Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Atheist Mutants?

According to a study published in the Evolutionary Psychological Science journal a rise in atheism is linked to prevalent mutant genes. Because of this, religious people are more healthy than atheists. Religion is part of human survival.

Evolutionary psychologists mostly agree with this fact. Because atheists shun religious belief, they go against nature and become a social deviation. The study classifies these social deviations as being associated with unfit genetic mutations. 

In my opinion, the study seems way off. First, it tests people who are left-handed and claims that this trait is somehow related to health, intelligence, and atheism. A trained science student such as myself can easily detect the experimenter bias in this research. The lead researcher Edward Dutton makes conclusions which are not scientific. he claims:

"We will be taken over by a more religious society which is more ethnocentric than us. In that our intelligence is decreasing, I suspect civilization will go backwards, Natural selection will return and we will become more religious once more. This seems to be a rule of history."

This is hogwash.  Our intelligence is increasing. We know more than people 100 years ago. The majority of people on earth are religious or believe in God. Therefore, there cannot be a decrease in intelligence if societies are religious. In fact, if it were not for the Catholic Church, we would not have science or academia. The research Dutton is presenting seems shoddy to me. Anyone with good critical thinking skills can see this. 


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