Wednesday, September 5, 2012

God and Jerusalem Booed at the DNC

Today at the Democratic National Convention, amendments presented to include God and Jerusalem on the platform were booed by Democrats in attendance.  This is disturbing indeed.

Has the Democratic party become the Atheist party?  Will the Democrats now push for a secularist society in America?  Is America going the way of Europe which has adopted a strange humanistic secularist tone and is now facing an economic crisis that threatens to destabilized the continent?  I hope not.

The Democratic party is going downhill fast.  It is a party that favors immorality over morality.  Can we trust these people who foster so much anti religious rhetoric to lead a nation "Under God?"  The entire convention is mostly about Abortion, Contraception and Homosexuality.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Former Ohio Governor Ted Stickland were left dismayed at the reaction of the crowd.

This convention is so far to the left that they will fall off the scale if they move anymore to that direction.  It is a collection of progressives pushing for social engineering, the objectification of women, and the culture of death.  


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