Saturday, April 27, 2013

Woman Ordained a "priest"

Recently, a woman from Kentucky was "ordained" a priest.  Rosemarie Smead, 70 was ordained by a dissident faction that functions outside of the Catholic Church.  This faction claims to be Catholic but it is not.

Smead is a former Carmelite nun who obviously joined the order for the wrong reasons and one of those reasons is showing now in her persistence in pushing for change in the Catholic Church.

The ceremony is obviously for publicity and has no validity at all.  The Catholic Church cannot ordain women.  This is just not possible anymore than a man giving birth.  This does not mean that women are some how inferior to men, they are not.  It just means that men and women have distinct roles in the Church which are ordained by God in His infinite wisdom.

Priests represent Christ who is the groom.  The Church is His bride.  It would be illogical to have a female serve the role of a groom with the Church as a bride. This would be a lesbian relationship!

In any event, these women pushing for changes in Holy Orders are just doing it out of vanity and ambition.  They are reducing the Sacraments to a mere opportunity to promote radical feminism.  The Sacraments are meant to transform us into the image of God, not us transform them into our image.

The women "ordained" were not ordained.  They do not have the power to confer Sacraments or to bless.  The matter for Holy Orders is the male body.  Without this, Holy Orders cannot take place.


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