Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Stand With Boston

Americans never fail to support each other in times of disaster.  Whether the disaster is natural or originating from man, Americans will unite behind those affected.  Shortly after the attack on the Boston Marathon, Bostonians offered room and board to those affected.  The outpouring of help, prayer and love is inspiring.

Even the New York Yankees showed their solidarity with 100 + year old rivals the Boston Red Sox
by posting on their marquees the Boston logo as a sign of unity.  They even played "Sweet Caroline" after the 3rd inning which is a song played at Fenway park during Red Sox games.  This is a great gesture that shows that rivalries in sports are nothing, we must care for one another.

President Obama will attend an inter-faith prayer service at Holy Cross Cathedral on Thursday and will hopefully call on all Americans to pray.

The attack yesterday was a horrific one indeed.  Many questions still remain.  We now know that the bombs were pressure cookers filled with nails and other sharp objects.  No one has been arrested yet and the trail seems cold.  The FBI and local authorities are requesting everyone who was present to hand over their videos or photos of the event.

In any event, we must focus on those who are suffering by praying for them and helping them recovery from this tragedy.  Many will have scars, not only physically, but also mentally.  This isn't something one can overcome over night.










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