
If you have enjoyed reading my blog, listening to my radio program or Sacerdotus Hangouts broadcasts and following my tweets or posts on Facebook and Google+:

Please consider making a donation to help run these ministries.  

  1. In order to keep the domain name and other things on this blog running, I need to pay for them. They are not cheap!  
  2. Moreover, I also mail Rosaries and other Sacramentals, as well as other materials to people who request them
  3. I also host a radio show online and would love to expand the hours in order to allow live calls, guests and more time to discuss topics. 
  4. I also would like to publish books which I can sell and use the funds to maintain this evangelization work. 
  5. These all cost money.  On my stipend alone, I cannot do this effectively.  

In order to try to have enough to do these things, I can do the following:

  1. Allow annoying ads on my blog which will generate money every time someone clicks on them.
  2. Ask for a fee in order to put a blogger's blog link on my blog roll to promote them.
  3. Charge for access to my blog via a private URL or a Tablet reader's subscription.
  4. Sell the Rosaries, etc which I would normally send for free.

  • The other option is simply shutting all of this down.  

Without your help, the latter will most likely be my option.  So, if I do not raise enough funds soon, I will have to choose one or all of the three options or simply just shut this online evangelization work down.

If I raise about $35,000 in funds, this should be enough to last for about 4-5 years.  

So please consider becoming a benefactor and donate to this ministry so that I can continue it.

Donate at either or all of these below:



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