Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women's March

Today, thousands rallied in Washington D.C. and throughout the world for the Women's March organized by Muslim activist Linda Sarsour who is alleged to have ties to terrorist groups. The march was created in response to the election of President Donald J. Trump. Women participating in the march believe that Trump has demonized women and will take away their rights; namely, abortion. The march was organized under the guise of civil rights but is really about abortion.

Among the crowds, one could see ridiculous individuals dressed up as vaginas. Others had vulgar displays and mocked nuns. There was even a sign of a vagina in what appears to be the form of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Many celebrities participated in the march. Ashley Judd gave a "nasty women" speech where she used vulgarity and profane words to meander on the microphone. Has-been pop music singer "Madonna" even made a threat against the White House saying that she was going to blow it up. The secret Service is currently investigating her.

Unfortunately, even some Catholics participated in the march. Among them, the Franciscans and other religious others in full habit. Franciscan Friar Dan Horan called the march "inspirational" and attacked Catholics who spoke out against march and its promotion of abortion.

It is sad seeing so many brainwashed women supporting the killing of unborn children. We need to do more work to break their stone hearts and fill their empty minds with knowledge and truth.


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