Monday, April 9, 2012

Santorum Quits

After months of campaigning and having to defend himself against Romney, the liberal media, feminists and the LGBT community,  Rick Santorum threw in the towel.  Most likely the reason for this was because of his ailing young daughter who suffers from a genetic disorder and was recently taken to the hospital.  Also, Romney seems to have the momentum in his favor and any chance of Santorum, Gingerich or Paul winning the Republican nomination to face Obama seems futile.

In any event, I wish Rick Santorum well.  I pray for his beautiful daughter that she recovers and continues to bring joy into the Santorum household.  

Rick Santorum would have made a great president; however, he has to tone down his religious rhetoric a bit.  Faith and values are important qualities in any form of leadership, however, a President has to represent everyone and fight for the common good.  

This is hard to do in a country divided with different faiths, ideas, political parties and social values.  No matter what a leader does to try to remain neutral, he/she will still be attack for something.  

Santorum is no stranger to this.  He was accused of being a misogynist, homophobe, Catholic proselytizer and so on.  He spoke strongly on marriage and abortion.  However, he alone cannot take down Roe v Wade and pass a marriage amendment to the Constitution to protect marriage from any alterations.  Nevertheless, it is comforting to know there are still people out there in politics who still hold on to values.  

Perhaps in 2016 he will run again.  

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