Friday, October 14, 2011

@markfromkent Sacerdotus, do u believe in a hell forever. Seeing that God is just, do u think he would put someone into everlasting torment. How could people in heaven b happy knowing that people were in torment 4 eternity. Thank you.

Yes I do. To our actions (or lack of) there are consequences. God does not put anyone in hell. People chose it by living lives full of sin and vice without repentance. Hell is eternal because our souls are immortal. So whatever state the soul left the body in, that state is where it will be: heaven with God or hell with the fallen. God is extremely merciful, so a billion or more sins can be forgive at the last second before death if the soul repents. The Catholic Church has never mentioned that any particular person is in hell. We don't know. What we do know is that God does not want us to reject His mercy and constantly calls us to repent, confess our sins and live lives of holiness with faith, hope and charity. People will be happy in heaven because they will be with God. Once we see God as He truly is, the past does not matter. Everything we knew of earth and its people, its events would have been a bad dream, so to speak. Of course in heaven the people pray for us still on earth and those in purgatory that we may not continue to fall from grace.

Ask me anything the Catholic faith, Spirituality, please keep it clean and respectful!

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