Saturday, November 16, 2013

De Blasio Shuns Catholics

Mayor-elect Bill De Blasio has shunned Catholics.  The Catholic league accuses him of shunning the Catholic presence from his transition board.  De Blasio requested that this board be inclusive of all people that make up the demographics of New York City.  However, no Catholic priests were asked to be on the board.  Instead,  two protestant ministers, two rabbis and one imam were named.  Catholics make up over 52% of New York City so Donahue of the Catholic league argues that De Blasio is making an indirect statement on how he feels about Catholics.

To further add to the insult, De Blasio put on the board Arnold L. Lehman the director of the Brooklyn Museum of Art which had a disrespectful image of Our Blessed Mother covered with elephant dung and pornographic pictures.  It seems that De Blasio already has a group he will not respect: Catholics.

This news is disturbing indeed.  De Blasio already wears his progressive badge on his sleeve and proudly supports abortion, so-called gay marriage, contraception and other atrocities.  The Catholic Church is the only institution that bravely counters these errors of our time so it seems De Blasio wants no part of Catholics in his administration.


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