Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nigeria Sends A Clear Message

In Nigeria, the Senate outlawed so called "Gay Marriage" as well as other gay establishments.  The Senate President said that the gay subculture is against Nigeria's 'culture, tradition, and beliefs.'

Despite treats from western nations such as the United Kingdom to stop aid, Nigeria moved along and passed this law.  This sends a loud and clear message that social engineering will not be part of Nigerian society.

Many African and Arab nations dislike how western nations impose their cultures on them.  This form of assimilation beings division, harm and corruption to the moral fabric of societies that are traditional in nature.  Homosexuality, once a hidden sexual pass time is now becoming more public and pushing itself into mainstream society as acceptable and normal.  This social engineering is destroying society and the family which is the cell of society.

A comment on the site that I read this news from says it nicely:

"The practice of Same-sex marriage is alien to us in Africa. Such act should not be encouraged by any God driven Society,because it's a '' Taboo''. The Nigerian Senate has done well and needs to be commended for not regarding the threats from the British Prime Minister. I urge other African Nations to follow suit. MORALITY is the foundation of Africa.Therefore, we must protect it against foreign influence."

Morality is very important in society.  Right from wrong is the platform from which we define and create laws.  Without Morality, anything goes.  What is right and wrong depends on how each individual sees fit.  This is dangerous.

I hope the entire continent of Africa and the rest of the world follows Nigeria in saying this bold NO to perversion and the destruction of the family, morals and identity of a particular people.



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