Thursday, November 30, 2017

Holidays here: Atheists Stupidly Looking For Attention Again

It is the holiday season in the United States of America.  While Christmas officially begins during the Christmas season, Americans tend to celebrate their secular version of the holidays earlier. Rockefeller Center already lighted up their huge tree yesterday and many neighborhoods are already putting up decorations and lights. The idea is silly because Christmas belongs to the Catholic Church.

It is our holy day. We are about to celebrate the season of Advent this Sunday which is a preparation for Christ's coming. Christmas is not here for us Catholics just yet. In any event, the rest of society in America loves to celebrate early and businesses love to make money off of it by drawing people to consume more and more.  It is all a psychological scam. Because of this, atheists believe that religion is being pushed down their throats, so to speak.

They see these displays of the holidays as an affront to reason and the separation of Church and State which is not even mentioned in the Constitution. During this time, American Atheists, the Freedom from Religion Foundation and other campy organizations pay top dollar to put up billboards and displays showing their hate against Christians. Every years is the same situation.  This year, the FFRF planned to place a "free-thought" flag with a red "A" over a 10 Commandments monument which rests nearby City Hall. The monument has been an issue for atheists who claim that their display is an affront to the Constitution.

Co-President of the FFRF Annie Laurie Gaylor said, "This is really an affront to our Constitution and an affront to the people who don't believe in the Bible." However, the plan to raise a flag over the monument will not come to fruition.  Apparently, there was a change of heart and the flag will be raised in January during a celebration of tolerance. In Chicago, an 8 foot Scarlet A banner was raised. The display also shows a "Secular Nativity scene" depicting the Statue of Liberty, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams with document (possibly the Bill of Rights of Constitution) on a cradle.

Ironically, Franklin, Jefferson and Adams were Christians and the United States of America was founded upon Judeo-Christian values. What is also funny is that FFRF is providing the celebration of the Pagan Winter Solstice.  Last I remember, Paganism is a religion!  There is no escaping this fact. We see the nonsense atheists spew and why atheism is falling out of favor worldwide. When atheists have to resort to childish tactics like this, it shows that atheism is just a comedy show. There is nothing rational about atheism. This is why as an atheist I came to the conclusion that Atheism Is Stupid and wrote my book. Part II is on the way soon!

Take time to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and ignore the stupidity of atheism and atheists who are not happy with themselves and want to ruin the season for everyone. They are just looking for attention.  Trolling in the real world! 


Atheist Activist & Host of 'Recovering from Religion' Podcast Kills Wife & Himself

Atheists love to claim that Christians commit the most crimes or that the overall population in prison is Christian. However, they forget to mention the many crimes perpetrated by their own. Scott Smith, an atheist activist, and veteran of the military killed his wife and himself in a murder-suicide.  His wife Jennifer Smith was about to file for a divorce. Smith hosted a podcast entitled "Recovering from Religion" and was part of the Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers.

On Monday, 911 in San Antonio, Texas received a call from Scott Smith saying that he was going to kill his wife and himself.  Police rushed to their home and shot tear gas into it.  Once they made their way in, they found Smith's wife Jennifer dead in a room on the second floor.  Scott Smith posted on Facebook "Goodbye" which is believed to be a cryptic messages announcing his suicide. As the tragedy occurred, their young daughters Laura, Lily, and Amber were in school unaware that their parents were dead. Scott's older son Aaron of 27 years of age found out via social media what was going on.

The story is tragic but demonstrates the problems that atheism causes in people. Studies show that atheists have one of the highest rates of mental illness and suicide. Atheism empties the atheist of all hope. It causes an existential crisis which can lead to depression and suicide. When life is reduced to nothing more than materialistic constructs, then there is no purpose to it. Life becomes a random algorithm in the universe that is accidental and has no purpose. Ironically, William Scott Smith hosted a podcast about recovering from religion. Notice how his troubles occurred after he abandoned God and religion. The "Friendly Atheist" and others blame post-traumatic stress disorder for this tragedy, however, we must ask why Scott did not face PTSD when he was a theist?  Why did he engage in this murder-suicide after he became an atheist? It is clear that atheism had a role to play. It robbed him of a moral compass which blinded him to the fact that life is sacred and that no one warrants death even when that someone may have caused hurt. Christians know to forgive, cut their losses and move on. An atheist devoid of morality does not think rationally and resorts to violence. We see this online where those claiming to be atheists resort to abusive behavior without provocation. Atheism is a poison of the mind which infects the heart.

My prayers go out to those affected by this tragedy. Scott now knows there is a God.  May God have mercy on his soul.  Atheism kills. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

'Gaytivity' Scenes Mocking Jesus & Holy Family

Recently on Twitter, some LGBTQ proponents have been posting offensive photos depicting religious hate against Christians.  These photos contain what has been coined as a "Gaytivity scene" or a display of a same-sex Holy Family with a transgender or queer baby Jesus. It mocks the traditional Christmas Nativity scene which is believed to have been first created by St. Francis of Assisi.

The photos have brought about disgust and anger from Catholic bishop of Providence Rhode Island, Thomas Tobin and other clergy. He wrote on his Facebook page:

A Gay Nativity?
Just came across this photo of a “gay nativity” scene — two Josephs dressed in pink watching over the Christ Child. How sad that someone believes it’s okay (or funny or cool) to impose their own agenda on the holy Birth of Jesus. Pray for those who did so, for their change of heart, and that Jesus will forgive this sacrilege, this attack on the Christian Faith.

Here are the original tweets with the offensive photos:

Many are upset over the images.  Others have voiced support for them in the name of "inclusion." To date, I have not seen Fr. James Martin SJ comment on this display. It would be interesting to see his take on it.  As many of you know, Fr. Martin has been under fire for what has been described as a form of misguided compassion for members of the LGBTQ community which has watered down the Church's teachings on homosexuality.

The scene is indeed offensive and makes me wonder the mental state of those creating these displays. They are clearly demonic in nature. Only Satan resorts to mockery because he has no rational arguments against God.  I am hoping that this disgusting display does not become a trend. There will be those who will create them on purpose just to bait Christians.  I advise Twitter users to report these accounts who posted the images and anyone else who posts them so they can get suspended. They are clearly examples of religious hate and intolerance.  Twitter has suspended profiles for petty reasons, they have to suspend these accounts for their hate against Christians.

Pray for these souls who are deceived by the devil.


Cigar Looking Asteroid from another Star System Visits Earth

The Universe is full of a lot of interesting and fascinating things. We are always discovering new things about it.  Its immense size will always keep us curious. This is because the possibility of finding new things is nearly infinite due to the universe's size. We are just scratching the surface in regards to space exploration and scanning the cosmos. There is still a lot to learn. 

Well, recently we were visited by an asteroid from another solar system. It is possibly the first object in space that is not native to our own solar system. This fact alone is interesting but there is another fact that has astronomers surprised. This asteroid is extremely strange. It is cigar-shaped and traveling extremely fast at about 85,000 miles per hour and is 124 million miles away from the Earth. The asteroid is rocky and has a reddish hue.  Scientists named it "Oumuamua." The word is Hawaiian and means "A messenger from afar arriving first."

Scientists are trying to learn as much about it as possible.  However, it will not be in our solar system for long.  It is scheduled to pass by Jupiter in May of next year, Saturn in 2019 and eventually leave our solar system and travel to the constellation of Pegasus.  Studying this asteroid may give us more information about other systems and how they formed.  It may also have clues as to whether life exists elsewhere in the universe. 


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

'Thinking Chicken' @AtheismNTheCity Scared to Debate: Forfeits

After I invited atheismnthecity who claims to be "The Thinker" to debate me (, he/she has run away from debating me as expected. Atheismnthecity has demonstrated him/herself to be an non-thinker and a chicken.  He/she is clearly not capable of engaging me in a debate and made it obvious via his/her stalling.

He/she will not follow through with the debate and just wants to email back and forth while engaging in polemics.

AtheismNtheCity has forfeited and has been declared the loser by default.  I tweeted this earlier:

AtheismNtheCity responded to my email with the same stalling. It is clear that he/she is hiding something from not being able to present identification and academic credentials.  See the emails and my replies:

Despite forfeiting, I gave atheismnthecity another chance to follow through by December 2, 2017. Let us see if he/she musters up any courage or continues forfeiting.  I do not believe he will be able to follow through because this will reveal that he/she is just another poser and troll who lacks academic credentials. 

UPDATE: November 30, 2017

AtheismNTheCity is now playing games. He is asking me for identification despite my information being posted on the about me tab on this website. It is clear that he is engaging in the same stalling that William Hounslow (Rubicondior) engaged in when I invited him to debate me in 2012-13.  Take a look at his emails below and my replies.

It is obvious that AtheismNTheCity is just engaging in puerile tactics and has no interest in a serious and formal debate. He does not want to provide identification and academic records that match that identification. This is important because it screens honest debaters who are academically prepared from online trolls just looking to bring disruption.   AtheismntheCity is clearing inacapable of providing identification and academic records because he is clearly just a troll.  


Monday, November 27, 2017


Hello everyone. A reader posted on my comments a link to a Facebook post written by a Hispanic young man. The reader of my blog asked me to address it. I will do it in this post, however, the layout will be a bit different.  To avoid confusion, I will try doing it this way.  The Facebook username Eduardo wrote in Spanish. I know some Spanish, but am not an expert on it. There were instances that I had to use Google Translator.  So in this post, Eduardo's original words will be between these symbols <<>>.  I will then add screenshots of how Google Translator translated the text. Afterwards, I will post my response after "Sacerdotus:" and will be in blue for English and Green in Spanish.  Hopefully, this will make it easier for readers who know both English and Spanish to follow who wrote what.  Enjoy!  Feel free to comment.

Hola a todos. Un lector publicรณ en mis comentarios un enlace a una publicaciรณn de Facebook escrita por un joven hispano. El lector de mi blog me pidiรณ que lo abordara. Lo harรฉ en esta publicaciรณn, sin embargo, el diseรฑo serรก un poco diferente. Para evitar confusiones, intentarรฉ hacerlo de esta manera. El nombre de usuario de Facebook Eduardo escribiรณ en espaรฑol. Sรฉ algo de espaรฑol, pero no soy un experto en eso. Hubo casos en que tuve que usar Google Translator. Entonces en este post, las palabras originales de Eduardo estarรกn entre estos sรญmbolos << >>. Luego agregarรฉ capturas de pantalla de cรณmo Google Traductor tradujo el texto. Despuรฉs, publicarรฉ mi respuesta despuรฉs de "Sacerdotus:" y aparecerรฉ en azul para inglรฉs y verde en espaรฑol. Con suerte, esto harรก que sea mรกs fรกcil para los lectores que saben inglรฉs y espaรฑol seguir quiรฉn escribiรณ quรฉ. ¡Disfrutar! Siรฉntete libre de comentar.

July 26, 2012 at 10:51pm


Comencemos por lo mรกs sencillo, 10 evidencias aplastantes que desmoronan la mentira de la existencia de un “dios” y un “diablo” en todas las pseudoreligiones (unas 10.000 oficiales) que existen en nuestro planeta:

1. Si “dios” existe y es todo poderoso ¿por quรฉ no ha destruido en mรกs de 2.8 millones de aรฑos que tiene la humanidad como especie en el planeta, o 40.000 aproximados, que tiene el homo sapiens a ese supuesto “diablo”, que es su “archienemigo” y que molesta tanto a sus “hijos”? o ¿es quรฉ tu si fueras “todo poderoso” no eliminarรญas lo malo o aquello que te molesta, con un solo toque o chasquido de tus dedos? Es tonto creer que un “dios” TODO PODEROSO no tiene “poder” para eliminar al diablo de un solo toque.>>


Many ask this question. Why has God not destroyed the devil who has been around harassing human beings?  The question is completely valid and a good one.  Scripture does not directly answer the question but does say that the devil will lose and be destroyed (Revelation 20:7-9).  This means that Satan will not be around forever. He will lose. Satan is a creature of God. He was created as the angel of light or Lucifer and was a good angel. He turned against God out of jealousy for man. Since he is a creation of God, he has free will just like human beings.  God respects free will. He respects his creature's free will to either accept Him or reject Him. However, we know that decisions have consequences. Jesus came to destroy all the damage Satan caused (1 John 3:8). This shows that God cares for humanity. He will never let Satan win. God allows Satan and human beings to act as they wish, but that does not mean that there will not be consequences.  Destroying Satan is too easy for God. No one will learn from that. By Satan being allowed to exist and cause trouble, God can use that to teach man wisdom. We see this in the story of Job where we learn that we must accept hardships even when we feel God is not there for us.  Like Job, we must remain faithful. Keeping Satan in existence does not make God less powerful anymore than a country or state keeping a prisoner in prison makes it a weak country of state.

Muchos hacen esta pregunta. ¿Por quรฉ Dios no destruyรณ al diablo que ha estado rondando a los seres humanos? La pregunta es completamente vรกlida y buena. La Escritura no responde directamente a la pregunta, pero sรญ dice que el diablo perderรก y serรก destruido (Apocalipsis 20: 7-9). Esto significa que Satanรกs no estarรก por siempre. El perdera. Satanรกs es una criatura de Dios. ร‰l fue creado como el รกngel de la luz o Lucifer y fue un buen รกngel. Se volviรณ contra Dios por celos del hombre. Como รฉl es una creaciรณn de Dios, รฉl tiene libre albedrรญo como los seres humanos. Dios respeta el libre albedrรญo ร‰l respeta el libre albedrรญo de su criatura para aceptarlo o rechazarlo. Sin embargo, sabemos que las decisiones tienen consecuencias. Jesรบs vino a destruir todo el daรฑo que Satanรกs causรณ (1 Juan 3: 8). Esto muestra que Dios se preocupa por la humanidad. ร‰l nunca permitirรก que Satanรกs gane. Dios permite que Satanรกs y los seres humanos actรบen como lo deseen, pero eso no significa que no habrรก consecuencias. Destruir a Satanรกs es demasiado fรกcil para Dios. Nadie aprenderรก de eso. Al permitir que Satanรกs exista y cause problemas, Dios puede usar eso para enseรฑar sabidurรญa al hombre. Vemos esto en la historia de Job donde aprendemos que debemos aceptar las dificultades incluso cuando sentimos que Dios no estรก allรญ para nosotros. Al igual que Job, debemos permanecer fieles. Mantener a Satanรกs en existencia no hace que Dios sea menos poderoso que un paรญs o estado manteniendo a un prisionero en prisiรณn lo convierte en un paรญs dรฉbil de estado.

<<2. Si “dios” es "perfecto", su obra tambiรฉn tiene que ser "perfecta", no se puede esperar menos y mรกs si somos "a su imagen y semejanza" entonces ¿por quรฉ existe la brutalidad y el ego en el ser humano? Si somos semejanza de “dios” ¿cรณmo es esto posible?.>>


The suggestion that because God is perfect that His work must be perfect is fallacious. Creation is not a carbon copy of God. Creation is not a twin of God.  Creation exists and is dependent on God. The phrase that humans are made in God's image and likeness does not mean that we are exactly like God. It does not mean that we are carbon copies of God. What it means is that we have some qualities that are found in God such as intelligence, ability to do good, judge, self-awareness, will etc. Other non-human animals do not have these qualities. We have the spark of the divine in us because we have a soul which God breathed into us (Genesis 2:7). This image of God in us was damaged or disfigured by Original Sin (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 1701).  

La sugerencia de que Dios es perfecto y que su obra debe ser perfecta es falaz. La creaciรณn no es una copia de carbono de Dios. La creaciรณn no es un gemelo de Dios. La creaciรณn existe y depende de Dios. La frase de que los humanos estรกn hechos a la imagen y semejanza de Dios no significa que somos exactamente como Dios. No quiere decir que somos copias de carbono de Dios. Lo que significa es que tenemos algunas cualidades que se encuentran en Dios, como la inteligencia, la capacidad de hacer el bien, el juez, la autoconciencia, la voluntad, etc. Otros animales no humanos no tienen estas cualidades. Tenemos la chispa de lo divino en nosotros porque tenemos un alma que Dios soplรณ en nosotros (Gรฉnesis 2: 7). Esta imagen de Dios en nosotros fue daรฑada o desfigurada por el Pecado Original (Catecismo de la Iglesia Catรณlica, pรกrrafo 1701).

<<3. Si “dios” existe y nos "ama" ¿por quรฉ siendo “todo poderoso” y viendo TODO lo que sucede en el planeta, es decir siendo omnipresente, permite que sus "hijos" se maten en su cara y pudiendo evitarlo, no lo hace? Eso equivale a que tรบ siendo madre o padre de 2 hijos, los veas apuรฑalarse o dispararse en la sala de tu casa, el uno al otro y pudiendo separarlos y viendo lo que sucede, te quedes sentando comiendo palomitas de maรญz viendo el espectรกculo, sin hacer nada alegando “libre albedrรญo”. Una total estupidez cรณsmica.>>


This question touched on the alleged problem of evil which philosophers have argued over for centuries. Why does God allow evil? It is a question that I address in my book Atheism Is Stupid. First, we have to understand that evil does not exist. I know this sounds odd, but let me explain. Evil is simply the absence of good. God allows evil because He can bring a greater good out of it and respects free will. The idea that God just sits back and watch is unfounded. God gave us a conscience which we can follow or ignore. Children who attack each other do so because they have ignored their consciences. God is not a micromanager. He is the master of life. A mere killing is nothing to Him because He can prevent the person from dying or just call His breathe back to Him. We are all destined to die. There is no escaping this reality. Even parents cannot fully prevent their kids from killing each other. Moreover, good parents would raise their kids to love one another. God has given us the Commandments. We have a choice to follow them or reject them. Our bad choices are in no way a reflection of God just like our bad choices are not a reflection of our parents.

Esta pregunta tocรณ el supuesto problema del mal que los filรณsofos han discutido durante siglos. ¿Por quรฉ Dios permite el mal? Es una pregunta que abordo en mi libro El ateรญsmo es estรบpido. Primero, debemos entender que el mal no existe. Sรฉ que esto suena extraรฑo, pero dรฉjame explicarte. El mal es simplemente la ausencia del bien. Dios permite el mal porque puede sacar un bien mayor de รฉl y respeta el libre albedrรญo. La idea de que Dios simplemente se sienta y mira es infundada. Dios nos dio una conciencia que podemos seguir o ignorar. Los niรฑos que se atacan entre sรญ lo hacen porque han ignorado sus conciencias. Dios no es un micromanager. ร‰l es el maestro de la vida. Una mera matanza no es nada para รฉl porque puede evitar que la persona muera o simplemente llamar a su respiraciรณn hacia รฉl. Todos estamos destinados a morir. No hay escapatoria a esta realidad. Incluso los padres no pueden evitar por completo que sus hijos se maten unos a otros. Ademรกs, los buenos padres criarรญan a sus hijos para que se amen. Dios nos ha dado los mandamientos. Tenemos la opciรณn de seguirlos o rechazarlos. Nuestras malas elecciones de ninguna manera son un reflejo de Dios asรญ como nuestras malas elecciones no son un reflejo de nuestros padres.

<<4. ¿Si “dios” existe para quรฉ necesitas rezar, ir a la iglesia o confesarte, si el lee y escucha tus pensamientos y conoce tus emociones? ¿no es que TODO lo ve? Entonces es un DESPERDICIO de energรญa rezar e ir al templo a rogar, si ya tu “dios” sabe lo que necesitas ¿no?>>


 We need to pray, go to Church, confess etc because we are the ones in need of God. God does not need us. He is God.  We are the fallen creatures. We are the ones who sin and rejected Him. God simply waits for us to come back home. God knows and sees all, but that does not mean that we automatically become holy because of His ability to know and see all. Coaches know the abilities of their players. Teachers know the abilities of their students. However, those players and students must prove themselves by putting those abilities into practice and perfection. Similarly, God knows us, our thoughts etc, but we have to do the work to show that we are worthy of Him. Prayer, worship etc is really for our formation and holiness.  It is us working out our salvation (Philippians 2:12).

Necesitamos orar, ir a la Iglesia, confesar, etc. porque somos los que necesitamos a Dios. Dios no nos necesita. El es Dios. Somos las criaturas caรญdas Nosotros somos los que pecamos y lo rechazamos. Dios simplemente espera que regresemos a casa. Dios sabe y ve todo, pero eso no significa que automรกticamente nos volvemos santos por su habilidad para conocer y ver todo. Los entrenadores conocen las habilidades de sus jugadores. Los maestros conocen las habilidades de sus estudiantes. Sin embargo, esos jugadores y estudiantes deben probarse poniendo esas habilidades en prรกctica y perfecciรณn. Del mismo modo, Dios nos conoce, nuestros pensamientos, etc., pero tenemos que hacer el trabajo para demostrar que somos dignos de รฉl. La oraciรณn, la adoraciรณn, etc. son realmente para nuestra formaciรณn y santidad. Estamos trabajando en nuestra salvaciรณn (Filipenses 2:12). 

<<5. Si los que dicen "hablar" con ese tal “dios” condenan el sexo, ¿por quรฉ ese “dios” imaginario sigue mandando niรฑos con genitales que sienten placer? quรฉ raro ese “dios” les dice una cosa a los “sacerdotes”, “rabinos” y demรกs “jerarcas superiores”, “mensajeros directos de dios” pero hace otra cosa en la prรกctica. Muy peculiar ese “dios”.>>


Well, I know of no religious person who condemns sex. I can only speak for the Catholic religion as a Catholic. We value sex. This is why we fight hard to keep it sacred.  The Catholic Church sees sex as a partaking in the creative power of God. We get to bring new creations into this world which we call children. This is a big and powerful act that only comes from God and which God shares with us. God commanded humanity to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Sex comes from God. As for pleasure, it is part of the experience. The pleasure is a reminder that the couple did something good: procreation. They have opened up their lives to new life. This is a good. Our Facebook author here clearly is misinformed. Gnosticism or the Albigensian Heresy is what the seems to be describing. They are condemned by the Catholic Church. Moreover, I know of no priest or rabbi who claims to have a direct line to God. They just have a different ministerial from the laity. This Facebook author calls God imaginary but offers no evidence for this. We are hardwired to believe in God. God is hardly imaginary.  

Bueno, no conozco a ninguna persona religiosa que condene el sexo. Solo puedo hablar por la religiรณn catรณlica como catรณlica. Valoramos el sexo. Es por eso que luchamos duro para mantenerlo sagrado. La Iglesia Catรณlica ve el sexo como una participaciรณn en el poder creativo de Dios. Llegamos a traer nuevas creaciones a este mundo que llamamos niรฑos. Este es un acto grande y poderoso que solo viene de Dios y que Dios comparte con nosotros. Dios ordenรณ a la humanidad que sea fructรญfera y se multiplique (Gรฉnesis 1:28). El sexo proviene de Dios. En cuanto al placer, es parte de la experiencia. El placer es un recordatorio de que la pareja hizo algo bueno: la procreaciรณn. Han abierto sus vidas a una nueva vida. Esto es bueno Nuestro autor de Facebook aquรญ estรก claramente mal informado. El gnosticismo o la herejรญa albigense es lo que parece estar describiendo. Ellos son condenados por la Iglesia Catรณlica. Ademรกs, no conozco ningรบn sacerdote o rabino que afirme tener una lรญnea directa con Dios. Simplemente tienen una ministerial diferente a la de los laicos. Este autor de Facebook llama a Dios imaginario, pero no ofrece evidencia de esto. Estamos programados para creer en Dios. Dios es apenas imaginario.

<<6. Si “dios” existe, ¿quiรฉn creรณ a ese supuesto "dios"? Y si respondes “se creรณ รฉl a si mismo”, ¿por quรฉ esta respuesta no puede ser usada tambiรฉn para el Universo?. Si aplica para una, tambiรฉn puede aplicar a la otra.>>


This touches on the infinite regression argument. The argument is fallacious because it fails to understand the nature of God. God is absolute. All things are dependent on God for their existence. Because God is the source of all that exists, all that is seen and unseen, He cannot have a creator. It is just logically impossible. God exists in Himself because He is absolute. When something is whole, you cannot add to that whole. It is already complete or absolute.  God is also not subject to time. Because of this, He is eternal. Eternity cannot have a beginning or an end. 

Esto toca el argumento de la regresiรณn infinita. El argumento es falaz porque no comprende la naturaleza de Dios. Dios es absoluto. Todas las cosas dependen de Dios para su existencia. Debido a que Dios es la fuente de todo lo que existe, todo lo que se ve y lo que no se ve, no puede tener un creador. Es lรณgicamente imposible. Dios existe en Sรญ mismo porque ร‰l es absoluto. Cuando algo es completo, no puedes agregarlo a ese todo. Ya es completo o absoluto. Dios tampoco estรก sujeto al tiempo. Debido a esto, ร‰l es eterno. La eternidad no puede tener un comienzo o un final.

<<7. Si "dios" es "todo poderoso" ¿cรณmo un simple CONDร“N lo deja minimizado? Un simple lรกtex impide que el "mande niรฑos al mundo" si es todo poderoso รฉl puede traspasar un condรณn y darle 2 o 3 o 6 niรฑos a una mujer, es mรกs รฉl puede embarazar a mujeres sin sexo, y hasta a hombres, porque segรบn "todo lo puede". Ademรกs es IDIOTA pensar que ese dios teniendo miles y millones, quizรกs infinitos planetas y Universos quiera sobre poblar este ya saturado planeta. ¿Acaso su inteligencia no le permite darse cuenta de ello y enviar seres a otros planetas con mรกs recursos y espacio?. Vaya dios tan idiota y necio>>


I think the idea that a condom prevents God from sending children to the world is silly. There have been pregnancies even after a couple has used condoms or even the pill. Nature always wins against man. This is how it always has been.  God told man to be fruitful and multiply. This means that man must be open to new life and must not be selfish. The idea of overpopulation is the rich man's myth in order to prevent the poor from existing. It is an idea that ignorant liberals and progressives have adopted. This is why abortion and contraception are pushed on the poor. Puerto Ricans, Venezuelans, Africans and others have always been the target of companies who produce contraception, condoms, and abortion.  You will never find an abortion clinic or women's clinic that provides condoms and contraception in rich areas. They are always in poor areas. Our planet has enough to allow for life to exist. The problem is not the planet. The problem is man's greed. We have enough food and wealth for everyone. However, only a few have almost total control of it. This is wrong. Everyone must have fair access to the produce of the earth and wealth. As for the many planets out there in the universe, God never stopped creating. We are told that He just "rested." We do not know if He created other species out there or if these planets are for us to eventually use to colonize. These are just areas we can only speculate on. What is foolish here is the author's take on the situation of the population in relation to the universe. 

Creo que la idea de que un condรณn impide que Dios envรญe niรฑos al mundo es una tonterรญa. Ha habido embarazos incluso despuรฉs de que una pareja haya usado condones o incluso la pรญldora. La naturaleza siempre gana contra el hombre. Asรญ es como siempre ha sido. Dios le dijo al hombre que sea fructรญfero y se multiplique. Esto significa que el hombre debe estar abierto a una nueva vida y no debe ser egoรญsta. La idea de superpoblaciรณn es el mito del hombre rico para evitar la existencia de los pobres. Es una idea que los liberales ignorantes y los progresistas han adoptado. Esta es la razรณn por la cual el aborto y la anticoncepciรณn se ejercen sobre los pobres. Puertorriqueรฑos, venezolanos, africanos y otros siempre han sido blanco de compaรฑรญas que producen anticonceptivos, condones y abortos. Nunca encontrarรก una clรญnica de aborto o una clรญnica para mujeres que proporcione condones y mรฉtodos anticonceptivos en รกreas ricas. Siempre estรกn en รกreas pobres. Nuestro planeta tiene suficiente para permitir la existencia de la vida. El problema no es el planeta. El problema es la avaricia del hombre. Tenemos suficiente comida y riqueza para todos. Sin embargo, solo unos pocos tienen un control casi total de este. Esto estรก mal. Todos deben tener un acceso justo al producto de la tierra y la riqueza. En cuanto a los muchos planetas que hay en el universo, Dios nunca dejรณ de crear. Se nos dice que simplemente "descansรณ". No sabemos si creรณ otras especies o si estos planetas son para que eventualmente los usemos para colonizar. Estas son solo รกreas en las que solo podemos especular. Lo que es absurdo aquรญ es la opiniรณn del autor sobre la situaciรณn de la poblaciรณn en relaciรณn con el universo.

<<8. No puedo imaginar a un dios "amoroso" y "SABIO" que se le ocurra la IDIOTA y MASOQUISTA idea, de venir en la forma de su alter ego, "Jesรบs" o cualquier otro "mensajero", Mahoma, Moisรฉs etc., a ser clavado en una cruz por ejemplo, torturado y desangrado para "limpiar" los "pecados" de su propia creaciรณn. ¿No serรญa mรกs fรกcil apretar los dedos como un chasquido y listo, darle sabidurรญa y amor a todo mundo y ya?. Ese dios es bastante extraรฑo e idiota. A todas luces una ficciรณn, creada a imagen y semejanza de la estupidez humana. .>>

The Bible says that God's foolishness is wisdom to man or wiser than man's wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:25). This makes sense when we study things carefully. Yes, God could have snapped and made all things go away (evil, sin etc).  There is no doubt that this was and is possible. However, what will man learn? How can man learn that God loves him if God just presses the cosmic delete button, so to speak?  By coming as a man, God shows that He can relate to us and opened our existence as human to relate to Him. We have now God who is also one of us! I found this awesome as an atheist. Other religions called for man to rise to gods via sacrifices and what not. In Christianity, God comes to us and treats us as if we were God, so to speak. This shows how much love God has for us.  To become one of us, experience human life,  pain, death etc, God showed that He is seriously in love with humanity. God did not come as Moses or Mohammed, only in the person of Jesus Christ. Moses was called by God. Mohammed founded Islam and Islam is just a splicing of Judaism and Christianity. It has some truth but is mostly errors. Furthermore, death entered the world because of sin (Romans 5:12). Because of this, God chose to use death to undo all of this. He died on the cross to show that He is the Lord of both life and death. There is nothing masochistic or fictitious about this. It is pure love.  In fact, the story shows it could not have come from the human imagination because 1) We have historical records. 2) Other myths have never placed God in such a plot.  The idea of Christ coming as man and dying for us is completely alien to myths and other religious beliefs. 

La Biblia dice que la necedad de Dios es sabidurรญa para el hombre o mรกs sabia que la sabidurรญa del hombre (1 Corintios 1:25). Esto tiene sentido cuando estudiamos las cosas cuidadosamente. Sรญ, Dios podrรญa haber roto y hecho desaparecer todas las cosas (maldad, pecado, etc.). No hay duda de que esto fue y es posible. Sin embargo, ¿quรฉ aprenderรก el hombre? ¿Cรณmo puede el hombre aprender que Dios lo ama si Dios simplemente presiona el botรณn de eliminaciรณn cรณsmica, por asรญ decirlo? Al venir como hombre, Dios muestra que puede relacionarse con nosotros y abriรณ nuestra existencia como humano para relacionarse con รฉl. ¡Ahora tenemos a Dios que tambiรฉn es uno de nosotros! Encontrรฉ esto increรญble como un ateo. Otras religiones llamaban al hombre a elevarse a los dioses a travรฉs de sacrificios y lo que no. En el cristianismo, Dios viene a nosotros y nos trata como si fuรฉramos Dios, por asรญ decirlo. Esto muestra cuรกnto amor tiene Dios por nosotros. Para convertirse en uno de nosotros, experimentar la vida humana, el dolor, la muerte, etc., Dios demostrรณ que estรก muy enamorado de la humanidad. Dios no vino como Moisรฉs o Mahoma, solo en la persona de Jesucristo. Moisรฉs fue llamado por Dios. Mahoma fundรณ el Islam y el Islam es solo un empalme del judaรญsmo y el cristianismo. Tiene algo de verdad pero es principalmente errores. Ademรกs, la muerte entrรณ al mundo por causa del pecado (Romanos 5:12). Debido a esto, Dios eligiรณ usar la muerte para deshacer todo esto. Muriรณ en la cruz para mostrar que ร‰l es el Seรฑor de la vida y la muerte. No hay nada masoquista o ficticio sobre esto. Es puro amor De hecho, la historia muestra que no pudo provenir de la imaginaciรณn humana porque 1) Tenemos registros histรณricos. 2) Otros mitos nunca han colocado a Dios en tal trama. La idea de que Cristo venga como hombre y muera por nosotros es completamente ajeno a los mitos y otras creencias religiosas.

<<9. Es realmente tonto pensar que un dios "todo poderoso", necesite mensajeros para poder expresarse, ¿es que acaso usted con su rudimentario cuerpo fรญsico y cerebro, sabiendo leer, escribir, comunicarse de manera hablada en su idioma natal y en otros idiomas, necesita de alguien que hable por usted?. Usted mismo puede expresarse sin dificultades, entonces alguien "todo poderoso" no necesitarรญa mensajeros, ni un "linaje" directo, ni "codificadores de su mensaje". Ese serรญa un dios limitado e impotente y no "el rey del Universo" , que le venden a aquellas personas que por ignorancia, miedo o tradiciรณn creen en un dios, sin indagar o analizar las cosas con total inteligencia y sin prejuicios.>>


God does not need anyone to be messengers. He came as Himself to teach us. The messengers that were sent were a preparation for Christ. They were meant to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.  This is called Divine Pedagogy. God guided man throughout time using the time, circumstance, understanding, and culture of people in each period. God communicates with whoever wants to listen via prayer in any time frame. When Catholics are baptized, we become priests, prophets, and kings. However, we are also part of a community which is the Catholic Church.  God revealed to us what we needed to know in Jesus Christ His Son and second person of the Holy Trinity. We do not need messengers anymore like Moses, Isaiah, John the Baptist and so on.  

Dios no necesita a nadie para ser mensajeros. ร‰l vino como ร‰l mismo para enseรฑarnos. Los mensajeros que fueron enviados fueron una preparaciรณn para Cristo. Estaban destinados a preparar a la gente para la venida del Seรฑor. Esto se llama Pedagogรญa Divina. Dios guiรณ al hombre a travรฉs del tiempo usando el tiempo, las circunstancias, el entendimiento y la cultura de las personas en cada perรญodo. Dios se comunica con quien quiera escuchar a travรฉs de la oraciรณn en cualquier perรญodo de tiempo. Cuando los catรณlicos son bautizados, nos convertimos en sacerdotes, profetas y reyes. Sin embargo, tambiรฉn somos parte de una comunidad que es la Iglesia Catรณlica. Dios nos revelรณ lo que necesitรกbamos saber en Jesucristo, su Hijo, y la segunda persona de la Santรญsima Trinidad. Ya no necesitamos mensajeros como Moisรฉs, Isaรญas, Juan el Bautista, etc.

<<10. Si "dios" supuestamente estรก en "todos lados", ¿cรณmo se puede estar "alejado de dios"? ¿no es esta una estupidez? culpar del mal a "aquellos que estรกn alejados de dios". En vez de decir que el mal surge del EGO, la NECEDEDAD y la ESTUPIDEZ humana.

Religiรณn significa re-ligar, re-unir, re-equilibrio, religiรณn es reunir toda nuestra energรญa para alcanzar la mรกxima conciencia, la palabra “cristo” significa conciencia y amor cristalizados, ser un “buda” significa estar despierto, alerta momento a momento ante la fiesta que es la vida, por eso seguir leyes absurdas no es ser “religioso” es ser pseudo religioso, tener una falsa seguridad. El รบnico requisito y enseรฑanza que nos dejaron los verdaderos maestros fue ser conscientes y amar, tanto a nosotros mismos, como a los demรกs. Y no es ser“ateo” a-teo significa no tener “teologรญa” o religiรณn (no estar en equilibrio,conciencia y amor) y como bien seรฑalo, las 10.000 pseudo religiones que existenen el planeta son TODAS FALSAS POR IGUAL, artilugios del ego, puro negocio que explota al dรฉbil de mente y conciencia y que por su puesto pelean entre ellas en vez de ser amorosas. Curiosas “religiones” ¿no?.>>


God is everywhere. However, we can be away from God due to sin. Being away from God due to sin does not mean God is not everywhere. It just means that our relationship is not close due to our sin. This is what it means when we say that we can be "away from God" or "far from God." We lose His grace.  The rest of this Facebook author's post makes no sense. Religion has nothing to do with what he is describing. The word "Christ" means anointed one or king.  Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion.  Atheist means without God or rejection of belief in God. Religion is defined as simply a set of beliefs or system of faith. Consciousness is more of a topic of neuroscience, though some New Age ideas touch upon it in relation to the universe. All religions have some truth. Only the Catholic Church has the complete truth because she was founded by God Himself in Jesus Christ. Other religions are a preparation for the Gospel of Christ.  

Dios estรก en todos lados. Sin embargo, podemos estar lejos de Dios debido al pecado. Estar lejos de Dios debido al pecado no significa que Dios no estรฉ en todas partes. Simplemente significa que nuestra relaciรณn no estรก cerca debido a nuestro pecado. Esto es lo que significa cuando decimos que podemos estar "lejos de Dios" o "lejos de Dios". Perdemos su gracia. El resto de la publicaciรณn de este autor de Facebook no tiene sentido. La religiรณn no tiene nada que ver con lo que รฉl estรก describiendo. La palabra "Cristo" significa ungido o rey. El budismo es mรกs una filosofรญa que una religiรณn. Ateo significa sin Dios o rechazo de la creencia en Dios. La religiรณn se define simplemente como un conjunto de creencias o sistema de fe. La conciencia es mรกs un tema de neurociencia, aunque algunas ideas de la Nueva Era lo tocan en relaciรณn con el universo. Todas las religiones tienen algo de verdad. Solo la Iglesia Catรณlica tiene la verdad completa porque fue fundada por Dios mismo en Jesucristo. Otras religiones son una preparaciรณn para el Evangelio de Cristo.

<<11. ¿Cรณmo es posible que el ser "mรกs grande del Universo" no se puede conocer, acceder a รฉl, hablar con รฉl, oirlo o verlo? Ese ser "omniabarcante" no es accesible por medio de las ciencias, ni de ningรบn mรฉotdo cientรญfico o metodolรณgico. Y resulta que los "administradores de la religiรณn" tampoco ofrecen vรญas cientรญficas para acceder a รฉl y contactarle. Ofrecen รบnicamente "sus libros sagrados" y sus historias iinfantiles como รบnica "prueba" de la existencia de ese supuesto "dios". Solo "elegidos" pueden ver u oir a ese supuesto "dios", es decir es un dios sectario al que solo acceden unos pocos, que no pasan de decenas, esos "elegidos" que se autodenominan como tal, tienen mรกs rasgos de pacientes psiquiรกtricos por escuchar o ver alucinaciones que de mensajeros de algo realmente valioso. ¿Si "dios" es nuestro "padre" por quรฉ no se comuncia directamente con sus hijos? todo padre quiere comunicarse y amar a sus hijos sin intermediarios, pero este "dios" no, esto demuestra que lo que nos dicen las pseudo-religiones no encaja con la realidad.

Se sabe que la mayorรญa de las personas invocan a ese tal “dios” solo para pedirles cosas: ya sea salud, dinero, amor, cosas materiales, felicidad, etc, pero ¿quiรฉn necesita a dios cuando es feliz? O quien haciendo el amor, riendo o bailando, se acuerda de ese tal “dios”. Solo lo usas como un amigo imaginario que te de soporte y respaldo, un consuelo para no sentir tanto miedo, es como un oso de peluche, un osito de felpa, un amigo imaginario, para no sentirse solo en esta inmensidad del Universo, porque eres un niรฑo espiritual y no tienes la madurez en alma y conciencia, para afrontar que solo tu eres el responsable de toda tu existencia y que no puedes culpar a ningรบn “dios” o “diablo” de lo que suceda en ella.En definitiva, todo maestro espiritual llรกmese Jesรบs, Guatama Buda, Buda Bodhidharma Lao Tze, Chuang Tze, Kabbir, Osho, Krishnamurti, Mahoma, Moisรฉs, Krishna, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Tilopa, Epicuro, etc. Nos enseรฑaron de distintas maneras que el รบnico “dios” que existe es la CONCIENCIA y el AMOR, y entiรฉndase “dios” como una energรญa, como un todo sin rostro, ni cuerpo, ni forma, y NO como un viejito barbudo, que nos regula desde afuera yque eso que denominan “demonio” es solo el EGO y la ESTUPIDEZ que habita dentro de nosotros y que nos impide aprender y madurar momento a momento con alegrรญa y sin miedos. La conciencia y el amor viven en ti, naciste con ellas y tรบ mismo eres el responsable de DESPERTARLAS, eso es el “reino de los cielos”, el reino de la CONCIENCIA real, del amor infinito y de la felicidad. Si cada humano comprendiera esto, cada cual serรญa RESPONSABLE de si mismo, no tendrรญa que rogarle o culpar a nadie por sus propios errores, serรญa HUMILDE para APRENDER de sus caรญdas y vivirรญa DISFRUTANDO como adulto, no solo fรญsica o mentalmente, sino espiritualmente, un planeta lleno de maravillas, abundancia y que nos colma de bendiciones a todos, dรญa a dรญa.

Dios y el diablo son invenciones humanas, creadas para mantener el MIEDO y para tenernos en un estado de niรฑos espirituales, DORMIDOS y estรบpidos, sumisos y distraรญdos, pues ninguna sociedad quiere que seamos sabios, ya que un sabio es rebelde y libre, y ama mรกs la libertad que la vida y prefiere morir fรญsicamente, antes que vivir de rodillas, porque comprende plenamente que no hay peor condena que estar muerto en vida, sin felicidad, sin dicha y sin libertad para gozar y disfrutar esta bella existencia temporal dentro del trasporte fรญsico que es nuestro cuerpo humano. Por eso NINGUNA pseudo religiรณn de las que existen actualmente te AYUDA, todas te hacen su esclavo, y recordemos que ayudar verdaderamente a alguien es liberarlo de toda ayuda, no te ENSEร‘AN a ser feliz y consciente por ti mismo, sino a ser dependiente de ellos toda la vida. Y esto es un verdadero crimen contra el alma y la conciencia de la humanidad, ya que en casi 4000 aรฑos de pseudo religiones, ¿que hemos aprendido? Hemos tenido 5.000 guerras, y aรบn estamos en paรฑales como raza, hemos crecido cientรญficamente y tecnolรณgicamente pero en el campo de la conciencia, el amor y el alma, las falsas religiones actuales han demostrado su gran FRACASO. Recordemos las palabras de Jesรบs “por sus actos los conocerรฉis”.

Con este escrito no busco "convencer" a nadie, mi invitaciรณn es simple, a que INDAGES INDIVIDUALMENTE, no quiero que nadie me crea, quiero que cada cual INDAGUE, EXPERIMENTE, DESCUBRA y PROFUNDICE por sรญ mismo, pues solo asรญ se encuentra la verdad, por otro lado los beneficios para todos, al eliminar la vulgar idea de un dios y un diablo son los siguientes, el humano empieza a ser responsable de sรญ mismo, no espera que nadie le de nada, que nadie lo "cuide", que nadie lo "salve", y no puede culpar a nadie de lo que le sucede, por lo cual uno se hace adulto y maduro espiritualmente hablando, por otro lado, toda excusa para oprimir se elimina, "dios dice que..." no uses condรณn, dios dice que los gays son "malos", dios dice que... y asรญ con cualquier clase de estupidez, por ejemplo por recomendar no usar condรณn, mueren millones de personas de SIDA y de ETS, nacen miles de niรฑos enfermos depor vida, luego se genera SOBREPOBLACIร“N, muchos niรฑos no deseados terminan en el crimen o prostituciรณn, luego la culpa de que la gente sea sumisa y se deje oprimir es de ese "dios" que dijo "pongan la otra mejilla" gracias a eso la gente se deja oprimir, cuando lo ideal es decir NO OPRIMAS, PERO TAMPOCO TE DEJES OPRIMIR, NO PISES PERO TAMPOCO TE DEJES PISAR, por culpa de dios las mujeres se sienten sucias despuรฉs del sexo, por decir que es un "pecado" y gracias a eso muchas de ellas son anorgรกsmicas, por ejemplo, la mayorรญa vive con culpa su sexualidad, gracias a ese"dios" este mundo no madura. Las falsas religiones buscan solo dos cosas: DINERO y PODER; ellos quieren tener a la gente amarrada y lo hacen a travรฉs del miedo, y de la ignorancia, tras 4000 aรฑos de creencias estรบpidas, infantiles y opresivas, el humano sigue siendo infantil, mira a tu alrededor y dime ¿cuรกnta gente sabia, creativa, libre y feliz conoces y cuรกnta gente amargada, infeliz y triste llenรกndose de falsas ilusiones hay? ilusiones como que ser rico o tener "fama", les darรก "paz" y "felicidad" y cuando tienen ese dinero y fama son igual o mรกs amargados que antes.

La verdadera espiritualidad no tiene nada que ver con las masas, ni con las sectas, mucho menos con las vulgares creencias impuestas en casa o en la sociedad, tiene que ver con la bรบsqueda individual, abandonar el ego y empezar a indagar por uno mismo, es complicado, al principio da miedo, pero solo asรญ uno se forja como un individuo libre y feliz. Por primera vez eres totalmente libre para ser el responsable de tu propia existencia, para ser maduro y crecer en todo sentido, sin la necesidad de nadie que te diga que hacer o dejar de hacer, siendo maduro, siendo consciente, estando alerta, celebrando tu existencia, haciendo lo amado, entendiendo que la vida fรญsica es una escuela para madurar el espรญritu y para conocer el amor, eso es el “nirvana” eso es “el reino de los cielos”, eso es lo mรกs sagrado, la mรกxima divinidad posible. Vivir sin ego, con un alma despierta, que da amor y que disfruta dรญa a dรญa, hasta mudarse al mรกs allรก, un nuevo misterio. Comprende entonces que solo escuchando a tu conciencia, siguiendo lo que amas, siguiendo tu intuiciรณn, siendo tu propio maestro y siendo un alumno, siempre y cuando no lastimes a nadie mรกs, ni a ti mismo, entenderรกs que es lo sagrado y que es la verdad religiรณn, entenderรกs por ti mismo, no como un cรบmulo de informaciรณn acumulada en palabras, sino como una experiencia y una certeza lo que significa la verdadera FELICIDAD y la CONCIENCIA INFINITA. ¡DESPERTAR!

Eduardo Menoni>>


I disagree. God can be embraced by the human person. While God is pure spirit, this does mean that we cannot experience Him. We are genetically hardwired to believe in and seek God. Science is limited. It can never truly paint the picture on anything.  Take gravity for example. We cannot see it, hear it, taste it, smell it etc, yet it exists. There is no way to truly detect it or measure it other than by dropping something and seeing gravity pull it downwards. Just because science cannot truly study gravity in a lab does not mean that gravity does not exist. The famous astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan said that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I can bring up dark energy and dark matter. These are not detectable, yet we have strong reasons to believe they exist and is what is causing spacetime to expand. I can go on, but we get the point. God is the same. Just because we cannot see God walking around or sitting on a throne does not mean God does not exist. God is just on a higher plane of existence that material beings cannot truly perceive via the senses.  The scientific method comes from the Catholic Church. Franciscan Friar Roger Bacon formulated the method which scientists use today. Sacred books are not the only thing used to present proof of God. We have arguments from reason and evidence from history and science to show God's fingerprints in nature, so to speak. The clues left behind to paint the picture, so to speak. A detective does not need to see the act of crime taking place in order to present a case. He or she uses the clues to piece the puzzle. This is what we do. We present the clues that piece the puzzle together that shows that this universe has a creator.  The evidence points to it. As for the elect, I have no idea what Eduardo is referring to. I believe he may have been exposed to some sects in his area and may have been troubled by their ideas. In Christianity, the "elect" are those who do the will of the Father. This will is simply to love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself. All the teachings of the Catholic Church are geared towards these two commands. This is why we go to Mass and reach out to others in the world. This is why the Church serves the poor, educates the ignorant, cares for the sick, visits the imprisoned etc.  This is what will decide who the elect are. God is our Father and has communicated with His children. Jesus was born 2,000 plus years ago and taught us what we needed to know.  Some people erroneously believe that prayer is some kind of magical channel to get wishes answered by a genie. This is unfortunate and is a poor understanding of prayer. Prayer exists to help the soul rise up to God.  It is not a channel to get gifts or money. This is why not everyone is healed and why not everyone wins money. We are not meant to live in this world forever. Our real place is with God. God is not a safety blanket as Eduardo would have us believe. God is our Father who we reach out to just like we reach out to mom and dad when we feel lost or alone. Does reaching out to our parents mean they are imaginary friends?  This idea is ridiculous. God and the devil are not human inventions. Notice how Eduardo fails to provide evidence for this claim. We are hardwired to believe in God. As for the devil, it is clear that there is something that hates humanity in the world and is also bringing humans to hate each other. We are born without knowing what evil is. Where does it come from? Babies cry and dirty their diapers. As they age, they get all kinds of evil ideas which they sometimes act out. Why is this?  One can say that they learned it from others around them. However, who taught these evil things to the first people? The first people did not have anyone around them to get bad influences from. So clearly, there has to be another evil intelligent being out there that have influenced humanity in a negative manner. To say that the devil is a human invention is bad reasoning and a poor reflection on the nature of humanity and why it is inclined to do bad.  This writing does not convince anyone, in reality. As a former atheist, I can relate to Eduardo's doubts and trend of thought. However, deep and honest research will allow people like Eduardo to see the truth and realize that these conceptions are just misguided and based on poor information.  The idea of God is not vulgar at all. While the devil is vulgar, we must understand this creature's role and existence in light of reason and revelation. I know movies love to paint the devil as this super being roaming around with magical powers. This is not how the devil works. The devil cannot do anything God does not allow him to do.  I use the word "him" just because of the limitations of human language. Angels have no gender. The devil is a fallen angel and is neither a male or female. Nothing in religion, particular the Catholic religion says that man is not supposed to be responsible for himself. In fact, the Church stresses the fact that man is responsible for his actions. This is why we say "I confess to Almighty God... that I have sinned through my fault..."  We accept responsibility for what we do and do not do, for what we say and do not say.  This is why God is not a micromanager out there like an overprotective parent. He wants us to grow in grace and mature. God has never said anything about gays, only homosexual actions. The Catholic Church teaches that being homosexual is not a sin. Homosexual acts are sin. This is because they contradict the openness and complementary relationship between the two genders, male and female.  AIDS and STD spread because of man's abuse of the gift of sex. This is not God's fault. The use of condoms adds to this abuse by making sex into a pastime or hobby that we do when we are bore. Sex is a higher act of nature in humanity. It is to be respected. Everything that Eduardo claims in regards to prostitution, unwanted children exist have to do with how man treats one another. It has nothing to do with God. These are the failings of human nature.  No one should feel guilty after sex within the context of marriage. In fact, Saint John Paul II in his theology of the body said that women should be able to experience sexual pleasure. Again, if Eduardo would have done his homework, he would not have written such a misinformed post on Facebook.  Hopefully one day he will truly awake and learn the truth which is found only in Christ Jesus and His Holy Catholic church.  Once he does this, he will truly be free. In closing, these proofs are not proofs at all. They are common misconceptions atheists have about God and religion. Unfortunately, these misconceptions are being circulated around on the internet and causing many to fall into a blackhole of ignorance and doubt. However, there is hope. If I was able to escape atheism, then anyone else can. When atheism is vetted against science, philosophy, reason, it dissolves into nothing more than ignorant opinions.    

Estoy en desacuerdo. Dios puede ser abrazado por la persona humana. Si bien Dios es espรญritu puro, esto significa que no podemos experimentarlo. Estamos genรฉticamente capacitados para creer y buscar a Dios. La ciencia es limitada. Nunca puede realmente pintar la imagen en nada. Toma la gravedad, por ejemplo. No podemos verlo, oรญrlo, probarlo, olerlo, etc., pero existe. No hay forma de detectarlo o medirlo de verdad mรกs que arrojando algo y viendo cรณmo la gravedad lo empuja hacia abajo. El hecho de que la ciencia no pueda realmente estudiar la gravedad en un laboratorio no significa que la gravedad no exista. El famoso astrรณnomo Dr. Carl Sagan dijo que la ausencia de evidencia no es evidencia de ausencia. Puedo mencionar la energรญa oscura y la materia oscura. Estos no son detectables, sin embargo, tenemos fuertes razones para creer que existen y es lo que estรก causando que el espacio-tiempo se expanda. Puedo continuar, pero entiendo el punto. Dios es lo mismo El hecho de que no podamos ver a Dios caminando o sentado en un trono no significa que Dios no exista. Dios estรก justamente en un plano superior de existencia que los seres materiales no pueden percibir verdaderamente a travรฉs de los sentidos. El mรฉtodo cientรญfico proviene de la Iglesia Catรณlica. El franciscano Fray Roger Bacon formulรณ el mรฉtodo que los cientรญficos usan hoy en dรญa. Los libros sagrados no son lo รบnico usado para presentar pruebas de Dios. Tenemos argumentos de la razรณn y la evidencia de la historia y la ciencia para mostrar las huellas dactilares de Dios en la naturaleza, por asรญ decirlo. Las pistas dejadas atrรกs para pintar la imagen, por asรญ decirlo. Un detective no necesita ver el acto del crimen para presentar un caso. ร‰l o ella usa las pistas para armar el rompecabezas. Esto es lo que hacemos. Presentamos las pistas que completan el rompecabezas que muestra que este universo tiene un creador. La evidencia lo seรฑala. En cuanto a los elegidos, no tengo idea de a quรฉ se refiere Eduardo. Creo que pudo haber estado expuesto a algunas sectas en su รกrea y puede haber estado preocupado por sus ideas. En el cristianismo, los "elegidos" son aquellos que hacen la voluntad del Padre. Esta voluntad es simplemente amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas y amar a tu prรณjimo como a ti mismo. Todas las enseรฑanzas de la Iglesia Catรณlica estรกn orientadas hacia estos dos mandamientos. Es por eso que vamos a la misa y nos contactamos con otros en el mundo. Esta es la razรณn por la cual la Iglesia sirve a los pobres, educa a los ignorantes, se preocupa por los enfermos, visita a los encarcelados, etc. Esto es lo que decidirรก quiรฉnes son los elegidos. Dios es nuestro Padre y se ha comunicado con Sus hijos. Jesรบs naciรณ hace mรกs de 2,000 aรฑos y nos enseรฑรณ lo que necesitรกbamos saber. Algunas personas creen errรณneamente que la oraciรณn es una especie de canal mรกgico para obtener la respuesta de un genio. Esto es desafortunado y es una comprensiรณn pobre de la oraciรณn. La oraciรณn existe para ayudar al alma a elevarse a Dios. No es un canal para obtener regalos o dinero. Es por eso que no todos son sanados y por quรฉ no todos ganan dinero. No estamos destinados a vivir en este mundo para siempre. Nuestro verdadero lugar es con Dios. Dios no es una manta de seguridad como Eduardo nos harรญa creer. Dios es nuestro Padre al que nos acercamos al igual que nos acercamos a mamรก y papรก cuando nos sentimos perdidos o solos. ¿Llamar a nuestros padres significa que son amigos imaginarios? Esta idea es ridicula Dios y el diablo no son invenciones humanas. Observe cรณmo Eduardo no proporciona evidencia para este reclamo. Estamos programados para creer en Dios. En cuanto al diablo, estรก claro que hay algo que odia a la humanidad en el mundo y tambiรฉn estรก haciendo que los humanos se odien unos a otros. Nacemos sin saber quรฉ es el mal. ¿De dรณnde viene? Los bebรฉs lloran y ensucian sus paรฑales. A medida que envejecen, obtienen todo tipo de ideas malvadas que a veces actรบan. ¿Por quรฉ es esto? Se puede decir que lo aprendieron de otros a su alrededor. Sin embargo, ¿quiรฉn enseรฑรณ estas cosas malvadas a las primeras personas? Las primeras personas no tenรญan a nadie a su alrededor para obtener malas influencias. Entonces, claramente, tiene que haber otro ser malvado e inteligente que haya influido negativamente en la humanidad. Decir que el diablo es una invenciรณn humana es un mal razonamiento y una pobre reflexiรณn sobre la naturaleza de la humanidad y por quรฉ se inclina a hacer el mal. Este escrito no convence a nadie, en realidad. Como antiguo ateo, puedo relacionarme con las dudas y la tendencia de pensamiento de Eduardo. Sin embargo, una investigaciรณn profunda y honesta permitirรก que personas como Eduardo vean la verdad y se den cuenta de que estas concepciones estรกn equivocadas y se basan en informaciรณn deficiente. La idea de Dios no es vulgar en absoluto. Si bien el diablo es vulgar, debemos entender el papel y la existencia de esta criatura a la luz de la razรณn y la revelaciรณn. Sรฉ que a las pelรญculas les encanta pintar al diablo, ya que este sรบper estรก deambulando con poderes mรกgicos. Asรญ no es como funciona el diablo. El diablo no puede hacer nada que Dios no le permita hacer. Uso la palabra "รฉl" solo por las limitaciones del lenguaje humano. Los รกngeles no tienen gรฉnero. El diablo es un รกngel caรญdo y no es ni masculino ni femenino. Nada en la religiรณn, en particular la religiรณn catรณlica dice que se supone que el hombre no es responsable de sรญ mismo. De hecho, la Iglesia enfatiza el hecho de que el hombre es responsable de sus acciones. Es por eso que decimos "Confieso a Dios Todopoderoso ... que he pecado por mi culpa ..." Aceptamos la responsabilidad por lo que hacemos y lo que no hacemos, por lo que decimos y lo que no decimos. Esta es la razรณn por la cual Dios no es un micromanager como un padre sobreprotector. ร‰l quiere que crezcamos en gracia y maduremos. Dios nunca ha dicho nada sobre homosexuales, solo acciones homosexuales. La Iglesia Catรณlica enseรฑa que ser homosexual no es un pecado. Los actos homosexuales son pecado. Esto se debe a que contradicen la apertura y la relaciรณn complementaria entre los dos gรฉneros, masculino y femenino. El SIDA y las ETS se propagan debido al abuso del hombre del don del sexo. Esto no es culpa de Dios. El uso de condones aumenta este abuso convirtiendo el sexo en un pasatiempo o pasatiempo que hacemos cuando nos aburren. El sexo es un acto superior de la naturaleza en la humanidad. Debe ser respetado. Todo lo que dice Eduardo con respecto a la prostituciรณn, los niรฑos no deseados existen, tiene que ver con la forma en que el hombre se trata unos a otros. No tiene nada que ver con Dios. Estas son las fallas de la naturaleza humana. Nadie debe sentirse culpable despuรฉs del sexo en el contexto del matrimonio. De hecho, San Juan Pablo II en su teologรญa del cuerpo dijo que las mujeres deberรญan poder experimentar el placer sexual. Una vez mรกs, si Eduardo hubiera hecho su tarea, no habrรญa escrito una publicaciรณn tan mal informada en Facebook. Con suerte, algรบn dรญa รฉl realmente despertarรก y aprenderรก la verdad que se encuentra solo en Cristo Jesรบs y Su Santa Iglesia Catรณlica. Una vez que lo haga, serรก verdaderamente libre. Para cerrar, estas pruebas no son pruebas en absoluto. Son conceptos errรณneos comunes que los ateos tienen acerca de Dios y la religiรณn. Lamentablemente, estos conceptos errรณneos circulan por Internet y hacen que muchos caigan en un agujero negro de ignorancia y duda. Sin embargo, hay esperanza. Si pude escapar del ateรญsmo, entonces cualquier otra persona puede. Cuando el ateรญsmo es examinado contra la ciencia, la filosofรญa, la razรณn, se disuelve en nada mรกs que opiniones ignorantes.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Christ the King: King of Mercy & Love

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. What a glorious day!  Jesus Christ is King of all (1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28). The king of the universe; of all that is seen and unseen.  The very word "Christ" means "anointed one, or king."  The Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 in his encyclical Quas Primas.  The day was originally called the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King.  In 1969, Blessed Pope Paul VI revised the title as "Our Lord Christ King of the Universe" in his motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis. Priests in the Catholic Church wear white or golden color vestments to show the glory and joy behind the celebration. Other Christians bodies such as the Protestants or the Orthodox have even adopted the day and have their own ways of celebrating it.  This day always falls on a Sunday and is the last Sunday of the Liturgical calendar.  The Sunday that follows is the First Sunday of Advent which begins a new liturgical year. This is a reminder to us that Christ is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end (Revelation 21:6).  Jesus ends the liturgical year and begins a new one.  He is eternal and the center of the prayer life of the Church.  He was at the beginning of time and will judge all at the end of it.

The first reading reminds us that God looks out for us. He tends His sheep. God does not abandon us. God is our shepherd who guides us and is among the scattered sheep. People may abandon God, but God does not abandon them.  God will rescue us and bring back those who have strayed away (Luke 15:4). If you know someone in your life who have lost faith or is drifting away, do not worry. God is there with them and will bring them back. As shepherd of His flock, God knows His sheep (Jeremiah 1:5). He will judge between one sheep and another, as the reading says. We will get a better glimpse of what this means in the Gospel.  The responsorial Psalm responds to the first reading of the Psalm that is probably the most known Psalm. It is often said during the mourning period after someone has passed away. God is our shepherd. He brings us to rest in green pastures and gives us water to refresh us. This is His grace which we receive in the Sacraments, when we pray and when we ask for specific graces to help us in our spiritual lives. God cares for us and protects us from those who hate us and want harm done to us (Exodus 14:14). We have in Jesus Christ the tangible God who is not distant. God is with us. We can visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament and spend time with Him.  The second reading reminds us of Christ's role.  He has died but has risen. Those who live in Him will also rise.  To Christ, all authority has been given. Christ is the King. He is the king of life and even death because He has conquered it.  Everything and everyone will be subject to Christ.

Lastly, in the Gospel, we read of Jesus telling the disciples that He will come in glory with the angels and will sit on His throne. We are getting a glimpse of the last day or judgment day.  Christ will separate the sheep from the goats or the good from the bad.  Those who are on His right will go with God to heaven. Those who are on the left will be separated from His love in hell with Satan and his fallen minions. God will judge us based on the love we gave to Him and others. Did we help others? Did we feed the hungry? Did we give drink to those who thirst? Did we clothed the naked?  Did we visit those in prison or the sick?  Did we welcome strangers and help the poor?  Were we merciful to others? God will ask us these kinds of questions. If we did do these things, then we did them for Christ. Christ is in the suffering person. This is why Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta saw Jesus in the poor. She took today's Gospel to heart and lived it.  That is why she is in heaven and is now a saint. If we have not done the things mentioned in the questions, then we will be in deep trouble and I mean deep!  We will be condemned to hell.  God is our Father. Like every parent, a mother and father wants their children to get along.

Nothing is more disturbing in a family than sibling rivalry or family members who stop talking to each other.  This is not what God wants. We must love one another. We must care for one another. We cannot be like Cain who refused to be his brother's keeper (Genesis 4:9). Since we are God's children, we must love each other and care for one another. Fights will happen. Arguments will happen. People disagree all the time. But this should not get to the point where hate takes over. We will be measured by the love we give to others (Luke 6:38). This is why Christ tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who hate us. We must do everything possible to keep peace and love as the norm. Unfortunately, we live in a world that praises revenge and discord. We fight with each other, sue each other, hate each other and so on. This is the sad reality of fallen human nature. Jesus can change that if we allow Him to do so. He is the King of the Universe and will be our judge.  We do not want to be on the left side where He will tell us to depart from Him and will banish us to the pits of hell with the devil and his angels. We must be kind and loving. We must be merciful to others (Luke 6:36). As Catholics, we cannot see non-Catholics as our enemies. We cannot see gays, lesbians or transgender people as our enemies. We cannot see Muslims, Pagan, Hindus, Jews etc as our enemies. We cannot see fellow Catholics as our enemies just because they may disagree with us on something. These are all our brothers and sisters.  These are the people we must feed, give drink to, clothe, visit etc. Let us help one another and care for one another as Christ wants (John 13:34). Christ is the King. He is our King. Let us make Him proud by doing good in this world.  Laudetur Christus Rex!

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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Trump Fanaticism

Exodus 20:3 says that one shall not have other gods before the One True God. This quote from the Bible should be held deep in the hearts and minds of those who call themselves Christians. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Human fanaticism gets in the way.

Human beings have a tendency of placing other humans above them. We see how people go wild at the sight of a celebrity or music artist. They get so wild that sometimes people are hurt or killed in the commotion. This is a sad consequence of human psychology.

Political fanaticism is equally as dangerous. On CNN there was an interview where a Trump supported said that he would believe President Trump over Jesus Christ. Can you believe this? It actually happened. See the video here:

I am hoping this man was joking. His comment is extremely ignorant and makes many of us question his mental health. How can Donald Trump be more believable than Jesus who is God and Son of God? Jesus who is the Truth (John 14:6)! This mere thought of it is sickening. Donald Trump has been caught on so many lies by the media and those who monitor politicians. It is no surprise that politicians often lie to get their way. Trump is no different despite not being a traditional politician. Claiming that Trump is more believable that Jesus is blasphemy and idolatry. Trump is a mere man with many faults. Christ is God and man who is pure love, holiness, and truth. I would always believe Jesus over Trump, my family, friends, and even the pope!

The fanaticism for Trump is disturbing indeed. There was even someone impersonating me on Google Plus and was posting pro-Trump propaganda. I had those profiles taken down. I do not support any politician. While I like some ideas Trump, Clinton, and Sanders had, this does not mean that I endorse them. I respect our president Donald Trump because he is the president, but I will not support everything he says and does. I feel he is not too strong on pro-life and marriage issues. Moreover, he is not too strong in science and education. His ideas on climate change are terrifying. However, I do agree with him on most of his ideas on illegal immigration and religious freedom.

Others have put so much confidence in Trump that they will defend him against reason. This is scary. The guy being interviewed by CNN is an example. Then there are others who get offended if you speak out against Trump. I have had some crazy Catholics attack me for speaking against Trump. They think that somehow honoring Trump makes you a good Catholic. These people have trashed our pope over Trump. It is disgusting and shows the poor mental state in these individuals. We cannot blindly follow anyone or else we will repeat the history regarding Hitler. All leaders and people in power must be vetted against reason and morality. No one is above Jesus, not even Trump. I would hope that Trump would tweet or speak out against this follow of his and condemn his offensive comment.

Jesus is Lord and only Him (Philippians 2:11)! If Jesus commands me to rebel against Trump or even my nation, the United States of America. I will not hesitate to do so. Jesus Christ is number 1, everyone else is number 2.



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