Friday, January 24, 2014

Putin - Gays Pedophiles

Russia has been on the news lately due to the Sochi Oympic and recent terrorist bombings. However, it is also on the news due to supposed inflammatory comments made by its leader, Vladimir Putin.  He apparently equated homosexuals to 'pedophiles' and told them to 'leave our children alone' while stating that homosexuality must be wiped out of the nation.

From reading his actual words in context, I believe he was referring to the law in his nation that protects minors from the propaganda of homosexuality.  He is not calling homosexuals 'pedophiles' by saying to 'leave the children alone.'  He is merely saying to stop indoctrinating children with homosexual rhetoric.

It seems the media is at it again trying to ride the drama of the LGBT community against Putin and Russia.  The victim-card never gets old.


1 comment:

  1. I have great admiration for President Putin, he is standing firmly against the tide of world secular opinion, not because he is stubborn or a dictator; simply because he cares about his people, his country and it's future. Many western leaders see only the short term future and are more concerned with winning popularity to keep their parties in Government. I salute President Putin and pray that more politicians will follow his courageous example. God bless and preserve Vladimir Putin. God bless Russia.


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