Thursday, May 30, 2013

Strange Twitter Days...

I seem to attract the strangest people on Twitter...  This young lady followed me about a week ago.  The account was brand new and I found that suspicious; nevertheless, I gave her the benefit of doubt.  The individual claimed that her brother is a fan of my blog and what not - as you can read in the tweets.  The conversation seemed okay until a few days later I posted my Gay boy scouts post and she commented, siding with homosexuals.  This was a red flag for me.  What orthodox Catholic sides with homosexuals against morality?

The red flag got even bigger when this individual began tweeting rosa rubicondior.  Immediately, I suspected that this was a ploy of sorts.  Rubicondior was recently suspended on twitter and is fuming mad.  This sock puppet account is an attempt to discredit me and cause harm, but it back fired.  Other Catholics jumped in immediately sensing the account to be bogus.  Here are the tweets so you can be the judge.  They start off friendly, she and her brother are "fans" of mine, then she turns on me, even calls me dishonest, a liar and a jerk!  This fan even goes from praising my blog to claiming it to be fallacious!  I smell a sock puppet of these crazy atheists on twitter.

June 2, 2013 - the Stalking and fixation continues. This atheist is now best friends with "Rosa" and plotting against me.. Sighs..

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