Friday, March 18, 2016

Please Donate! Help Evangelize!

Please donate to help me run this online ministry which reaches out to people via blogs, radio podcast, Google Hangouts, social networks and mail (shipping Rosaries and other materials). Funds are needed for the following:

1. Help keep the blog domain URL names which are expensive and help bring in web traffic. see UPDATE DEC 21, 2015 - I was able to renew my main domain name for 2 years However, I now have a few more:

See the tweet where I announce this here:

2. To help purchase podcasting equipment for the radio podcast show and expand the time slot for it by updating the subscription. I use the free one which offers 30 minutes.  The 'small' or 'medium' subscription would be more useful so that I can speak longer, take in calls and have better audio.  For subscription costs see and the screen captures below:

3. I mail religious articles (Rosaries, Crucifixes, Pamphlets, Medals, Scapulars etc) to people who request them. This costs money to purchase and mail. Shipping is expensive, so funds are needed to help cover this cost as well. See for cost information regarding shipping.

4. I want to publish some books to help maintain this work via sales. In order to publish, I need funds for printing, access to research papers to cite from (journals et al) etc.

5. In the future, I may expand the work on Livestream and other streaming and video services which also cost money. I also need funds to get expensive computer programs and webcam to make this possible.

Here is the equipment I will need to expand podcast, hangouts and Livestream, technologically speaking.  The costs may vary. They were the prices at the time I added them to gofundme.

6. I want to incorporate or create a non-profit evangelization organization and will need funds for the legal costs and papers.

All monies will go towards the ministry of 'Sacerdotus' in order to expand it, keep it stable and running for at least 3 to 4 more years until another fundraising campaign will be needed.

Please consider becoming a regular (weekly/monthly) benefactor and donate to this ministry so that I can continue it and expand it.

You can donate at:

If you donate any of these amounts below on gofundme's reward option, you will receive the gift(s) listed:

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