On this day we celebrate the Immaculate Conception: The Blessed Virgin Mary who was conceived without Original Sin or the Sin of Adam and Eve.
The Blessed Mother was not tarnished by this Sin because of the Redemptive act of Christ which transcends space and time. Jesus died on the Cross for all: those in the past, present and future.
The effects of this act transcended time in a special way and spared the Blessed Mother who from the very beginning was chosen to be the bearer of the one who will crush the serpent's head.(Genesis 3:15)
We need to thank the genius of Franciscan Friar Duns Scotus who articulately formulated this idea that eventually became Dogma.
The Dominican order with St. Thomas Aquinas had issue with this idea. Even St. Bonaventure, another Franciscan also has his disagreements. Nevertheless, Duns Scotus' idea was proven to be in line with Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Jesus is the new Adam and Mary is the new Eve. Together they restore Creation to the perfection that existed before the Fall of Adam and Eve. The Blessed Virgin Mother Mary is very important to the Catholic Church. She represents humanity and what we can become if we follow her Son Christ.
May Our Blessed Lady pray for us, guide us and teach us how to follow her Son.
Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing;
You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!
In heaven, the blessed your glory proclaim;
On earth we, your children, invoke your sweet name.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!
We pray for the Church, our true Mother on earth,
And beg you to watch o'er the land of our birth.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!
You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!
In heaven, the blessed your glory proclaim;
On earth we, your children, invoke your sweet name.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!
We pray for the Church, our true Mother on earth,
And beg you to watch o'er the land of our birth.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!