" I always feel like somebody's watching me ..." I'm sure you heard of that song where the late King of Pop Michael Jackson offers his vocals.
Well on twitter this is the case! These atheists are stalking me. YIKES! Some even are going on Google trying to link the keyword sacerdotus to every name they can find. From myspace, to classmates.com, they have tried hard to discredit me by presenting me as some liar who was dismissed from the priesthood. Can you believe this nonsense?
It is obvious that they are afraid of me. They know that I can debunk atheism easily and expose the fraud it is. They know that their sophistry cannot escape my rational mind which analyzes and finds fallacies instantly. They will try anything to try to discredit me. I am their biggest threat.
What is funny is that they are accusing me of stalking them, but like I always do I document everything. So here click the link and see the 1000's of mentions from these disturbed people who are seeking attention by stalking my account.
Update: some tweets from stalkers discussing me and instigating.
@mikeyrichey @jaxzohnp Someone, anyone tell me the twitter name so I CAN SPAM/BLOCK HIM. #twitRevenge! #suspendables
— Atheist Cormorant (@AtomicCormorant) November 5, 2012
@mikeyrichey @jaxzohnp Yeah. I'm just gonna stay clear of him.
— Cinnanun (@notcreative388) November 5, 2012
@mikeyrichey @jaxzohnp He said some foul stuff to me as bronxbomber. I wouldn't go near him. He's offensive! Im happy to spam him!
— Cinnanun (@notcreative388) November 5, 2012
@bacchusroland @atlanticcanuck @jaxzohn @mikeyrichey @msgrumpy He gets way more attention than he deserves. We should just ignore him!
— Cinnanun (@notcreative388) November 5, 2012
@jaxzohn @mikeyrichey @msgrumpy @atlanticcanuck Yeah, sure! Which accounts? He's a creep!
— Cinnanun (@notcreative388) November 5, 2012
@jaxzohn How can I help out?
— Cinnanun (@notcreative388) November 5, 2012
@nyclatino2011 @mikeyrichey @msgrumpy @sacerdotass Are you @sacerdotus?
— Cinnanun (@notcreative388) November 5, 2012
@mikeyrichey @notcreative388 He sent a little message to jaxzohn just now to show his superiority.He's a vindictive bitch. #SMDH #Priceless
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@notcreative388 Yes, he was the catalyst that started it all,he adores suckerdouches' 'writing style'.My parody acct made fun. @mikeyrichey
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@mikeyrichey I try not to, but if you look at his blog, it's very telling. His arguments are sophomoric and his claims are silly at best.
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@mikeyrichey After 4 hours of back and forth, he failed to actually answer, he linked me to his (cont) tl.gd/jt41vn
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@mikeyrichey He doesn't like me because in my first week on twitter, he had set up a debate with (cont) tl.gd/jt40oe
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
Just fell victim to a group reporting, organized by my stalker, Sacerdotus via NYCLATINO2011&YearOfFaith2012. Please report&RT #suspendables
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@godsassociate @mrozatheist @carl_20 Is it? He is quite rude. And not too bright.
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@mrozatheist @godsassociate @carl_20 He said sacerdoofus is an elegant writer, hilarious.
— Neo (@JaxzohnP) November 5, 2012
@sacerdotass I think @sacerdotus is probably one of those people who is blocked by more people than follow him. #Atheism
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 5, 2012
@rosarubicondior You don't have to tell me, I blocked as many accounts as I can. He started last (cont) tl.gd/jtdot6
— Priest (@Sacerdotass) November 5, 2012
@sacerdotass That's why he does it. Block the stupid troll and ignore him. @sacerdotus is a clown and a laughing stock. Just another loony.
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 5, 2012
@sacerdotass I doubt it's possible to get anything very much through to Manuel, in the sate he's in. #Insanity #Atheism
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 5, 2012
who wants to see what my clone @sacerdotus is hiding? His true identity: Manuel De Agustos Dios.via.me/-6ohadra
— Priest (@Sacerdotass) November 5, 2012
How Christian. RT "@sacerdotus: Thanks for getting rid of that psycho jaxzoh sacerdotass aka rosa." I'm still not Rosa. #fail @nyclatino2011
— Priest (@Sacerdotass) November 5, 2012
@rosarubicondior I can't say I'd be surprised, did I ever tell you why he thinks I'm you? @sacerdotus
— Priest (@Sacerdotass) November 5, 2012
@sacerdotass Just a little man, blaming everyone else for his failures & angry that his proclivities ruined his 'career'. @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 6, 2012
@sacerdotass He prob. thinks his carefully rehearsed dishonesty is a skill to be admired. Something he learned if from priests. @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 6, 2012
@sacerdotass You won't get any rational answers. The evasions he leaned in the seminary have become a way of life with him. @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 6, 2012
@rosarubicondior After 6 hours of back and forth, he linked me to his blog never answered 'why (cont) tl.gd/jtdtgh
— Priest (@Sacerdotass) November 6, 2012
@rosarubicondior 4 days after I started using Twitter was the infamous 'debate' night. I asked him (cont) tl.gd/jtdt1v
— Priest (@Sacerdotass) November 6, 2012
@sacerdotass Obviously, provision for mental health care in New York leaves very much to be desired. #Atheism #Sanity @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 6, 2012
RT @toupsfamily: Always my friend. @lifepeeps @sacerdotus"◄-- Oh look - he's talking to himself!!!
— MsGrumpy (@MsGrumpy) November 9, 2012
RT @sacerdotus @toupsfamily I and others reported their accounts and they got suspended ◄- @twitter please note this is a known spammer
— MsGrumpy (@MsGrumpy) November 9, 2012
RELIGIOUS BIGOT LOSES—>@sacerdotus And now I gloat. I told you I would! #LGBT #Atheism
— Randall Reynolds (@randallr01) November 7, 2012
“@sacerdotus @lifepeeps @toupsfamily I and others reported their accounts and they got suspended instantly” #suspendables
— Boudicca's Child (@BoudiccasChild) November 9, 2012
I just retweeted a post from @sacerdotus where he admits to conspiring to get #atheists suspended on @twitter #Suspendables
— Boudicca's Child (@BoudiccasChild) November 9, 2012
#IAmAnAtheistBecause @sacerdotus @scotsmanmatt @joecienkoski and hundreds of other religious Twitter loons. #Atheism
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 10, 2012
@carrotbribery Yep. Thrown out of seminary. Been spiraling downwards for about a year now. Completely detached from reality. @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 11, 2012
@carrotbribery Which one? Religious fanaticism is often a sign of psychotic mental illness. Look at @sacerdotusfor example.
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) November 11, 2012
@gardenowl ROFLMAO @msgrumpy @sacerdotus
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@gardenowl @msgrumpy These? @sacerdotusvia.me/-6vcnzbe
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@notcreative388 He thinks he is God, that's why he's so narcissistic. @sace rdotus
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@notcreative388 Did you read it? Evidently I'm committing a crime!! Parodying a failed priest is a crime? I love it, how funny!!
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@sacerdotus: "Sacerdotas - NOT a Priest po.st/kWKP4t"This is what a failed priest has to do,discredit any competition. He's weak.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@carrotbribery I've been at it for a while here. I'd be insulted if he overlooked my hard work.@rosarubicondior
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@noskydad I know! I must be doing well, because he's written a blog page about how I'm not a priest, he's tweeting the link. @sacerdotus
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@sacerdotus has been tweeting about how I'm not a priest all day, I wonder where his proof is.. Or the proof that he's in seminary. #TROLL
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@thebrianfuller Don't be daft, I am a priest, @sacerdotus is not.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
No @thebrianfuller don't be daft..@zackriles .@support ---> @sacerdotus is a spam account
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
No @thebrianfuller don't be daft.@zackriles @support <==(I love how he uses what he learned from Rosa!). @sacerdotus is a spam account
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
Spam account suggests that it's purpose is to promote garbage Web sites, I am actually a PARODY account. I'm here to make fun of @sacerdotus
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
And as far as my last tweet, @sacerdotus and several other accounts are here to promote his blog (garbage Web site) which suggests hes spam.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
don't start none, won't be none :)@sacerd0tus
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
"@sacerdotus: They are blocked, but they are pretending to be me and my followers are unfollowing me thinking I'm a fake account." #BOOM
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
RT "@sacerdotus: no, then they will try to get you suspended.Just report them like the blog says and get lots of people to do the same."
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
About to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament.Send #preyer requests to #sacerdoofus I will offer them. #catholic #trcot
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@sacerdotas Even as a real account, @sacerdotus, you're a fake account.
— B Bear (@beebearninja) November 12, 2012
RT @beebearninja: @sacerdotas Even as a real account, @sacerdotus, you're a fake account.How could anyone take his silly blog seriously?
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
"@sacerdotus: They are blocked, but they are pretending to be me and my followers are unfollowing me thinking I'm a fake account." #BOOM!
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
"@sacerdotus:.. they are pretending to be me and my followers are unfollowing me thinking I'm a fake account." U shoulda left me alone.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
"@sacerdotus:.. they are pretending to be me and my followers are unfollowing me thinking I'm a fake account." Stop whining, Manny.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@lifepeeps you shouldn't believe what @sacerdotus tells you. He is a fraud. Debating #atheists (cont) tl.gd/jvs10v
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@msgrumpy @sacodogturds 's blog. Lol.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
I prey to Almighty God for The Antichrist ->@sacerdotus to be Deleted & Defeated forevermore. Amen
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@lifepeeps The whole blog is out of date. @sacerdotus
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
You are being Used by Hate Anger & Jealousy as pawns...Will You be there When Gods Kingdom Dawns? Come back to The FATHER! @sacerdotus!
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
"@sacerdotus: Its not me, that is someone pretending to be me so others can think I am a fraud.@lifepeeps" Oh, but u are a fraud Manny.
— Priest (@Sacerdotas) November 12, 2012
@sacerdotus Are you going to unblock @rosarubicondior so we can kick the crap out of your ridiculous blog? #bringit #atheism
— BigFatConspiracist (@FatConspiracist) December 8, 2012
@fatconspiracist He normally uses half a dozen different accounts until they get suspended to post threats and abuse at people. @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) December 7, 2012
@fatconspiracist He spends all day alternately building psychotic fantasies & tweeting abuse/obscenities at strangers... @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) December 7, 2012
@fatconspiracist I take you you know about poor @sacerdotus ? Thrown out of seminary for misbehaviour and now unemployable....
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) December 7, 2012
@fatconspiracist No. As he knows, he's blocked me. Is he trying his pretend challenge again? bit.ly/Ou4Y1K @sacerdotus
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) December 7, 2012
@sacerdotus I can hardly wait. Lamb to slaughter. @rosarubicondior, are you following this? It's going to be interesting.
— BigFatConspiracist (@FatConspiracist) December 7, 2012
RT @cf1969: @rosarubicondior "anymore" ??? ;-) @sacerdotus > Careless oversight. :-)
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) December 2, 2012
@rosarubicondior @sacerdotus He is trapped up his own arse
— Mark Williams (@EunoiaEuphoria) December 2, 2012
Haven't seen poor @sacerdotus around for a while. Has he finally twigged that no one takes him seriously anymore? #Atheism
— Rosa Rubicondior (@RosaRubicondior) December 2, 2012
Wow what a freak u r u couldn't debunk anything quit thinking we are stalking you we just wish to use twitter just like you be a man ignore us if you can't for a good debate but thinking we are stalking u is weak sauce
ReplyDeleteThe tweets speak for themselves. Either you are blind or just daft to state otherwise.
DeleteThis is a nice tribute to me. Thanks.