Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

The Friday after Thanksgiving days is called "Black Friday."  On this day many stores offer what appear to be extreme sales in order to lure people in to buy for Christmas.  While the idea seems good - people can save money and give presents without breaking the bank- the idea has proven to be dangerous.

Hordes of people flock to stores and literally storm it like zombies from Romero films or the Walking Dead program as soon as the doors open.  Customers run in all directions, snatch items off shelves and even from each other!  There are fights, foul language, injuries and even death.  Last year a worker was trampled to death.  This worker was over 6 feet tall and could not prevent the mob from killing him!

It is sad and disgusting to hear this.  Black Friday is indeed black.  It shows the reality and ugliness of one of the 7 capital sins: Greed.  The accumulation of material goods is never a good.  It is a sign of mental illness and a desire to seek happiness from materials.  Christmas is about Jesus Christ, His Incarnation.  It is not about getting the best deal in order to be able to give gifts.  We must return to the true meaning of Christ's Mass.  

On Black Friday human beings become primitive, savage like and ignorant.  They imitate the animals of the wild who fight for food, territory and water.  This day can probably be added as evidence of Evolution!  I hope retailers take responsibility for activating this primitive instinct among human beings who shop.  How many more people will die or get hurt just for a stupid piece of material?  Are goods more valuable than human life?

 Let's end the madness.  Bring Christ back to Christmas!  



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