Saturday, November 5, 2011

Atheist's Creed

Atheist's Credo

  • I believe in no god without having proof of this.  In the universe that came from nothing that happened by non sentient chance.  It came from a bang according to a Catholic priest.
  • I believe the Earth formed to evolve life for the reason of living and learning that will all end at death.  All life used trial and error to advance from one stage to the next, yet somehow managed to survive things it did not have the immunity or a priori to prevent or overcome.  
  • All life evolves, yet some appeared without evolving during the Cambrian explosion.  
  • I know I come from apes, yet there are missing links.
  • I have a conscience because I some how needed to know right from wrong.
  • I am self aware because I some how needed to care for the rest of nature and myself.
  • I learn with my senses which only sense the perceptual stimuli of things I cannot actually see, hear, taste, smell or touch.
  • I use my mind to reason, a mind that is immaterial and cannot rationalize the immaterial existence of the spiritual.
  • I believe in reason, logic and evidence. Yet know for a fact God does not exist without using them.
  • I believe in doubt, it blankets my reason from superstition such as God; yet knowing matter cannot produce information, I know we have DNA and it evolves.
  • I believe I was born from nothing and will die into nothing, yet I have no evidence of this.
  • I believe I was born an atheist without having prior knowledge of the concept of God in which to reject.
  • I believe science explains everything, even though it brings more questions than answers.
  • I believe in atheism because it lifts up humankind.  China, Cuba, Castro, Pol Pot are examples.
  • I believe in atheism because a thousand hands are more useful than two praying despite those thousand hands belonging to Christians who minister to others.
  • I despise the Catholic Church despite it introducing modern science, universities and hospitals to the world.
  • I trust Einstein because he was a genius who used reason despite him calling God "old man" when amazed at the complexity of the universe.  
  • I am an atheist and look forward to having reasons I have no evidence for.


  1. An alleged atheist on Google + posted this on the "Theist vs Atheist" community:

    Michael Coen 5:50 PM+6761

    I believe in no god without having proof of this. In the universe that came from nothing that happened by non sentient chance. It came from a bang according to a Catholic priest.

    Shifting the burden of proof: We don't need to provide evidence for objecting to the claim that a god exists, especially given that no evidence supporting that existence, exists.

    I know I come from apes, yet there are missing links.

    Wrong. Humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor.

    I have a conscience because I some how needed to know right from wrong.

    After hundreds of thousands of years it is not unreasonable that we would come to realize that we don't like people taking our stuff and killing our friends.

    I learn with my senses which only sense the perceptual stimuli of things I cannot actually see, hear, taste, smell or touch.

    There exists no data for the existence of another mechanism by which we attain knowledge.

    I use my mind to reason, a mind that is immaterial and cannot rationalize the immaterial existence of the spiritual.

    This presupposes that the "mind" is immaterial, but you cannot demonstrate this.

    I believe in reason, logic and evidence. Yet know for a fact God does not exist without using them.

    Oh look, another straw man: Atheism does not assert that a god does not exist. It is a response to, and a negation of, the claim that one does exist on the basis that no compelling evidence for the existence of a deity has been provided.

    I believe in doubt, it blankets my reason from superstition such as God; yet knowing matter cannot produce information, I know we have DNA and it evolves.

    Nobody knows whether or not information can be produced by matter, including you.

    I believe I was born from nothing and will die into nothing, yet I have no evidence of this.

    Nobody makes the claim that we come from nothing given that we don't have experience of nothing. You yourself assert (correctly) that we attribute what we know to what we can experience, yet this is in conflict with the idea that we claim to come from nothing. Make up your mind.

    I believe science explains everything, even though it brings more questions than answers.

    You love those straw man arguments: Atheism and science are not mutually exclusive. Neither science nor atheists allege that science has all the answers. Science simply provides us with the most accurate and complete models that represent our experience of the natural world. You just kinda made that up to suit your false and myopic narrative.

    I despise the Catholic Church despite it introducing modern science, universities and hospitals to the world.

    Hasty generalization: You cannot meaningfully make the claim that all atheists despise the Catholic Church, nor can you assert, meaningfully, that any despise towards the Church is based solely on the fact that it's a religious institution. I don't like many aspects of the Church, such as enabling the systematic fucking of children. In contrast, I'm thankful for the Jesuits who came before and provided us with astronomical insight and the current calendar upon which we operate.

    I am an atheist and look forward to having reasons I have no evidence for.

    Shifting the burden of proof / argument from repetition:
    We don't need to provide evidence for not believing your claim about the existence of a supernatural being, and no amount of repetition changes that truth.

    You might consider getting your information sorted before dumping such a pile of garbage in a public forum.

    +Sacerdotus Sacerdotvs 's creed: troll atheist communities, have no understanding of what atheism, evolution, or logic entail, and make a fool of myself. Rinse, and repeat.?

    1. Here is my reply:

      Yesterday 11:50 PM


      +Michael Coen I had to remove your comment since you reposted my post without permission. My content cannot be reproduced, copied, alter etc without permission. There is no need to copy and paste articles I have written unless you have problems recalling what you have read. Just write your comment out and I will know what you are referring to since I do have a strong ability to recall memory.

      It seems you have difficulty perceiving sarcasm in literature. This creed is satirical and based on tweets and comments sent to me on Twitter and other social networks from people who claim to be atheist.

      There is no shifting of the burden. Every claim must be support, for or against something or someone. This is how the burden of proof works.

      Even the atheism section of has this to say:

      "The first thing to keep in mind is that the phrase “burden of proof” is a bit more extreme than what is often needed in reality. Using that phrase makes it sound like a person has to definitely prove, beyond a doubt, that something is true; that, however, is only rarely the case. A more accurate label would be a “burden of support” — the key is that a person must support what they are saying. This can involve empirical evidence, logical arguments, and even positive proof.
      Which of those must be presented will depend very much upon the nature of the claim in question. Some claims are easier and simpler to support than others — but regardless, a claim without any support is not one which merits rational belief. Thus, anyone making a claim which they consider rational and which they expect others to accept must provide some support."

      The line "I know I come from apes" highlights the sarcasm related to comments atheists have sent me. Moreover, there are missing links.

      You claim that "after hundreds of thousands of years it is not unreasonable that we would come to realize that we don't like people taking our stuff and killing our friends" is an appeal to ignorance fallacy. Where is your support for this claim. Moreover, your comment fails to reconcile natural selection with social construction.

      "There exists no data for the existence of another mechanism by which we attain knowledge."

      Are you aware that we never truly perceive anything? Seems someone did not learn physics.

      "This presupposes that the "mind" is immaterial, but you cannot demonstrate this."

      If the mind is not immaterial then why do patients who have clinically died have perceived an "afterlife?" Clearly the bio-electrical processes have ended, yet the person had perception and memory of this post death event.

      "Oh look, another straw man: Atheism does not assert that a god does not exist. It is a response to, and a negation of, the claim that one does exist on the basis that no compelling evidence for the existence of a deity has been provided."

      Seems you do not understand what atheism means. Your own definition contradicts itself lol. It "does not assert that a god does not exist" but is "a negation of the claim that one does exist." Like most online atheists, you are confusing agnosticism with atheism.

      "Nobody knows whether or not information can be produced by matter, including you."

      All physicists understand that matter cannot produce information. This is a common tenet in quantum physics and also information theory. Again, someone never learned physics..

      In closing, your entire comments demonstrates not only your ignorance in science and logic, but also fails to perceive the sarcastic satirical and mockery tone of the writing. If you have read what I have received during the time this post was made, then you would not make a fool of yourself here posting these misconceptions. 


Thank you for reading and for your comment. All comments are subject to approval. They must be free of vulgarity, ad hominem and must be relevant to the blog posting subject matter.


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