Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Voting is an important act and should be used wisely.

We can elect a good person or a bad one and our choice will can have consequences that we will have to answer when judgment day or death comes if our conscience and intellect were properly utilized.

As citizens of the United States of America, we all have our individual reasons why we vote either way. However, we must not be selfish and instead vote for the candidate that will bring about the common good for all not just ourselves.

Many I am sure will take this voting opportunity to elect some one they feel will better the economy and bring troops home. Yes, those are excellent reasons to vote for we do need economy to survive in a world that currently uses money to perform trades and transactions. Yes, we do want peace and our troops home to be with their families and friends. However, we must remember that politicians are known for making promises that are nearly impossible to complete and mainly do so to win over voters. So we cannot rush to judgment on promises alone.

We must be informed voters and understand each candidates ideas and plans before making a choice. Some will vote for one candidate because he is older, stern and has more experience, while others may vote for another candidate because he is African American, popular, and a fresh new face in politics. But we must stick to the common good and how either candidate will bring about them.

Does the candidate value life? Does he or she believe life is sacred and precious and must never be aborted or euthanized for any reason? Does the candidate value education for all? Does the candidate value fair economics for all in every social and monetary class? Does the candidate value the sacred institution of marriage between one man and one woman as God and nature intended? Does the candidate value America's customs, its Constitution and laws about him/herself. Does the candidate put America's protection first in a time of war and terrorism?

These are some of the questions we must ask when choosing a candidate to vote. God gave us conscience so we must put it to use and vote for a candidate that will bring about the common good, not just focus on one area. This is the moral thing to do.

We cannot vote for a candidate based on his color, speaking skills, charisma, voting record, interest in helping the rich or the poor, his religion, etc. His color should not matter, nor his speaking skills since speeches are written by others not the candidate. Charisma is important to draw attention, but the presidency is a serious job and not for a performer. Voting record is important, but those votes are in the past and what matters is the candidates current platform. A candidate should focus ..ing all, rich and poor. His religion should not matter as long as he respects the Judeo/Christian values and views of this nation and does not impose his own personal views and beliefs.

This election is an important one, but so has every other election. Let us vote for a good candidate who will protect all, the unborn, the born, people of all ages, races, gender, religion, orientation and social class. Let us vote for some one who will follow the law in a moral way and not try to legislate his views from the Oval office and try to rewrite social norms such as marriage and when a person should live and die.

God bless America and may the best candidate for our current time win and have great success in bringing about the common good.
about 8 months ago


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