Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's funny :)

An obviously disturbed individual who apparently has self esteem issues, suffers from an inferiority complex and enissophobia attempted to send many comments to the Atheist's vent blog.  From the wording I figure it is a radical feminist who resorts to misandry instead of intellectual dialog.  

She writes:

1. Isn't it funny that a men who refers to women as FEMALES demands to be respected?
 2. Isn't it funny that a men who tries to insult men by referring to them as SHE or HER demands   to be respected?
3. Isn't it funny that a men who twists people's words to make himself look Victorious demands to be respected?
4. Isn't it funny that a man who seeks to mock and denigrate any and every one who disagrees with him demands to be respected?
5. Isn't it funny that aman who thinks itself has the only inteligent human on the earth, and calls everyone else ignorant and retarded demands to be respected?

1.  Men? Or Man?  :)   Are not women females?  Definition of Women says: "a : an adult female person" -

2.  She and Her are pronouns that address the female gender. -

3.  I twist nothing but falsehood.  That is why I provide proof of the exact words that I critique.

4.  I neither mock nor denigrate anyone.  If intellectual disagreements are seen as mockery and/or denigration then the problem rests on the self esteem of the one making this accusation.

5.  I have never made any such claims, but thanks for the compliment. :)

Yes, it is funny.  The fact that this person went through all this trouble to post consecutive nonsensical comments is hilarious. :)  Thanks for the smile.


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