Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Star Talk" Debut

I have just finished watching the premier episode of the podcast StarTalk now on the National Geographic channel. It was much better than I expected.  Host Neil deGrasse Tyson had guests George Takei, Leighann Lord, Bill Nye and Charles Liu, an astrophysics professor at my alma mater CUNY.  They spoke on Star Trek and how the show foreshadowed many of the technological advances we see today.

The show was filmed at the Hayden Planetarium in Manhattan; a place I remember very well going as a child on trips.  Tyson sat with Leighan Lord and Charles Liu and discussed Star Trek and at certain segments, turned to a flat screen off to the side to view interviews with George Takei aka "Sulu" from the Star Trek original series and towards the end of the program, Bill Nye "The Science Guy."

During commercial breaks, I was surprised to see that Fr. James Martin of the Jesuit order was shown in a recorded episode which will probably air in the future. This should be an interesting episode indeed. So far, "StarTalk" seems to be a show that will catch on with "nerds" and those who love late night casual talk shows.  It is not heavily scientific, but more of a casual discussion among friends.  I am hoping to get tickets to attend a taping!

You can learn more here: http://www.sacerdotus.com/2015/03/degrasse-to-host-startalk-on-television.html

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