Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Atheists Stalking Me

"  I always feel like somebody's watching me ..."  I'm sure you heard of that song where the late King of Pop Michael Jackson offers his vocals.

Well on twitter this is the case!  These atheists are stalking me.  YIKES!  Some even are going on Google trying to link the keyword sacerdotus to every name they can find.  From myspace, to, they have tried hard to discredit me by presenting me as some liar who was dismissed from the priesthood.  Can you believe this nonsense?

It is obvious that they are afraid of me.  They know that I can debunk atheism easily and expose the fraud it is.  They know that their sophistry cannot escape my rational mind which analyzes and finds fallacies instantly.  They will try anything to try to discredit me.  I am their biggest threat.

What is funny is that they are accusing me of stalking them, but like I always do I document everything.  So here click the link and see the 1000's of mentions from these disturbed people who are seeking attention by stalking my account.

Update: some tweets from stalkers discussing me and instigating.


  1. Wow what a freak u r u couldn't debunk anything quit thinking we are stalking you we just wish to use twitter just like you be a man ignore us if you can't for a good debate but thinking we are stalking u is weak sauce

    1. The tweets speak for themselves. Either you are blind or just daft to state otherwise.

  2. This is a nice tribute to me. Thanks.


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