After reading about the LGBT movement and seeing how they are slowly socially engineering for everyone to accept their lifestyle as normal, I asked myself something. "What will stop pedophiles and other sexually deviant people from wanting the same?" The answer is: nothing.
If two men and two women are seen as normal and can marry, then of course those who have attractions to minors or even animals will request the same treatment. Everyone wants "equality" right?!?
There was even a conference held to "normalize" pedophilia. Seeking acceptance for "minor attracted person" and pedophiles
CHICAGO, August 17, 2011—The modern age has been hailed as post-gender and post-racial. Meaning that we've grown as a society beyond petty discrimination against people on the basis of race or gender identity, and such discrimination is met with the entire wrath our legal and social institutions can muster.
If some people have their way, this modern age will soon be post-pedophilia. And playgrounds will be empty.
B4U-ACT is a Maryland-based group of mental health professionals, psychiatrists and pedophiles who want to normalize pedophilia. Instead of pejoratively calling them "pedophiles," "fiends," "deviants," "freaks," "perverts," "degenerates," "predators" or "pedophiles," they would prefer that society refer to them by the sensitive and socially-accepting term: minor attracted persons. (Daily Caller)
The groups latest symposium "Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies" was held today, August 17, 2011, in Baltimore, Maryland
The point of this symposium is to promote "tolerance” and “normalization.” The group hopes it will lead to eventual acceptance of their peculiar desires and behaviors. It opposes treatment to change feelings of attraction to children, arguing that, "No one chooses to be emotionally and sexually attracted to children or adolescents. The cause is unknown; in fact, the development of attraction to adults is not understood.
Howard Kline, the science director of B4U-ACT, said of the existing definition, "It is based on data from prison studies, which completely ignore the existence of those who are law-abiding," adding, “The Diagnostic and Statistical of Mental Disorders (DSM) should meet a higher standard than that ... We can help them, because we are the people they are writing about.”
We? What kind of science does he direct?
People in the child-protection field are intolerantly alarmed.
They're concerned that the deletion of pedophilia from the DSM will result in the decriminalization of pedophilia behaviors and force the repeal of criminal laws punishing pedophiles and protecting children.
B4U-ACT is described as “a 501(c)(3) organization that promotes dialog between mental health professionals and people with a sexual attraction to children or adolescents... “
“B4U-ACT is a unique collaborative effort between minor-attracted people and mental health professionals to promote communication and understanding between the two groups.”
Freaks, fiends, degenerates, perverts, deviants and predators have their own 501(c)(3) that collaborates with the shrinks. The patients are helping run the asylum.
The goal of B4U-ACT is to demand, convince, cajole, and do whatever it takes to get the APA to revise the definition of pedophilia in the DSM. They are appalled that the current definition of “minor-attracted persons” is “inaccurate” and “misleading”.
The DSM connects pedophilia with criminality. Which is, rights of the minor be damned, insensitive. The APA is not taking B4U-ACT seriously on this point. Even psychiatrists are not that crazy.
But it is worth being informed, and afraid, of this group.
What concerns B4U-ACT is the criminal stigma of pedophilia on law-abiding “minor attracted persons.” The whole objective of this conference is to develop strategies and condition society “into accepting pedophiles”.
“The first thing they do is to get the public to divest from thinking of what the offender does criminally, to thinking of the offender’s emotional state, to think of him as thinking of his emotional state, [and] to empathize and sympathize," says child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman. "You don’t change the nation in one fell swoop; you have to change it by conditioning. The aim is to get them [pedophiles] out of prison.” (Emphasis mine)
Excuse me while I go hide the kid in the bunker.
Dr. Richard Kramer, B4U-ACT director of operations, wrote, “What purpose does calling someone a ‘pervert’ or ‘predator’ serve anyway, other than to express contempt and hatred? ... How is this productive? It certainly doesn’t protect children. I would urge all SO [sex offender] activists to listen to their own message: Stop buying into and promoting false stereotypes. Stop demonizing a whole class of people, and start learning the facts.”
Sex Offender activists? Class of people? You really can’t make this stuff up.
Jacob Breslow, a graduate student in gender research at the London School of Economics, admits to being excited over the potential for exploiting the removal of pedophilia from the next edition of the DSM. In his abstract Sexual Alignment: Critiquing Sexual Orientation, the Pedophile and the DSM V, Breslow writes:
“Allowing for a form of non-diagnosable minor attraction is exciting, as it creates a sexual or political identity by which activists, scholars and clinicians can better understand Minor Attracted Persons.” (Emphasis mine on purpose)
Where do we draw the line on hating the sin, but not the sinner? When does tolerance lapse into parody? When does self-accountability become more important than deviant urges?
There are some acts in this world - rape, torture, murder, and yes, pedophilia - that are hateful, and the urges to commit them are contemptible. It was once said, a long time ago, that columnists should incorporate the words fiend, pervert, degenerate, etc. as many times as they can get away with.
This is an unfortunate opportunity to obey that rule.
2011 Symposium |
Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM:
Issues and ControversiesWednesday, August 17, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Featured Speaker: Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; founder, Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic
Symposium Program
News Release
This day-long symposium will facilitate the exchange of ideas among researchers, scholars, mental health practitioners, and minor-attracted persons who have an interest in critical issues surrounding the entry for pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. The symposium will address critical issues in the following areas:
The revision of DSM currently underway provides both the opportunity and the necessity to address fundamental issues surrounding the DSM entry for pedophilia. Numerous unresolved issues have been raised by scholars, researchers, and minor-attracted people. Controversy has arisen over scientific issues (e.g., the setting of diagnostic threshholds, the representativeness of forensic samples), philosophical issues (e.g., the definition of paraphilia, the nature of disorder, and whether hebephilia should be considered a disorder), and consequences of the DSM entry (e.g., its use in civil commitment hearings, its effects on stigma).
This symposium faciliates the interaction necessary for these issues to be addressed. The APA emphasizes that DSM revisions should involve the interaction of researchers from "diverse perspectives, disciplines, and areas of expertise" and be "sensitive to the needs of clinicians and their patients." Representatives from all of these groups will play important roles at this symposium.Social workers and psychologists who attend will receive 6.0 continuting education units (CEUs).
If you have any questions, please contact or (443) 244-9920.
Issues and ControversiesWednesday, August 17, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Featured Speaker: Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; founder, Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic
News Release
This day-long symposium will facilitate the exchange of ideas among researchers, scholars, mental health practitioners, and minor-attracted persons who have an interest in critical issues surrounding the entry for pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. The symposium will address critical issues in the following areas:
- Scientific and philosophical issues related to the DSM entry on pedophilia and/or hebephilia
- Effects of the DSM entry on stigma, availability of mental health services, and research
- Ways in which minor-attracted persons can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process
The revision of DSM currently underway provides both the opportunity and the necessity to address fundamental issues surrounding the DSM entry for pedophilia. Numerous unresolved issues have been raised by scholars, researchers, and minor-attracted people. Controversy has arisen over scientific issues (e.g., the setting of diagnostic threshholds, the representativeness of forensic samples), philosophical issues (e.g., the definition of paraphilia, the nature of disorder, and whether hebephilia should be considered a disorder), and consequences of the DSM entry (e.g., its use in civil commitment hearings, its effects on stigma).
This symposium faciliates the interaction necessary for these issues to be addressed. The APA emphasizes that DSM revisions should involve the interaction of researchers from "diverse perspectives, disciplines, and areas of expertise" and be "sensitive to the needs of clinicians and their patients." Representatives from all of these groups will play important roles at this symposium.Social workers and psychologists who attend will receive 6.0 continuting education units (CEUs).
If you have any questions, please contact or (443) 244-9920.
Updated August 20, 2011
Copyright © 2006–2011, B4U-ACT, Inc.
Copyright © 2006–2011, B4U-ACT, Inc.
Now, they are starting to organize and start some kind of "rights" movement.