Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Miss Alternate Universe...

The "Miss Universe" pageant has recently changed its rules to allowed transsexuals.  Jenna Talackova was disqualified for being a transsexual.  He or "she" has since launched a campaign for "women."    

What is this world coming to?  A transsexual is not a real woman.  Surgery does not change a man into a woman naturally speaking.  The XX chromosomes and other genetic and chemical attributes exclusive to the female gender will always remain.  Without hormonal therapy, Talackova's body will attempt to correct itself by restoring the hormones that are specific to males.

I never liked pangeants.  I feel they exploit women and men for their physical appearance.  It attempts to define what beauty is supposed to be in regards to the human form.  All people are beautiful because they were created by God.  Skinny, fat, tall, short, black, white, red, yellow or green, male or female, all are made in God's image and are beautiful.  

Moreover, it is no mystery that heterosexual men love to see women in bikinis during these programs etc.  I can attest to this personally hehehe o:)  You best be assured that no heterosexual man wants to watch a show knowing some or all of the contestants might be altered men.

Enough with the LGBT rhetoric being forced down our throats!!!


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