Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Attack

Today at around 2:50 P.M. here in Boston, two bombs went off during the Boston Marathon.  Three people are reported killed and over 50 injured.  The bombs exploded near the finish line as runners were advancing towards it.  No one knows who is the perpetrator of this act.  Obama vowed to bring justice to whoever is responsible.

Some reports indicate that a Saudi man was apprehended at the Boston Common; however, other reports say the man is in the hospital with burns; and that the allegedly perpetrator was in the crowd and ran shortly before the bomb exploded.  A bystander tackled him and turned him over to the police claiming that the man was acting suspiciously.  The man in custody claims to be innocent and is cooperating with authorities.

More details are coming in as we learn about today's horrific event.  The government is labeling the attack as terrorism and many cities, in particular New York, have gone on high terror alert.

Already some are crying out conspiracy.  There are rumors circling around that the government is responsible for this attack in an attempt to scare Americans into entrusting their security more and more into the hands of the federal government.  Spectators were screened, their backpacks and other bags were checked.  It is unclear how these bombs were able to be smuggled in.  

In any event, let us pray for all those who were affected in any way.  May God rest the souls of those who have died and may He bring comfort and healing to those injured.    


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