Monday, February 20, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Pro-Pedophilia?

Infamous provocateur and internet troll, Milo Yiannopoulous is in the news once again.  This time, he is in trouble for what it appears as an endorsement of pedophilia or more proper, hebephilia.  Pedophilia deals with attraction towards prepubescent children while hebephilia deals with an attraction towards kids 11 to 14 years of age.

Milo is scheduled to speak at an event called "CPAC" which is hosted by the American Conservative Union. However, this invitation is up in the air after comments Milo made on a podcast. He said,

“In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents."

These comments have raised eyebrows and have offended many people. However, some die hard fans of Milo are still defending him. After the comments, a podcaster responds, "It sounds like molestation to me... It sounds like Catholic priest molestation to me." Then Milo responds,

"But you knwo what? I'm grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn't give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him." Milo was using a known euphemism for oral sex in the gay community.

Then on another podcast with Joe Rogan, Milo discussed his relationship with this "Father Michael" who he says molested him as a teenager. The dialog went as such:

Milo: So you're saying you've never seen a 15 yr old girl, at any point in your life, that you thought was hot?

Rogan: Yeah, when I was 15. I'm not retarded dude.

Milo: No, when you were 25 or 30, you've never seen girls you thought were hot?

Rogan: No, I thought they were little kids!

Then the discussion goes on and Rogan calls "Father Michael' a "terrible person." Milo says, "It wasn't molestation."

It seems Milo has hit rock bottom and the point of no return. I will not be surprised if his book and speaking engagements are cancelled, and he will be forced to resign from Breitbart. Only time will tell. The comments are disturbing indeed but show the reality of the LGBT and its fascination with child-adult relationships. Milo's comments are reminiscent of atheist Richard Dawins' comments when he spoke of the molestation he experienced as a child, see:


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