Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spittin 4 da Lord

Yo yo dawg, wass good?   This is language typical of the inner city youth who are often fond of Hip Hop or Rap music.  Coming from the Boogie Down Bronx myself, home of the NY Yankees, birth place of Hip Hop and Rap on Sedgwick and Morris, I too appreciate this poetic art form.  I grew up with Old, Middle and New Schools of Rap.

After Vatican II, there was more liberty to use, create or adopt other forms of music that is geared towards God and compatible with doctrine in either Liturgy or privately at groups.  Hip Hop/Rap was not excluded.  

Many within the Church: clergy and laity have blessed the Church by assimilating this art into Catholicism.  Now there are those who feel it brings a worldly gimmicky atmosphere to religion which is often known to be serious in nature.  "Spittin'" for the Lord sounds offensive to some.  What do you think?  

  • Is Catholic Hip Hop/Rap good for the Church? 
  • Should it be used in Liturgy?  

Sing to da Lord

He who sings prays twice, 
Ma boy Augustine said it nice.
Holy Holy God of Hosts
In Jesus' name I boast
saved from sin
burn the devil like toast.
Sing to da Lord
Don't get bored
Sing to da Lord
More more more
He's in the Eucharist
I see him
I can get used to this
Whoa here comes bliss
atheists will diss
so what
snakes always hiss.
Sing to da Lord
Don't get bored
Praise the Lord
Adore dore dore.   
                                                                       - Sacerdotus (circa 2006) ©  

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