Monday, April 6, 2015

Blogger "Rosa Rubicondior" (real name Esther Harrison) Runs from Debate - AGAIN!

Once again, alleged "atheist" blogger Esther Harrison who blogs under the alias "Rosa Rubicondior" ran away from debating me.  Ironically, this time the debate was initiated by her and was scheduled on Google Hangouts 7 days in advance allowing both parties to prepare and for invitations to be sent out.

See more here:

I sent her an invitation directly to join the hangouts:

As expected, "Rosa Rubicondior" aka Esther Harrison began to dilly dally once again and was a no show to the debate.

See the video of the debate as I waited for her to show up and just ad lib as I waited. 

     I then sent another invitation while the hangouts was on live, and still she did not show up:

As you can see, this person is clearly a coward and a troll.  Do not waste your time with her or her blogs.  


  1. Doesn't it always happen that way? I came across a reference to Richard Dawkins always dodging debates too! God bless you. Susan Fox

    1. Always! Yes, you are correct. Richard Dawkins is known to dodge debates, especially against William Lane Craig.


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