Friday, August 24, 2012

Horror at Empire State Building

A few hours ago, a well dressed man shot Steve Ercolino and then shot at police.  He was killed by them.  Jeffrey Johnson, 58 was a woman's clothes designer who was fired a year ago.  He apparently had issues with Ercolino.  They had a physical confrontation at work and both reported each other.  Johnson is being described as a disgruntled employee who came back to get revenge.

Johnson (pictured on the left) walked up to Ercolino, exchanged words with him and began shooting him.  He walked away then returned to shoot Ercolino a few more times.  A construction worker nearby witnessed this and told police.  The police followed Johnson and ordered him to stop.  He pulled out his gun and apparently shot, but was gunned down by the officers.  Bystanders were hit by the officer's bullets and were taken to nearby hospitals.  None of the injuries are life-threatening.

I pray for all those involved.  Gun violence is getting out of hand.  One can go outside to work, school, or just to get a cup of coffee and can get killed.  It is just scary to think about.  Ironically, this occurred in Mayor Bloomberg's city.  He is a mayor who is vocal on illegal gun possession.  What is interesting here is that Johnson legally owned the gun which was purchased in Florida.  I wonder what will Bloomberg's take on this will be?  Will he demand all guns banned, even if legal?

The human mind is a very fragile thing.  It can snap at any moment and for any reason.  We must be kind to one another.  We must be patient with one another.  What we say or not say, do or not do can have serious effects on a person's psychological health.

Steve Ercolino

Employers must also work to assist employees who are fired or show signs of post traumatic stress disorder.  Being fired and left without assistance can make one feel hopeless, abandoned and can fuel rage.  


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