Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bus Monitor Horror Update

The abuse Karen Klein has paid off literally.  The campaign started by Max Sidorov has raised over $600,000!  Mrs. Klein can now have her vacation and also said she will donate part of the money to charities that support children with Down's syndrome.

Moreover, the bullies who harassed Mrs. Klein are feeling the heavy hand of justice.  They have been suspended for one year but will attend an alternative school. They must do community service with senior citizens, and complete an anti-bullying program.  I applaud their parents for waiving their right to a hearing.  These kids will most likely be bullied themselves once they return to school.  

I personally don't know about the suspension, but the overall punishment seems right.  It will teach these kids that what they did was immoral and will not be tolerated.  They will also become a teaching moment for all of us.  Words have power to them.  They have meaning.  We might think that saying something rude or foul is nothing, but deep down they affect people.

I also applaud the brave young man with a big heart who started a campaign for Mrs. Klein.  Max Sidorov stood up for an elderly person he does not know personally.  He has a heart and for his compassion is now the subject of a campaign that is raising money for him as well.

We are all brothers and sisters with God as our Father.  We must care for one another.


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