Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NYC is Giving the Pill to kids!

New York City and its government is out of control.  They are now allowing the "Plan B" morning after pill to be distributed to young girls without parent's permission!  This is sickening.  They are doing great harm to the youth there by encouraging promiscuity.  Moreover, contraception harms the body.  It can lead to many complications such as blood clots.

Many are protesting this move and are requesting that the city stop doing this.  The irony is that if a student is in pain (headache), a nurse is not allowed to give aspirin, but can give contraception pills.... go figure.  You can keep the headache, but go have sex and use this(pill).

This is a very bad move by the City of New York who is run by ignorant progressives who do not understand the harm they are doing.

Condoms and "safe sex" have been taught for decades in schools and teen pregnancy and STD infections continue to rise.  Something is obviously wrong with this form of education - or brainwashing.

Handing out contraceptive pills will add to the problem. Young children will not learn what it means to be responsible.  Any "mistake" can be "erased" with a pill.  This is a bad message for the youth of New York city.  The schools targeted are in minority communities- no surprise.   

Students must be taught what it means to be responsible.    


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