Friday, August 31, 2012

Benedict Groeschel Blames Victims

No not Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR...  That was my first thought when I read the news about the comments he made during an interview.  He apparently said that victims seduce predators and even called Sandusky a "poor guy."

What was Groeschel thinking?  Victims don't seduce anyone.  It is the criminal who has screws loose in his/her mind and attacks the victim.

I will write more as I get more info....

UPDATE September 1, 2012******************************************

Since the whole incidence had occurred, both Fr. Groeschel and the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal have posted up apologies and denunciation of comments made.  Fr. Groeschel seems to be blaming his aging mind as the reason.  Others in the Catholic world are also claiming that he is suffering from dementia.  Be it as it may, the comments were totally offensive and out of line.

The whole social networking world was lit on fire insulting Fr. Groeschel, calling for the ban of his shows and books, even his death!   Others made connections to the Church claiming it to be some sort of child abusing mechanism with psychopathic predator priests.

This is unfortunately indeed.  This serves as an example that we must be careful what we say.   I do not understand why the NCR did not take another look at the interview before publishing it.  Sometimes we do think things and say them differently.

I pray for all victims of sex abuse and for Fr. Groeschel as he rides this wave of hate directed towards him.

UPDATE II  SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 **************

Fr. Benedict Groeschel has stepped down from his EWTN Sunday show after consulting EWTN and his religious order, the Friars of the Renewal.


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