Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cuomo: Abortion Fanatic

Andrew Cuomo is really an abortion fanatic. The guy just does not quit trying to push abortion, contraception and the gay agenda on New Yorkers. He participated in a Planned Parenthood event where he announced that he wants an amendment to New York's State Constitution. This amendment will make abortion permanently legal in New York State. The amendment is meant to be a defense against any laws or court decisions that may overturn Roe v. Wade while President Trump is in office.

However, republicans who control the Senate in Albany are saying "not so fast." They are vowing to fight the proposal and want the people of New York to vote on the matter.

Too bad Cardinal Dolan does not publicly rebuke Cuomo by ordering priests not to give him Holy Communion. This would send a strong message to all Catholics and those who are pro-life.  Please protest Cuomo's idea by writing to senators in New York State. Voice your concerns that New York State will not be adhering to the values of America: life, liberty and pursuit of happiness if it endorses abortion in its Constitution.

Contact the State Senators here: https://www.nysenate.gov/senators-committees

Andrew Cuomo is a very disturbed individual who lacks morals. He ignores the growing homeless population in New York and failing schools, yet has time and energy for the lgbt agenda, promoting abortion and illegal immigration.  He is not fit to serve as governor. He needs to be voted out in the next election.






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