Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Christian Unity

Will Christian Unity ever happen?  Will all Protestants and Eastern Rites return home to Rome?

I honestly believe Christian unity will be realized soon... the Holy Spirit is active in the world, especially among Christians. Jesus wanted His Church to be ONE, not different branches with each fighting each other over beliefs. He wanted, ONE Faith, ONE baptism, with Him as the Sole Lord. 

With the many problems among our separated brothers and sisters, particularly the Anglican community which is in schism due to their lax interpretation of homosexuality in the bible, many of them are returning home to Rome. 

Recently the Orthodox Church's leader commented on unifying with Rome, so let's hope it will come to be. The Church needs to be strong now in this age more than ever. Evil is taking on a new form and is on the attack. The human race is becoming savage like with its attraction to war, lust, perversion, violence. Many belief we are really at the end times, but who knows. 

Faith is disappearing and Christ did say He will come as a thief in the night, so as to say, He will come as a surprise while the human race has forgotten God and His ways. Let us pray for Christian unity. Genuine love must once again take over the world, not hedonistic love or love for money, power...
about 8 months ago


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