Thursday, November 21, 2013

Costco Bible Fiction

The attack against religion continues...

A Protestant minister was recently offended when he found that Bibles sold at the megastore Costco mislabeled the Bible as "fiction."  As you may know, places that sell books label their genre on price tickets.

Costco quickly issued an apology and vowed to change the stickers immediately.  The minister, Caleb Kaltenbach hopes this becomes a topic for discussion.

Let me be clear that despite some passages in the Bible presenting themselves as too incredible or magical; the Bible is not fiction.  Its literary styles reflect specific time periods and cultures.  We must not fall into presentism by attempting to force our literary styles or cultures on ancient texts.  

The Word of God is inspired by God.


1 comment:

  1. So do you take the fable of Noah's Ark seriously? Or Yahweh stopping the sun for a day so Joshua could keep fighting? The first story is falsifiable and the second lacks historical corroboration despite other cultures having greater proliferation of literacy. That's just two examples off the cuff.

    Calling it the word of god or claiming it's inspired by a deity is nothing more than an assertion.


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