
Are you looking to promote your product, website, content, or social network account?  Consider advertising on Sacerdotus and on Sacerdotus Social Media.

Email me to:

Advertisement services offered and suggested gifts:

  • Special Announcements Option - promotes a message (ie, birthday wishes, congratulations)
free - Prayer requests or intentions
$15 - Happy Birthday etc. (name of person) + short message (note: Twitter character limit)*
$25 - Happy Birthday etc. (name of person) + short message & graphic (note: Twitter limits)*
$35 - Event announcement (text only)  (note: Twitter limits)*
$55 - Event announcement (text with image)  (note: Twitter limits)*
$85 -  Message with graphic on Twitter, Facebook & Google +  (note: Twitter limits)*
  •  NEW!  Instagram Posts and Stories is now being offered.
Feed Posts
$25 - Text post on Instagram feed
$35 - Text Post with Graphic on Instagram feed
$45 -  Video clip with Text on Instagram feed
$55 - Video clip with Text and Graphic on Instagram feed

$15 - Text story on Instagram Stories
$20 - Text with Video on Instagram Stories
$5  -  For additional posts on Instagram Stories
$3 per account -   To post on other Instagram accounts run by Sacerdotus (Text posts only).
$5 per account - To post on other Instagram accounts run by Sacerdotus (Text and Video posts).
$7 per account - To post text stories on other Instagram accounts run by Sacerdotus.
$8 per account - To post text with video stories on other Instagram accounts run by Sacerdotus.
$50  - To post text with video stories and feed posts on other Instagram accounts run by Sacerdotus.
  • Crowdfunding promotion Option
$150 - I will tweet your campaign link once.

$550 - I will tweet your campaign link for a week and post it on my
Facebook and Google+ (once a day).

$1500 - I will tweet your campaign link for a month and post it on
my Facebook and Google+ (once a day)

$5500 - I will tweet your campaign link for a month, post it on my
Facebook, Google+ (once a day) and announce it on my radio podcast (once per episode).

$7500 - I will tweet your campaign link for 3 months, post it on my
Facebook, Google+ (once a day) and announce it on my radio podcast and TV Broadcast (once per episode).
  • Blog Roll Option - promotes a blog or blog post on Roll Box or Social Networks

$35 a month will promote your blog/site link on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ once a week
$55 a month will promote your blog/site link (w/photo) on Twitter, Facebook, Google + once a week
$75 a month will promote your blog/site link in one of my posts**
$150 a month will promote your blog/site link on my Blog Roll Box**
$250 a month will promote your blog/site link every day for one month**

  • Advertisement Icon Option: I will post your icon/image with link on my site

$55 a month for Products
$90 a month for Products place in the "Store" tab with photo/logo
$150 a month for your Website (Blog, Business, Social Network Profile)
$200 a month for images including a product and blog, business or social network profile
  • Advertisement Links Option: your link will be posted on my site with no icon/image

$55 a month for products
$75 a month for website
$95 a month for Products placed in the "Store" tab link only

$200 per episode on Sacerdotus Radio Podcast
$250 per broadcast/livestreaming on Mevo Broadcasts or $2700 to keep on Broadcast for a Year
$350 per episode on Sacerdotus TV
$575 monthly on Sacerdotus Radio Podcast***
$655 monthly on Sacerdotus TV***
$750 to dedicate one episode to promote your content or product (restrictions apply*)
^Add $50 for the inclusion of a graphic/logo
  • Reviews or Written Promotions Option:  I will dedicate a post promoting your product or site. (restrictions apply*)

$85 for your blog or site
$200 to review and/or promote your book or content once
$250 to review and/or promote your video or music content once
$350 to keep the review on my site for one year
*$95 a month to keep the post up.

$150 for a post without graphics and less than 500 words.
$180 for a post with graphics and less than 500 words.
$240 for a post without graphics and less than 700 words.
$250 for a post with graphics and less than 700 words.
$350 for a post without graphics and less than 1,500 words.
$375 for a post with graphics and less than 1,500 words.
$450 for a post with video and less than 3,000 words.
$475 for a post with graphics and video less than 3,000 words.
$400 -$2,000 for a post with graphics/video and over 4,500 words.
$5,000- $15,000 for a post with graphics/video and over 10,000 words.
$95-250 a month for links within a post (With or without photos).

$90 a month for the promotion of a post on social media.
$200 a month to keep the post up or $900 for a year.
**I will give a discount if more than Ten posts are purchased.

Promotion in my published books
$7500 - full-page ad
$1500-5000 - shared ad page
(These remain for the life of the book unless removed at the discretion of Sacerdotus or client)

Rules and Restrictions*

  • Only content that is moral, legal^ and free from harassment and/or discrimination will be allowed.
  • Full payments must be made in advance before posting an advertisement.  
  • Advertising on Sacerdotus does not mean endorsement by Sacerdotus. All subject to approval. 
  • No medications and/or products related to healthcare will be allowed.
  • No pornographic, tobacco, drugs, marijuana, or alcoholic products will be allowed.
  • Religious and non-religious content will be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Religious content must not be anti-Catholic or proselytizing in nature.
  • Academic content will be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
  • LGBT content (i.e. anti-bullying messages, charity services) will be allowed but must not promote the lifestyle and will be allowed case by case.
  • Atheist/Secularist content will be allowed on a case by case and must not be proselytizing in nature.
  • Events will be allowed for advertisement on a case-by-case basis.
  • Advertisement on Sacerdotus Radio or Sacerdotus TV must be approved beforehand.
  • Discounts will be provided to Catholic clergy/Religious & Laity who are loyal to Rome and non-controversial.
  • Discounts will be provided for those who advertise on Sacerdotus more than once. 
* once per message/payment
** Content will remain on the blog roll box/blog post for one month until this option is renewed for another month.  Choosing the "monthly" box on PayPal, will reserve your spot and prevent the removal of your content.

***Content will be announced on each episode/broadcast.
^ Content must be owned by the client. No copyright or trademark infringement.

All donations/gifts are final.  Terms are subject to change without notice. Please use the Paypal button below:

Click "monthly" if you wish to be charged as such by PayPal.  On your payment, type a note with the advertisement option you wish to use and any other instructions.  Be sure to contact me providing the payment confirmation number from PayPal, link(s) and/or images you want to use for advertisement and any descriptions.  I will review them and will notify you if it meets the criteria to be used as advertisement, and if it needs revision.


Catholic Church (826) God (413) Jesus (367) Atheism (345) Bible (331) Jesus Christ (295) Pope Francis (238) Atheist (229) Liturgy of the Word (206) Science (163) LGBT (147) Christianity (142) Gay (82) Pope Benedict XVI (81) Abortion (80) Rosa Rubicondior (79) Prayer (67) Liturgy (57) President Obama (57) Philosophy (54) Physics (54) Blessed Virgin Mary (52) Vatican (52) Christian (51) New York City (45) Christmas (43) Psychology (43) Holy Eucharist (41) Women (36) Biology (35) Politics (34) Baseball (31) Supreme Court (31) NYPD (28) Religious Freedom (27) Health (25) Traditionalists (25) priests (24) Pope John Paul II (23) Space (23) Racism (22) Theology (21) Death (20) Evil (20) First Amendment (20) Apologetics (19) Donald Trump (19) Pro Abortion (19) Protestant (19) Astrophysics (18) Christ (18) Evangelization (18) Illegal Immigrants (18) Child Abuse (17) Priesthood (17) Pro Choice (17) Police (16) Pedophilia (15) Marriage (14) Vatican II (14) Divine Mercy (12) Eucharist (12) Gospel (12) Blog (11) Jewish (11) Morality (11) September 11 (11) Autism (10) Muslims (10) Poverty (10) Cognitive Psychology (9) Easter Sunday (9) Gender Theory (9) Holy Trinity (9) academia (9) CUNY (8) Hispanics (8) Human Rights (8) Pentecostals (8) Personhood (8) Sacraments (8) Barack Obama (7) Big Bang Theory (7) Condoms (7) David Viviano (7) Ellif_dwulfe (7) Evidence (7) Spiritual Life (7) Hell (6) Humanism (6) NY Yankees (6) Babies (5) Cyber Bullying (5) Gender Dysphoria Disorder (5) Massimo Pigliucci (5) Podcast (5) Pope Pius XII (5) The Walking Dead (5) Angels (4) Donations (4) Ephebophilia (4) Pope Paul VI (4) Catholic Bloggers (3) Death penalty (3) Evangelicals (3) Founding Fathers (3) Pluto (3) Pope John XXIII (3) Baby Jesus (2) Dan Arel (2) Eastern Orthodox (2) Encyclical (2) Freeatheism (2) Oxfam (2) Penn Jillette (2) Pew Research Center (2) Plenary Indulgence (2) Cursillo (1) Dan Savage (1) Divine Providence (1) Fear The Walking Dead (1) Pentecostales (1)