Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rosetta & 67P

After ten long years in space, space craft "Rosetta" finally came into contact with comet 67P aka Churyumov-Gerasimenko. "Rosetta" is now orbiting the comet and is schedule to land on it. This probe is making human history. It is the first probe from Earth to rendezvous with a comet.

The European Space Agency has been directing this project and has been keeping people abreast of the latest news via Twitter. I have pulled a "late-niter" just to see the moment when it reached the comet which was early this morning. The comet and probe are between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.

Information from this mission will be beneficial for us. "Rosetta" will sent back data to Earth
regarding the composition of this comet and possibly shed light as to whether or not comets were responsible for the water we have on Earth and if in fact they do carry the ingredients for life.

It is theorized that water on Earth came from the impacts of icy comets that hit our infant planet billions of years ago. The ice melted bringing liquid water. It is also believed that these comets carry the building blocks for life which mixed with elements already on Earth bringing about an array of lifeforms via Evolution.

Journey of Rosetta as it uses planetary gravitational pulls to slingshot itself

You can follow "Rosetta" here:



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