Sunday, March 8, 2015

3rd Sunday of Lent - God's Law & Temple

Today's readings deal with the law, the temple and respect for God.

In the first reading, we read of the Commandments God gives to Moses.  We cannot serve other gods, take God's name in vain; we must keep the sabbath, respect our parents, not kill, not fall into adultery; we cannot steal, cannot slander others nor desire other people's goods or their spouses.  These laws pin down fallen human nature in great detail.

We often claim to believe in God, yet worship other things. Money and power are two of the most common "gods" that have plagued humanity (Matthew 6:21, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Psalm 37:16-17, Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:10).  Today we see people sleep on the street just to purchase a phone, sneakers or tickets to a show, sporting events or concert.  They leave behind families, lovers, set aside their own well-being for these material things that are meaningless.  Many of us take God's name in vain and treat God as if He was just another adjective we can use to describe something or make a statement of exclamation.

We sometimes work on Sunday and do not respect that this day is the day the Lord rose from the dead and started the new creation. Today so many young people and older folks disrespect their parents.  Killing today is almost a daily occurrence and is being done in God's name around the world. There is no respect for life.  Not even the unborn are safe.  The culture of today encourages infidelity. We are told to "hook up," and "mess around" in order to have fun and explore. Marriages are decreasing with nearly half of them ending in divorce.  Stealing is done in every facet of life.  The poor steal from the poor, the rich from the rich, the rich from the poor and vice versa.  Slander is rampant around the world. Movies, books, articles, and other publishings encourage bullying others in the name of free speech. The act of bringing down reputations is now part of a popular television show that stalks actors and others.  We are never happy with what we have and want more.

The Commandments capture well the fallen psychological state of all human beings.  It is no wonder why they are the basis for secular law.  Many courthouses today, including the Supreme Court has the image of the Commandments. Laws are necessary for life.  Without laws, there would be chaos.  Our own universe operates on laws (Job 38:33).  Laws in general serve to keep peace and harmony, not to oppress.  The laws of physics allow us to exist in this universe. God's laws keep us focused on loving Him and our neighbor.  This is why Jesus summed them up in two Commandments (Matthew 22:37-40).  The Psalm for today brings to mind this.

In the responsorial Psalm, we recall how God's words are what give life.  In the book of Genesis, God creates the world with His word (Genesis 1). It is God's word that gives us life and sustains it (Matthew 4:4).  In the Commandments, we have the law of God which is indeed perfect.  As I stated before, it encompasses fallen human nature and our behavior perfectly. However, we must be careful not to turn the Commandments into a strict totalitarian system.  This will bring about judgment and abuse of others. The Commandments must bring us to love God and our neighbor.  The law is fulfilled in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2).

In the second reading, St. Paul tells us of how things were at the time. The Jews were looking for signs, miracles, and other supernatural events which they were told about by their ancestors. Meanwhile, the Greeks were looking for wisdom via philosophy. Socrates, Plato, and the other Greek philosophers thought about life and the world seeking answers, only to bring about more questions. This is because they did not seek the one who brings the signs and the one who is truth and wisdom: Jesus (John 10:1). Philosophers like Nietzsche went mad thinking about what existence means and its purpose. All he had to do was focus on Jesus Christ who was a God that was dead but rose again conquering sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). Today academics and others think they have solved the universe with their methodologies and what not. They criticize certain aspects of creation and dismiss God has impossible or foolish. Yet when we study the wonders of nature, what we think are imperfections or mistakes are actually works of a genius who is so powerful that He can make the stupid work with the intelligent and the illogical with the logical. The foolishness we assume in God and His creation is actually wiser than we think. Many atheists today cite the appendix as proof that no intelligent designer was involved. They dismiss the appendage as a leftover of evolution that serves no purpose. However, this is not true. The appendix aids our immune system as a backup which exposes white blood cells to antigens. This suppresses humoral antibodies which are destructive (Martin, L 1999).  So this little appendage which is often used to call God foolish actually shows His wisdom.

Finally in the Gospel, we see Jesus demonstrating His anger at the way the Temple was being used for marketing purposes. He found people selling livestock, exchanging currency and He threw a fit. For the first time, we see Jesus visibly angry; so angry that He turned over tables and drove out the people and their livestock telling them not to make His Father's house a marketplace.  Here we see that Jesus was in fact truly human and divine. He got upset just like we do and He acknowledged that the Temple of God is the house of His Father who He is united with (John 10:30).  The driving out of these businessmen was foretold in the Old Testament (Zechariah 14:21; Malachi 3:1-5; Isaiah 56:7). Today's Gospel shows us how people casually set aside God's Commandments. The businessmen in the Temple set aside God for money.  This was their "strange god."

Only Christ can clean the Temple of God.  God does not dwell in just any Temple made by men (Acts 7:48).  The real Temple of God is us (1 Corinthians 6:19).  We must take out the sinful desires in us that corrupt the Temple of God. Again, only Christ can do this and He needs our permission to enter the Temple of our lives and clean it out (Revelation 3:20).  During the Lenten season, we must open our minds, hearts, and souls to accept Jesus into our lives.  Only He can clean out the concupiscence that drives us to all kinds of sins and despair (Psalm 51:10).  Are you willing to follow the Commandments and live in Christ Jesus?  May Jesus Christ be forever praised! Amen!        


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