Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Father John Corapi is back??

According to writer Matt C. Abbot, troubled priest Father John Corapi is returning to the priesthood and is currently getting his life back together.  Abbot claims to have a good source regarding this news, but I at the moment cannot verify it.  In the meantime, pray for John Corapi.  I will update this post if and when I learn more details.

UPDATE 1/26/2024 here:



  1. I've been praying for Fr. Corapi daily for years. May he find peace in his vocation.

    1. Amen. He definitely needs our prayers and support. We all fall down. Only God can pick us up.

  2. Most likely this is another 'hoax' article. If Father was back I think we'd hear it from him himself.

  3. Most likely this is another 'hoax' article. If Father was back I think we'd hear it from him himself.

    1. I too was a bit skeptical, but Abbott is a respected journalist and writer. His story so far sounds credible. Corapi will not be in public ministry for the moment and possibly never. He is in spiritual "rehab" at the moment according to sources close to him.

    2. Actually no. I've known a number of troubled priests personally, and when they are working with their superiors to sort things out properly, you often have no idea where they are, you never hear from them, and people who do know where they are keep pretty quiet about it. It is probably pretty standard practice. No, if Fr. Corapi is really working things out with a bishop somewhere, the last thing one should expect is to hear anything from Fr. Corapi himself until he's been given permission to speak and work publicly as a priest again. That's just the way it is for priests.

    3. Actually that is incorrect. Take archbishop Milingo's situation about a decade ago. The public knew what was going on with him when he had drama with the Vatican in regards to Moon's sect. The Catholic Church is not a cult. We do not hide people and keep them from the public. Like with any family, news spreads around easily. Notice how your first sentence states that you know troubled priests personally and you indirectly tell us that they are working with their superiors to sort things out. How else would you know this unless you were aware of the situation and had knowledge? Moreover, Corapi is part of a religious order, not the diocese. Lastly, noticed how little we know of his situation other than that he is in the process of reconciliation.

    4. I read about this earlier, and am happy about it. He is a priest and he needs our prayers. He has got my prayers. I learned so much from him and am eternally grateful. God bless him and lead him on.

  4. Fr. Corapi is one reason I became Catholic, my other human inspiration was Mother Angelica

  5. I sure hope so greatly needed in thisvworld todsy. We need to prsy fir his return.

  6. I sure hope so greatly needed in thisvworld todsy. We need to prsy fir his return.

  7. I sure hope so greatly needed in thisvworld todsy. We need to prsy fir his return.

  8. Time will tell and prayers will be answered. God be with you Fr and Mother Mary love you.

  9. He isn't coming back. Let sleeping dogs lie.

  10. He isn't coming back. Let sleeping dogs lie.

  11. He isn't coming back. Let sleeping dogs lie.


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