Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cardinal Egan Funeral

His Eminence Cardinal Edward Egan was laid to rest today at the crypt beneath the high altar at St. Patrick's cathedral where previous archbishops and the Venerables Fulton Sheen and Pierre Toussaint are buried.

Fifth avenue was shut down prior to the funeral which began with a procession of countless seminarians, deacons, priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals.  Over 3,000 people packed the cathedral which is under renovation. Many clergy of other faiths were present to pay their respects to Cardinal Egan. 

Among the crowd were many of Egan's relatives.  His grand-nephew gave a modest eulogy recalling his great-uncle's love for New York City and its people. The sitting Cardinal, Archbishop Dolan gave an inspiriting homily linking Cardinal Egan with the love of God that he demonstrated to the people of the archdiocese. In attendance were politicians mayor Di Blasio, former mayors Dinkins, Guiliani and Bloomberg. Also present were governor Cuomo, and others who ran for office during the last election. 
The funeral was aired on all New York news networks and was streamed live.

May Cardinal Egan, rest in peace. 

See more on Cardinal Egan: http://www.sacerdotus.com/2015/03/cardinal-edward-m-egan-dead-at-82.html

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