Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-Fil-A cooks the LGBT Tyranny

As you may know, controversy surrounds Chick-Fil-A's founder who voiced his support for natural marriage as being between a male and a female.  This caused outrage among the LGBT community and its supporters.  Three politicians have voiced their frustrations and even made silly remarks about stopping the restaurant chain from opening franchises in their areas.  Others like New York city council speaker Quinn started a petty online signature collection attempt out of protest.

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012,  the National Appreciation for Chick-Fil-A was held.  Something extraordinary occurred which left the LGBT movement speechless.  Restaurants throughout the nation were jam packed with supporters!  Lines were so long that they stretched outdoors into the streets and parking lots.  Restaurants with car service had lines of cars causing traffic jams like those seen in Los Angeles or New York.

The restaurant even broke world records for sales!  This is is a good sign!  People came out in support of marriage between a man and a woman and for the first amendment!   We are often bombarded with polls claiming that the tide is shifting on so called "gay marriage."  Wednesday's event showed otherwise.

A large majority do not want marriage destroyed by a minority who attempts to label Christianity and religion as extremist and bigoted.  A minority who wants to be heard while silencing everyone else.

In one restaurant, customers started singing "God bless America!"
Here are some photos of the event.

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