Saturday, November 4, 2017

NY Deacon, 70 Stabbed to Death

A beloved 70-year-old Catholic deacon, Patrick Logsdon was stabbed to death by Andre Patton.  Deacon Logsdon used his own home as a half-way house for recovering addicts and men who were released from prison in Roosevelt, NY. The name of his ministry is called Anthony House.

There is no information yet as to why the violence happened. However, it is known that addicts and former inmates suffer from emotional and mental illness.  Their behavior can be unpredictable.  Police are searching for Patton and believe that he is armed and dangerous. Call Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS if you have any information leading to the arrest of Patton.

The Diocese of Rockville Centre and others are upset that the Christian care, generosity, and openness to help others may have cost the deacon his life. Let us pray for the soul of the deacon and for all those affected.

A Statement from the Diocese of Rockville Centre spokesman Sean Dolan:
“ This morning we learned of the news of the tragic death of Deacon Patrick Logsdon, the program manager of Anthony House, a transitional home for homeless men in Roosevelt run the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.  Even at the time of his death, he was carrying out the Gospel message of caring for the poor as he has done faithfully for 33 years.  Bishop John Barres extends his prayers and condolences to the family of Deacon Logsdon, the Anthony House and Saint Vincent de Paul communities and all those affected by this tragedy.  We are grateful and thankful to the Nassau County Police Department for its work in investigating Deacon Logsdon’s death.  Let us seek healing and comfort in the one true God during this time of great loss.”
Suspect Andre Patton, 40


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