St. Nicholas of Myra is the man that is represented by the caricature "Santa Claus." Born around 342, St. Nicholas was the Bishop in Myra which is in modern day Turkey.
He lived the Christian virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity well. He would secretly go to homes and leave bags of coins and food for the poor. People would leave their shoes outside so he could drop a coin into them. He was known as the "Wonder Worker" for the many miracles Our Lord granted through him. The name "Santa Claus" comes from the Dutch, "Sinter Klaas."
During Christmas, families should reflect on this great man's life and virtues. We should imitate his faith, hope and works of love by giving to those in need.
Christmas is about the Birth of Christ, but is also a reminder that Christ must be born daily in our hearts. We must carry out His words to Love God above all things and love our neighbor as ourselves just as St. Nicholas did.
We should help others, especially those in need. We should give to others not to get something in return, but out of complete generosity and love.
His feast day is on December 6. He is the Patron Saint of Children, Pawnbrokers and Bakers.
God, Our Father, we pray that through the intercession of St. Nicholas You will protect our children. Keep them safe from harm and help them grow and become worthy in Your sight. Give them strength to keep their Faith in You; and to keep alive their joy in Your creation. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Here is a nice website: http://www.stnicholascenter.org/pages/home/