Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Religious Freedom vs Twitter

Thank you for supporting my blog. Unfortunately, anti-catholics have been targeting me and other Catholic twitter accounts by falsely reporting us as being the same person. I need your help as well as the help of others to get twitter to restore our accounts and stop this censoring of religious people. 


My accounts @sacerdotus, @catholic_blog and @rationallyfaith as well as the accounts of other Catholics have been suspended without warrant. Priests and active laity such as Dr. Kiczek have been targeted as well.


I immediately reminded Twitter of the troll "Rosa Rubicondior" and they suspended all of his accounts as well. Other known anti-catholics have had their accounts suspended as well.  However, atheists are calling for the reinstatement of this troll "rosa."  See #reinstaterosa
Catholics need to do the same. We have more numbers and can get things done when we unite.


It seems Twitter suspends any account based on false information. For example: Let's say you have an account "@abc123."  You use that account to tweet normally, do not use foul language, spam or harass anyone by mentioning them. Someone for whatever reasons reports you to Twitter saying you are using multiple overlapping accounts. With this vague and false general accusation, Twitter immediately suspends your account "@abc123" as well as any other accounts the accuser mentions in his/her report. That is how easy it is to suspend anyone or groups at a time.  This is a big failure at Twitter that must be addressed.


I ask all Catholics and those who have enjoyed my tweets to contact Twitter and voice your complaint against this attack on religious freedom.

Please contact support at and inform them to restore my accounts as well as the accounts of other Catholics falsely accused of abuse.

Tweet to: @ikejanes @twitter and @support and tell him to restore our accounts. The more Catholics and others message, the better. There is power in numbers. Flood twitter with your support for religious freedom.

Also write to Twitter's office:

Twitter, INC
340 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Please get thousands to contact twitter and tweet to these above accounts.  I will be writing a letter to Twitter directly and will send them copies of all my tweets, the tweets of other accounts effected as well as the abusive tweets and accounts of atheists and other anti catholics.  They will see the evidence and will hopefully realize who are the real abusers.  The media will also receive the same information.  I will ask several networks to do a story on this so as to pressure Twitter to do something about it.    

Thanks and God bless!

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