Monday, June 17, 2013

Man of Wood

The new Superman movie, "Man of Steel" is out and winning big at the box office.  Some people may not realize this, but this movie has many parallels to Jesus.

There are specific scenes with imagery that call to mind Jesus as Savior of the world.  One scene has Superman with his father over the Earth.  His father tells him that he can save them all.  Superman than stretches outward into a form of a Cross.

Warner Bros apparently intended for this movie to have this.  Superman is an allusion to Christ.  As most of us know, Superman is this alien from the planet Krypton.  This planet was destroyed by a supernova.  Superman was saved with the technology of his race and sent to Earth.  He is humanoid, but on Earth and with our Star, he is able to obtain superhuman powers.  As he matures on Earth after being found by a human couple, he learns who he is.  He then sets out to be mankind's "savior" by flying around fighting crime and saving people from all kinds of disasters.

Superman of course is fiction.  However, there is indeed a "Superman" who walked the Earth 2,000 years ago.  His name is Jesus the Christ.  Jesus, son of God and son of Mary was born 2,000 years ago to teach us and redeem us with His sacrifice on the Cross.  This one act opened the doors of grace so that man can achieve salvation through Jesus Christ by having faith and putting that faith to work.  Jesus did not leap tall buildings in a single bound, nor fly faster than a locomotive, but He healed the sick, restored life to the dead, and most importantly; loved us.

Jesus, The Man of the Wood of the Cross turned this wooden instrument of death into an instrument of life.  Jesus continues to work in the lives of those who trust in Him.  Jesus is the real Superman who is also the one and only Super God.


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