Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pope Francis #1

Pope Francis is making waves throughout the world.  In only 9 months, he has gathered the attention of billions throughout the world with his charism.

Facebook recently released its list of the most talked about topics and Pope Francis was number 1! He beat out celebrities, scandals, politicians, major events and other worldly nonsense by a huge margin.  If that is not enough, Time Magazine has named Pope Francis the "Person of the Year."  He is also the world leader with the most Twitter followers.

Pope Francis' style is not his own, but of the one He serves - Christ Jesus the Lord. I am sure Pope Francis will reject these 'honors' and would prefer being on the last page of a newspaper or magazine.  As Galatians 2:20 says: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."  This is what Pope Francis is reminding all of us about.  It is all about Christ and service to others - yes, even our enemies.

Pope Francis is who he is because of Christ.  Similarly, his predecessors were who they were because of Christ.  The saints became saints because of Christ.  Let us be Christ-like so that we can be loving, caring, happy, joyous, humble, and peaceful just like our Holy Father Pope Francis is.  

We know we have mastered being a Christian when we are the embodiment of Galatians 2:20.    

Congratulations to the Holy Father.


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