyn Wellington • Suarez, Benjamin • Suarez, David Scott • Suarez, Ramon • Suarez, Xavier • Sugiyama, Yoichi • Sugra, William Christopher • Suhr, Daniel • Sullins, David Marc • Sullivan, Christopher P. • Sullivan, Patrick • Sullivan, Thomas G. • Sumaya, Jr., Hilario Soriano • Suozzo, James Joseph • Supinski, Colleen • Sutcliffe, Robert • Sutter, Seline • Sutton, Claudia Suzette • Swaine, John Francis • Swearson, Kristine M. • Sweeney, Brian David • Sweeney, Brian Edward • Sweeney, Madeline Amy • Swenson, Kenneth J. • Swift, Thomas • Sword, Derek Ogilvie • Szocik, Kevin Thomas • Sztejnberg, Gina • Szurkowski, Norbert P. • Taback, Harry • Tabeek, Joann • Taddei, Norma C • Taddonio, Michael • Takahashi, Keiichiro • Takahashi, Keiji • Talbot, Phyllis Gail • Talhami, Robert • Tallon, Sean Patrick • Talty, Paul • Tam, Maurita • Tamares, Rachel • Tamayo, Hector • Tamuccio, Michael Andrew • Tanaka, Kenichiro • Tankard, Rhondelle Cheri • Tanner, Michael Anthony • Taormina, Jr., Dennis Gerard • Tarantino, Kenneth Joseph • Tarasiewicz, Allan • Tarrou, Michael C. • Tartaro, Ronald • Taylor, Darryl Anthony • Taylor, Donnie Brooks • Taylor, Lorisa Ceylon • Taylor, Michael Morgan • Tegtmeier, Paul A. • Tembe, Yeshauant Moreshwar • Tempesta, Anthony • Temple, Dorothy Pearl • Temple, Stanley L. • Tengelin, David • Terrenzi, Brian John • Terry, Lisa M. • Thackurdeen, Goumatie T. • Thatte, Harshad Sham • Theodoridis, Michael • Theurkauf, Jr., Thomas F. • Thomas, Lesley Anne • Thompson, Brian Thomas • Thompson, Clive • Thompson, Glenn • Thompson, Nigel Bruce • Thompson, Perry • Thompson, Vanavah Alexei • Thompson, William H. • Thorpe, Eric Raymond • Thorpe, Nichola Angela • Tieri, Jr., Sal Edward • Tierney, John P. • Tiesi, Mary Ellen • Tieste, William R. • Tietjen, Kenneth Francis • Tighe, Stephen Edward • Timmes, Scott Charles • Tinley, Michael E. • Tino, Jennifer M • Tipaldi, Robert Frank • Tipping II, John James • Tirado, David • Tirado, Jr., Hector Luis • Titolo, Michelle Lee • Titus, Alicia Nicole • Tobin, John J • Todisco, Richard • Tomasevic, Vladimir • Tompsett, Stephen Kevin • Tong, Thomas • Torres, Doris • Torres, Luis Eduardo • Toyen, Amy Elizabeth • Traina, Christopher Michael • Trant, Daniel Patrick • Traore, Abdoul Karim • Travers, Glenn J. • Travers, Walter Philip • Traylor-Bass, Felicia Yvette • Trentini, James Anthony • Trentini, Mary Barbara • Trerotola, Lisa L • Trerra, Karamo • Trinidad, Michael Angel • Trombino, Francis Joseph • Trost, Gregory James • Tselepis, William P. • Tsoy, Zhanetta Valentinovna • Tucker, Michael Patrick • Tumulty, Lance Richard • Tung, Ching Ping • Turner, Simon James • Tuzio, Donald Joseph • Twomey, Robert T. • Tzemis, Jennifer LynnUUeltzhoeffer, John G. • Ugolyn, Tyler V. • Uliano, Michael A. • Uman, Jonathan J. • Umarkar, Anil Shivhari • Upton, Allen V. • Urban, Diane Marie • Vaccacio, John Damien • Vadas, Bradley Hodges • Valcarcel, William • Vale, Felix Antonio • Vale, Ivan • Valentin, Benito • Valentin, Jr., Santos • Valvo, II, Carlton Francis • Vamsikrishna, Pendyala • Van Acker, Erica H • Van Auken, Kenneth W. • Van Hine, Richard B. • Van Laere, Daniel M. • Vanacore, Edward Raymond • Vandevander, Jon C. • Varacchi, Frederick Thomas • Varadhan, Gopalakrishnan • Vargas, David • Vasel, Scott C • Vasquez, Azael Ismael • Vazquez, Arcangel • Vazquez, Santos • Vega, Peter Anthony • Velamuri, Sankara Sastry • Velazquez, Jorge • Veling, Lawrence G. • Ventura, Anthony Mark • Vera, David • Vero, Loretta Ann • Vialonga, Christopher James • Vianna, Matthew Gilbert • Vicario, Robert Anthony • Victoria, Celeste Torres • Vidal, Joanna • Vigiano II, John T. • Vigiano, Joseph Vincent • Vignola, Jr., Frank J. • Vilardo, Joseph Barry • Villanueva, Sergio G. • Vincelli, Chantal • Vincent, Melissa • Virgilio, Francine Ann • Virgilio, Lawrence • Visciano, Joseph Gerard • Vitale, Joshua S. • Vola, Maria Percoco • Vosges, Lynette D. • Voskerijian, Garo H. • Vukosa, AlfredWWachtler, Gregory Kamal Bruno • Wahlstrom, Mary Alice • Waisman, Gabriela • Walcott, Courtney Wainsworth • Wald, Victor • Waldie, Kenneth E. • Walker, Benjamin James • Wall, Glen • Wallace, Mitchel Scott • Wallace, Peter Guyder • Wallace, Robert Francis • Wallace, Roy Michael • Wallendorf, Jeanmarie • Wallens, Matthew Blake • Wallice, Jr., John • Walsh, Barbara P. • Walsh, James Henry • Walz, Jeffrey P. • Wang, Ching Huei • Wang, Weibin • Warchola, Michael • Ward, Stephen Gordon • Ward, Timothy Ray • Waring, James Arthur • Warner, Brian G. • Washington, Derrick • Waters Jr., James Thomas • Waters, Charles • Waters, Patrick J • Watson, Kenneth Thomas • Waye, Michael Henry • Weaver, Todd Christopher • Weaver, Walter Edward • Webb, Nathaniel • Webster, Dinah • Weems, William Michael • Weil, Joanne Flora • Weinberg, Michael T • Weinberg, Steven • Weingard, Scott Jeffrey • Weinstein, Steven George • Weiser, Simon • Weiss, David M. • Weiss, David Thomas • Wells, Vincent Michael • Welty, Timothy Matthew • Wemmers, Christian Hans Rudolf • Wen, Ssu-Hui • Wenckus, John Joseph • Wengerchuk, Oleh D. • West, Jr., Whitfield • West, Peter M. • Whalen, Meredith Lynn • Whelan, Eugene • White III, Edward James • White, Adam S. • White, James Patrick • White, John Sylvester • White, Jr., Kenneth Wilburn • White, Leonard Anthony • White, Malissa Y. • White, Wayne • Whiteside, Leanne Marie • Whitford, Mark P • Wholey, Michael T. • Wieman, Mary Catherine • Wiener, Jeffrey David • Wik, Wilham J. • Wildman, Alison Marie • Wilkinson, Glenn E • Willett, John C. • Williams III, Louis Calvin • Williams, Brian Patrick • Williams, Candace Lee • Williams, David J. • Williams, Deborah Lynn • Williams, Jr., Crossley Richard • Williams, Kevin Michael • Williams, Louie Anthony • Williamson, John P • Wilson, Donna Ann • Wilson, William • Winton, David Harold • Winuk, Glenn J • Wise, Thomas Francis • Wisniewski, Alan L. • Wisniewski, Frank Thomas • Wiswall, David • Wiswe, Sigrid Charlotte • Wittenstein, Michael • Wodenshek, Christopher W. • Wohlforth, Martin P • Wolf, Katherine Susan • Wong, Jennifer Yen • Wong, Siu Cheung • Wong, Yin Ping • Wong, Yuk Ping • Woodall, Brent James • Woods, James John • Woods, Patrick J • Woodwell, Richard Herron • Wooley, David Terence • Works, John Bentley • Wortley, Martin Michael • Wotton, Rodney James • Wren, William • Wright, John W. • Wright, Neil Robin • Wright, Sandra LeeYYambem, Jupiter • Yanamadala, Suresh • Yarnell, Matthew David • Yaskulka, Myrna • Yasmin, Shakila • Yee, Olabisi Shadie Layeni • York, Edward P. • York, Kevin Patrick • York, Raymond R • Youmans, Suzanne • Young Jr., Barrington Leroy • Young, Jacqueline • Yuen, ElkinZZaccoli, Joseph C • Zakhary, Adel Agayby • Zaltsman, Arkady • Zambrana Jr., Edwin J. • Zampieri, Robert Alan • Zangrilli, Mark • Zarba, Jr., Christopher Rudolph •Zaslow, Ira • Zelman, Kenneth Albert • Zelmanowitz, Abraham J. • Zempoaltecatl, Martin Morales • Zeng, Zhe • Zeplin, Marc Scott • Zhao, Jie Yao Justin • Ziminski, Ivelin • Zinzi, Michael Joseph • Zion, Charles A. • Zipper, Julie Lynne • Zisa, Salvatore • Zois, Prokopios Paul • Zuccala, Joseph J. • Zucker, Andrew S. • Zukelman, Igor •


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